Annotation of OpenXM_contrib/PHC/Ada/Homotopy/mainscal.adb, Revision
1.1 maekawa 1: with text_io,integer_io; use text_io,integer_io;
2: with Communications_with_User; use Communications_with_User;
3: with File_Scanning; use File_Scanning;
4: with Standard_Complex_Numbers_io; use Standard_Complex_Numbers_io;
5: with Standard_Complex_Vectors; use Standard_Complex_Vectors;
6: with Standard_Complex_Vectors_io; use Standard_Complex_Vectors_io;
7: with Standard_Complex_Poly_Systems; use Standard_Complex_Poly_Systems;
8: with Standard_Complex_Poly_Systems_io; use Standard_Complex_Poly_Systems_io;
9: with Standard_Complex_Solutions; use Standard_Complex_Solutions;
10: with Standard_Complex_Solutions_io; use Standard_Complex_Solutions_io;
11: with Scaling;
12: with Drivers_for_Scaling; use Drivers_for_Scaling;
14: procedure mainscal ( infilename,outfilename : in string ) is
16: lp : Link_to_Poly_Sys;
17: infile : file_type;
18: outfile : file_type;
19: n,basis : natural;
20: scalvec : Link_to_Vector;
21: ans : character;
22: sysonfile : boolean;
24: procedure Read_System ( file : in out file_type; filename : in string ) is
25: begin
26: if filename /= ""
27: then Open(file,in_file,filename);
28: new_line;
29: get(file,lp);
30: n := lp'length;
31: sysonfile := true;
32: else sysonfile := false;
33: end if;
34: exception
35: when others =>
36: new_line;
37: put("Could not open file with name "); put_line(filename);
38: sysonfile := false; lp := null; return;
39: end Read_System;
41: procedure Separate_File ( p : in Poly_Sys ) is
43: scafile : file_type;
45: begin
46: new_line;
47: put("Do you want the scaled system on separate file ? (y/n) ");
48: Ask_Yes_or_No(ans);
49: if ans = 'y'
50: then put_line("Reading the name of the output file.");
51: Read_Name_and_Create_File(scafile);
52: put(scafile,lp.all);
53: if basis /= 0
54: then new_line(scafile);
55: put_line(scafile,"SCALING COEFFICIENTS :");
56: new_line(scafile);
57: put(scafile,basis,1); new_line(scafile);
58: put_line(scafile,scalvec);
59: end if;
60: Close(scafile);
61: end if;
62: end Separate_File;
64: procedure Rescale is
66: sols : Solution_List;
67: found : boolean;
68: m : natural;
70: begin
71: if sysonfile -- scan for scaling coefficients
72: then Scan_and_Skip(infile,"SCALING COEFFICIENTS",found);
73: if found
74: then get(infile,basis);
75: scalvec := new vector(1..2*n);
76: get(infile,scalvec.all);
77: end if;
78: else found := false;
79: end if;
80: if not found
81: then put("Give the basis : "); get(basis);
82: put("Give "); put(2*n,1); put_line(" complex scaling numbers : ");
83: scalvec := new vector(1..2*n);
84: for i in scalvec'range loop
85: get(scalvec(i));
86: end loop;
87: end if;
88: if sysonfile -- scan for the solutions
89: then Reset(infile);
90: Scan_and_Skip(infile,"SOLUTIONS",found);
91: if found
92: then get(infile,sols);
93: end if;
94: Close(infile);
95: else found := false;
96: end if;
97: if not found
98: then put_line("Reading the name of the file for the solutions.");
99: Read_Name_and_Open_File(infile);
100: get(infile,sols);
101: Close(infile);
102: end if;
103: put_line(outfile,"THE SCALING COEFFICIENTS : ");
104: new_line(outfile);
105: put(outfile,basis,1); new_line(outfile);
106: put_line(outfile,scalvec);
107: new_line(outfile);
108: Scaling.Scale(basis,scalvec.all,sols);
109: m := Length_Of(sols);
110: if m > 0
111: then put_line(outfile,"THE DE-SCALED SOLUTIONS : ");
112: new_line(outfile);
113: put(outfile,m,Head_Of(sols).n,sols);
114: end if;
115: Close(outfile);
116: end Rescale;
118: procedure Display_and_Dispatch_Menu
119: ( file : in file_type; p : in out Poly_Sys ) is
122: -- Displays the menu and returns a choice, corresponding to one of the
123: -- three available scaling procedures.
125: begin
126: loop
127: new_line;
128: put_line("MENU for Scaling Polynomial Systems :");
129: put_line(" 1 : Equation Scaling : divide by average coefficient ");
130: put_line(" 2 : Variable Scaling : change of variables, as z = (2^c)*x");
131: put_line(" 3 : Solution Scaling : back to original coordinates ");
132: put("Type 1, 2, or 3 to select scaling, or i for info : ");
133: Ask_Alternative(ans,"123i");
134: if ans = 'i'
135: then new_line; Drivers_for_Scaling.Display_Info; new_line;
136: end if;
137: exit when ans /= 'i';
138: end loop;
139: case ans is
140: when '1' => Equation_Scaling(file,p); basis := 0;
141: when '2' => Variable_Scaling(file,p,basis,scalvec);
142: when '3' => Rescale;
143: when others => null;
144: end case;
145: case ans is
146: when '1' | '2' => Write_Results(file,p,basis,scalvec);
147: when others => null;
148: end case;
149: if ans /= '3'
150: then Separate_File(p);
151: end if;
152: end Display_and_Dispatch_Menu;
154: begin
155: Read_System(infile,infilename);
156: if lp = null
157: then loop
158: new_line;
159: put("Is the system on a file ? (y/n/i=info) ");
160: Ask_Alternative(ans,"yni");
161: if ans = 'i'
162: then new_line;
163: Standard_Complex_Poly_Systems_io.Display_Format;
164: new_line;
165: end if;
166: exit when ans /= 'i';
167: end loop;
168: new_line;
169: if ans = 'y'
170: then put_line("Reading the name of the input file.");
171: Read_Name_and_Open_File(infile);
172: get(infile,lp);
173: sysonfile := true;
174: n := lp'length;
175: else put("Give the dimension : "); get(n);
176: lp := new Poly_Sys(1..n);
177: put("Give "); put(n,1); put(" "); put(n,1);
178: put_line("-variate polynomials :");
179: get(n,lp.all);
180: skip_line; -- skip end_of_line symbol
181: sysonfile := false;
182: end if;
183: end if;
184: Create_Output_File(outfile,outfilename);
185: put(outfile,lp.all); new_line(outfile);
186: Display_and_Dispatch_Menu(outfile,lp.all);
187: end mainscal;
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