Annotation of OpenXM_contrib/PHC/Ada/Schubert/standard_matrix_inversion.adb, Revision
1.1 maekawa 1: with Standard_Floating_Numbers; use Standard_Floating_Numbers;
2: with Standard_Complex_Numbers; use Standard_Complex_Numbers;
3: with Standard_Natural_Vectors;
4: with Standard_Floating_Vectors;
5: with Standard_Complex_Vectors;
6: with Standard_Floating_Linear_Solvers; use Standard_Floating_Linear_Solvers;
7: with Standard_Complex_Linear_Solvers; use Standard_Complex_Linear_Solvers;
9: package body Standard_Matrix_Inversion is
11: -- ALGORITHM :
12: -- Solves repeatedly A*x = b, with b the i-th standard basis vector.
14: function Inverse ( m : Standard_Floating_Matrices.Matrix )
15: return Standard_Floating_Matrices.Matrix is
17: n : constant natural := m'last(1);
18: wrk : Standard_Floating_Matrices.Matrix(m'range(1),m'range(2)) := m;
19: res : Standard_Floating_Matrices.Matrix(m'range(1),m'range(2));
20: piv : Standard_Natural_Vectors.Vector(m'range(1));
21: rhs : Standard_Floating_Vectors.Vector(m'range(1));
22: inf : natural;
24: begin
25: for i in piv'range loop
26: piv(i) := i;
27: end loop;
28: lufac(wrk,n,piv,inf);
29: if inf = 0
30: then for j in m'range(2) loop
31: rhs := (rhs'range => 0.0);
32: rhs(j) := 1.0;
33: lusolve(wrk,n,piv,rhs);
34: for i in m'range(1) loop
35: res(i,j) := rhs(i);
36: end loop;
37: end loop;
38: end if;
39: return res;
40: end Inverse;
42: function Inverse ( m : Standard_Complex_Matrices.Matrix )
43: return Standard_Complex_Matrices.Matrix is
45: n : constant natural := m'last(1);
46: wrk : Standard_Complex_Matrices.Matrix(m'range(1),m'range(2)) := m;
47: res : Standard_Complex_Matrices.Matrix(m'range(1),m'range(2));
48: piv : Standard_Natural_Vectors.Vector(m'range(1));
49: rhs : Standard_Complex_Vectors.Vector(m'range(1));
50: inf : natural;
52: begin
53: for i in piv'range loop
54: piv(i) := i;
55: end loop;
56: lufac(wrk,n,piv,inf);
57: if inf = 0
58: then for j in m'range(2) loop
59: rhs := (rhs'range => Create(0.0));
60: rhs(j) := Create(1.0);
61: lusolve(wrk,n,piv,rhs);
62: for i in m'range(1) loop
63: res(i,j) := rhs(i);
64: end loop;
65: end loop;
66: end if;
67: return res;
68: end Inverse;
70: end Standard_Matrix_Inversion;
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