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File: [local] / OpenXM / src / ox_math / lib / beta.m (download)

Revision 1.1, Fri Dec 17 04:01:35 1999 UTC (24 years, 6 months ago) by ohara
Branch: MAIN

This program reuires asir programs beta, igraph, sets;
these files are in OpenXM/src/asir-contrib/packages/src/.
you must add load("beta") to your .asirrc.

(* $OpenXM: OpenXM/src/ox_math/lib/beta.m,v 1.1 1999/12/17 04:01:35 ohara Exp $ *)

This program reuires asir programs beta, igraph, sets;
these files are in OpenXM/src/asir-contrib/packages/src/.
you must add load("beta") to your .asirrc.

$ math
Mathematica 3.0 for Linux
Copyright 1988-97 Wolfram Research, Inc.
 -- Motif graphics initialized -- 

In[1]:= <<beta.m
In[2]:= betaNbcBasis[ {z-t, t, t-s, s, 1-s}, {t,s} ];
Out[2]= {{{t, -s + t}, {s}}, {{t}, {1 - s}}, {{-s + t}, {1 - s}}}

We explains output above.
the elements of ``Out[2]'' are a differntial form.
For example, {{t, -s + t}, {s}} means the following form:
( dlog(t) + dlog(-s+t) ) \wedge ( dlog(s) ).

asirRtostr[x_] := Module[
	{list = {}, i, s},
	If[ x[[0]] === List,
	  list = Append[list, " [ " ];
	  If[ Length[x] > 0 ,
		list = Append[list, asirRtostr[ x[[1] ] ] ];
		For[i=2, i<= Length[x], i++, 
		   list = Append[list, " , "];
		   list = Append[list, asirRtostr[ x[[i]] ] ]
	  list = Append[list, " ] "];
	  s = StringJoin[list],
	  s = ToString[x, InputForm]

toForm[polys_List, bnbc_List] := Module[
	{list1, list2, list3, i,j,k},
	list1 = {};
	For[i=1, i<=Length[bnbc], i++,
	   list2 = {};
	   For[j=1, j<=Length[bnbc[[i]]], j++,
		  list3 = {};
		  For[k=1, k<=Length[bnbc[[i]][[j]]], k++,
			 list3 = Append[list3, polys[[bnbc[[i]][[j]][[k]]]]];
		  list2 = Append[list2, list3]
	   list1 = Append[list1, list2]

betaNbcBasis[polys_List, vars_List] := Module[
	{s, arr, bnbc},
	arr = {polys, vars};
	order = Range[Length[polys]];
	s = StringJoin[	{"IG = igraph_getIGraph( ", asirRtostr[arr], " );"}];
	s = StringJoin[	{"Order = ", asirRtostr[order], ";"}];
	s = "BF = beta_betaNbcSet2forms(beta_getBetaNbcSet(IG, Order), IG, Order);";
	bnbc = ToExpression[OxPopString[]];
	toForm[polys, bnbc]

Install[Environment["OpenXM_HOME"] <> "/bin/math2ox"]