Return to CVS log | Up to [local] / OpenXM / src / oxmgraph |
1.2 ! ohara 1: # $OpenXM: OpenXM/src/oxmgraph/,v 1.1 2009/03/17 17:04:14 ohara Exp $ 1.1 ohara 2: 3: CFLAGS=-nologo -MT -Ox -I . 1.2 ! ohara 4: LD=link ! 5: LDFLAGS=-nologo 1.1 ohara 6: 1.2 ! ohara 7: all: oxmgraph.exe 1.1 ohara 8: 1.2 ! ohara 9: oxmgraph.exe: graph.obj ! 10: $(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -out:$@ $** 1.1 ohara 11: 12: clean: 1.2 ! ohara 13: -@del oxmgraph.exe ! 14: -@del *.obj