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Annotation of OpenXM_contrib/PHC/Ada/Main/mainvali.ads, Revision

1.1       maekawa     1: procedure mainvali ( infilename,outfilename : in string );
                      3: -- DESCRIPTION :
                      4: --   This is the routine for validating the solutions of a polynomial system,
                      5: --   as called by the central dispatcher.
                      6: --   The arguments are the names of the input and output file respectively.
                      8: -- FUNCTIONALITY :
                      9: --   There are three types of functionality offered:
                     10: --   1. Weeding out the solution sets:
                     11: --     check residuals to separate solutions from path failures;
                     12: --     compute local condition numbers, which solution are regular/singular;
                     13: --     see whether solutions are clustered, eventually multiple solutions;
                     14: --     compute generators of the solution set in case of symmetry.
                     15: --   2. Computation of winding numbers:
                     16: --     this requires a homotopy with solution paths at t < 1.
                     17: --   3. Validation of polyhedral end game:
                     18: --     computation of frequency table of the path directions;
                     19: --     this requires an output file of poco where the path directions
                     20: --     have been computed.

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