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Annotation of OpenXM/src/oxc/sm.h, Revision 1.5

1.1       ohara       1: /* -*- mode: C -*- */
1.5     ! ohara       2: /* $OpenXM: OpenXM/src/oxc/sm.h,v 1.4 2000/11/30 10:27:02 ohara Exp $ */
1.1       ohara       3:
                      4: #ifndef _SM_ERRNO_H_
                      5: #define _SM_ERRNO_H_
                      7: #include <ox_toolkit.h>
                      9: #define ERRNO_SM_ILLEGAL      100
                     10: #define ERRNO_SM_LF_NOT_FOUND 101
                     12: void push(cmo *ob);
                     13: cmo *pop();
                     14: void pops(int n);
                     15: void push_error(int errcode, cmo* pushback);
1.4       ohara      16: void sm_popCMO();
                     17: void sm_pops();
                     18: void sm_executeFunction();
                     19: void sm_mathcap();
                     20: void sm_set_mathcap();
                     21: void sm_run(int code);
                     22: int  sm_receive_ox();
                     23: int  sm(OXFILE *oxfp);
1.1       ohara      24:
                     25: int (*sm_search_f(int code))();
                     26: int oxc_open(char *cmd, short port);
                     27: int lf_oxc_open();
                     29: #endif

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