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File: [local] / OpenXM_contrib / PHC / Ada / Homotopy / READ_ME (download)

Revision 1.1, Sun Oct 29 17:45:23 2000 UTC (23 years, 11 months ago) by maekawa
Branch point for: MAIN

Initial revision

Polynomial homotopies, solutions of systems, scaling and reduction in PHCv2.

New in this release is the capability of dealing with solution vectors of
multi-precision numbers.
The Creators in the package Homotopy allow more accessibility constants for
the Cheater's homotopy.

This library is organized in three parts:
1) Representation of solutions of families of systems.
2) Homotopy with homogenization 
3) Scaling and reduction of polynomial systems.

file name                          : short description
standard_complex_solutions         : standard solutions to families of systems
standard_complex_solutions_io      : input/output of standard solutions
multprec_complex_solutions         : multprec solutions to families of systems
multprec_complex_solutions_io      : input/output of multprec solutions
homogenization                     : making polynomials homogeneous
projective_transformations         : transform polynomials and solutions
homotopy                           : management of homotopy
drivers_for_homotopy_creation      : menu-driven homotopy construction
scaling                            : scaling systems and solutions
drivers_for_scaling                : menu-driver for scaling routines
ts_drivscal                        : calls the driver
mainscal                           : scaling tool, as called by phc
reduction_of_polynomials           : S-polynomials and R-polynomials
reduction_of_polynomial_systems    : linear and nonlinear reduction
reduction_of_nonsquare_systems     : transform overconstrained into square
drivers_for_reduction              : menu-drivers for reducing systems
mainred                            : reduction tool, as called by phc

The standard and multi-precision solutions lists are two separate packages,
not implemented by means of generics, because of the difficulties with
mixed real-complex numbers.

wc *adb counts 4818 lines of Ada code

Note: some little tools have been added to manipulate lists of solutions.

grepsols  : make a selection from a list of solutions
mergesols : merge the list of solutions