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Revision 1.7, Fri Mar 17 04:51:58 2000 UTC (24 years, 6 months ago) by takayama
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.6: +89 -6 lines

Update of todo.txt for the next release.

$OpenXM: OpenXM/src/todo.txt,v 1.7 2000/03/17 04:51:58 takayama Exp $



* Starting our web cite
     www.mathprog.org or www.openxm.org

* PHC pack for free BSD. (Install Ada compiler and try to generate binary).
     Reference: www.mth.msu.edu/~jan

* A unified environment to solve systems of algebraic equations.

* install-bin
  install-man  の各 target に分解.


* ox_porta  (Polytopes) 
     Reference: ftp.elib.zib-berline.de/pub/mathprog
     Computational Geometry.

* ox_sound
     OX server for mathematically synthesized music.
     For example, I want to hear the sound of (x-1)(x-2)(x-3)*sin(x).

* ox_ray_tracer
     It outputs a high quality graphics.
     Can you draw a high-quality graph of z=x^2-y^2?
     Can you draw a high-quality graph of z=1/(x^2+y^2)?
     Can you draw a zero set of x^3-y^2 z^2?
     Can we utilize povray, gimp, ...?
     Many many examples of minimal surfaces.
     Scientific visualization.
     Data format for mathematical graphical data.
     Do we have new problems in 3-dim graphics for Mathematical presentations?
     Generation of video like "turning the sphare inside out"

* ox_turtle
     turtle graphics server.
     Graphics of Cell Automaton.  See the book by Miyachi.

* ox_m2  ox_gap
     Macaulay 2, GAP, opal, etc, etc, ...
     www.matx.org (A free soft like MatLab)
     New CMO should be defined. 


* What is the best language for our project
  in view of mathematics and distributed computation?
* A nice help system.  Learning mathematics via the help system.

* KLIC interface for OpenXM.

* (Nara) Standard Lisp interface for OpenXM.

* MCP on OpenXM  (Web interface and protocols --- by B.Char
                  See http://snake.mcs.kent.edu.)
  Middle regulator ... on OpenXM  (Deguchi project)
  Web frontend for OpenXM servers.  w3c.
  Exposition of math programs on web ( asir-contrib/packages/src/dsolv)
  See also  "Algebra, Interactive" (a book by A.Cohen).

* Web cite that keeps math data.  How to organize data?
   see, e.g.,  http://www.goto.info.waseda.ac.jp/~otsuka/polytope/index.html

* Participate in the OpenMath project.

* ruby 

* OX_DATA_MP     (See http://snake.mcs.kent.edu/areas/protocols/mp.html)


*  Algorithmic study of D-modules and enveloping algebras
   (Beilinson-Bernstein correspondence).

*  Minimal resolutions in D.

*  A new subclass of GKZ systems (Shiga's paper).

*  Construction of solutions around irregular singular point

*  High precision computation of hypergeometric integrals
   including Selberg type integrals.

*  Rational solutions of hypergeometric systems.

*  Algorithmic treatment of Orlik-Solomon algebra.

*  Distributed computation of GB.
   Distributed computations in computer algebra in general.
   MPI version of OpenXM.  Multiplying huge polynomials, etc.

* A nice programming introduction understandable to junior high school kids.
* Japanese version of the web cite.
* Summer schools of "Fun of Mathematical Softwares".

See also
