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Annotation of OpenXM_contrib/PHC/Ada/Root_Counts/Product/interpolating_homotopies_driver.adb, Revision 1.1

1.1     ! maekawa     1: with integer_io;                         use integer_io;
        !             2: with Communications_with_User;           use Communications_with_User;
        !             3: with Standard_Floating_Numbers;          use Standard_Floating_Numbers;
        !             4: with Standard_Complex_Numbers;           use Standard_Complex_Numbers;
        !             5: with Standard_Complex_Numbers_io;        use Standard_Complex_Numbers_io;
        !             6: with Numbers_io;                         use Numbers_io;
        !             7: with Standard_Random_Numbers;            use Standard_Random_Numbers;
        !             8: with Standard_Natural_Vectors;
        !             9: with Standard_Complex_Vectors;           use Standard_Complex_Vectors;
        !            10: with Standard_Complex_Polynomials;       use Standard_Complex_Polynomials;
        !            11: with Interpolating_Homotopies;           use Interpolating_Homotopies;
        !            12:
        !            13: procedure Interpolating_Homotopies_Driver
        !            14:               ( file : in file_type; p : in Poly_Sys; z : in Partition;
        !            15:                 b : in out natural; q : out Poly_Sys;
        !            16:                 qsols : in out Solution_List ) is
        !            17:
        !            18:   n : constant natural := p'last;
        !            19:   interpols : Solution_List;
        !            20:   ib,scalind : natural;
        !            21:   ans : character;
        !            22:
        !            23:   function Random_Interpolating ( n,m : natural ) return Solution_List is
        !            24:
        !            25:   -- DESCRIPTION :
        !            26:   --   A list of m random n-dimensional vectors will be returned.
        !            27:   --   The complex numbers will all have modulus one.
        !            28:
        !            29:     res,res_last : Solution_List;
        !            30:     s : Solution(n);
        !            31:
        !            32:   begin
        !            33:     s.t := Create(0.0);
        !            34:     s.m := 1;
        !            35:     s.err := 0.0; s.rco := 1.0; s.res := 0.0;
        !            36:     for i in 1..m loop
        !            37:       for j in 1..n loop
        !            38:         s.v(j) := random1;
        !            39:       end loop;
        !            40:       Append(res,res_last,s);
        !            41:     end loop;
        !            42:     return res;
        !            43:   end Random_Interpolating;
        !            44:
        !            45:   procedure Random_Linear_Scaler ( n : in natural; p : in Poly;
        !            46:                                    v : out vector; l : out natural ) is
        !            47:
        !            48:   -- DESCRIPTION :
        !            49:   --   Returns a random vector of dimension n+1, with range 0..n.
        !            50:   --   There will be a nonzero entry only for those unknowns that occur in p.
        !            51:
        !            52:     res : Vector(0..n);
        !            53:     last : natural := 0;
        !            54:
        !            55:   begin
        !            56:     for i in res'range loop
        !            57:       if Degree(p,i) > 0
        !            58:        then res(i) := random1;
        !            59:             last := last + 1;
        !            60:        else res(i) := Create(0.0);
        !            61:       end if;
        !            62:     end loop;
        !            63:     v := res; l := last;
        !            64:   end Random_Linear_Scaler;
        !            65:
        !            66:   function Scale ( sc,v : Vector; last : integer ) return Complex_Number is
        !            67:
        !            68:   -- DESCRIPTION :
        !            69:   --   Returns the last component of the vector v, that is v(last),
        !            70:   --   such that sc(0) + sum sc(i)*v(i), i in v'range, holds.
        !            71:
        !            72:     res : Complex_Number := sc(0);
        !            73:
        !            74:   begin
        !            75:     for i in v'first..last-1 loop
        !            76:       res := res + sc(i)*v(i);
        !            77:     end loop;
        !            78:     res := -res/sc(last);
        !            79:     return res;
        !            80:   end Scale;
        !            81:
        !            82:   function Random_Interpolating
        !            83:                 ( n,m : natural; scaler : Vector; scallast : natural )
        !            84:                 return Solution_List is
        !            85:
        !            86:   -- DESCRIPTION :
        !            87:   --   A list of m random n-dimensional vectors will be returned.
        !            88:   --   The complex numbers will all have modulus one, except the last one,
        !            89:   --   indicated by scallast, that has been chosen to satisfy the scaler
        !            90:   --   equation, defined by sum of scaler(i)*x_i = 0, with x_0 = 1.
        !            91:
        !            92:     res,res_last : Solution_List;
        !            93:     s : Solution(n);
        !            94:
        !            95:   begin
        !            96:     s.t := Create(0.0);
        !            97:     s.m := 1;
        !            98:     for i in 1..m loop
        !            99:       for j in 1..(n-1) loop
        !           100:         s.v(j) := random1;
        !           101:       end loop;
        !           102:       s.v(n) := Scale(scaler,s.v,scallast);
        !           103:       Append(res,res_last,s);
        !           104:     end loop;
        !           105:     return res;
        !           106:   end Random_Interpolating;
        !           107:
        !           108:   function Create ( v : Vector ) return Poly is
        !           109:
        !           110:     res : Poly := Null_Poly;
        !           111:     t : Term;
        !           112:
        !           113:   begin
        !           114:     t.dg := new Standard_Natural_Vectors.Vector'(v'first+1..v'last => 0);
        !           115:     for i in v'range loop
        !           116:       t.cf := v(i);
        !           117:       if i > v'first
        !           118:        then t.dg(i) := 1;
        !           119:       end if;
        !           120:       Add(res,t);
        !           121:       if i > v'first
        !           122:        then t.dg(i) := 0;
        !           123:       end if;
        !           124:     end loop;
        !           125:     Clear(t);
        !           126:     return res;
        !           127:   end Create;
        !           128:
        !           129:   function Interpolating_by_User ( n,m : natural ) return Solution_List is
        !           130:
        !           131:   -- DESCRIPTION :
        !           132:   --   A list of m n-dimensional vectors will be read from standard input.
        !           133:
        !           134:     res,res_last : Solution_List;
        !           135:     s : Solution(n);
        !           136:    -- f1,f2 : double_float;
        !           137:
        !           138:   begin
        !           139:     put("Reading "); put(m,1); put(" "); put(n,1);
        !           140:     put_line("-dimensional complex vectors.");
        !           141:     for i in 1..m loop
        !           142:       s.t := Create(0.0);
        !           143:       s.m := 1;
        !           144:       s.err := 0.0; s.rco := 1.0; s.res := 0.0;
        !           145:       put("Give the components of vector "); put(i,1);
        !           146:       put_line(" :");
        !           147:       for j in 1..n loop
        !           148:        -- Read_Double_Float(f1);
        !           149:        -- Read_Double_Float(f2);
        !           150:        -- s.v(j) := Create(f1,f2);
        !           151:         get(s.v(j));
        !           152:       end loop;
        !           153:       Append(res,res_last,s);
        !           154:     end loop;
        !           155:     return res;
        !           156:   end Interpolating_by_User;
        !           157:
        !           158:   procedure Driver_for_Interpolation is
        !           159:
        !           160:   -- DESCRIPTION : interpolation without a scaling equation
        !           161:
        !           162:     dp,ip : Poly_Sys(p'range);
        !           163:
        !           164:   begin
        !           165:     dp := Dense_Representation(p,z);
        !           166:     ip := Independent_Representation(dp);
        !           167:     ib := Independent_Roots(ip);
        !           168:     if ib > b
        !           169:      then ib := b;
        !           170:     end if;
        !           171:     put("The number of independent roots : "); put(ib,1); new_line;
        !           172:     put("Do you want to give interpolation vectors by yourself ? (y/n) ");
        !           173:     Ask_Yes_or_No(ans);
        !           174:     if ans = 'y'
        !           175:      then interpols := Interpolating_by_User(n,ib);
        !           176:      else put_line("Random interpolating vectors will be generated.");
        !           177:           interpols := Random_Interpolating(n,ib);
        !           178:     end if;
        !           179:     q := Interpolate(ip,ib,interpols);
        !           180:     qsols := interpols; b := ib;
        !           181:     Clear(dp); Clear(ip);
        !           182:   end Driver_for_Interpolation;
        !           183:
        !           184:   procedure Driver_for_Scaled_Interpolation is
        !           185:
        !           186:   -- DESCRIPTION : interpolation with a scaling equation, p(scalind).
        !           187:
        !           188:     dp,ip,pp,qq : Poly_Sys(p'range);
        !           189:     scalvec : Vector(0..n);
        !           190:     scalveclast : natural;
        !           191:
        !           192:   begin
        !           193:     Random_Linear_Scaler(n,p(scalind),scalvec,scalveclast);
        !           194:     for i in p'range loop
        !           195:       if i = scalind
        !           196:        then pp(i) := Null_Poly;
        !           197:        else pp(i) := p(i);
        !           198:       end if;
        !           199:     end loop;
        !           200:     dp := Dense_Representation(pp,z);
        !           201:     ip := Independent_Representation(dp);
        !           202:     ib := Independent_Roots(ip,scalveclast);
        !           203:     if ib > b
        !           204:      then ib := b;
        !           205:     end if;
        !           206:     put("The number of independent roots : "); put(ib,1); new_line;
        !           207:     put("Do you want to give interpolation vectors by yourself ? (y/n) ");
        !           208:     Ask_Yes_or_No(ans);
        !           209:     if ans = 'y'
        !           210:      then interpols := Interpolating_by_User(n,ib);
        !           211:      else put_line("Random interpolating vectors will be generated.");
        !           212:           interpols := Random_Interpolating(n,ib,scalvec,scalveclast);
        !           213:     end if;
        !           214:     qq := Interpolate(ip,scalveclast,ib,interpols);
        !           215:     qq(scalind) := Create(scalvec);
        !           216:     qsols := interpols; b := ib; q := qq;
        !           217:     Clear(dp); Clear(ip);
        !           218:   end Driver_for_Scaled_Interpolation;
        !           219:
        !           220: begin
        !           221:   new_line;
        !           222:   put("Give the number of the linear scaling equation (0 if none) : ");
        !           223:   Read_Natural(scalind);
        !           224:   if scalind = 0
        !           225:    then Driver_for_Interpolation;
        !           226:    else Driver_for_Scaled_Interpolation;
        !           227:   end if;
        !           228: end Interpolating_Homotopies_Driver;

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