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Annotation of OpenXM_contrib/PHC/Ada/Root_Counts/Stalift/inner_normal_cones.adb, Revision 1.1

1.1     ! maekawa     1: with Standard_Integer_Linear_Solvers;    use Standard_Integer_Linear_Solvers;
        !             2: with Transformations;                    use Transformations;
        !             3: with Integer_Vectors_Utilities;          use Integer_Vectors_Utilities;
        !             4: with Lists_of_Vectors_Utilities;         use Lists_of_Vectors_Utilities;
        !             5: with Transforming_Integer_Vector_Lists;  use Transforming_Integer_Vector_Lists;
        !             6: with Vertices;                           use Vertices;
        !             7:
        !             8: package body Inner_Normal_Cones is
        !             9:
        !            10: -- NOTE ON THE IMPLEMENTATION :
        !            11: --   There is a safety mode in which after each computation of the generators,
        !            12: --   it is automatically tested whether the generators satisfy the
        !            13: --   inequalities of the normal cone.  If not, then the bug is reported and
        !            14: --   a program_error is raised.
        !            15:
        !            16: -- AUXILIAIRIES :
        !            17:
        !            18:   function Lower ( a1,b1,a2,b2 : integer ) return boolean is
        !            19:
        !            20:   -- DESCRIPTION :
        !            21:   --   Returns true if a1/b1 < a2/b2, false otherwise.
        !            22:
        !            23:   -- REQUIRED : b1 /= 0 and b2 /= 0.
        !            24:
        !            25:   begin
        !            26:     if b1*b2 > 0
        !            27:      then return (a1*b2 - a2*b1 < 0);
        !            28:      else return (a1*b2 - a2*b1 > 0);
        !            29:     end if;
        !            30:   end Lower;
        !            31:
        !            32:   function Higher ( a1,b1,a2,b2 : integer ) return boolean is
        !            33:
        !            34:   -- DESCRIPTION :
        !            35:   --   Returns true if a1/b1 > a2/b2, false otherwise.
        !            36:
        !            37:   -- REQUIRED : b1 /= 0 and b2 /= 0.
        !            38:
        !            39:   begin
        !            40:     if b1*b2 > 0
        !            41:      then return (a1*b2 - a2*b1 > 0);
        !            42:      else return (a1*b2 - a2*b1 < 0);
        !            43:     end if;
        !            44:   end Higher;
        !            45:
        !            46:   function Compute_Facets ( l : List; x : Vector ) return Faces is
        !            47:
        !            48:   -- DESCRIPTION :
        !            49:   --   Returns all facets of conv(l) that all contain x.
        !            50:   --   Checks whether x belongs to the list or not.
        !            51:
        !            52:     res : Faces;
        !            53:     n : constant natural := x'length;
        !            54:
        !            55:   begin
        !            56:     if Is_In(l,x)
        !            57:      then res := Create(n-1,n,l,x);
        !            58:      else declare
        !            59:             wrk : List := l;
        !            60:             lx : Link_to_Vector;
        !            61:           begin
        !            62:             lx := new Vector'(x);
        !            63:             Construct(lx,wrk);
        !            64:             res := Create(n-1,n,wrk,x);
        !            65:           end;
        !            66:     end if;
        !            67:     return res;
        !            68:   end Compute_Facets;
        !            69:
        !            70:   procedure Shifted_Points ( l : in List; x : in Vector;
        !            71:                              res,res_last : in out List ) is
        !            72:
        !            73:   -- DESCRIPTION :
        !            74:   --   Appends the list of shifted points w.r.t. x to the list res.
        !            75:
        !            76:     tmp : List := l;
        !            77:
        !            78:   begin
        !            79:     tmp := l;
        !            80:     while not Is_Null(tmp) loop
        !            81:       Append_Diff(res,res_last,Head_Of(tmp).all-x);
        !            82:       tmp := Tail_Of(tmp);
        !            83:     end loop;
        !            84:   end Shifted_Points;
        !            85:
        !            86:   function In_Hull ( l : List; x : Vector ) return boolean is
        !            87:
        !            88:   -- DESCRIPTION :
        !            89:   --   Returns true if the vector x belongs the convex hull spanned by
        !            90:   --   the points in l minus the point x itself.
        !            91:
        !            92:     res : boolean;
        !            93:     lx : List;
        !            94:
        !            95:   begin
        !            96:     Copy(l,lx);
        !            97:     Remove(lx,x);
        !            98:     res := Is_In_Hull(x,lx);
        !            99:     Clear(lx);
        !           100:     return res;
        !           101:   end In_Hull;
        !           102:
        !           103: -- AUXILIAIRIES TO CONSTRUCT THE NORMALS :
        !           104:
        !           105:   procedure Normal ( m : in out Matrix; v : out Vector ) is
        !           106:
        !           107:   -- DESCRIPTION :
        !           108:   --   Computes the normal to the vectors stored in the rows of the matrix m.
        !           109:
        !           110:   -- REQUIRED : the matrix m is square!
        !           111:
        !           112:     res : Vector(m'range(2));
        !           113:
        !           114:   begin
        !           115:     Upper_Triangulate(m); Scale(m);
        !           116:     res := (res'range => 0);
        !           117:     Solve0(m,res);
        !           118:     v := res;
        !           119:   end Normal;
        !           120:
        !           121:   procedure Orientate_Normal ( l : in List; f : in Face;
        !           122:                                normal : in out Vector ) is
        !           123:
        !           124:   -- DESCRIPTION :
        !           125:   --   Orientates the normal of the face such that it becomes an inner normal
        !           126:   --   w.r.t. the points in the list l.
        !           127:
        !           128:     tmp : List := l;
        !           129:     ip : constant integer := f(f'first).all*normal;
        !           130:     pt : Vector(Head_Of(l)'range);
        !           131:     done : boolean := false;
        !           132:     ptip : integer;
        !           133:
        !           134:   begin
        !           135:     while not Is_Null(tmp) loop
        !           136:       pt := Head_Of(tmp).all;
        !           137:       if not Is_In(f,pt)
        !           138:        then ptip := pt*normal;
        !           139:             if ptip /= ip
        !           140:              then if ptip < ip
        !           141:                    then normal := -normal;
        !           142:                   end if;
        !           143:                   done := true;
        !           144:             end if;
        !           145:       end if;
        !           146:       exit when done;
        !           147:       tmp := Tail_Of(tmp);
        !           148:     end loop;
        !           149:   end Orientate_Normal;
        !           150:
        !           151:   function Inner_Normal ( l : List; facet : Face ) return Vector is
        !           152:
        !           153:   -- DESCRIPTION :
        !           154:   --   Returns the inner normal to the facet.
        !           155:
        !           156:     res,fst : Vector(facet(facet'first)'range);
        !           157:     m : Matrix(facet'first+1..facet'last,facet(facet'first)'range);
        !           158:
        !           159:   begin
        !           160:     fst := facet(facet'first).all;
        !           161:     for i in m'first(1)..m'last(1) loop
        !           162:       for j in m'range(2) loop
        !           163:         m(i,j) := facet(i)(j) - fst(j);
        !           164:       end loop;
        !           165:     end loop;
        !           166:     Normal(m,res);
        !           167:     Orientate_Normal(l,facet,res);
        !           168:     return res;
        !           169:   end Inner_Normal;
        !           170:
        !           171:   procedure Inner_Normals ( l : in List; facets : in Faces;
        !           172:                             iv,iv_last : in out List ) is
        !           173:
        !           174:   -- DESCRIPTION :
        !           175:   --   Returns the list of all inner normals to the facets of conv(l).
        !           176:   --   If there is only one facet, then both `inner' and `outer' normal
        !           177:   --   will be returned, because there is nothing to orientate with.
        !           178:   --   This means that also the negation of the normal will be in the list iv.
        !           179:
        !           180:     tmp : Faces := facets;
        !           181:
        !           182:   begin
        !           183:     while not Is_Null(tmp) loop
        !           184:       declare
        !           185:         f : Face := Head_Of(tmp);
        !           186:         v : constant Vector := Inner_Normal(l,Head_Of(tmp));
        !           187:       begin
        !           188:         Append(iv,iv_last,v);
        !           189:         if Length_Of(facets) = 1
        !           190:          then Append(iv,iv_last,-v);
        !           191:         end if;
        !           192:       end;
        !           193:       tmp := Tail_Of(tmp);
        !           194:     end loop;
        !           195:   end Inner_Normals;
        !           196:
        !           197:   function Number_of_Rows ( l : List ) return natural is
        !           198:
        !           199:   -- DESCRIPTION :
        !           200:   --   Returns Maximum(dimension,Length_Of(l)).
        !           201:
        !           202:   -- REQUIRED : not Is_Null(l).
        !           203:
        !           204:     n : constant natural := Head_Of(l)'length;
        !           205:     m : constant natural := Length_Of(l);
        !           206:
        !           207:   begin
        !           208:     if n > m
        !           209:      then return n;
        !           210:      else return m;
        !           211:     end if;
        !           212:   end Number_of_Rows;
        !           213:
        !           214:   function Normal ( l : List ) return Vector is
        !           215:
        !           216:   -- DESCRIPTION :
        !           217:   --   Return a normal to the vectors in the list.
        !           218:
        !           219:   -- REQUIRED : Length_Of(l) <= n = Head_Of(l)'length
        !           220:   --   or the points in l all lie on the same facet.
        !           221:
        !           222:     fst : Link_to_Vector := Head_Of(l);
        !           223:     m : Matrix(1..Number_of_Rows(l),fst'range);
        !           224:     cnt : natural := 0;
        !           225:     res : Vector(fst'range);
        !           226:     tmp : List := Tail_Of(l);
        !           227:
        !           228:   begin
        !           229:     while not Is_Null(tmp) loop
        !           230:       res := Head_Of(tmp).all;
        !           231:       cnt := cnt+1;
        !           232:       for i in res'range loop
        !           233:         m(cnt,i) := res(i) - fst(i);
        !           234:       end loop;
        !           235:       tmp := Tail_Of(tmp);
        !           236:     end loop;
        !           237:     for i in cnt+1..m'last(1) loop
        !           238:       for j in m'range(2) loop
        !           239:         m(i,j) := 0;
        !           240:       end loop;
        !           241:     end loop;
        !           242:     Normal(m,res);
        !           243:     return res;
        !           244:   end Normal;
        !           245:
        !           246:   procedure Normals ( l : in List; x : in Vector; iv,iv_last : in out List ) is
        !           247:
        !           248:   -- DESCRIPTION :
        !           249:   --   Computes a list of all normals to the vectors in the list.
        !           250:
        !           251:   -- REQUIRED : Length_Of(l) <= n = x'length.
        !           252:   --   or all points in l lie on the same facet.
        !           253:
        !           254:     nor : constant Vector := Normal(l);
        !           255:     piv : natural := Pivot(nor);
        !           256:     pivnor : Vector(nor'range);   -- normal with pivnor(piv) > 0
        !           257:
        !           258:   begin
        !           259:     if piv <= nor'last
        !           260:      then if x'length > 2
        !           261:            then if nor(piv) < 0
        !           262:                  then pivnor := -nor;
        !           263:                  else pivnor := nor;
        !           264:                 end if;
        !           265:                 declare
        !           266:                   t : Transfo := Build_Transfo(pivnor,piv);
        !           267:                   tx : constant Vector := Reduce(t*x,piv);
        !           268:                   tt : Transfo := Transpose(t);
        !           269:                   tl : List := Transform_and_Reduce(t,piv,l);
        !           270:                 begin
        !           271:                   if Length_Of(tl) <= nor'length-1
        !           272:                    then Normals(tl,tx,iv,iv_last);
        !           273:                    else declare
        !           274:                           facets : Faces := Compute_Facets(tl,tx);
        !           275:                         begin
        !           276:                           if Length_Of(facets) > 1
        !           277:                            then Inner_Normals(tl,facets,iv,iv_last);
        !           278:                            else Normals(tl,tx,iv,iv_last);
        !           279:                           end if;
        !           280:                         end;
        !           281:                   end if;
        !           282:                   Insert_and_Transform(iv,piv,0,tt);
        !           283:                   iv_last := Pointer_to_Last(iv);
        !           284:                   Clear(t); Deep_Clear(tl); Clear(tt);
        !           285:                 end;
        !           286:           end if;
        !           287:           Append(iv,iv_last,nor); Append(iv,iv_last,-nor);
        !           288:     end if;
        !           289:   end Normals;
        !           290:
        !           292:
        !           293:   function Generators ( l : List; facets : Faces; x : Vector ) return List is
        !           294:
        !           295:     res,res_last : List;
        !           296:
        !           297:   begin
        !           298:     if Length_Of(facets) > 1
        !           299:      then Inner_Normals(l,facets,res,res_last);     -- compute inner normals
        !           300:      elsif In_Hull(l,x)
        !           301:          then return res;                           -- empty normal cone
        !           302:          else Normals(l,x,res,res_last);            -- compute normals
        !           303:               if Length_Of(l) = 2
        !           304:                then Shifted_Points(l,x,res,res_last);
        !           305:               end if;
        !           306:     end if;
        !           307:    -- SAFETY MODE :
        !           308:    -- if not Contained_in_Cone(l,x,res)
        !           309:    --  then put_line("Bug raised for computing generators for list"); put(l);
        !           310:    --       put(" and the point : "); put(x); new_line;
        !           311:    --       raise PROGRAM_ERROR;
        !           312:    -- end if;
        !           313:     return res;
        !           314:   end Generators;
        !           315:
        !           316:   function Generators ( l : List; x : Vector ) return List is
        !           317:
        !           318:     res,res_last : List;
        !           319:     n : constant natural := x'length;
        !           320:     facets : Faces;
        !           321:
        !           322:   begin
        !           323:     if In_Hull(l,x)
        !           324:      then return res;                                -- empty normal cone
        !           325:      else if Length_Of(l) > n
        !           326:            then facets := Compute_Facets(l,x);
        !           327:           end if;
        !           328:           if Length_Of(facets) > 1
        !           329:            then res := Generators(l,facets,x);
        !           330:            else Normals(l,x,res,res_last);
        !           331:                 if Length_Of(l) = 2
        !           332:                  then Shifted_Points(l,x,res,res_last);
        !           333:                 end if;
        !           334:           end if;
        !           335:          -- SAFETY MODE :
        !           336:          -- if not Contained_in_Cone(l,x,res)
        !           337:          --  then put_line("Bug raised for computing generators for list");
        !           338:          --       put(l); put(" and the point : "); put(x); new_line;
        !           339:          --       raise PROGRAM_ERROR;
        !           340:          -- end if;
        !           341:           return res;
        !           342:     end if;
        !           343:   end Generators;
        !           344:
        !           345: -- CONSTRUCTOR FOR DUAL REPRESENTATION :
        !           346:
        !           347:   function Inner_Normal_Cone ( l : List; x : Vector ) return Matrix is
        !           348:
        !           349:     res : Matrix(x'range,1..Length_Of(l)-1);
        !           350:        -- CAUTION : Is_In(l,x) must hold !!
        !           351:     y : Vector(x'range);
        !           352:     cnt : natural := 0;
        !           353:     tmp : List := l;
        !           354:
        !           355:   begin
        !           356:     while not Is_Null(tmp) loop
        !           357:       y := Head_Of(tmp).all;
        !           358:       if not Equal(x,y)                  -- avoid trivial inequality
        !           359:        then cnt := cnt+1;
        !           360:             for i in x'range loop
        !           361:               res(i,cnt) := y(i) - x(i);
        !           362:             end loop;
        !           363:       end if;
        !           364:       tmp := Tail_Of(tmp);
        !           365:     end loop;
        !           366:     return res;
        !           367:   end Inner_Normal_Cone;
        !           368:
        !           369:   function Included_Normal_Cone ( gx : List; x : Vector ) return Matrix is
        !           370:
        !           371:     res : Matrix(x'first-1..x'last,1..Length_Of(gx));
        !           372:     tmp : List := gx;
        !           373:     v : Vector(x'range);
        !           374:
        !           375:   begin
        !           376:     for j in res'range(2) loop
        !           377:       v := Head_Of(tmp).all;
        !           378:       res(res'first(1),j) := x*v;
        !           379:       for i in res'first(1)+1..res'last(1) loop
        !           380:         res(i,j) := v(i);
        !           381:       end loop;
        !           382:       tmp := Tail_Of(tmp);
        !           383:     end loop;
        !           384:     return res;
        !           385:   end Included_Normal_Cone;
        !           386:
        !           387: -- PRIMITIVE SELECTORS :
        !           388:
        !           389:   function Evaluate ( m : Matrix; i : integer; v : Vector ) return integer is
        !           390:
        !           391:     sum : integer := 0;
        !           392:
        !           393:   begin
        !           394:     for j in v'range loop
        !           395:       sum := sum + m(j,i)*v(j);
        !           396:     end loop;
        !           397:     return sum;
        !           398:   end Evaluate;
        !           399:
        !           400:   function Satisfies ( m : Matrix; i : integer; v : Vector ) return boolean is
        !           401:   begin
        !           402:     if m'first(1) = v'first-1
        !           403:      then return (Evaluate(m,i,v) >= m(0,i));
        !           404:      else return (Evaluate(m,i,v) >= 0);
        !           405:     end if;
        !           406:   end Satisfies;
        !           407:
        !           408:   function Strictly_Satisfies ( m : Matrix; i : integer; v : Vector )
        !           409:                               return boolean is
        !           410:   begin
        !           411:     if m'first(1) = v'first-1
        !           412:      then return (Evaluate(m,i,v) > m(0,i));
        !           413:      else return (Evaluate(m,i,v) > 0);
        !           414:     end if;
        !           415:   end Strictly_Satisfies;
        !           416:
        !           417:   function Satisfies ( m : Matrix; v : Vector ) return boolean is
        !           418:   begin
        !           419:     for i in m'range(2) loop
        !           420:       if not Satisfies(m,i,v)
        !           421:        then return false;
        !           422:       end if;
        !           423:     end loop;
        !           424:     return true;
        !           425:   end Satisfies;
        !           426:
        !           427:   function Strictly_Satisfies ( m : Matrix; v : Vector ) return boolean is
        !           428:   begin
        !           429:     for i in m'range(2) loop
        !           430:       if not Strictly_Satisfies(m,i,v)
        !           431:        then return false;
        !           432:       end if;
        !           433:     end loop;
        !           434:     return true;
        !           435:   end Strictly_Satisfies;
        !           436:
        !           437:   function Satisfies ( m : Matrix; v : List ) return boolean is
        !           438:
        !           439:     tmp : List := v;
        !           440:
        !           441:   begin
        !           442:     while not Is_Null(tmp) loop
        !           443:       if not Satisfies(m,Head_Of(tmp).all)
        !           444:        then return false;
        !           445:        else tmp := Tail_Of(tmp);
        !           446:       end if;
        !           447:     end loop;
        !           448:     return true;
        !           449:   end Satisfies;
        !           450:
        !           451:   function Strictly_Satisfies ( m : Matrix; v : List ) return boolean is
        !           452:
        !           453:     tmp : List := v;
        !           454:
        !           455:   begin
        !           456:     while not Is_Null(tmp) loop
        !           457:       if not Strictly_Satisfies(m,Head_Of(tmp).all)
        !           458:        then return false;
        !           459:        else tmp := Tail_Of(tmp);
        !           460:       end if;
        !           461:     end loop;
        !           462:     return true;
        !           463:   end Strictly_Satisfies;
        !           464:
        !           465: -- SECONDARY SELECTORS :
        !           466:
        !           467:   function Satisfy ( m : Matrix; l : List ) return List is
        !           468:
        !           469:     res,res_last,tmp : List;
        !           470:
        !           471:   begin
        !           472:     tmp := l;
        !           473:     while not Is_Null(tmp) loop
        !           474:       if Satisfies(m,Head_Of(tmp).all)
        !           475:        then Append(res,res_last,Head_Of(tmp).all);
        !           476:       end if;
        !           477:       tmp := Tail_Of(tmp);
        !           478:     end loop;
        !           479:     return res;
        !           480:   end Satisfy;
        !           481:
        !           482:   function Strictly_Satisfy ( m : Matrix; l : List ) return List is
        !           483:
        !           484:     res,res_last,tmp : List;
        !           485:
        !           486:   begin
        !           487:     tmp := l;
        !           488:     while not Is_Null(tmp) loop
        !           489:       if Strictly_Satisfies(m,Head_Of(tmp).all)
        !           490:        then Append(res,res_last,Head_Of(tmp).all);
        !           491:       end if;
        !           492:       tmp := Tail_Of(tmp);
        !           493:     end loop;
        !           494:     return res;
        !           495:   end Strictly_Satisfy;
        !           496:
        !           497:   function Contained_in_Cone ( l : List; x : Vector; v : List )
        !           498:                              return boolean is
        !           499:
        !           500:     ineq : Matrix(x'range,1..Length_Of(l)-1) := Inner_Normal_Cone(l,x);
        !           501:
        !           502:   begin
        !           503:     return Satisfies(ineq,v);
        !           504:   end Contained_in_Cone;
        !           505:
        !           506:   function Strictly_Contained_in_Cone ( l : List; x : Vector; v : List )
        !           507:                                       return boolean is
        !           508:
        !           509:     ineq : Matrix(x'range,1..Length_Of(l)-1) := Inner_Normal_Cone(l,x);
        !           510:
        !           511:   begin
        !           512:     return Strictly_Satisfies(ineq,v);
        !           513:   end Strictly_Contained_in_Cone;
        !           514:
        !           515:   function Contained_in_Cone ( l,v : List ) return boolean is
        !           516:
        !           517:     tmp : List := l;
        !           518:
        !           519:   begin
        !           520:     while not Is_Null(tmp) loop
        !           521:       if Contained_in_Cone(l,Head_Of(tmp).all,v)
        !           522:        then -- put("true for vector : "); put(Head_Of(tmp).all); new_line;
        !           523:             return true;
        !           524:        else tmp := Tail_Of(tmp);
        !           525:       end if;
        !           526:     end loop;
        !           527:     return false;
        !           528:   end Contained_in_Cone;
        !           529:
        !           530:   function Strictly_Contained_in_Cone ( l,v : List ) return boolean is
        !           531:
        !           532:     tmp : List := l;
        !           533:
        !           534:   begin
        !           535:     while not Is_Null(tmp) loop
        !           536:       if Strictly_Contained_in_Cone(l,Head_Of(tmp).all,v)
        !           537:        then return true;
        !           538:        else tmp := Tail_Of(tmp);
        !           539:       end if;
        !           540:     end loop;
        !           541:     return false;
        !           542:   end Strictly_Contained_in_Cone;
        !           543:
        !           544: -- CONCERNING THE UNION OF CONES :
        !           545:
        !           546:   function In_Union ( v1,v2 : Vector; k1,k2 : Matrix ) return boolean is
        !           547:
        !           548:   -- ALGORITHM : consider x(t) = (1-t)*v1 + t*v2, for t in [0,1]
        !           549:   --   and compute t1: smallest t such that Satisfies(k1,x(t))
        !           550:   --   and t2: largest t such that Satisfies(k2,x(t)).
        !           551:   --   Then t1 >= t2 makes the test returning true, false otherwise.
        !           552:
        !           553:     diff : constant Vector := v1-v2;
        !           554:     t1a,t1b,t2a,t2b,a,b : integer;          -- t1 = t1a/t1b and t2 = t2a/t2b
        !           555:
        !           556:   begin
        !           557:     t1a := 1; t1b := 1;                            -- initially t1 = 1 = 1/1
        !           558:     for i in k1'range(2) loop
        !           559:       b := Evaluate(k1,i,diff);
        !           560:       if b /= 0
        !           561:        then a := Evaluate(k1,i,v1);
        !           562:             if Lower(a,b,t1a,t1b)
        !           563:              then t1a := a; t1b := b;
        !           564:             end if;
        !           565:       end if;
        !           566:     end loop;
        !           567:     t2a := 0; t2b := 1;                            -- initially t2 = 0 = 0/1
        !           568:     for i in k2'range(2) loop
        !           569:       b := Evaluate(k2,i,diff);
        !           570:       if b /= 0
        !           571:        then a := Evaluate(k2,i,v1);
        !           572:             if Higher(a,b,t2a,t2b)
        !           573:              then t2a := a; t2b := b;
        !           574:             end if;
        !           575:       end if;
        !           576:     end loop;
        !           577:    -- put("In_Union for "); put(v1); put(" and "); put(v2);
        !           578:    -- put(" : t1 = "); put(t1a,1); put("/"); put(t1b,1);
        !           579:    -- put(" : t2 = "); put(t2a,1); put("/"); put(t2b,1); new_line;
        !           580:    -- put_line("k1 : "); put(k1); put_line("k2 : "); put(k2);
        !           581:     return not Lower(t1a,t1b,t2a,t2b);
        !           582:   end In_Union;
        !           583:
        !           584:   function In_Union ( v1,v2 : List; k1,k2 : Matrix ) return boolean is
        !           585:
        !           586:     tmpv1,tmpv2 : List;
        !           587:
        !           588:   begin
        !           589:     tmpv1 := v1;
        !           590:     while not Is_Null(tmpv1) loop
        !           591:       tmpv2 := v2;
        !           592:       while not Is_Null(tmpv2) loop
        !           593:         if not In_Union(Head_Of(tmpv1).all,Head_Of(tmpv2).all,k1,k2)
        !           594:          then return false;
        !           595:          else tmpv2 := Tail_Of(tmpv2);
        !           596:         end if;
        !           597:       end loop;
        !           598:       tmpv1 := Tail_Of(tmpv1);
        !           599:     end loop;
        !           600:     return true;
        !           601:   end In_Union;
        !           602:
        !           603: end Inner_Normal_Cones;

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