Annotation of OpenXM_contrib/PHC/Ada/Main/READ_ME, Revision
1.1 maekawa 1: Main interactive drivers and dispatcher for the software package PHCv2.
3: New is this directory is the conversion between symbolic and tableau formats.
5: The are four parts in this libary :
7: 1. Separate drivers
8: 2. Main drivers and black-box solver
9: 3. PHCPACK as server package and how to use it
10: 4. The main dispatcher
12: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
13: file name : short description
14: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
15: driver_for_own_start_system : driver for submitting start system
16: driver_for_root_counts : interactive menu-driver for counting roots
17: driver_for_root_refining : calls the root refiners
18: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
19: black_box_root_counting : performs several root counts
20: bablroco : calls the black-box root counter
21: mainroco : calls interactive root-counting driver
22: mainvali : menu-driver for validating the results
23: bablvali : black-box version of validation
24: mainphc : the main program running in full mode
25: bablphc : black-box version of the program
26: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
27: phcpack : PHC with main drivers according to 4 stages
28: use_phc : an example of how to use phcpack
29: tableau_formats : input/output for tableau formats of systems
30: convert_formats : convert between symbolic and tableau formats
31: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
32: dispatch : scans options and arguments and calls drivers
33: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
35: The driver for root refinement are located at this level because symmetry
36: relations can be used to extract the generators of a list of solutions.
38: wc *adb counts 2236 lines of Ada code
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