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Annotation of OpenXM_contrib/PHC/Ada/Math_Lib/Matrices/ts_intmat.adb, Revision

1.1       maekawa     1: with text_io,integer_io;                 use text_io,integer_io;
                      2: with Standard_Integer_Vectors;
                      3: with Standard_Integer_Vectors_io;
                      4: with Standard_Integer_Matrices;
                      5: with Standard_Integer_Matrices_io;
                      6: with Standard_Integer_VecMats;
                      7: with Standard_Integer_VecMats_io;
                      8: with Standard_Integer_Linear_Solvers;
                      9: with Standard_Random_Matrices;           use Standard_Random_Matrices;
                     10: with Multprec_Random_Matrices;           use Multprec_Random_Matrices;
                     11: with Multprec_Integer_Vectors;
                     12: with Multprec_Integer_Vectors_io;
                     13: with Multprec_Integer_Matrices;
                     14: with Multprec_Integer_Matrices_io;
                     15: with Multprec_Integer_Linear_Solvers;
                     17: procedure ts_intmat is
                     19: -- DESCRIPTION :
                     20: --   Tests the matrix packages of standard and multi-precision integers.
                     22:   procedure Test_Standard_io is
                     24:     use Standard_Integer_Matrices,Standard_Integer_Matrices_io;
                     26:     n,m : natural;
                     28:   begin
                     29:     put("Give the number of rows : "); get(n);
                     30:     put("Give the number of columns : "); get(m);
                     31:     declare
                     32:       mat : Matrix(1..n,1..m);
                     33:     begin
                     34:       put("Give "); put(n,1); put("x"); put(m,1);
                     35:       put_line(" integer matrix : "); get(mat);
                     36:       put_line("Your matrix : "); put(mat);
                     37:     end;
                     38:   end Test_Standard_io;
                     40:   procedure Test_Standard_VecMat_io is
                     42:     use Standard_Integer_Matrices,Standard_Integer_Matrices_io;
                     43:     use Standard_Integer_VecMats,Standard_Integer_VecMats_io;
                     45:     n,n1,n2 : natural;
                     46:     lv : Link_to_VecMat;
                     48:   begin
                     49:     put("Give the number of matrices : "); get(n);
                     50:     put("Give #rows : "); get(n1);
                     51:     put("Give #columns : "); get(n2);
                     52:     put("Give "); put(n,1); put(" "); put(n1,1); put("-by-"); put(n2,1);
                     53:     put_line(" integer matrices : ");
                     54:     get(n,n1,n2,lv);
                     55:     put_line("The vector of matrices :"); put(lv);
                     56:   end Test_Standard_VecMat_io;
                     58:   procedure Random_Test_Standard_Solver
                     59:                  ( n,m : in natural; low,upp : in integer ) is
                     61:     use Standard_Integer_Vectors,Standard_Integer_Vectors_io;
                     62:     use Standard_Integer_Matrices;
                     63:     use Standard_Integer_Linear_Solvers;
                     65:     mat : Matrix(1..n,1..m) := Random_Matrix(n,m,low,upp);
                     66:     wrk : Matrix(1..n,1..m) := mat;
                     67:     sol : Vector(1..m);
                     68:     res : Vector(1..n);
                     70:   begin
                     71:     Upper_Triangulate(wrk);
                     72:     Solve0(wrk,sol);
                     73:     res := mat*sol;
                     74:     put("The residual : "); put(res);
                     75:     put(" of solution : "); put(sol); new_line;
                     76:   end Random_Test_Standard_Solver;
                     78:   procedure Random_Test_Multprec_Solver ( n,m,sz : in natural ) is
                     80:     use Multprec_Integer_Vectors,Multprec_Integer_Vectors_io;
                     81:     use Multprec_Integer_Matrices,Multprec_Integer_Matrices_io;
                     82:     use Multprec_Integer_Linear_Solvers;
                     84:     mat : Matrix(1..n,1..m) := Random_Matrix(n,m,sz);
                     85:     wrk : Matrix(1..n,1..m);
                     86:     sol : Vector(1..m);
                     87:     res : Vector(1..n);
                     89:   begin
                     90:     Copy(mat,wrk);
                     91:     Upper_Triangulate(wrk);
                     92:     Solve0(wrk,sol);
                     93:     res := mat*sol;
                     94:     put("The residual : "); put(res);
                     95:     put(" of solution : "); put(sol); new_line;
                     96:   end Random_Test_Multprec_Solver;
                     98:   procedure Random_Test_Standard_Solvers is
                    100:     n,m,nb : natural;
                    101:     low,upp : integer;
                    103:   begin
                    104:     put("Give number of tests : "); get(nb);
                    105:     put("Give number of rows : "); get(n);
                    106:     put("Give number of columns : "); get(m);
                    107:     put("Give lower bound for numbers : "); get(low);
                    108:     put("Give upper bound for numbers : "); get(upp);
                    109:     for i in 1..nb loop
                    110:       Random_Test_Standard_Solver(n,m,low,upp);
                    111:     end loop;
                    112:   end Random_Test_Standard_Solvers;
                    114:   procedure Random_Test_Multprec_Solvers is
                    116:     n,m,nb,sz : natural;
                    118:   begin
                    119:     put("Give number of tests : "); get(nb);
                    120:     put("Give number of rows : "); get(n);
                    121:     put("Give number of columns : "); get(m);
                    122:     put("Give the size of the numbers : "); get(sz);
                    123:     for i in 1..nb loop
                    124:       Random_Test_Multprec_Solver(n,m,sz);
                    125:     end loop;
                    126:   end Random_Test_Multprec_Solvers;
                    128:   procedure Interactive_Test_Standard_Solvers is
                    130:     use Standard_Integer_Vectors,Standard_Integer_Vectors_io;
                    131:     use Standard_Integer_Matrices,Standard_Integer_Matrices_io;
                    132:     use Standard_Integer_Linear_Solvers;
                    134:     n,m : natural;
                    136:   begin
                    137:     put("Give the number of rows : "); get(n);
                    138:     put("Give the number of columns : "); get(m);
                    139:     declare
                    140:       sol : Vector(1..m) := (1..m => 0);
                    141:       res : Vector(1..n);
                    142:       mat,wrk : Matrix(1..n,1..m);
                    143:       l : Matrix(1..n,1..n);
                    144:     begin
                    145:       put("Give "); put(n,1); put("x"); put(m,1);
                    146:       put_line(" integer matrix : "); get(mat);
                    147:       put_line("Your matrix : "); put(mat);
                    148:       wrk := mat;
                    149:       Upper_Triangulate(l,wrk);
                    150:       put_line("The matrix in upper triangular form : "); put(wrk);
                    151:       put_line("The transformation matrix T : "); put(l);
                    152:       put_line("product of T and original matrix : "); put(l*mat);
                    153:       Solve0(wrk,sol);
                    154:       put_line("The solution of the homogeneous system : ");
                    155:       put(sol); new_line;
                    156:       res := mat*sol;
                    157:       put("The residual : "); put(res); new_line;
                    158:     end;
                    159:   end Interactive_Test_Standard_Solvers;
                    161:   procedure Test_Multprec_io is
                    163:     use Multprec_Integer_Matrices,Multprec_Integer_Matrices_io;
                    165:     n,m : natural;
                    167:   begin
                    168:     put("Give the number of rows : "); get(n);
                    169:     put("Give the number of columns : "); get(m);
                    170:     declare
                    171:       mat : Matrix(1..n,1..m);
                    172:     begin
                    173:       put("Give "); put(n,1); put("x"); put(m,1);
                    174:       put_line(" integer matrix : "); get(mat);
                    175:       put_line("Your matrix : "); put(mat); new_line;
                    176:     end;
                    177:   end Test_Multprec_io;
                    179:   procedure Interactive_Test_Multprec_Solvers is
                    181:     use Multprec_Integer_Vectors,Multprec_Integer_Vectors_io;
                    182:     use Multprec_Integer_Matrices,Multprec_Integer_Matrices_io;
                    183:     use Multprec_Integer_Linear_Solvers;
                    185:     n,m : natural;
                    187:   begin
                    188:     put("Give the number of rows : "); get(n);
                    189:     put("Give the number of columns : "); get(m);
                    190:     declare
                    191:       sol : Vector(1..m);
                    192:       res : Vector(1..n);
                    193:       mat,wrk : Matrix(1..n,1..m);
                    194:       l : Matrix(1..n,1..n);
                    195:     begin
                    196:       put("Give "); put(n,1); put("x"); put(m,1);
                    197:       put_line(" integer matrix : "); get(mat);
                    198:       put_line("Your matrix : "); put(mat);
                    199:       Copy(mat,wrk);
                    200:       Upper_Triangulate(l,wrk);
                    201:       put_line("The matrix in upper triangular form : "); put(wrk);
                    202:       put_line("The transformation matrix T : "); put(l);
                    203:       put_line("product of T and original matrix : "); put(l*mat);
                    204:       Solve0(wrk,sol);
                    205:       put_line("The solution of the homogeneous system : ");
                    206:       put(sol); new_line;
                    207:       res := mat*sol;
                    208:       put("The residual : "); put(res); new_line;
                    209:     end;
                    210:   end Interactive_Test_Multprec_Solvers;
                    212:   procedure Test_Multprec_Matrix_Vector_Product is
                    214:     use Multprec_Integer_Vectors,Multprec_Integer_Vectors_io;
                    215:     use Multprec_Integer_Matrices,Multprec_Integer_Matrices_io;
                    217:     n,m : natural;
                    219:   begin
                    220:     put("Give the number of rows : "); get(n);
                    221:     put("Give the number of columns : "); get(m);
                    222:     declare
                    223:       mat : Matrix(1..n,1..m);
                    224:       vec : Vector(1..m);
                    225:       prod : Vector(1..n);
                    226:     begin
                    227:       put("Give "); put(n,1); put("x"); put(m,1);
                    228:       put_line(" integer matrix : "); get(mat);
                    229:       put_line("Your matrix : "); put(mat);
                    230:       put("Give an " ); put(m,1); put("-vector : "); get(vec);
                    231:       put("Your vector : "); put(vec); new_line;
                    232:       prod := mat*vec;
                    233:       put_line("The matrix-vector product : "); put(prod); new_line;
                    234:     end;
                    235:   end Test_Multprec_Matrix_Vector_Product;
                    237:   procedure Main is
                    239:     ans : character;
                    241:   begin
                    242:     new_line;
                    243:     put_line("Interactive testing of matrices of integer numbers");
                    244:     new_line;
                    245:     loop
                    246:       put_line("Choose one of the following : ");
                    247:       put_line("  0. exit this program.");
                    248:       put_line("  1. io of matrices of standard numbers.");
                    249:       put_line("  2. io of vectors of matrices of standard numbers.");
                    250:       put_line("  3. solve given linear systems of standard numbers.");
                    251:       put_line("  4. solve random linear systems of standard numbers.");
                    252:       put_line("  5. io of matrices of multi-precision numbers.");
                    253:       put_line("  6. solve given linear systems of multi-precision numbers.");
                    254:       put_line("  7. solve random linear systems of multi-precision numbers.");
                    255:       put_line("  8. test multi-precision matrix-vector product.");
                    256:       put("Make your choice (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 or 8) : "); get(ans);
                    257:       exit when (ans = '0');
                    258:       case ans is
                    259:         when '1' => Test_Standard_io;
                    260:         when '2' => Test_Standard_VecMat_io;
                    261:         when '3' => Interactive_Test_Standard_Solvers;
                    262:         when '4' => Random_Test_Standard_Solvers;
                    263:         when '5' => Test_Multprec_io;
                    264:         when '6' => Interactive_Test_Multprec_Solvers;
                    265:         when '7' => Random_Test_Multprec_Solvers;
                    266:         when '8' => Test_Multprec_Matrix_Vector_Product;
                    267:         when others => null;
                    268:       end case;
                    269:     end loop;
                    270:   end Main;
                    272: begin
                    273:   Main;
                    274: end ts_intmat;

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