Annotation of OpenXM_contrib/PHC/Ada/Continuation/mypoco.adb, Revision
1.1 maekawa 1: with text_io; use text_io;
2: with Timing_Package; use Timing_Package;
3: with Communications_with_User; use Communications_with_User;
4: with File_Scanning; use File_Scanning;
5: with Standard_Complex_Numbers; use Standard_Complex_Numbers;
6: with Standard_Complex_Norms_Equals; use Standard_Complex_Norms_Equals;
7: with Standard_Complex_Solutions; use Standard_Complex_Solutions;
8: with Standard_Complex_Solutions_io; use Standard_Complex_Solutions_io;
9: with Drivers_for_Homotopy_Creation; use Drivers_for_Homotopy_Creation;
10: with Increment_and_Fix_Continuation; use Increment_and_Fix_Continuation;
11: with Drivers_for_Poly_Continuation; use Drivers_for_Poly_Continuation;
12: with MyHomotopy;
14: procedure mypoco is
16: procedure Continue ( file : in file_type; sols : in out Solution_List;
17: report : in boolean;
18: target : in Complex_Number ) is
21: -- Instantiates the path-trackers.
23: timer : Timing_Widget;
25: procedure Sil_Cont is
26: new Silent_Continue(Max_Norm,
27: MyHomotopy.Eval,MyHomotopy.Diff,MyHomotopy.Diff);
28: procedure Rep_Cont is
29: new Reporting_Continue(Max_Norm,
30: MyHomotopy.Eval,MyHomotopy.Diff,MyHomotopy.Diff);
32: begin
33: tstart(timer);
34: if report
35: then Rep_Cont(file,sols,false,target);
36: else Sil_Cont(sols,false,target);
37: end if;
38: tstop(timer);
39: new_line(file); print_times(file,timer,"continuation");
40: end Continue;
42: procedure Main is
44: infile,outfile : file_type;
45: found : boolean;
46: sols : Solution_List;
47: k : positive;
48: a,target : Complex_Number;
49: oc : natural;
50: report : boolean;
52: begin
53: put_line
54: ("Polynomial Continuation with inline evaluators and differentiators.");
55: new_line;
56: put_line("Reading the name of the file where the start solutions are.");
57: Read_Name_and_Open_File(infile);
58: Scan_and_Skip(infile,"SOLUTIONS",found);
59: if found
60: then get(infile,sols);
61: else Reset(infile);
62: get(infile,sols);
63: end if;
64: new_line;
65: put_line("Reading the name of the output file.");
66: Read_Name_and_Create_File(outfile);
67: put_line(outfile,"THE START SOLUTIONS : ");
68: put(outfile,Length_Of(sols),Head_Of(sols).n,sols); new_line(outfile);
69: Default_Homotopy_Settings(k,a,target);
70: Menu_for_Homotopy_Settings(outfile,k,a,target);
71: MyHomotopy.Init(a,k);
72: new_line;
73: Driver_for_Continuation_Parameters(outfile);
74: new_line;
75: Driver_for_Process_io(outfile,oc);
76: report := not (oc = 0);
77: Continue(outfile,sols,report,target);
78: end Main;
80: begin
81: Main;
82: end mypoco;
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