Annotation of OpenXM_contrib/PHC/Ada/Schubert/solve_pieri_leaves.adb, Revision 1.1
1.1 ! maekawa 1: with Standard_Complex_Numbers; use Standard_Complex_Numbers;
! 2: with Standard_Complex_Vectors_io; use Standard_Complex_Vectors_io;
! 3: with Standard_Natural_Vectors;
! 4: with Standard_Complex_Vectors;
! 5: with Standard_Complex_Linear_Solvers; use Standard_Complex_Linear_Solvers;
! 6:
! 7: function Solve_Pieri_Leaves
! 8: ( file : file_type; b1,b2 : Bracket; m : Matrix ) return Matrix is
! 9:
! 10: res : Matrix(m'range(1),b1'range);
! 11: n : constant natural := m'last(1);
! 12: dim : constant natural := m'last(2)-1; -- dimension of linear system
! 13: equ : Bracket(1..dim); -- equations : res(equ(i),*) = 0
! 14: sys : Matrix(1..dim,1..dim);
! 15: rhs : Standard_Complex_Vectors.Vector(1..dim);
! 16: gen : Standard_Complex_Vectors.Vector(1..n);
! 17:
! 18: procedure Initialize_Solution_Plane is
! 19:
! 20: -- DESCRIPTION :
! 21: -- Fills in the patterns of the resulting p-plane and sets up the
! 22: -- equations that the resulting plane has to satisfy.
! 23: -- These equations define the space C.
! 24:
! 25: cnt : natural := 0;
! 26: zero_row : boolean;
! 27:
! 28: begin
! 29: for i in 1..n loop
! 30: zero_row := true;
! 31: for j in b1'range loop
! 32: if ((i < b2(j)) or (i > n+1-b1(b1'last+1-j)))
! 33: then null;
! 34: else zero_row := false;
! 35: end if;
! 36: end loop;
! 37: if zero_row
! 38: then cnt := cnt+1;
! 39: equ(cnt) := i;
! 40: end if;
! 41: end loop;
! 42: end Initialize_Solution_Plane;
! 43:
! 44: procedure Solve_Linear_System is
! 45:
! 46: -- DESCRIPTION :
! 47: -- Solves the linear system that determines the solution plane.
! 48: -- The solution to the linear system gives the coefficients in the
! 49: -- linear combination of the columns of the given m-plane that
! 50: -- determines the generator for the line of intersection with the
! 51: -- space C and the given m-plane.
! 52:
! 53: ipvt : Standard_Natural_Vectors.Vector(1..dim);
! 54: info : natural;
! 55: -- orgsys : Standard_Complex_Matrices.Matrix(1..dim,1..dim);
! 56: -- orgrhs,resi : Standard_Complex_Vectors.Vector(1..dim);
! 57: use Standard_Complex_Vectors,Standard_Complex_Matrices;
! 58:
! 59: begin
! 60: for j in 1..dim loop
! 61: for i in equ'range loop
! 62: sys(i,j) := m(equ(i),j);
! 63: end loop;
! 64: end loop;
! 65: -- orgsys := sys;
! 66: for i in 1..dim loop
! 67: rhs(i) := m(equ(i),m'last(2));
! 68: end loop;
! 69: -- orgrhs := rhs;
! 70: lufac(sys,dim,ipvt,info);
! 71: lusolve(sys,dim,ipvt,rhs);
! 72: for i in 1..n loop -- linear combination of the columns of m-plane
! 73: gen(i) := -m(i,m'last(2));
! 74: for j in rhs'range loop
! 75: gen(i) := gen(i) + rhs(j)*m(i,j);
! 76: end loop;
! 77: end loop;
! 78: -- put_line(file,"The solution to the linear system : ");
! 79: -- put_line(file,rhs); new_line(file);
! 80: -- resi := orgrhs - orgsys*rhs;
! 81: -- put_line(file,"The residual vector of the linear system : ");
! 82: -- put(file,resi,2); new_line(file);
! 83: -- put_line(file,"The generator of the intersection : ");
! 84: -- put_line(file,gen); new_line(file);
! 85: end Solve_Linear_System;
! 86:
! 87: procedure Determine_Solution_Plane is
! 88:
! 89: -- DESCRIPTION :
! 90: -- Determines the solution plane from the generator of the intersection
! 91: -- of the space C with the given m-plane.
! 92:
! 93: begin
! 94: for i in 1..n loop
! 95: for j in b1'range loop
! 96: if ((i < b2(j)) or (i > n+1-b1(b1'last+1-j)))
! 97: then res(i,j) := Create(0.0);
! 98: else res(i,j) := gen(i);
! 99: end if;
! 100: end loop;
! 101: end loop;
! 102: end Determine_Solution_Plane;
! 103:
! 104: begin
! 105: Initialize_Solution_Plane;
! 106: Solve_Linear_System;
! 107: Determine_Solution_Plane;
! 108: return res;
! 109: end Solve_Pieri_Leaves;
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