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File: [local] / OpenXM_contrib / PHC / Ada / Schubert / ts_canocurv.adb (download)

Revision 1.1, Sun Oct 29 17:45:33 2000 UTC (23 years, 10 months ago) by maekawa
Branch point for: MAIN

Initial revision

with text_io,integer_io;                 use text_io,integer_io;
with Characters_and_Numbers;             use Characters_and_Numbers;
with Standard_Complex_Numbers;           use Standard_Complex_Numbers;
with Standard_Natural_Vectors;
with Standard_Natural_Matrices;
with Symbol_Table,Symbol_Table_io;       use Symbol_Table;
with Standard_Complex_Polynomials;       use Standard_Complex_Polynomials;
with Standard_Complex_Poly_Matrices;
with Standard_Complex_Poly_Matrices_io;  use Standard_Complex_Poly_Matrices_io;
with Brackets,Brackets_io;               use Brackets,Brackets_io;
with Symbolic_Minor_Equations;           use Symbolic_Minor_Equations;

procedure ts_canocurv is

--   Test for localization patterns of q-curves.

  procedure Write_Separator ( p,k : in natural ) is

  --   Writes a separating bar between blocks in a stretched representation
  --   of a q-curve that produces p-planes.
  --   The elements in the columns occupy each k spaces.

    for j in 1..p loop
      for i in 1..k loop
      end loop;
    end loop;
  end Write_Separator;

  procedure Write_Pattern ( m,p,q : in natural; top,bottom : in Bracket;
                            locpat : in Standard_Natural_Matrices.Matrix ) is

  --   Writes the pattern for top and bottom pivots of a q-curve that
  --   produces p-planes into (m+p)-dimensional space.

    put("The pattern of the "); put(q,1); put("-curve into G(");
    put(m,1); put(","); put(m+p,1); put(") for (");
    put(top); put(","); put(bottom); put_line(") :");
    for i in locpat'range(1) loop
      for j in locpat'range(2) loop
        if locpat(i,j) = 0
         then put(" 0");
         else put(" *");
        end if;
      end loop;
      if i mod (m+p) = 0
       then Write_Separator(p,2);
      end if;
    end loop;
  end Write_Pattern;

  procedure Write_Variables ( m,p,q : in natural; top,bottom : in Bracket;
                              locpat : in Standard_Natural_Matrices.Matrix ) is

  --   Writes the variables in the pattern for top and bottom pivots of a
  --   q-curve that produces p-planes into (m+p)-dimensional space.

    row,deg : natural := 0;

    put("Variable pattern of the "); put(q,1); put("-curve into G(");
    put(m,1); put(","); put(m+p,1); put(") for (");
    put(top); put(","); put(bottom); put_line(") :");
    for i in locpat'range(1) loop
      row := row + 1;
      for j in locpat'range(2) loop
        put(" ");
        if locpat(i,j) = 0
         then for k in 1..4 loop
                put(" ");
              end loop;
         else put("x"); put(row,1); put(j,1); put("s"); put(deg,1);
        end if;
      end loop;
      if i mod (m+p) = 0
       then Write_Separator(p,6);
            row := 0; deg := deg+1;
      end if;
    end loop;
  end Write_Variables;

  procedure Write_Localization_Pattern
               ( m,p,q : in natural; top,bottom : in Bracket ) is

  --   Writes the variables in the pattern for top and bottom pivots of a
  --   q-curve that produces p-planes into (m+p)-dimensional space.

    rws : constant natural := (m+p)*(q+1);
    row,deg : natural := 0;

    put("Variable pattern of the "); put(q,1); put("-curve into G(");
    put(m,1); put(","); put(m+p,1); put(") for (");
    put(top); put(","); put(bottom); put_line(") :");
    for i in 1..rws loop
      row := row + 1;
      for j in 1..p loop
        put(" ");
        if (i < top(j) or i > bottom(j))
         then for k in 1..4 loop
                put(" ");
              end loop;
         else put("x"); put(row,1); put(j,1); put("s"); put(deg,1);
        end if;
      end loop;
      if i mod (m+p) = 0
       then Write_Separator(p,6);
            row := 0; deg := deg+1;
      end if;
    end loop;
  end Write_Localization_Pattern;

  function Number_of_Variables ( top,bottom : Bracket ) return natural is

  --   Counts the number of x_ij-variables needed to represent the pattern
  --   prescribed with top and bottom pivots.
  --   Note that the actual dimension of the corresponding space is p less.

    cnt : natural := 0;

    for j in top'range loop 
      cnt := cnt + (bottom(j) - top(j) + 1);
    end loop;
    return cnt;
  end Number_of_Variables;

  procedure Set_up_Symbol_Table ( m,p,q : natural; top,bottom : in Bracket ) is

  --   Fills the symbol table with those symbols needed to represent a
  --   q-curve into the Grassmannian of p-planes into (m+p)-space,
  --   represented in the pattern prescribed by top and bottom pivots.
  --   The "s" and the "t" variables are the first ones that occur.

    cnt : constant natural := 2 + Number_of_Variables(top,bottom);
    rws : constant natural := (m+p)*(q+1);
    row,deg : natural;
    sb : Symbol;

    Symbol_Table.Init(cnt);           -- initialization with #variables
    sb := (sb'range => ' ');
    sb(1) := 's';
    Symbol_Table.Add(sb);             -- adding "s"
    sb(1) := 't';
    Symbol_Table.Add(sb);             -- adding "t"
    sb(1) := 'x';
    sb(4) := 's';
    for j in 1..p loop                -- adding the rest columnwise
      row := 0; deg := 0;
      for i in 1..rws loop
        row := row + 1;
        if i >= top(j) and i <= bottom(j)
         then sb(2) := Convert_Hexadecimal(row);
              sb(3) := Convert_Hexadecimal(j);
              sb(5) := Convert_Hexadecimal(deg);
        end if;
        if i mod (m+p) = 0
         then row := 0; deg := deg+1;
        end if;
      end loop;
    end loop;
  end Set_up_Symbol_Table;

  procedure Write_Symbol_Table is

  --   Writes the content of the symbol table.

    put_line("The symbols currently in the symbol table : ");
    for i in 1..Symbol_Table.Number loop
      Symbol_Table_io.put(Symbol_Table.Get(i)); new_line;
    end loop;
  end Write_Symbol_Table;

  function Polynomial_Pattern ( m,p,q : natural; top,bottom : Bracket )
                              return Standard_Complex_Poly_Matrices.Matrix is

  --   Returns the representation of a q-curve that produces p-planes in 
  --   (m+p)-dimensional space, in the localization pattern prescribed by
  --   top and bottom pivots.  The columns of the matrix on return contain
  --   the polynomial functions that generate the p-plane.

    res : Standard_Complex_Poly_Matrices.Matrix(1..(m+p),1..p);
    rws : constant natural := (m+p)*(q+1);
    n : constant natural := 2 + Number_of_Variables(top,bottom);
    row,ind,s_deg,t_deg : natural;
    t : Term;

    for i in res'range(1) loop                    -- initialization
      for j in res'range(2) loop
        res(i,j) := Null_Poly;
      end loop;
    end loop;
    t.dg := new Standard_Natural_Vectors.Vector'(1..n => 0);
    t.cf := Create(1.0);
    ind := 2;                                     -- ind counts #variables
    for j in 1..p loop                            -- assign columnwise
      t_deg := (bottom(j)-1)/(m+p);               -- degree in t to homogenize
      row := 0; s_deg := 0;
      for i in 1..rws loop
        row := row + 1;
        if i >= top(j) and i <= bottom(j)
         then ind := ind+1;
              t.dg(1) := s_deg; t.dg(2) := t_deg;
              t.dg(ind) := 1;
              t.dg(1) := 0; t.dg(2) := 0;
              t.dg(ind) := 0;
        end if;
        if i mod (m+p) = 0
         then row := 0; s_deg := s_deg+1; t_deg := t_deg-1;
        end if;
      end loop;
    end loop;
    return res;
  end Polynomial_Pattern;

  procedure Main is

    m,p,q : natural;
    ans : character;

    put("Give m : "); get(m);
    put("Give p : "); get(p);
    put("Give q : "); get(q);
    put("  m = "); put(m,1);
    put("  p = "); put(p,1); 
    put("  q = "); put(q,1); new_line;
        top,bottom : Bracket(1..p);
        put("Give top pivots : "); get(top);
        put("Give bottom pivots : "); get(bottom);
        put("  top pivots : "); put(top);
        put("  bottom pivots : "); put(bottom); new_line;
        put_line("The representation as a matrix of polynomials : ");
      put("Do you want patterns for other pivots ? (y/n) "); get(ans);
      exit when (ans /= 'y');
    end loop;
  end Main;

  put_line("Test on canonical form of a curve into the Grassmannian");
end ts_canocurv;