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Annotation of OpenXM_contrib/PHC/Ada/Root_Counts/Stalift/normal_cone_intersections.adb, Revision

1.1       maekawa     1: with Inner_Normal_Cones;                 use Inner_Normal_Cones;
                      3: package body Normal_Cone_Intersections is
                      5: -- AUXILIARY :
                      7:   function Get ( l : List; i : natural ) return Vector is
                      9:   -- DESCRIPTION :
                     10:   --   Returns the ith point vector in the list.
                     12:     tmp : List := l;
                     13:     cnt : natural := 0;
                     14:     nll : Vector(0..0) := (0..0 => 0);
                     16:   begin
                     17:     while not Is_Null(tmp) loop
                     18:       cnt := cnt + 1;
                     19:       if cnt = i
                     20:        then return Head_Of(tmp).all;
                     21:       end if;
                     22:       tmp := Tail_Of(tmp);
                     23:     end loop;
                     24:     return nll;
                     25:   end Get;
                     27: -- CONSTRUCTORS :
                     29:   function Number_of_Cones ( l : Array_of_Lists; i : natural )
                     30:                            return natural is
                     32:     res : natural := 0;
                     34:   begin
                     35:     for j in l'range loop
                     36:       if j /= i
                     37:        then res := res + Length_Of(l(j));
                     38:       end if;
                     39:     end loop;
                     40:     return res;
                     41:   end Number_of_Cones;
                     43:   function Lengths ( l : Array_of_Lists; i : natural ) return Vector is
                     45:     res : Vector(l'range);
                     47:   begin
                     48:     res(res'first) := 1;
                     49:     for j in l'first..(i-1) loop
                     50:       res(j+1) := res(j) + Length_Of(l(j));
                     51:     end loop;
                     52:     for j in (i+1)..l'last loop
                     53:       res(j) := res(j-1) + Length_Of(l(j));
                     54:     end loop;
                     55:     return res;
                     56:   end Lengths;
                     58:   function Create ( l : Array_of_Lists; g : List; i : natural )
                     59:                   return Intersection_Matrix is
                     61:     n : constant natural := l'length - 1;
                     62:     m : constant natural := Length_Of(g);
                     63:     ll : constant Vector := Lengths(l,i);
                     64:     nc : constant natural := ll(ll'last)-1;
                     65:     res : Intersection_Matrix(n,m,nc);
                     67:   begin
                     68:     res.sv := ll(ll'first..ll'last-1);
                     69:     for j in l'range loop
                     70:       if j /= i
                     71:        then
                     72:          declare
                     73:            ind : natural := j;
                     74:            tmpl : List := l(j);
                     75:            cntl : natural := 0;
                     76:          begin
                     77:            if ind > i
                     78:             then ind := ind - 1;
                     79:            end if;
                     80:            while not Is_Null(tmpl) loop
                     81:              declare
                     82:                cone : constant Matrix
                     83:                     := Inner_Normal_Cone(l(j),Head_Of(tmpl).all);
                     84:                tmpg : List := g;
                     85:                cntg,sum : natural := 0;
                     86:              begin
                     87:               -- put_line("The inequalities of the normal cone : "); put(cone);
                     88:                while not Is_Null(tmpg) loop
                     89:                  cntg := cntg + 1;
                     90:                 -- put(" "); put(Head_Of(tmpg).all);
                     91:                  if Satisfies(cone,Head_Of(tmpg).all)
                     92:                   then res.im(cntg,res.sv(ind)+cntl) := 1; sum := sum + 1;
                     93:                       -- put_line(" satisfies.");
                     94:                   else res.im(cntg,res.sv(ind)+cntl) := 0;
                     95:                       -- put_line(" does not satisfy.");
                     96:                  end if;
                     97:                  tmpg := Tail_Of(tmpg);
                     98:                end loop;
                     99:                res.im(0,res.sv(ind)+cntl) := sum;
                    100:              end;
                    101:              tmpl := Tail_Of(tmpl);
                    102:              cntl := cntl + 1;
                    103:            end loop;
                    104:          end;
                    105:       end if;
                    106:     end loop;
                    107:     return res;
                    108:   end Create;
                    110: -- ELEMENTARY SELECTORS :
                    112:   function Is_In ( ima : Intersection_Matrix; i,j,k : natural )
                    113:                  return boolean is
                    114:   begin
                    115:     if ima.im(i,ima.sv(j)+k-1) = 1
                    116:      then return true;
                    117:      else return false;
                    118:     end if;
                    119:   end Is_In;
                    121:   function Maximal_Column ( ima : Intersection_Matrix ) return natural is
                    123:     res : natural := ima.im'first(2);
                    124:     max : natural := ima.im(0,ima.im'first(2));
                    126:   begin
                    127:     for j in ima.im'first(2)+1..ima.im'last(2) loop
                    128:       if ima.im(0,j) > max
                    129:        then max := ima.im(0,j); res := j;
                    130:       end if;
                    131:     end loop;
                    132:     return res;
                    133:   end Maximal_Column;
                    135:   function Component ( ima : Intersection_Matrix; column : natural )
                    136:                      return natural is
                    137:   begin
                    138:     for i in ima.sv'range loop
                    139:       if ima.sv(i) > column
                    140:        then return i-1;
                    141:       end if;
                    142:     end loop;
                    143:     return ima.sv'last;
                    144:   end Component;
                    146:   function Length ( ima : Intersection_Matrix; i : natural ) return natural is
                    147:   begin
                    148:     if i < ima.sv'last
                    149:      then return (ima.sv(i+1) - ima.sv(i));
                    150:      else return (ima.im'last(2) - ima.sv(i) + 1);
                    151:     end if;
                    152:   end Length;
                    154:   function Row_Sum ( ima : Intersection_Matrix; i,j : natural )
                    155:                    return natural is
                    157:     res : natural := 0;
                    158:     lst : natural;
                    160:   begin
                    161:     if j < ima.sv'last
                    162:      then lst := ima.sv(j+1)-1;
                    163:      else lst := ima.im'last(2);
                    164:     end if;
                    165:     for k in ima.sv(j)..lst loop
                    166:       res := res + ima.im(i,k);
                    167:     end loop;
                    168:     return res;
                    169:   end Row_Sum;
                    171: -- ENUMERATING COMPLEMENTARY COLUMNS :
                    173:   procedure Complementary_Columns ( ima : in Intersection_Matrix ) is
                    175:     acc : Standard_Integer_Vectors.Vector(ima.sv'range) := (ima.sv'range => 0);
                    176:      -- acc(j) = 0 if no cone from jth component has been chosen yet,
                    177:      --        = k if kth cone from jth component is selected.
                    179:     continue : boolean := true;
                    181:     function Is_In ( acc : in Vector; i : in natural ) return boolean is
                    183:     -- DESCRIPTION :
                    184:     --   Returns true if the ith generator already belongs to one of the
                    185:     --   chosen cones in acc.
                    187:     begin
                    188:       for j in acc'range loop               -- enumerate the components
                    189:         if acc(j) /= 0                      -- acc(j) = cone selected
                    190:          then if Is_In(ima,i,j,acc(j))      -- is in selected cone ?
                    191:                then return true;
                    192:               end if;
                    193:         end if;
                    194:       end loop;
                    195:       return false;
                    196:     end Is_In;
                    198:     procedure Select_Columns ( i : in natural ) is
                    200:     -- DESCRIPTION :
                    201:     --   Selects all columns such that the ith generator belongs to the
                    202:     --   collection of columns.
                    204:       lst : natural;
                    206:     begin
                    207:       if i > ima.im'last(1)
                    208:        then Process(acc,continue);
                    209:        else if Is_In(acc,i)
                    210:              then Select_Columns(i+1);
                    211:              else for j in acc'range loop
                    212:                     if acc(j) = 0
                    213:                      then if j < ima.sv'last
                    214:                            then lst := ima.sv(j+1)-1;
                    215:                            else lst := ima.im'last(2);
                    216:                           end if;
                    217:                           for k in ima.sv(j)..lst loop
                    218:                             if ima.im(i,k) = 1
                    219:                              then acc(j) := k-ima.sv(j)+1;
                    220:                                   Select_Columns(i+1);
                    221:                                   acc(j) := 0;
                    222:                             end if;
                    223:                             exit when not continue;
                    224:                           end loop;
                    225:                     end if;
                    226:                     exit when not continue;
                    227:                   end loop;
                    228:             end if;
                    229:       end if;
                    230:     end Select_Columns;
                    232:   begin
                    233:     Select_Columns(1);
                    234:   end Complementary_Columns;
                    236:   function Partition ( ima : Intersection_Matrix; cols : Vector; g : List )
                    237:                      return Array_of_Lists is
                    239:     res,res_last : Array_of_Lists(cols'range);
                    240:     tmp : List := g;
                    242:     procedure Search_and_Update ( v : in Vector; i : in natural ) is
                    244:     -- DESCRIPTION :
                    245:     --   Given the ith generator v from the list g, this procedures searches
                    246:     --   for the first cone that contains it and updates the partition.
                    248:       found : boolean := false;
                    250:     begin
                    251:       for j in cols'range loop
                    252:         if (cols(j) /= 0) and then Is_In(ima,i,j,cols(j))
                    253:          then found := true;
                    254:               Append(res(j),res_last(j),v);
                    255:         end if;
                    256:         exit when found;
                    257:       end loop;
                    258:     end Search_and_Update;
                    260:   begin
                    261:     for i in ima.im'first(1)+1..ima.im'last(1) loop
                    262:       Search_and_Update(Head_Of(tmp).all,i);
                    263:       tmp := Tail_Of(tmp);
                    264:     end loop;
                    265:     return res;
                    266:   end Partition;
                    268:   function Partition_in_Union ( partg,points : Array_of_Lists; i : natural;
                    269:                                 cols : Vector ) return boolean is
                    271:   -- ALGORITHM : lexicographic enumeration of all couples of lists in partg,
                    272:   --             with each time a check whether it belongs to the union of
                    273:   -- the normal cones as given by the set of complementary columns.
                    275:     function Index ( j : natural ) return natural is
                    276:     begin
                    277:       if j < i
                    278:        then return j;
                    279:        else return j+1;
                    280:       end if;
                    281:     end Index;
                    283:   begin
                    284:     for k1 in partg'range loop
                    285:       if not Is_Null(partg(k1))
                    286:        then
                    287:          for k2 in (k1+1)..partg'last loop
                    288:            if not Is_Null(partg(k2))
                    289:             then
                    290:               declare
                    291:                 ind1 : constant natural := Index(k1);
                    292:                 ind2 : constant natural := Index(k2);
                    293:                 x1 : constant Vector := Get(points(ind1),cols(k1));
                    294:                 x2 : constant Vector := Get(points(ind2),cols(k2));
                    295:                 ic1 : constant Matrix := Inner_Normal_Cone(points(ind1),x1);
                    296:                 ic2 : constant Matrix := Inner_Normal_Cone(points(ind2),x2);
                    297:               begin
                    298:                 if not In_Union(partg(k1),partg(k2),ic1,ic2)
                    299:                  then return false;
                    300:                 end if;
                    301:               end;
                    302:            end if;
                    303:          end loop;
                    304:       end if;
                    305:     end loop;
                    306:     return true;
                    307:   end Partition_in_Union;
                    309:   function Contained_in_Union
                    310:              ( l : Array_of_Lists; i : natural; g : List;
                    311:                ima : Intersection_Matrix; cols : Vector ) return boolean is
                    313:     p : Array_of_Lists(cols'range) := Partition(ima,cols,g);
                    314:     res : boolean := Partition_in_Union(p,l,i,cols);
                    316:   begin
                    317:     Deep_Clear(p);
                    318:     return res;
                    319:   end Contained_in_Union;
                    321: -- FINAL TARGET ROUTINE :
                    323:   function Contained_in_Union
                    324:              ( l : Array_of_Lists; i : natural; g : List;
                    325:                ima : Intersection_Matrix ) return boolean is
                    327:     res : boolean := false;
                    328:     continue : boolean := true;
                    330:     procedure Examin_Selection ( cols : in Vector; continue : out boolean ) is
                    331:     begin
                    332:       res := Contained_in_Union(l,i,g,ima,cols);
                    333:       continue := not res;
                    334:     end Examin_Selection;
                    335:     procedure Enumerate_Complementary_Columns is
                    336:       new Complementary_Columns(Examin_Selection);
                    338:   begin
                    339:     Enumerate_Complementary_Columns(ima);
                    340:     return res;
                    341:   end Contained_in_Union;
                    343: end Normal_Cone_Intersections;

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