Annotation of OpenXM_contrib/PHC/Ada/Continuation/READ_ME, Revision
1.1 maekawa 1: Increment-and-fix tracking of solution paths of polynomial homotopies in PHCv2.
3: New in this release are the multi-precision root refiners and the usage
4: of QR and Least Squares in the correctors at the end of the paths.
6: This library of continuation routines is organized in three layers:
8: 0. The basic data structures
9: 1. Increment-and-Fix continuation
10: 2. Driver routines
12: Hierarchical organization :
14: conpar_io : 0.0. Continuation_Parameters_io
15: |-- conpar : 0.0.0. Continuation_Parameters
16: |-- cont_data : 0.0.1. Continuation_Data
17: process_io : 0.1. Process_io
19: continue : 1.0. Increment_and_Fix_Continuation
20: |-- pathtrac : 1.0.1. Path_Trackers
21: |-- dispred : 1.0.2. Dispatch_Predictors
22: |-----|-- predictors : 1.0.3. Predictors
23: |-- correctors : 1.0.4. Correctors
24: |-- dirpaths : 1.0.5. Directions_of_Solution_Paths
25: |-- vlprsalg : vLpRs_Algorithm
26: |-- vlrpstab : vLpRs_Tables
27: rootrefi : 1.1. Root_Refiners
29: drivwind : 2.0. Driver_for_Winding_Numbers
30: |-- drivpoco : 2.0.0. Drivers_for_Polynomial_Continuation
31: |-- drivpadi : Drivers_for_Path_Directions
33: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
34: file name : short description
35: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
36: continuation_data : data structures for parameters/variables
37: continuation_parameters : management of tuning of parameters
38: continuation_parameters_io : interactive setting of parameters
39: process_io : output during path tracking
40: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
41: predictors : increment t, predict solutions
42: dispatch_predictors : selection of predictor
43: correctors : Newton's method as corrector
44: vlprs_tables : data management for extrapolation
45: vlprs_algorithm : extrapolation algorithm
46: directions_of_solution_paths : routines for polyhedral end game
47: path_trackers : path following routines
48: increment_and_fix_continuation : increment-and-fix continuation
49: drivers_for_poly_continuation : menu-driver for polynomial continuation
50: ts_poco : calls the polynomial continuation driver
51: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
52: standard_root_refiners : refining over standard complex numbers
53: multprec_root_refiners : refining up to arbitrary precision
54: ts_rootrefi : calls the root refiners
55: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
56: scanners_for_continuation : scans the continuation parameters
57: black_polynomial_continuations : black-box polynomial continuation
58: mainpoco : poco as called by the main program
59: bablpoco : calls black-box polynomial continuation
60: valipoco : validation of computed path directions
61: postpoco : stand-alone routine for polyhedral end game
62: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
64: An important feature is that much of the routines in this library are
65: independent of how polynomials are represented.
67: The basic data structures allow the management of data that is generated
68: during the path-following. Tuning of parameters is menu-driven.
70: Increment-and-Fix continuation is typical for polynomial continuation,
71: since paths do not turn back, when working over the complex numbers.
72: There is a rich variety of predictors available.
73: Increment-and-fix continuation with a polyhedral end game for the
74: computation of the directions of the solution paths.
76: wc *adb counts 8844 lines of Ada code
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