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Annotation of OpenXM/src/util/Makefile.in, Revision 1.6

1.6     ! ohara       1: # $OpenXM: OpenXM/src/util/Makefile.in,v 1.5 2006/03/04 07:48:12 takayama Exp $
1.2       takayama    2: #OpenXM_ROOT=../../../OpenXM
1.3       ohara       3: prefix=@prefix@
                      4: exec_prefix=@exec_prefix@
                      5: bindir=@bindir@
                      6: libdir=@libdir@
                      7: includedir=@includedir@
1.1       takayama    8:
                      9: CC=@CC@
1.3       ohara      10: CFLAGS=@CFLAGS@ -D_BSD_SOURCE -D_POSIX_C_SOURCE
1.1       takayama   11: RANLIB=@RANLIB@
1.5       takayama   13: all : oxweave oxreplace oxgentexi oxgreph libox_pathfinder.a
1.1       takayama   14:
1.3       ohara      15: oxweave : oxweave.o
                     16:        ${CC} -o $@ oxweave.o
                     18: oxreplace : oxreplace.o
                     19:        ${CC} -o $@ oxreplace.o
1.4       takayama   21: oxgentexi : oxgentexi.o
                     22:        ${CC} -o $@ oxgentexi.o
1.5       takayama   24: oxgreph : oxgreph.o
                     25:        ${CC} -o $@ oxgreph.o
1.1       takayama   27: libox_pathfinder.a : ox_pathfinder.o
                     28:        ar ru libox_pathfinder.a ox_pathfinder.o
                     29:        ${RANLIB} libox_pathfinder.a
1.3       ohara      31: ox_pathfinder.o : ox_pathfinder.h
                     33: test: ox_pathfinder.o test.o
                     34:        ${CC} -o $@ test.o ox_pathfinder.o -L${libdir} -lgc
1.1       takayama   35:
                     36: install: all
                     37:        @if [ ! -f ./.install_done ] ; then \
1.6     ! ohara      38:        echo "Installing oxweave, oxreplace, oxgentexi, oxgreph, libox_pathfinder.a, ox_pathfinder.h oxfetch.sh md5.sh" ; \
        !            39:        install -c lndir.sh oxfetch.sh md5.sh ${bindir} ; \
1.5       takayama   40:        install -c -s oxweave oxreplace oxgentexi oxgreph ${bindir} ; \
1.3       ohara      41:        install -c -s oxweave ${prefix}/src/kxx ; \
                     42:        install -c libox_pathfinder.a ${libdir}  ; \
                     43:        install -c ox_pathfinder.h ${includedir} ; \
1.1       takayama   44:        touch ./.install_done ; \
                     45:        fi
                     47: clean:
1.5       takayama   48:        rm -f .install_done *.o oxweave oxreplace oxgentexi libox_pathfinder.a test oxgreph

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