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Revision 1.1, Sun Oct 29 17:45:26 2000 UTC (23 years, 10 months ago) by maekawa
Branch point for: MAIN

Initial revision

with Abstract_Ring;
with Generic_Vectors;
with Generic_Polynomials;


  with package Ring is new Abstract_Ring(<>);
  with package Vectors is new Generic_Vectors(Ring);
  with package Polynomials is new Generic_Polynomials(Ring);

package Generic_Polynomial_Functions is

--   Besides the term by term evaluation, two special data structures are
--   provided for efficient evaluation of polynomials in several variables.

  use Ring,Vectors,Polynomials;


  type Evaluator is access function ( x : Vector ) return number;


  type Eval_Poly is private;
  type Eval_Coeff_Poly is private;


  function Create ( p : Poly ) return Eval_Poly;
  function Create ( p : Poly ) return Eval_Coeff_Poly;

  procedure Diff ( p : in Poly; i : in integer;
                   cp : out Eval_Coeff_Poly; m : out Vector );
    -- evaluable coefficient polynomial of the partial derivative,
    -- with m the multiplication factors of the coefficients of p

  function Coeff ( p : Poly ) return Vector;    -- returns coefficient vector


  function Eval ( p : Poly; x : number; i : integer ) return Poly;
     -- return p(x1,..,xi=x,..,xn);
     -- Number_of_Unknowns(Eval(p,x,i)) = Number_of_Unknowns(p)-1

  function Eval ( d : Degrees; c : number; x : Vector ) return number; 
                                                            -- return c*x**d
  function Eval ( t : Term; c : number; x : Vector ) return number;
                                             -- return c*x**d, with d = t.dg
  function Eval ( t : Term; x : Vector ) return number;

  function Eval ( p : Poly; x : Vector ) return number;       -- return p(x)
  function Eval ( p : Poly; c,x : Vector ) return number;
                     -- return p(c,x), with c = vector of coefficients for p

  function Eval ( p : Eval_Poly; x : Vector ) return number;  -- return p(x)
  function Eval ( p : Eval_Coeff_Poly; c,x : Vector ) return number;
     -- return p(c,x), with c = vector of coefficients for p

-- DESTRUCTORS : deallocate memory.

  procedure Clear ( p : in out Eval_Poly );
  procedure Clear ( p : in out Eval_Coeff_Poly );


  type Eval_Poly_Rep;
  type Eval_Coeff_Poly_Rep;

  type Eval_Poly is access Eval_Poly_Rep;
  type Eval_Coeff_Poly is access Eval_Coeff_Poly_Rep;

end Generic_Polynomial_Functions;