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Annotation of OpenXM_contrib/PHC/Ada/Schubert/ts_detrock.adb, Revision 1.1

1.1     ! maekawa     1: with text_io,integer_io;                 use text_io,integer_io;
        !             2: with Characters_and_Numbers;             use Characters_and_Numbers;
        !             3: with Communications_with_User;           use Communications_with_User;
        !             4: with Standard_Floating_Numbers;          use Standard_Floating_Numbers;
        !             5: with Standard_Random_Numbers;            use Standard_Random_Numbers;
        !             6: with Standard_Floating_Matrices;         use Standard_Floating_Matrices;
        !             7: with Standard_Complex_Poly_Systems;      use Standard_Complex_Poly_Systems;
        !             8: with Standard_Complex_Polynomials;       use Standard_Complex_Polynomials;
        !             9: with Osculating_Planes;                  use Osculating_Planes;
        !            10: with Standard_Complex_Numbers;           use Standard_Complex_Numbers;
        !            11: with Standard_Complex_Poly_SysFun;       use Standard_Complex_Poly_SysFun;
        !            12: with Standard_Complex_Poly_Systems_io;   use Standard_Complex_Poly_Systems_io;
        !            13: with Total_Degree_Start_Systems;         use Total_Degree_Start_Systems;
        !            14: with Sets_of_Unknowns;                   use Sets_of_Unknowns;
        !            15: with Partitions_of_Sets_Of_Unknowns;     use Partitions_of_Sets_of_Unknowns;
        !            16: with Partitions_of_Sets_Of_Unknowns_io;  use Partitions_of_Sets_of_Unknowns_io;
        !            17: with m_Homogeneous_Bezout_Numbers;       use m_Homogeneous_Bezout_Numbers;
        !            18: with m_Homogeneous_Start_Systems;        use m_Homogeneous_Start_Systems;
        !            19: with Lists_of_Integer_Vectors;           use Lists_of_Integer_Vectors;
        !            20: with Lists_of_Integer_Vectors_io;        use Lists_of_Integer_Vectors_io;
        !            21: with Power_Lists;                        use Power_Lists;
        !            22: with Triangulations,Triangulations_io;   use Triangulations,Triangulations_io;
        !            23: with Dynamic_Triangulations;             use Dynamic_Triangulations;
        !            24: with Matrix_Indeterminates;
        !            25: with Bracket_Expansions;                 use Bracket_Expansions;
        !            26: with SAGBI_Homotopies;                   use SAGBI_Homotopies;
        !            27:
        !            28: procedure ts_detrock is
        !            29:
        !            30: -- DESCRIPTION :
        !            31: --   Generates (m,p)-system and performs root counting.
        !            32:
        !            33:   m,p : natural;
        !            34:   ans : character;
        !            35:   file : file_type;
        !            36:
        !            37:   function Determinant_System ( m,p : natural ) return Poly_Sys is
        !            38:
        !            39:     res : Poly_Sys(1..m*p);
        !            40:     lp : Poly;
        !            41:     s : double_float := Random;
        !            42:     inc : constant double_float := 2.0/double_float(m*p);
        !            43:     mat : Matrix(1..m+p,1..m);
        !            44:
        !            45:   begin
        !            46:     Matrix_Indeterminates.Initialize_Symbols(m+p,p);
        !            47:     lp := Lifted_Localized_Laplace_Expansion(m+p,p);
        !            48:     for i in res'range loop
        !            49:       s := s+inc;
        !            50:       mat := Orthogonal_Basis(m+p,m,s);
        !            51:       res(i) := Intersection_Condition(mat,lp);
        !            52:       if s > 2.0
        !            53:        then s := s - 2.0;
        !            54:       end if;
        !            55:     end loop;
        !            56:     return res;
        !            57:   end Determinant_System;
        !            58:
        !            59:   procedure Count_Roots ( file : in file_type; h : in Poly_Sys;
        !            60:                           m,p : in natural; title_banner : in string ) is
        !            61:
        !            62:     function Minimum ( a,b : natural ) return natural is
        !            63:     begin
        !            64:       if a <= b
        !            65:        then return a;
        !            66:        else return b;
        !            67:       end if;
        !            68:     end Minimum;
        !            69:
        !            70:     function Construct_Partition ( m,p : natural ) return Partition is
        !            71:
        !            72:       min_mp : constant natural := Minimum(m,p);
        !            73:       z : Partition(1..min_mp);
        !            74:       cnt : natural := 0;
        !            75:
        !            76:     begin
        !            77:       for i in z'range loop
        !            78:         z(i) := Create(m*p);
        !            79:       end loop;
        !            80:       if m <= p
        !            81:        then for i in 1..m loop
        !            82:               for j in 1..p loop
        !            83:                 cnt := cnt+1;
        !            84:                 Add(z(i),cnt);
        !            85:               end loop;
        !            86:             end loop;
        !            87:        else cnt := 1;
        !            88:             for i in 1..p loop
        !            89:               for j in 1..m loop
        !            90:                 Add(z(i),cnt);
        !            91:                 cnt := cnt+p;
        !            92:                 if cnt > m*p
        !            93:                  then cnt := cnt-m*p;
        !            94:                 end if;
        !            95:               end loop;
        !            96:             end loop;
        !            97:       end if;
        !            98:       return z;
        !            99:     end Construct_Partition;
        !           100:
        !           101:     procedure Multi_Homogeneous_Bound ( f : in Poly_Sys ) is
        !           102:
        !           103:       b,nz : natural;
        !           104:      -- z : Partition(p'range);
        !           105:       min_mp : constant natural := Minimum(m,p);
        !           106:       z : Partition(1..min_mp) := Construct_Partition(m,p);
        !           107:
        !           108:     begin
        !           109:      -- PB(f,b,nz,z);
        !           110:       nz := z'last;
        !           111:       b := Bezout_Number(f,z);
        !           112:       put(file,nz,1); put(file,"-homogeneous Bezout number : ");
        !           113:       put(file,b,1); new_line(file);
        !           114:       put(file,"  with partition "); put(file,z); new_line(file);
        !           115:       Clear(z);
        !           116:     end Multi_Homogeneous_Bound;
        !           117:
        !           118:     procedure Apply_Root_Counts ( f : in Poly_Sys; cmpvol : in boolean ) is
        !           119:
        !           120:       d : natural := Total_Degree(f);
        !           121:       sup,lifted,lifted_last : List;
        !           122:       t : Triangulation;
        !           123:       vol : natural;
        !           124:
        !           125:     begin
        !           126:       new_line(file);
        !           127:       put_line(file,"ROOT COUNTS : ");
        !           128:       new_line(file);
        !           129:       put(file,"total degree : "); put(file,d,1); new_line(file);
        !           130:       Multi_Homogeneous_Bound(f);
        !           131:       if cmpvol
        !           132:        then sup := Create(f(f'first));
        !           133:             Dynamic_Lifting(sup,false,false,0,lifted,lifted_last,t);
        !           134:             vol := Volume(t);
        !           135:             put(file,"mixed volume : "); put(file,vol,1); new_line(file);
        !           136:             new_line(file);
        !           137:             put_line(file,"The lifted support : ");
        !           138:             new_line(file);
        !           139:             put(file,lifted);
        !           140:            -- new_line(file);
        !           141:            -- put_line(file,"The regular triangulation : ");
        !           142:            -- new_line(file);
        !           143:            -- put(file,p'length,t,vol);
        !           144:             Clear(t); Clear(sup); Clear(lifted);
        !           145:       end if;
        !           146:     end Apply_Root_Counts;
        !           147:
        !           148:     procedure Main is
        !           149:
        !           150:       target,start : Poly_Sys(h'range);
        !           151:
        !           152:     begin
        !           153:       target := Eval(h,Create(1.0),m*p+1);
        !           154:       put(file,target'length,target);
        !           155:       new_line(file);
        !           156:       put_line(file,title_banner);
        !           157:       Apply_Root_Counts(target,false);
        !           158:       start := Eval(h,Create(0.0),m*p+1);
        !           159:       new_line(file);
        !           160:       put(file,start'length,start);
        !           161:       new_line(file);
        !           162:       put_line(file,"TITLE : start system in SAGBI homotopy.");
        !           163:       Apply_Root_Counts(start,true);
        !           164:       Clear(target); Clear(start);
        !           165:     end Main;
        !           166:
        !           167:   begin
        !           168:     Main;
        !           169:   end Count_Roots;
        !           170:
        !           171: begin
        !           172:   new_line;
        !           173:   put_line("Performing root counts on determinantal (m,p)-systems.");
        !           174:   loop
        !           175:     new_line;
        !           176:     put_line("Reading the name of the output file.");
        !           177:     Read_Name_and_Create_File(file);
        !           178:     put("Give m : "); get(m);
        !           179:     put("Give p : "); get(p);
        !           180:     declare
        !           181:       title : constant string := "TITLE : all " & Convert(p)
        !           182:         & "-planes that intersect " & Convert(m*p)
        !           183:         & " random real osculating " & Convert(m)
        !           184:         & "-planes.";
        !           185:        begin
        !           186:    -- put(file,"Determinantal ("); put(file,m,1); put(file,",");
        !           187:    -- put(file,p,1); put_line(file,")-system :");
        !           188:       Count_Roots(file,Determinant_System(m,p),m,p,title);
        !           189:     end;
        !           190:     Close(file);
        !           191:     put("Do you want other systems to test ? (y/n) ");
        !           192:     Ask_Yes_or_No(ans);
        !           193:     exit when (ans /= 'y');
        !           194:   end loop;
        !           195: end ts_detrock;

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