Annotation of OpenXM_contrib/PHC/Ada/Main/bablphc.adb, Revision
1.1 maekawa 1: with text_io; use text_io;
2: with Communications_with_User; use Communications_with_User;
3: with Timing_Package; use Timing_Package;
4: with Standard_Complex_Poly_Systems; use Standard_Complex_Poly_Systems;
5: with Standard_Complex_Poly_Systems_io; use Standard_Complex_Poly_Systems_io;
6: with Standard_Complex_Solutions; use Standard_Complex_Solutions;
7: with Scaling; use Scaling;
8: with Black_Box_Root_Counting;
9: with Black_Polynomial_Continuations; use Black_Polynomial_Continuations;
11: procedure bablphc ( infilename,outfilename : in string ) is
13: procedure Read_System ( file : in out file_type; filename : in string;
14: p : in out Link_to_Poly_Sys ) is
15: begin
16: if filename /= ""
17: then Open_Input_File(file,filename);
18: get(file,p);
19: end if;
20: exception
21: when others => put_line("Something is wrong with argument file...");
22: p := null; return;
23: end Read_System;
25: procedure Timing_Summary ( file : in file_type;
26: roco,hoco,poco,total : in duration ) is
28: b0 : constant string :=
29: " ---------------------------------------------------------------------";
30: b1 : constant string :=
32: b2 : constant string :=
33: " | root counts | start system | continuation | total time |";
35: begin
36: put_line(file,b0);
37: put_line(file,b1);
38: put_line(file,b0);
39: put_line(file,b2);
40: put_line(file,b0);
41: put(file," | ");
42: print_hms(file,roco); put(file," | ");
43: print_hms(file,hoco); put(file," | ");
44: print_hms(file,poco); put(file," | ");
45: print_hms(file,total); put_line(file," |");
46: put_line(file,b0);
47: end Timing_Summary;
49: procedure Main is
51: timer : timing_widget;
52: infile,outfile : file_type;
53: p,q : Link_to_Poly_Sys;
54: rc : natural;
55: sols : Solution_List;
56: roco,hoco,poco,total : duration;
58: begin
59: Read_System(infile,infilename,p);
60: if p = null
61: then new_line; get(p);
62: end if;
63: Create_Output_File(outfile,outfilename);
64: put(outfile,p'last,p.all);
65: q := new Poly_Sys(p'range);
66: tstart(timer);
67: declare
68: pp : Poly_Sys(p'range) := p.all;
69: begin
70: Black_Box_Root_Counting(outfile,pp,rc,q.all,sols,roco,hoco);
71: if rc /= 0
72: then
73: Scale(pp);
74: Black_Box_Polynomial_Continuation(outfile,pp,q.all,sols,poco);
75: end if;
76: end;
77: tstop(timer);
78: total := Elapsed_User_Time(timer);
79: Close(infile);
80: new_line(outfile);
81: print_times(outfile,timer,"Solving the polynomial system");
82: new_line(outfile);
83: Timing_Summary(outfile,roco,hoco,poco,total);
84: Close(outfile);
85: end Main;
87: begin
88: Main;
89: end bablphc;
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