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Annotation of OpenXM_contrib/PHC/Ada/Root_Counts/Dynlift/black_mixed_volume_computations.adb, Revision

1.1       maekawa     1: with Standard_Complex_Numbers;           use Standard_Complex_Numbers;
                      2: with Standard_Complex_Vectors;
                      3: with Standard_Complex_VecVecs;
                      4: with Standard_Complex_Poly_Randomizers;  use Standard_Complex_Poly_Randomizers;
                      5: with Standard_Complex_Laur_Polys;        use Standard_Complex_Laur_Polys;
                      6: with Standard_Complex_Laur_Functions;    use Standard_Complex_Laur_Functions;
                      7: with Standard_Complex_Laur_Systems;      use Standard_Complex_Laur_Systems;
                      8: with Standard_Complex_Laur_SysFun;       use Standard_Complex_Laur_SysFun;
                      9: with Standard_Complex_Laur_Jacomats;     use Standard_Complex_Laur_Jacomats;
                     10: with Standard_Poly_Laur_Convertors;      use Standard_Poly_Laur_Convertors;
                     11: with Standard_Laur_Poly_Convertors;      use Standard_Laur_Poly_Convertors;
                     12: with Lists_of_Integer_Vectors;           use Lists_of_Integer_Vectors;
                     13: with Power_Lists,Vertices;               use Power_Lists,Vertices;
                     14: with Integer_Lifting_Utilities;          use Integer_Lifting_Utilities;
                     15: with Cayley_Trick;                       use Cayley_Trick;
                     16: with Triangulations;                     use Triangulations;
                     17: with Dynamic_Triangulations;             use Dynamic_Triangulations;
                     18: with Triangulations_and_Subdivisions;    use Triangulations_and_Subdivisions;
                     19: with Flatten_Mixed_Subdivisions;         use Flatten_Mixed_Subdivisions;
                     20: with Mixed_Volume_Computation;           use Mixed_Volume_Computation;
                     21: with Exponent_Vectors;                   use Exponent_Vectors;
                     22: with Continuation_Parameters;
                     23: with Integer_Polyhedral_Continuation;    use Integer_Polyhedral_Continuation;
                     25: package body Black_Mixed_Volume_Computations is
                     27:   procedure Black_Box_Mixed_Volume_Computation
                     28:                  ( p : in out Poly_Sys; mix : out Link_to_Vector;
                     29:                    lifsup : out Link_to_Array_of_Lists;
                     30:                    mixsub : out Mixed_Subdivision; mv : out natural ) is
                     32:     n : constant natural := p'length;
                     33:     supports : Array_of_Lists(p'range) := Create(p);
                     34:     verpts : Array_of_Lists(p'range);
                     35:     tmix,perms : Standard_Integer_Vectors.Link_to_Vector;
                     36:     tmixsub : Mixed_Subdivision;
                     38:     procedure Collect_Flattening ( t : in Triangulation; l : List ) is
                     40:     -- DESCRIPTION :
                     41:     --   Updates the subdivision tmixsub with the flattened cells.
                     42:     --   The triangulation on entry contains the whole triangulation,
                     43:     --   not just the new cells.
                     45:       cells : Mixed_Subdivision;
                     47:     begin
                     48:       if Is_Null(tmixsub)
                     49:        then cells := Deep_Create(n,t);
                     50:        else cells := Non_Flat_Deep_Create(n,t);
                     51:             Construct(Head_Of(tmixsub),cells);
                     52:       end if;
                     53:       Flatten(cells);
                     54:       tmixsub := cells;
                     55:     end Collect_Flattening;
                     56:     procedure C_Dynamic_Lifting is
                     57:       new Dynamic_Triangulations.Dynamic_Lifting_with_Flat(Collect_Flattening);
                     59:   begin
                     60:     for i in supports'range loop
                     61:       verpts(i) := Vertex_Points(supports(i));
                     62:     end loop;
                     63:     Compute_Mixture(verpts,tmix,perms);
                     64:     p := Permute(p,perms);
                     65:     declare
                     66:       pts,lifted : Array_of_Lists(tmix'range);
                     67:       last : List;
                     68:       t : Triangulation;
                     69:       nt : natural;
                     70:       lastcells : Mixed_Subdivision;
                     71:     begin
                     72:       if tmix'length = 1
                     73:        then C_Dynamic_Lifting(verpts(1),false,false,0,lifted(1),last,t);
                     74:             if Is_Null(tmixsub)
                     75:              then tmixsub := Deep_Create(n,t);
                     76:              else lastcells := Non_Flat_Deep_Create(n,t);
                     77:                   Construct(Head_Of(tmixsub),lastcells);
                     78:                   tmixsub := lastcells;
                     79:             end if;
                     80:             Clear(t);
                     81:             Mixed_Volume(n,tmix.all,tmixsub,mv);
                     82:        elsif tmix'length <= n/2
                     83:            then
                     84:              pts := Typed_Lists(tmix.all,verpts);
                     85:              Dynamic_Cayley(n,tmix.all,pts,false,false,0,lifted,tmixsub,nt);
                     86:              Mixed_Volume(n,tmix.all,tmixsub,mv);
                     87:            else
                     88:              Mixed_Volume(n,tmix.all,verpts,lifted,tmixsub,mv);
                     89:       end if;
                     90:       lifsup := new Array_of_Lists'(lifted);
                     91:     end;
                     92:     mix := tmix; mixsub := tmixsub;
                     93:   end Black_Box_Mixed_Volume_Computation;
                     95:   procedure Black_Box_Polyhedral_Continuation
                     96:                  ( p : in Poly_Sys; mix : in Vector;
                     97:                    lifsup : in Array_of_Lists; mixsub : in Mixed_Subdivision;
                     98:                    q : in out Poly_Sys; qsols : in out Solution_List ) is
                    100:     n : constant natural := p'length;
                    101:     lq,llq : Laur_Sys(p'range);
                    102:     h : Eval_Coeff_Laur_Sys(q'range);
                    103:     c : Standard_Complex_VecVecs.VecVec(h'range);
                    104:     e : Exponent_Vectors_Array(h'range);
                    105:     j : Eval_Coeff_Jaco_Mat(h'range,h'first..h'last+1);
                    106:     m : Mult_Factors(j'range(1),j'range(2));
                    108:   begin
                    109:     q := Complex_Randomize1(p);
                    110:     lq := Polynomial_to_Laurent_System(q);
                    111:     llq := Perform_Lifting(n,mix,lifsup,lq);
                    112:     Clear(lq); Clear(q);
                    113:     lq := Eval(llq,Create(1.0),n+1);
                    114:     q := Laurent_to_Polynomial_System(lq);
                    115:     Continuation_Parameters.Tune(0);
                    116:    -- Mixed_Solve(llq,mix,mixsub,qsols);   too expensive !!!!
                    117:     h := Create(lq);
                    118:     for i in c'range loop
                    119:       declare
                    120:         coeff_lq : constant Standard_Complex_Vectors.Vector := Coeff(lq(i));
                    121:       begin
                    122:         c(i) := new Standard_Complex_Vectors.Vector(coeff_lq'range);
                    123:         for k in coeff_lq'range loop
                    124:           c(i)(k) := coeff_lq(k);
                    125:         end loop;
                    126:       end;
                    127:     end loop;
                    128:     e := Create(lq);
                    129:     Create(lq,j,m);
                    130:     Mixed_Solve(llq,lifsup,h,c,e,j,m,mix,mixsub,qsols);
                    131:     Set_Continuation_Parameter(qsols,Create(0.0));
                    132:     Clear(lq); Clear(llq);
                    133:     Clear(h); Clear(j); Clear(m);
                    134:     Standard_Complex_VecVecs.Clear(c);
                    135:   end Black_Box_Polyhedral_Continuation;
                    137: end Black_Mixed_Volume_Computations;

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