Annotation of OpenXM_contrib/PHC/Ada/Root_Counts/Symmetry/equivariant_polynomial_systems.adb, Revision
1.1 maekawa 1: with Standard_Complex_Polynomials; use Standard_Complex_Polynomials;
2: with Permutations,Permute_Operations; use Permutations,Permute_Operations;
4: package body Equivariant_Polynomial_Systems is
6: procedure Act ( v : in List_of_Permutations; s : in Poly_Sys;
7: w : in out List_of_Permutations;
8: fail,inva,equi : out boolean ) is
10: min_s : Poly_Sys(s'range);
11: last_w : List_of_Permutations;
12: wrkinva,wrkequi : boolean;
14: procedure Process ( p : in Permutation; cont : in out boolean ) is
16: ps : Poly; -- the permuted polynomial
17: pp : Permutation(p'range);
19: begin
20: for i in s'range loop
21: ps := p*s(i);
22: pp(i) := p'last+1;
23: for j in s'range loop
24: if Equal(ps,s(j))
25: then pp(i) := j;
26: elsif Equal(ps,min_s(j))
27: then pp(i) := -j;
28: end if;
29: end loop;
30: if pp(i) = p'last+1
31: then fail := true;
32: end if;
33: Clear(ps);
34: end loop;
35: if wrkinva
36: then for j in pp'range loop
37: wrkinva := (pp(j) = j);
38: exit when not wrkinva;
39: end loop;
40: end if;
41: if wrkequi
42: then wrkequi := Equal(pp,p);
43: end if;
44: Append(w,last_w,pp);
45: cont := true;
46: end Process;
47: procedure Act_of_Permutations is new Iterator(Process);
49: begin
50: min_s := -s;
51: fail := false;
52: wrkinva := true; wrkequi := true;
53: Act_of_Permutations(v);
54: inva := wrkinva; equi := wrkequi;
55: Clear(min_s);
56: end Act;
58: function Symmetric ( s : Poly_Sys; v,w : List_of_Permutations )
59: return boolean is
61: lw,plw,pw : List_of_Permutations;
62: fail,inva,equi : boolean;
64: begin
65: Act(v,s,lw,fail,inva,equi);
66: pw := w;
67: plw := lw;
68: while not Is_Null(plw) loop
69: if not Equal(Permutation(Head_Of(plw).all),Permutation(Head_Of(pw).all))
70: then Clear(lw);
71: return false;
72: else plw := Tail_Of(plw);
73: pw := Tail_Of(pw);
74: end if;
75: end loop;
76: Clear(lw);
77: return true;
78: end Symmetric;
80: end Equivariant_Polynomial_Systems;
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