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Annotation of OpenXM_contrib/PHC/Ada/Homotopy/drivers_for_reduction.adb, Revision 1.1

1.1     ! maekawa     1: with integer_io;                         use integer_io;
        !             2: with Communications_with_User;           use Communications_with_User;
        !             3: with Timing_Package;                     use Timing_Package;
        !             4: with Numbers_io;                         use Numbers_io;
        !             5: with Standard_Natural_Vectors;
        !             6: with Standard_Complex_Polynomials;       use Standard_Complex_Polynomials;
        !             7: with Standard_Complex_Poly_Systems_io;   use Standard_Complex_Poly_Systems_io;
        !             8: with Reduction_of_Polynomial_Systems;    use Reduction_of_Polynomial_Systems;
        !             9: with Reduction_of_Nonsquare_Systems;     use Reduction_of_Nonsquare_Systems;
        !            10:
        !            11: package body Drivers_for_Reduction is
        !            12:
        !            13:   procedure Display_Info is
        !            14:
        !            15:     i : array(1..12)of string(1..65);
        !            16:
        !            17:   begin
        !            18:     i( 1):="The goal of reduction is to rewrite the system into an equivalent";
        !            19:     i( 2):="one  (i.e.:  the  same  finite  solutions) that has a lower total";
        !            20:     i( 3):="degree, so  that  fewer  solution  paths  need  to  be  followed.";
        !            21:     i( 4):="Sometimes  reduction  can  already detect whether a system has no";
        !            22:     i( 5):="solutions or an infinite number of solutions.                    ";
        !            23:     i( 6):="  We distinguish between linear  and  nonlinear  reduction.   The";
        !            24:     i( 7):="first  type  performs  row-reduction on the coefficient matrix of";
        !            25:     i( 8):="the system.  By nonlinear reduction, highest-degree monomials are";
        !            26:     i( 9):="eliminated   by  replacing  a  polynomial  in  the  system  by  a";
        !            27:     i(10):="Subtraction-polynomial.  This second type is more  powerful,  but";
        !            28:     i(11):="also  more  expensive.   Bounds  have  to  be  set  to  limit the";
        !            29:     i(12):="combinatorial enumeration.                                       ";
        !            30:     for k in i'range loop
        !            31:       put_line(i(k));
        !            32:     end loop;
        !            33:   end Display_Info;
        !            34:
        !            35:   procedure Display_Menu ( exit_opt : in boolean; ans : in out character ) is
        !            36:
        !            37:     m : array(0..3) of string(1..65);
        !            38:
        !            39:   begin
        !            40:     m(0):="  0 : No Reduction            : leave the menu                   ";
        !            41:     m(1):="  1 : Linear Reduction        : triangulate coefficient matrix   ";
        !            42:     m(2):="  2 : Sparse Linear Reduction : diagonalize coefficient matrix   ";
        !            43:     m(3):="  3 : Nonlinear Reduction     : S-polynomial combinations        ";
        !            44:     loop
        !            45:       new_line;
        !            46:       put_line("MENU for Reducing Polynomial Systems :");
        !            47:       if exit_opt
        !            48:        then for i in m'range loop
        !            49:               put_line(m(i));
        !            50:             end loop;
        !            51:             put("Type 0, 1, 2, or 3 to select reduction, or i for info : ");
        !            52:             Ask_Alternative(ans,"0123i");
        !            53:        else for i in 1..m'last loop
        !            54:               put_line(m(i));
        !            55:             end loop;
        !            56:             put("Type 1 , 2, or 3 to select reduction, or i for info : ");
        !            57:             Ask_Alternative(ans,"123i");
        !            58:       end if;
        !            59:       if ans = 'i'
        !            60:        then new_line; Display_Info;
        !            61:       end if;
        !            62:       exit when ans /= 'i';
        !            63:     end loop;
        !            64:   end Display_Menu;
        !            65:
        !            66:   procedure Rationalize ( p : in out Poly_Sys ) is
        !            67:
        !            68:   -- DESCRIPTION :
        !            69:   --   Shortens the exponent vectors when an unknown disappears.
        !            70:
        !            71:     n : natural := p'length;
        !            72:     to_rationalize : boolean;
        !            73:
        !            74:     procedure rationalize ( p : in out Poly; k : in natural ) is
        !            75:
        !            76:       procedure rat_term ( t : in out Term; cont : out boolean ) is
        !            77:
        !            78:         tmp : Degrees := new Standard_Natural_Vectors.Vector'(1..n-1 => 0);
        !            79:
        !            80:       begin
        !            81:         for i in t.dg'range loop
        !            82:           if i < k
        !            83:            then tmp(i) := t.dg(i);
        !            84:            elsif i > k
        !            85:                then tmp(i-1) := t.dg(i);
        !            86:           end if;
        !            87:         end loop;
        !            88:         Standard_Natural_Vectors.Clear
        !            89:           (Standard_Natural_Vectors.Link_to_Vector(t.dg));
        !            90:         t.dg := tmp;
        !            91:         cont := true;
        !            92:       end rat_term;
        !            93:       procedure rat_terms is new Changing_Iterator(rat_term);
        !            94:
        !            95:     begin
        !            96:       rat_terms(p);
        !            97:     end rationalize;
        !            98:
        !            99:   begin
        !           100:     for i in reverse 1..n loop
        !           101:       to_rationalize := true;   -- suppose the i-th unknown may disappear
        !           102:       for j in 1..n loop
        !           103:         if Degree(p(j),i) > 0
        !           104:          then to_rationalize := false;
        !           105:         end if;
        !           106:         exit when not to_rationalize;
        !           107:       end loop;
        !           108:       if to_rationalize
        !           109:        then for j in 1..n loop
        !           110:               rationalize(p(j),i);
        !           111:             end loop;
        !           112:       end if;
        !           113:     end loop;
        !           114:   end Rationalize;
        !           115:
        !           116:   procedure Write_Diagnostics
        !           117:                ( file : in file_type; p : in Poly_Sys;
        !           118:                  diagonal,inconsistent,infinite : in boolean;
        !           119:                  d : out natural ) is
        !           120:
        !           121:   -- DESCRIPTION :
        !           122:   --   Writes diagnostics after reduction.
        !           123:
        !           124:     b : natural;
        !           125:
        !           126:   begin
        !           127:     if not diagonal
        !           128:      then if inconsistent
        !           129:            then put_line("  Inconsistent system: no solutions.");
        !           130:                 put_line(file,"  Inconsistent system: no solutions.");
        !           131:            elsif infinite
        !           132:                then put("  Probably an infinite number");
        !           133:                     put_line(" of solutions.");
        !           134:                     put(file,"  Probably an infinite number");
        !           135:                     put_line(file," of solutions.");
        !           136:                else put("  The total degree is ");
        !           137:                     put(file,"  The total degree is ");
        !           138:                     b := Total_Degree(p);
        !           139:                     put(b,1); put(file,b,1);
        !           140:                     put_line("."); put_line(file,".");
        !           141:                     d := b;
        !           142:           end if;
        !           143:      else put_line("  No initial terms could be eliminated.");
        !           144:           put_line(file,"  No initial terms could be eliminated.");
        !           145:     end if;
        !           146:   end Write_Diagnostics;
        !           147:
        !           148:   procedure Write_Results ( file : in file_type; p : in Poly_Sys;
        !           149:                             timer : in Timing_Widget; banner : in string ) is
        !           150:   begin
        !           151:     new_line(file);
        !           152:     put_line(file,"THE REDUCED SYSTEM :");
        !           153:     put(file,p);
        !           154:     new_line(file);
        !           155:     print_times(file,timer,banner);
        !           156:   end Write_Results;
        !           157:
        !           158:   procedure Driver_for_Linear_Reduction
        !           159:               ( file : in file_type; p : in out Poly_Sys; d : out natural ) is
        !           160:
        !           161:     timer : Timing_Widget;
        !           162:     diagonal,inconsistent,infinite : boolean := false;
        !           163:
        !           164:   begin
        !           165:     new_line(file);
        !           166:     put_line(file,"LINEAR REDUCTION : ");
        !           167:     tstart(timer);
        !           168:     Reduce(p,diagonal,inconsistent,infinite);
        !           169:     tstop(timer);
        !           170:     Write_Diagnostics(file,p,diagonal,inconsistent,infinite,d);
        !           171:     Write_Results(file,p,timer,"Linear Reduction");
        !           172:   end Driver_for_Linear_Reduction;
        !           173:
        !           174:   procedure Driver_for_Sparse_Linear_Reduction
        !           175:               ( file : in file_type; p : in out Poly_Sys; d : out natural ) is
        !           176:
        !           177:     timer : Timing_Widget;
        !           178:     diagonal,inconsistent,infinite : boolean := false;
        !           179:
        !           180:   begin
        !           181:     new_line(file);
        !           182:     put_line(file,"SPARSE LINEAR REDUCTION : ");
        !           183:     tstart(timer);
        !           184:     Sparse_Reduce(p,inconsistent,infinite);
        !           185:     tstop(timer);
        !           186:     Write_Diagnostics(file,p,diagonal,inconsistent,infinite,d);
        !           187:     Write_Results(file,p,timer,"Sparse Reduction");
        !           188:   end Driver_for_Sparse_Linear_Reduction;
        !           189:
        !           190:   procedure Driver_for_Nonlinear_Reduction
        !           191:                 ( file : in file_type;
        !           192:                   p : in out Poly_Sys; d : out natural ) is
        !           193:
        !           194:     res : Poly_Sys(p'range);
        !           195:     sparse : boolean;
        !           196:     cnt_eq,cnt_sp,cnt_rp,max_eq,max_sp,max_rp : natural;
        !           197:
        !           198:     timer : Timing_Widget;
        !           199:     b : natural;
        !           200:
        !           201:   begin
        !           202:     Rationalize(p);
        !           203:     Clear(res); Copy(p,res);
        !           204:
        !           205:     new_line(file);
        !           206:     put_line(file,"NONLINEAR REDUCTION :");
        !           207:     put("  Give the limit on #equal degree replacements : ");
        !           208:     Read_Natural(max_eq); cnt_eq := 0;
        !           209:     put("  Give the limit on #computed S-polynomials : ");
        !           210:     Read_Natural(max_sp); cnt_sp := 0;
        !           211:     put("  Give the limit on #computed R-polynomials : ");
        !           212:     Read_Natural(max_rp); cnt_rp := 0;
        !           213:     put(file,"  The limit on #equal degree replacements : ");
        !           214:     put(file,max_eq,1); new_line(file);
        !           215:     put(file,"  The limit on #computed S-polynomials : ");
        !           216:     put(file,max_sp,1); new_line(file);
        !           217:     put(file,"  The limit on #computed R-polynomials : ");
        !           218:     put(file,max_rp,1); new_line(file);
        !           219:
        !           220:     sparse := false;
        !           221:     tstart(timer);
        !           222:     if sparse
        !           223:      then Sparse_Reduce(p,res,cnt_eq,max_eq);
        !           224:      else Reduce(p,res,cnt_eq,max_eq,cnt_sp,max_sp,cnt_rp,max_rp);
        !           225:     end if;
        !           226:     tstop(timer);
        !           227:     Clear(p); Copy(res,p); Clear(res);
        !           228:     b := Total_Degree(p);
        !           229:     put("The total degree is "); put(b,1);
        !           230:     put(file,"The total degree is "); put(file,b,1);
        !           231:     put_line("."); put_line(file,".");
        !           232:     d := b;
        !           233:
        !           234:     new_line(file);
        !           235:     put_line(file,"Amount of arithmetic work");
        !           236:     put(file,"   #equal replacements     : ");
        !           237:     put(file,cnt_eq,4); new_line(file);
        !           238:     put(file,"   #computed S-polynomials : ");
        !           239:     put(file,cnt_sp,4); new_line(file);
        !           240:     put(file,"   #computed R-polynomials : ");
        !           241:     put(file,cnt_rp,4); new_line(file);
        !           242:     new_line(file);
        !           243:
        !           244:     put_line(file,"The reduced system :");
        !           245:     put(file,p'length,p);
        !           246:     new_line(file);
        !           247:     print_times(file,timer,"Nonlinear Reduction");
        !           248:     new_line(file);
        !           249:   end Driver_for_Nonlinear_Reduction;
        !           250:
        !           251:   procedure Driver_for_Overconstrained_Reduction
        !           252:                 ( file : in file_type; p : in out Poly_Sys ) is
        !           253:
        !           254:     ans : character;
        !           255:     n : constant natural := p'length;
        !           256:     m : constant natural := Number_of_Unknowns(p(p'first));
        !           257:     res : Poly_Sys(1..m);
        !           258:
        !           259:   begin
        !           260:     new_line;
        !           261:     put_line("MENU for Overconstrained Reduction :");
        !           262:     put_line("  0. No reduction : leave the menu.");
        !           263:     put_line("  1. Add a random combination of the remainder to the first.");
        !           264:     put_line("  2. Reduce the first equations with the remainder.");
        !           265:     put("Type 0, 1, or 2 to select reduction : ");
        !           266:     Ask_Alternative(ans,"012");
        !           267:     case ans is
        !           268:       when '1' => res := Random_Square(p);
        !           269:       when '2' => res := Reduced_Square(p);
        !           270:       when others => null;
        !           271:     end case;
        !           272:     if ans /= '0'
        !           273:      then for i in 1..m loop
        !           274:             Copy(res(i),p(i)); Clear(res(i));
        !           275:           end loop;
        !           276:           for i in m+1..n loop
        !           277:             Clear(p(i));
        !           278:           end loop;
        !           279:     end if;
        !           280:   end Driver_for_Overconstrained_Reduction;
        !           281:
        !           282:   procedure Driver_for_Reduction
        !           283:                ( file : in file_type; p : in out Poly_Sys; d : out natural;
        !           284:                  exit_option : in boolean ) is
        !           285:
        !           286:     n : constant natural := p'length;
        !           287:     ans : character := '0';
        !           288:
        !           289:   begin
        !           290:     Display_Menu(exit_option,ans);
        !           291:     case ans is
        !           292:       when '1' => Driver_for_Linear_Reduction(file,p,d);
        !           293:       when '2' => Driver_for_Sparse_Linear_Reduction(file,p,d);
        !           294:       when '3' => Driver_for_Sparse_Linear_Reduction(file,p,d);
        !           295:                   Driver_for_Nonlinear_Reduction(file,p,d);
        !           296:       when others => null;
        !           297:     end case;
        !           298:     if Number_of_Unknowns(p(p'first)) < n
        !           299:      then Driver_for_Overconstrained_Reduction(file,p);
        !           300:     end if;
        !           301:   end Driver_for_Reduction;
        !           302:
        !           303: end Drivers_for_Reduction;

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