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File: [local] / OpenXM_contrib / PHC / Ada / Continuation / continuation_parameters.adb (download)

Revision (vendor branch), Sun Oct 29 17:45:22 2000 UTC (23 years, 11 months ago) by maekawa
Branch: PHC, MAIN
CVS Tags: v2, maekawa-ipv6, RELEASE_1_2_3, RELEASE_1_2_2_KNOPPIX_b, RELEASE_1_2_2_KNOPPIX, RELEASE_1_2_2, RELEASE_1_2_1, HEAD
Changes since 1.1: +0 -0 lines

Import the second public release of PHCpack.

OKed by Jan Verschelde.

package body Continuation_Parameters is

  procedure Tune ( estimate_for_condition : in natural ) is
    condition  := estimate_for_condition;
    block_size := 1;
    max_steps  := 500*(condition + 1);
    max_reruns := condition + 1;
    predictor_path_type := 0;
    min_path_step_size := 10.0**(-6 - condition/4);
    max_path_step_size := 0.1/(double_float(condition+1));
    success_path_steps := 1 + condition;
    if condition >= 4
     then relative_path_residual   := 10.0**( -9 - condition mod 4);
          absolute_path_residual   := 10.0**( -9 - condition mod 4);
          relative_path_correction := 10.0**( -9 - condition mod 4);
          absolute_path_correction := 10.0**( -9 - condition mod 4);
          relative_endg_residual   := 10.0**(-11 - condition mod 4);
          absolute_endg_residual   := 10.0**(-11 - condition mod 4);
          relative_endg_correction := 10.0**(-11 - condition mod 4);
          absolute_endg_correction := 10.0**(-11 - condition mod 4);
    end if;
  end Tune;

  procedure Tune_Endgm_Pred ( extrapolation_order : in natural ) is
    if extrapolation_order = 0
     then min_endg_step_size := 10.0**(-8 - condition/4);
          max_endg_step_size := 0.1/(double_float(condition+2));
          success_endg_steps := 3 + condition;
     else if predictor_path_type <= 2
           then predictor_endg_type := 2;
           else predictor_endg_type := 5;
          end if;
          min_endg_step_size := min_path_step_size;
          max_endg_step_size := 0.5;
          reduction_endg_factor := 0.5;
          expansion_endg_factor := 1.7;
          success_endg_steps := 3 + condition;
    end if;
  end Tune_Endgm_Pred;

  function Create_for_Path return Pred_Pars is

    res : Pred_Pars;

    res.maxstep := max_path_step_size;
    res.minstep := min_path_step_size;
    res.expfac  := expansion_path_factor;
    res.redfac  := reduction_path_factor;
    res.success_steps := success_path_steps;
    res.predictor_type := predictor_path_type;
    res.dist_target := start_end_game;
    res.power := power_of_t;
    return res;
  end Create_for_Path;

  function Create_End_Game return Pred_Pars is

    res : Pred_Pars;

    res.maxstep := max_endg_step_size;
    res.minstep := min_endg_step_size;
    res.expfac  := expansion_endg_factor;
    res.redfac  := reduction_endg_factor;
    res.success_steps := success_endg_steps;
    res.predictor_type := predictor_endg_type;
    res.dist_target := 0.0;
    res.power := power_of_t;
    return res;
  end Create_End_Game;

  function Create_for_Path return Corr_Pars is

    res : Corr_Pars;

    res.epsrx  := relative_path_correction;
    res.epsax  := absolute_path_correction;
    res.epsrf  := relative_path_residual;
    res.epsaf  := absolute_path_residual;
    res.maxit  := max_path_iter;
    res.maxtot := max_steps*res.maxit;
    return res;
  end Create_for_Path;

  function Create_End_Game return Corr_Pars is

    res : Corr_Pars;

    res.epsrx  := relative_endg_correction;
    res.epsax  := absolute_endg_correction;
    res.epsrf  := relative_endg_residual;
    res.epsaf  := absolute_endg_residual;
    res.maxit  := max_endg_iter;
    res.maxtot := max_steps*res.maxit;
    return res;
  end Create_End_Game;

end Continuation_Parameters;