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Annotation of OpenXM/src/ox_python/ox_python.h, Revision 1.2

1.2     ! takayama    1: /* $OpenXM: OpenXM/src/ox_python/ox_python.h,v 1.1 2018/09/08 00:16:19 takayama Exp $
1.1       takayama    2: */
                      3: // Todo, misc-2017/A3/kanazawa/ox_gsl.h.for_obj
                      4: #include <fcntl.h>
                      5: #include <unistd.h>
                      6: #include <string.h>
                      7: #include <signal.h>
                      8: #include <Python.h>
                      9: #include "gmp.h"
                     10: #include "gmp-impl.h"
                     11: #include "ox_toolkit.h"
                     13: int sm_mathcap();
                     14: int sm_popCMO();
                     15: int get_i();
                     16: int sm_executeFunction();
                     17: int receive_and_execute_sm_command();
                     18: int receive();
                     19: int main();
                     21: double get_double();
                     22: double *get_double_list(int *length);
                     23: // They will be replaced by the following functions.
                     24: double cmo2double(cmo *c);
                     25: double *cmo2double_list(int *length,cmo *c);
                     27: void init_gc();
                     28: void *gc_realloc(void *p,size_t osize,size_t nsize);
                     29: void gc_free(void *p,size_t size);
                     30: void pops(int n);
                     31: void show_double_list();
                     32: void usr1_handler(int sig);
                     33: void show_stack_top();
                     34: void initialize_stack();
                     35: void push(cmo* m);
                     36: void get_xy(int *x, int *y);
                     37: void my_add_int32();
                     38: void my_add_double();
                     39: void restart();
                     40: void push_error_from_file();
                     41: void myhandler(const char *reason,const char *file,int line, int gsl_errno);
                     43: char *get_string();
                     45: cmo *pop();
                     46: cmo *make_error2(const char *reason,const char *fname,int line,int code);
                     48: int myfopen_w(char *fname);
                     49: int myfputs(int fd,const char *s);
                     50: int myfclose(int fd);
                     52: void test_ox_eval();
                     53: int eval_cmo(cmo *c,double *retval);
                     54: int register_entry(char *s,double v);
                     55: void init_dic();
                     57: cmo *element_of_at(cmo *list,int k);
                     58: int get_length(cmo *c);
                     60: int sm_executeStringByLocalParser();
1.2     ! takayama   61: int my_PyRun_String();
        !            62: int push_python_result(PyObject *pyRes);
        !            63: int my_eval();
        !            64:
1.1       takayama   65:

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