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Import gmp 4.1.2

This is gmp.info, produced by makeinfo version 4.2 from gmp.texi.

This manual describes how to install and use the GNU multiple precision
arithmetic library, version 4.1.2.

   Copyright 1991, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000,
2001, 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

   Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this
document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version
1.1 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation;
with no Invariant Sections, with the Front-Cover Texts being "A GNU
Manual", and with the Back-Cover Texts being "You have freedom to copy
and modify this GNU Manual, like GNU software".  A copy of the license
is included in *Note GNU Free Documentation License::.
* gmp: (gmp).                   GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic Library.

File: gmp.info,  Node: Top,  Next: Copying,  Prev: (dir),  Up: (dir)


This manual describes how to install and use the GNU multiple precision
arithmetic library, version 4.1.2.

   Copyright 1991, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000,
2001, 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

   Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this
document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version
1.1 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation;
with no Invariant Sections, with the Front-Cover Texts being "A GNU
Manual", and with the Back-Cover Texts being "You have freedom to copy
and modify this GNU Manual, like GNU software".  A copy of the license
is included in *Note GNU Free Documentation License::.

* Menu:

* Copying::                    GMP Copying Conditions (LGPL).
* Introduction to GMP::        Brief introduction to GNU MP.
* Installing GMP::             How to configure and compile the GMP library.
* GMP Basics::                 What every GMP user should know.
* Reporting Bugs::             How to usefully report bugs.
* Integer Functions::          Functions for arithmetic on signed integers.
* Rational Number Functions::  Functions for arithmetic on rational numbers.
* Floating-point Functions::   Functions for arithmetic on floats.
* Low-level Functions::        Fast functions for natural numbers.
* Random Number Functions::    Functions for generating random numbers.
* Formatted Output::           `printf' style output.
* Formatted Input::            `scanf' style input.
* C++ Class Interface::        Class wrappers around GMP types.
* BSD Compatible Functions::   All functions found in BSD MP.
* Custom Allocation::          How to customize the internal allocation.
* Language Bindings::          Using GMP from other languages.
* Algorithms::                 What happens behind the scenes.
* Internals::                  How values are represented behind the scenes.

* Contributors::	       Who brings your this library?
* References::                 Some useful papers and books to read.
* GNU Free Documentation License::
* Concept Index::
* Function Index::

File: gmp.info,  Node: Copying,  Next: Introduction to GMP,  Prev: Top,  Up: Top

GNU MP Copying Conditions

   This library is "free"; this means that everyone is free to use it
and free to redistribute it on a free basis.  The library is not in the
public domain; it is copyrighted and there are restrictions on its
distribution, but these restrictions are designed to permit everything
that a good cooperating citizen would want to do.  What is not allowed
is to try to prevent others from further sharing any version of this
library that they might get from you.

   Specifically, we want to make sure that you have the right to give
away copies of the library, that you receive source code or else can
get it if you want it, that you can change this library or use pieces
of it in new free programs, and that you know you can do these things.

   To make sure that everyone has such rights, we have to forbid you to
deprive anyone else of these rights.  For example, if you distribute
copies of the GNU MP library, you must give the recipients all the
rights that you have.  You must make sure that they, too, receive or
can get the source code.  And you must tell them their rights.

   Also, for our own protection, we must make certain that everyone
finds out that there is no warranty for the GNU MP library.  If it is
modified by someone else and passed on, we want their recipients to
know that what they have is not what we distributed, so that any
problems introduced by others will not reflect on our reputation.

   The precise conditions of the license for the GNU MP library are
found in the Lesser General Public License version 2.1 that accompanies
the source code, see `COPYING.LIB'.  Certain demonstration programs are
provided under the terms of the plain General Public License version 2,
see `COPYING'.

File: gmp.info,  Node: Introduction to GMP,  Next: Installing GMP,  Prev: Copying,  Up: Top

Introduction to GNU MP

   GNU MP is a portable library written in C for arbitrary precision
arithmetic on integers, rational numbers, and floating-point numbers.
It aims to provide the fastest possible arithmetic for all applications
that need higher precision than is directly supported by the basic C

   Many applications use just a few hundred bits of precision; but some
applications may need thousands or even millions of bits.  GMP is
designed to give good performance for both, by choosing algorithms
based on the sizes of the operands, and by carefully keeping the
overhead at a minimum.

   The speed of GMP is achieved by using fullwords as the basic
arithmetic type, by using sophisticated algorithms, by including
carefully optimized assembly code for the most common inner loops for
many different CPUs, and by a general emphasis on speed (as opposed to
simplicity or elegance).

   There is carefully optimized assembly code for these CPUs: ARM, DEC
Alpha 21064, 21164, and 21264, AMD 29000, AMD K6, K6-2 and Athlon,
Hitachi SuperH and SH-2, HPPA 1.0, 1.1 and 2.0, Intel Pentium, Pentium
Pro/II/III, Pentium 4, generic x86, Intel IA-64, i960, Motorola
MC68000, MC68020, MC88100, and MC88110, Motorola/IBM PowerPC 32 and 64,
National NS32000, IBM POWER, MIPS R3000, R4000, SPARCv7, SuperSPARC,
generic SPARCv8, UltraSPARC, DEC VAX, and Zilog Z8000.  Some
optimizations also for Cray vector systems, Clipper, IBM ROMP (RT), and
Pyramid AP/XP.

   There are two public mailing lists of interest.  One for general
questions and discussions about usage of the GMP library and one for
discussions about development of GMP.  There's more information about
the mailing lists at `http://swox.com/mailman/listinfo/'.  These lists
are *not* for bug reports.

   The proper place for bug reports is <bug-gmp@gnu.org>.  See *Note
Reporting Bugs:: for info about reporting bugs.

   For up-to-date information on GMP, please see the GMP web pages at


   The latest version of the library is available at


   Many sites around the world mirror `ftp.gnu.org', please use a mirror
near you, see `http://www.gnu.org/order/ftp.html' for a full list.

How to use this Manual

   Everyone should read *Note GMP Basics::.  If you need to install the
library yourself, then read *Note Installing GMP::.  If you have a
system with multiple ABIs, then read *Note ABI and ISA::, for the
compiler options that must be used on applications.

   The rest of the manual can be used for later reference, although it
is probably a good idea to glance through it.

File: gmp.info,  Node: Installing GMP,  Next: GMP Basics,  Prev: Introduction to GMP,  Up: Top

Installing GMP

   GMP has an autoconf/automake/libtool based configuration system.  On
a Unix-like system a basic build can be done with


Some self-tests can be run with

     make check

And you can install (under `/usr/local' by default) with

     make install

   If you experience problems, please report them to <bug-gmp@gnu.org>.
See *Note Reporting Bugs::, for information on what to include in
useful bug reports.

* Menu:

* Build Options::
* ABI and ISA::
* Notes for Package Builds::
* Notes for Particular Systems::
* Known Build Problems::

File: gmp.info,  Node: Build Options,  Next: ABI and ISA,  Prev: Installing GMP,  Up: Installing GMP

Build Options

   All the usual autoconf configure options are available, run
`./configure --help' for a summary.  The file `INSTALL.autoconf' has
some generic installation information too.

Non-Unix Systems
     `configure' requires various Unix-like tools.  On an MS-DOS system
     DJGPP can be used, and on MS Windows Cygwin or MINGW can be used,


     Microsoft also publishes an Interix "Services for Unix" which can
     be used to build GMP on Windows (with a normal `./configure'), but
     it's not free software.

     The `macos' directory contains an unsupported port to MacOS 9 on
     Power Macintosh, see `macos/README'.  Note that MacOS X "Darwin"
     should use the normal Unix-style `./configure'.

     It might be possible to build without the help of `configure',
     certainly all the code is there, but unfortunately you'll be on
     your own.

Build Directory
     To compile in a separate build directory, `cd' to that directory,
     and prefix the configure command with the path to the GMP source
     directory.  For example

          cd /my/build/dir

     Not all `make' programs have the necessary features (`VPATH') to
     support this.  In particular, SunOS and Slowaris `make' have bugs
     that make them unable to build in a separate directory.  Use GNU
     `make' instead.

`--disable-shared', `--disable-static'
     By default both shared and static libraries are built (where
     possible), but one or other can be disabled.  Shared libraries
     result in smaller executables and permit code sharing between
     separate running processes, but on some CPUs are slightly slower,
     having a small cost on each function call.

Native Compilation, `--build=CPU-VENDOR-OS'
     For normal native compilation, the system can be specified with
     `--build'.  By default `./configure' uses the output from running
     `./config.guess'.  On some systems `./config.guess' can determine
     the exact CPU type, on others it will be necessary to give it
     explicitly.  For example,

          ./configure --build=ultrasparc-sun-solaris2.7

     In all cases the `OS' part is important, since it controls how
     libtool generates shared libraries.  Running `./config.guess' is
     the simplest way to see what it should be, if you don't know

Cross Compilation, `--host=CPU-VENDOR-OS'
     When cross-compiling, the system used for compiling is given by
     `--build' and the system where the library will run is given by
     `--host'.  For example when using a FreeBSD Athlon system to build
     GNU/Linux m68k binaries,

          ./configure --build=athlon-pc-freebsd3.5 --host=m68k-mac-linux-gnu

     Compiler tools are sought first with the host system type as a
     prefix.  For example `m68k-mac-linux-gnu-ranlib' is tried, then
     plain `ranlib'.  This makes it possible for a set of
     cross-compiling tools to co-exist with native tools.  The prefix
     is the argument to `--host', and this can be an alias, such as
     `m68k-linux'.  But note that tools don't have to be setup this
     way, it's enough to just have a `PATH' with a suitable
     cross-compiling `cc' etc.

     Compiling for a different CPU in the same family as the build
     system is a form of cross-compilation, though very possibly this
     would merely be special options on a native compiler.  In any case
     `./configure' avoids depending on being able to run code on the
     build system, which is important when creating binaries for a
     newer CPU since they very possibly won't run on the build system.

     In all cases the compiler must be able to produce an executable
     (of whatever format) from a standard C `main'.  Although only
     object files will go to make up `libgmp', `./configure' uses
     linking tests for various purposes, such as determining what
     functions are available on the host system.

     Currently a warning is given unless an explicit `--build' is used
     when cross-compiling, because it may not be possible to correctly
     guess the build system type if the `PATH' has only a
     cross-compiling `cc'.

     Note that the `--target' option is not appropriate for GMP.  It's
     for use when building compiler tools, with `--host' being where
     they will run, and `--target' what they'll produce code for.
     Ordinary programs or libraries like GMP are only interested in the
     `--host' part, being where they'll run.  (Some past versions of
     GMP used `--target' incorrectly.)

CPU types
     In general, if you want a library that runs as fast as possible,
     you should configure GMP for the exact CPU type your system uses.
     However, this may mean the binaries won't run on older members of
     the family, and might run slower on other members, older or newer.
     The best idea is always to build GMP for the exact machine type
     you intend to run it on.

     The following CPUs have specific support.  See `configure.in' for
     details of what code and compiler options they select.

        * Alpha: alpha, alphaev5, alphaev56, alphapca56, alphapca57,
          alphaev6, alphaev67, alphaev68

        * Cray: c90, j90, t90, sv1

        * HPPA: hppa1.0, hppa1.1, hppa2.0, hppa2.0n, hppa2.0w

        * MIPS: mips, mips3, mips64

        * Motorola: m68k, m68000, m68010, m68020, m68030, m68040,
          m68060, m68302, m68360, m88k, m88110

        * POWER: power, power1, power2, power2sc

        * PowerPC: powerpc, powerpc64, powerpc401, powerpc403,
          powerpc405, powerpc505, powerpc601, powerpc602, powerpc603,
          powerpc603e, powerpc604, powerpc604e, powerpc620, powerpc630,
          powerpc740, powerpc7400, powerpc7450, powerpc750, powerpc801,
          powerpc821, powerpc823, powerpc860,

        * SPARC: sparc, sparcv8, microsparc, supersparc, sparcv9,
          ultrasparc, ultrasparc2, ultrasparc2i, ultrasparc3, sparc64

        * 80x86 family: i386, i486, i586, pentium, pentiummmx,
          pentiumpro, pentium2, pentium3, pentium4, k6, k62, k63, athlon

        * Other: a29k, arm, clipper, i960, ns32k, pyramid, sh, sh2, vax,

     CPUs not listed will use generic C code.

Generic C Build
     If some of the assembly code causes problems, or if otherwise
     desired, the generic C code can be selected with CPU `none'.  For

          ./configure --host=none-unknown-freebsd3.5

     Note that this will run quite slowly, but it should be portable
     and should at least make it possible to get something running if
     all else fails.

     On some systems GMP supports multiple ABIs (application binary
     interfaces), meaning data type sizes and calling conventions.  By
     default GMP chooses the best ABI available, but a particular ABI
     can be selected.  For example

          ./configure --host=mips64-sgi-irix6 ABI=n32

     See *Note ABI and ISA::, for the available choices on relevant
     CPUs, and what applications need to do.

     By default the C compiler used is chosen from among some likely
     candidates, with `gcc' normally preferred if it's present.  The
     usual `CC=whatever' can be passed to `./configure' to choose
     something different.

     For some systems, default compiler flags are set based on the CPU
     and compiler.  The usual `CFLAGS="-whatever"' can be passed to
     `./configure' to use something different or to set good flags for
     systems GMP doesn't otherwise know.

     The `CC' and `CFLAGS' used are printed during `./configure', and
     can be found in each generated `Makefile'.  This is the easiest way
     to check the defaults when considering changing or adding

     Note that when `CC' and `CFLAGS' are specified on a system
     supporting multiple ABIs it's important to give an explicit
     `ABI=whatever', since GMP can't determine the ABI just from the
     flags and won't be able to select the correct assembler code.

     If just `CC' is selected then normal default `CFLAGS' for that
     compiler will be used (if GMP recognises it).  For example
     `CC=gcc' can be used to force the use of GCC, with default flags
     (and default ABI).

     Any flags like `-D' defines or `-I' includes required by the
     preprocessor should be set in `CPPFLAGS' rather than `CFLAGS'.
     Compiling is done with both `CPPFLAGS' and `CFLAGS', but
     preprocessing uses just `CPPFLAGS'.  This distinction is because
     most preprocessors won't accept all the flags the compiler does.
     Preprocessing is done separately in some configure tests, and in
     the `ansi2knr' support for K&R compilers.

C++ Support, `--enable-cxx'
     C++ support in GMP can be enabled with `--enable-cxx', in which
     case a C++ compiler will be required.  As a convenience
     `--enable-cxx=detect' can be used to enable C++ support only if a
     compiler can be found.  The C++ support consists of a library
     `libgmpxx.la' and header file `gmpxx.h'.

     A separate `libgmpxx.la' has been adopted rather than having C++
     objects within `libgmp.la' in order to ensure dynamic linked C
     programs aren't bloated by a dependency on the C++ standard
     library, and to avoid any chance that the C++ compiler could be
     required when linking plain C programs.

     `libgmpxx.la' will use certain internals from `libgmp.la' and can
     only be expected to work with `libgmp.la' from the same GMP
     version.  Future changes to the relevant internals will be
     accompanied by renaming, so a mismatch will cause unresolved
     symbols rather than perhaps mysterious misbehaviour.

     In general `libgmpxx.la' will be usable only with the C++ compiler
     that built it, since name mangling and runtime support are usually
     incompatible between different compilers.

     When C++ support is enabled, the C++ compiler and its flags can be
     set with variables `CXX' and `CXXFLAGS' in the usual way.  The
     default for `CXX' is the first compiler that works from a list of
     likely candidates, with `g++' normally preferred when available.
     The default for `CXXFLAGS' is to try `CFLAGS', `CFLAGS' without
     `-g', then for `g++' either `-g -O2' or `-O2', or for other
     compilers `-g' or nothing.  Trying `CFLAGS' this way is convenient
     when using `gcc' and `g++' together, since the flags for `gcc' will
     usually suit `g++'.

     It's important that the C and C++ compilers match, meaning their
     startup and runtime support routines are compatible and that they
     generate code in the same ABI (if there's a choice of ABIs on the
     system).  `./configure' isn't currently able to check these things
     very well itself, so for that reason `--disable-cxx' is the
     default, to avoid a build failure due to a compiler mismatch.
     Perhaps this will change in the future.

     Incidentally, it's normally not good enough to set `CXX' to the
     same as `CC'.  Although `gcc' for instance recognises `foo.cc' as
     C++ code, only `g++' will invoke the linker the right way when
     building an executable or shared library from object files.

Temporary Memory, `--enable-alloca=<choice>'
     GMP allocates temporary workspace using one of the following three
     methods, which can be selected with for instance

        * `alloca' - C library or compiler builtin.

        * `malloc-reentrant' - the heap, in a re-entrant fashion.

        * `malloc-notreentrant' - the heap, with global variables.

     For convenience, the following choices are also available.
     `--disable-alloca' is the same as `--enable-alloca=no'.

        * `yes' - a synonym for `alloca'.

        * `no' - a synonym for `malloc-reentrant'.

        * `reentrant' - `alloca' if available, otherwise
          `malloc-reentrant'.  This is the default.

        * `notreentrant' - `alloca' if available, otherwise

     `alloca' is reentrant and fast, and is recommended, but when
     working with large numbers it can overflow the available stack
     space, in which case one of the two malloc methods will need to be
     used.  Alternately it might be possible to increase available
     stack with `limit', `ulimit' or `setrlimit', or under DJGPP with
     `stubedit' or `_stklen'.  Note that depending on the system the
     only indication of stack overflow might be a segmentation

     `malloc-reentrant' is, as the name suggests, reentrant and thread
     safe, but `malloc-notreentrant' is faster and should be used if
     reentrancy is not required.

     The two malloc methods in fact use the memory allocation functions
     selected by `mp_set_memory_functions', these being `malloc' and
     friends by default.  *Note Custom Allocation::.

     An additional choice `--enable-alloca=debug' is available, to help
     when debugging memory related problems (*note Debugging::).

FFT Multiplication, `--disable-fft'
     By default multiplications are done using Karatsuba, 3-way
     Toom-Cook, and Fermat FFT.  The FFT is only used on large to very
     large operands and can be disabled to save code size if desired.

Berkeley MP, `--enable-mpbsd'
     The Berkeley MP compatibility library (`libmp') and header file
     (`mp.h') are built and installed only if `--enable-mpbsd' is used.
     *Note BSD Compatible Functions::.

MPFR, `--enable-mpfr'
     The optional MPFR functions are built and installed only if
     `--enable-mpfr' is used.  These are in a separate library
     `libmpfr.a' and are documented separately too (*note Introduction
     to MPFR: (mpfr)Introduction to MPFR.).

Assertion Checking, `--enable-assert'
     This option enables some consistency checking within the library.
     This can be of use while debugging, *note Debugging::.

Execution Profiling, `--enable-profiling=prof/gprof'
     Profiling support can be enabled either for `prof' or `gprof'.
     This adds `-p' or `-pg' respectively to `CFLAGS', and for some
     systems adds corresponding `mcount' calls to the assembler code.
     *Note Profiling::.

     Various assembler versions of each mpn subroutines are provided.
     For a given CPU, a search is made though a path to choose a
     version of each.  For example `sparcv8' has

          MPN_PATH="sparc32/v8 sparc32 generic"

     which means look first for v8 code, then plain sparc32 (which is
     v7), and finally fall back on generic C.  Knowledgeable users with
     special requirements can specify a different path.  Normally this
     is completely unnecessary.

     The document you're now reading is `gmp.texi'.  The usual automake
     targets are available to make PostScript `gmp.ps' and/or DVI

     HTML can be produced with `makeinfo --html', see *Note Generating
     HTML: (texinfo)makeinfo html.  Or alternately `texi2html', see
     *Note Texinfo to HTML: (texi2html)Top.

     PDF can be produced with `texi2dvi --pdf' (*note PDF: (texinfo)PDF
     Output.) or with `pdftex'.

     Some supplementary notes can be found in the `doc' subdirectory.

File: gmp.info,  Node: ABI and ISA,  Next: Notes for Package Builds,  Prev: Build Options,  Up: Installing GMP


   ABI (Application Binary Interface) refers to the calling conventions
between functions, meaning what registers are used and what sizes the
various C data types are.  ISA (Instruction Set Architecture) refers to
the instructions and registers a CPU has available.

   Some 64-bit ISA CPUs have both a 64-bit ABI and a 32-bit ABI
defined, the latter for compatibility with older CPUs in the family.
GMP supports some CPUs like this in both ABIs.  In fact within GMP
`ABI' means a combination of chip ABI, plus how GMP chooses to use it.
For example in some 32-bit ABIs, GMP may support a limb as either a
32-bit `long' or a 64-bit `long long'.

   By default GMP chooses the best ABI available for a given system,
and this generally gives significantly greater speed.  But an ABI can
be chosen explicitly to make GMP compatible with other libraries, or
particular application requirements.  For example,

     ./configure ABI=32

   In all cases it's vital that all object code used in a given program
is compiled for the same ABI.

   Usually a limb is implemented as a `long'.  When a `long long' limb
is used this is encoded in the generated `gmp.h'.  This is convenient
for applications, but it does mean that `gmp.h' will vary, and can't be
just copied around.  `gmp.h' remains compiler independent though, since
all compilers for a particular ABI will be expected to use the same
limb type.

   Currently no attempt is made to follow whatever conventions a system
has for installing library or header files built for a particular ABI.
This will probably only matter when installing multiple builds of GMP,
and it might be as simple as configuring with a special `libdir', or it
might require more than that.  Note that builds for different ABIs need
to done separately, with a fresh `./configure' and `make' each.

HPPA 2.0 (`hppa2.0*')

          The 2.0w ABI uses 64-bit limbs and pointers and is available
          on HP-UX 11 or up when using `cc'.  `gcc' support for this is
          in progress.  Applications must be compiled with

               cc  +DD64

          The 2.0n ABI means the 32-bit HPPA 1.0 ABI but with a 64-bit
          limb using `long long'.  This is available on HP-UX 10 or up
          when using `cc'.  No `gcc' support is planned for this.
          Applications must be compiled with

               cc  +DA2.0 +e

          HPPA 2.0 CPUs can run all HPPA 1.0 and 1.1 code in the 32-bit
          HPPA 1.0 ABI.  No special compiler options are needed for

     All three ABIs are available for CPUs `hppa2.0w' and `hppa2.0', but
     for CPU `hppa2.0n' only 2.0n or 1.0 are allowed.

MIPS under IRIX 6 (`mips*-*-irix[6789]')
     IRIX 6 supports the n32 and 64 ABIs and always has a 64-bit MIPS 3
     or better CPU.  In both these ABIs GMP uses a 64-bit limb.  A new
     enough `gcc' is required (2.95 for instance).

          The n32 ABI is 32-bit pointers and integers, but with a
          64-bit limb using a `long long'.  Applications must be
          compiled with

               gcc  -mabi=n32
               cc   -n32

          The 64-bit ABI is 64-bit pointers and integers.  Applications
          must be compiled with

               gcc  -mabi=64
               cc   -64

     Note that MIPS GNU/Linux, as of kernel version 2.2, doesn't have
     the necessary support for n32 or 64 and so only gets a 32-bit limb
     and the MIPS 2 code.

PowerPC 64 (`powerpc64', `powerpc620', `powerpc630')

          The AIX 64 ABI uses 64-bit limbs and pointers and is
          available on systems `*-*-aix*'.  Applications must be
          compiled (and linked) with

               gcc  -maix64
               xlc  -q64

          This is the basic 32-bit PowerPC ABI.  No special compiler
          options are needed for applications.

Sparc V9 (`sparcv9' and `ultrasparc*')

          The 64-bit V9 ABI is available on Solaris 2.7 and up and
          GNU/Linux.  GCC 2.95 or up, or Sun `cc' is required.
          Applications must be compiled with

               gcc  -m64 -mptr64 -Wa,-xarch=v9 -mcpu=v9
               cc   -xarch=v9

          On Solaris 2.6 and earlier, and on Solaris 2.7 with the
          kernel in 32-bit mode, only the plain V8 32-bit ABI can be
          used, since the kernel doesn't save all registers.  GMP still
          uses as much of the V9 ISA as it can in these circumstances.
          No special compiler options are required for applications,
          though using something like the following requesting V9 code
          within the V8 ABI is recommended.

               gcc  -mv8plus
               cc   -xarch=v8plus

          `gcc' 2.8 and earlier only supports `-mv8' though.

     Don't be confused by the names of these sparc `-m' and `-x'
     options, they're called `arch' but they effectively control the

     On Solaris 2.7 with the kernel in 32-bit-mode, a normal native
     build will reject `ABI=64' because the resulting executables won't
     run.  `ABI=64' can still be built if desired by making it look
     like a cross-compile, for example

          ./configure --build=none --host=sparcv9-sun-solaris2.7 ABI=64

File: gmp.info,  Node: Notes for Package Builds,  Next: Notes for Particular Systems,  Prev: ABI and ISA,  Up: Installing GMP

Notes for Package Builds

   GMP should present no great difficulties for packaging in a binary

   Libtool is used to build the library and `-version-info' is set
appropriately, having started from `3:0:0' in GMP 3.0.  The GMP 4 series
will be upwardly binary compatible in each release and will be upwardly
binary compatible with all of the GMP 3 series.  Additional function
interfaces may be added in each release, so on systems where libtool
versioning is not fully checked by the loader an auxiliary mechanism
may be needed to express that a dynamic linked application depends on a
new enough GMP.

   An auxiliary mechanism may also be needed to express that
`libgmpxx.la' (from `--enable-cxx', *note Build Options::) requires
`libgmp.la' from the same GMP version, since this is not done by the
libtool versioning, nor otherwise.  A mismatch will result in
unresolved symbols from the linker, or perhaps the loader.

   Using `DESTDIR' or a `prefix' override with `make install' and a
shared `libgmpxx' may run into a libtool relinking problem, see *Note
Known Build Problems::.

   When building a package for a CPU family, care should be taken to use
`--host' (or `--build') to choose the least common denominator among
the CPUs which might use the package.  For example this might
necessitate `i386' for x86s, or plain `sparc' (meaning V7) for SPARCs.

   Users who care about speed will want GMP built for their exact CPU
type, to make use of the available optimizations.  Providing a way to
suitably rebuild a package may be useful.  This could be as simple as
making it possible for a user to omit `--build' (and `--host') so
`./config.guess' will detect the CPU.  But a way to manually specify a
`--build' will be wanted for systems where `./config.guess' is inexact.

   Note that `gmp.h' is a generated file, and will be architecture and
ABI dependent.

File: gmp.info,  Node: Notes for Particular Systems,  Next: Known Build Problems,  Prev: Notes for Package Builds,  Up: Installing GMP

Notes for Particular Systems

AIX 3 and 4
     On systems `*-*-aix[34]*' shared libraries are disabled by
     default, since some versions of the native `ar' fail on the
     convenience libraries used.  A shared build can be attempted with

          ./configure --enable-shared --disable-static

     Note that the `--disable-static' is necessary because in a shared
     build libtool makes `libgmp.a' a symlink to `libgmp.so',
     apparently for the benefit of old versions of `ld' which only
     recognise `.a', but unfortunately this is done even if a fully
     functional `ld' is available.

     On systems `arm*-*-*', versions of GCC up to and including 2.95.3
     have a bug in unsigned division, giving wrong results for some
     operands.  GMP `./configure' will demand GCC 2.95.4 or later.

Compaq C++
     Compaq C++ on OSF 5.1 has two flavours of `iostream', a standard
     one and an old pre-standard one (see `man iostream_intro').  GMP
     can only use the standard one, which unfortunately is not the
     default but must be selected by defining `__USE_STD_IOSTREAM'.
     Configure with for instance

          ./configure --enable-cxx CPPFLAGS=-D__USE_STD_IOSTREAM

Microsoft Windows
     On systems `*-*-cygwin*', `*-*-mingw*' and `*-*-pw32*' by default
     GMP builds only a static library, but a DLL can be built instead

          ./configure --disable-static --enable-shared

     Static and DLL libraries can't both be built, since certain export
     directives in `gmp.h' must be different.  `--enable-cxx' cannot be
     used when building a DLL, since libtool doesn't currently support
     C++ DLLs.  This might change in the future.

Microsoft C
     A MINGW DLL build of GMP can be used with Microsoft C.  Libtool
     doesn't install `.lib' and `.exp' files, but they can be created
     with the following commands, where `/my/inst/dir' is the install
     directory (with a `lib' subdirectory).

          lib /machine:IX86 /def:_libs/libgmp-3.dll-def
          cp libgmp-3.lib /my/inst/dir/lib
          cp _libs/libgmp-3.dll-exp /my/inst/dir/lib/libgmp-3.exp

     MINGW uses `msvcrt.dll' for I/O, so applications wanting to use
     the GMP I/O routines must be compiled with `cl /MD' to do the
     same.  If one of the other I/O choices provided by MS C is desired
     then the suggestion is to use the GMP string functions and confine
     I/O to the application.

Motorola 68k CPU Types
     `m68k' is taken to mean 68000.  `m68020' or higher will give a
     performance boost on applicable CPUs.  `m68360' can be used for
     CPU32 series chips.  `m68302' can be used for "Dragonball" series
     chips, though this is merely a synonym for `m68000'.

OpenBSD 2.6
     `m4' in this release of OpenBSD has a bug in `eval' that makes it
     unsuitable for `.asm' file processing.  `./configure' will detect
     the problem and either abort or choose another m4 in the `PATH'.
     The bug is fixed in OpenBSD 2.7, so either upgrade or use GNU m4.

Power CPU Types
     In GMP, CPU types `power*' and `powerpc*' will each use
     instructions not available on the other, so it's important to
     choose the right one for the CPU that will be used.  Currently GMP
     has no assembler code support for using just the common
     instruction subset.  To get executables that run on both, the
     current suggestion is to use the generic C code (CPU `none'),
     possibly with appropriate compiler options (like `-mcpu=common' for
     `gcc').  CPU `rs6000' (which is not a CPU but a family of
     workstations) is accepted by `config.sub', but is currently
     equivalent to `none'.

Sparc CPU Types
     `sparcv8' or `supersparc' on relevant systems will give a
     significant performance increase over the V7 code.

Sparc App Regs
     The GMP assembler code for both 32-bit and 64-bit Sparc clobbers
     the "application registers" `g2', `g3' and `g4', the same way that
     the GCC default `-mapp-regs' does (*note SPARC Options: (gcc)SPARC

     This makes that code unsuitable for use with the special V9
     `-mcmodel=embmedany' (which uses `g4' as a data segment pointer),
     and for applications wanting to use those registers for special
     purposes.  In these cases the only suggestion currently is to
     build GMP with CPU `none' to avoid the assembler code.

SunOS 4
     `/usr/bin/m4' lacks various features needed to process `.asm'
     files, and instead `./configure' will automatically use
     `/usr/5bin/m4', which we believe is always available (if not then
     use GNU m4).

x86 CPU Types
     `i386' selects generic code which will run reasonably well on all
     x86 chips.

     `i586', `pentium' or `pentiummmx' code is good for the intended P5
     Pentium chips, but quite slow when run on Intel P6 class chips
     (PPro, P-II, P-III).  `i386' is a better choice when making
     binaries that must run on both.

     `pentium4' and an SSE2 capable assembler are important for best
     results on Pentium 4.  The specific code is for instance roughly a
     2x to 3x speedup over the generic `i386' code.

x86 MMX and SSE2 Code
     If the CPU selected has MMX code but the assembler doesn't support
     it, a warning is given and non-MMX code is used instead.  This
     will be an inferior build, since the MMX code that's present is
     there because it's faster than the corresponding plain integer
     code.  The same applies to SSE2.

     Old versions of `gas' don't support MMX instructions, in particular
     version 1.92.3 that comes with FreeBSD 2.2.8 doesn't (and
     unfortunately there's no newer assembler for that system).

     Solaris 2.6 and 2.7 `as' generate incorrect object code for
     register to register `movq' instructions, and so can't be used for
     MMX code.  Install a recent `gas' if MMX code is wanted on these

File: gmp.info,  Node: Known Build Problems,  Prev: Notes for Particular Systems,  Up: Installing GMP

Known Build Problems

   You might find more up-to-date information at `http://swox.com/gmp/'.

Compiler link options
     The version of libtool currently in use rather aggressively strips
     compiler options when linking a shared library.  This will
     hopefully be relaxed in the future, but for now if this is a
     problem the suggestion is to create a little script to hide them,
     and for instance configure with

          ./configure CC=gcc-with-my-options

     The DJGPP port of `bash' 2.03 is unable to run the `configure'
     script, it exits silently, having died writing a preamble to
     `config.log'.  Use `bash' 2.04 or higher.

     `make all' was found to run out of memory during the final
     `libgmp.la' link on one system tested, despite having 64Mb
     available.  A separate `make libgmp.la' helped, perhaps recursing
     into the various subdirectories uses up memory.

`DESTDIR' and shared `libgmpxx'
     `make install DESTDIR=/my/staging/area', or the same with a
     `prefix' override, to install to a temporary directory is not
     fully supported by current versions of libtool when building a
     shared version of a library which depends on another being built
     at the same time, like `libgmpxx' and `libgmp'.

     The problem is that `libgmpxx' is relinked at the install stage to
     ensure that if the system puts a hard-coded path to `libgmp' within
     `libgmpxx' then that path will be correct.  Naturally the linker is
     directed to look only at the final location, not the staging area,
     so if `libgmp' is not already in that final location then the link
     will fail.

     A workaround for this on SVR4 style systems, such as GNU/Linux,
     where paths are not hard-coded, is to include the staging area in
     the linker's search using `LD_LIBRARY_PATH'.  For example with
     `--prefix=/usr' but installing under `/my/staging/area',

          LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/my/staging/area/usr/lib \
            make install DESTDIR=/my/staging/area

GNU binutils `strip' prior to 2.12
     `strip' from GNU binutils 2.11 and earlier should not be used on
     the static libraries `libgmp.a' and `libmp.a' since it will
     discard all but the last of multiple archive members with the same
     name, like the three versions of `init.o' in `libgmp.a'.  Binutils
     2.12 or higher can be used successfully.

     The shared libraries `libgmp.so' and `libmp.so' are not affected by
     this and any version of `strip' can be used on them.

`make' syntax error
     On certain versions of SCO OpenServer 5 and IRIX 6.5 the native
     `make' is unable to handle the long dependencies list for
     `libgmp.la'.  The symptom is a "syntax error" on the following
     line of the top-level `Makefile'.

          libgmp.la: $(libgmp_la_OBJECTS) $(libgmp_la_DEPENDENCIES)

     Either use GNU Make, or as a workaround remove
     `$(libgmp_la_DEPENDENCIES)' from that line (which will make the
     initial build work, but if any recompiling is done `libgmp.la'
     might not be rebuilt).

MacOS X and GCC
     Libtool currently only knows how to create shared libraries on
     MacOS X using the native `cc' (which is a modified GCC), not a
     plain GCC.  A static-only build should work though

     Also, libtool currently cannot build C++ shared libraries on MacOS
     X, so if `--enable-cxx' is desired then `--disable-shared' must be
     used.  Hopefully this will be fixed in the future.

NeXT prior to 3.3
     The system compiler on old versions of NeXT was a massacred and
     old GCC, even if it called itself `cc'.  This compiler cannot be
     used to build GMP, you need to get a real GCC, and install that.
     (NeXT may have fixed this in release 3.3 of their system.)

POWER and PowerPC
     Bugs in GCC 2.7.2 (and 2.6.3) mean it can't be used to compile GMP
     on POWER or PowerPC.  If you want to use GCC for these machines,
     get GCC (or later).

Sequent Symmetry
     Use the GNU assembler instead of the system assembler, since the
     latter has serious bugs.

Solaris 2.6
     The system `sed' prints an error "Output line too long" when
     libtool builds `libgmp.la'.  This doesn't seem to cause any
     obvious ill effects, but GNU `sed' is recommended, to avoid any

Sparc Solaris 2.7 with gcc 2.95.2 in ABI=32
     A shared library build of GMP seems to fail in this combination,
     it builds but then fails the tests, apparently due to some
     incorrect data relocations within `gmp_randinit_lc_2exp_size'.
     The exact cause is unknown, `--disable-shared' is recommended.

Windows DLL test programs
     When creating a DLL version of `libgmp', libtool creates wrapper
     scripts like `t-mul' for programs that would normally be
     `t-mul.exe', in order to setup the right library paths etc.  This
     works fine, but the absence of `t-mul.exe' etc causes `make' to
     think they need recompiling every time, which is an annoyance when
     re-running a `make check'.

File: gmp.info,  Node: GMP Basics,  Next: Reporting Bugs,  Prev: Installing GMP,  Up: Top

GMP Basics

   *Using functions, macros, data types, etc. not documented in this
manual is strongly discouraged.  If you do so your application is
guaranteed to be incompatible with future versions of GMP.*

* Menu:

* Headers and Libraries::
* Nomenclature and Types::
* Function Classes::
* Variable Conventions::
* Parameter Conventions::
* Memory Management::
* Reentrancy::
* Useful Macros and Constants::
* Compatibility with older versions::
* Demonstration Programs::
* Efficiency::
* Debugging::
* Profiling::
* Autoconf::
* Emacs::

File: gmp.info,  Node: Headers and Libraries,  Next: Nomenclature and Types,  Prev: GMP Basics,  Up: GMP Basics

Headers and Libraries

   All declarations needed to use GMP are collected in the include file
`gmp.h'.  It is designed to work with both C and C++ compilers.

     #include <gmp.h>

   Note however that prototypes for GMP functions with `FILE *'
parameters are only provided if `<stdio.h>' is included too.

     #include <stdio.h>
     #include <gmp.h>

   Likewise `<stdarg.h>' (or `<varargs.h>') is required for prototypes
with `va_list' parameters, such as `gmp_vprintf'.  And `<obstack.h>'
for prototypes with `struct obstack' parameters, such as
`gmp_obstack_printf', when available.

   All programs using GMP must link against the `libgmp' library.  On a
typical Unix-like system this can be done with `-lgmp', for example

     gcc myprogram.c -lgmp

   GMP C++ functions are in a separate `libgmpxx' library.  This is
built and installed if C++ support has been enabled (*note Build
Options::).  For example,

     g++ mycxxprog.cc -lgmpxx -lgmp

   GMP is built using Libtool and an application can use that to link
if desired, *note Shared library support for GNU: (libtool)Top.

   If GMP has been installed to a non-standard location then it may be
necessary to use `-I' and `-L' compiler options to point to the right
directories, and some sort of run-time path for a shared library.
Consult your compiler documentation, for instance *Note Introduction:

File: gmp.info,  Node: Nomenclature and Types,  Next: Function Classes,  Prev: Headers and Libraries,  Up: GMP Basics

Nomenclature and Types

In this manual, "integer" usually means a multiple precision integer, as
defined by the GMP library.  The C data type for such integers is
`mpz_t'.  Here are some examples of how to declare such integers:

     mpz_t sum;
     struct foo { mpz_t x, y; };
     mpz_t vec[20];

"Rational number" means a multiple precision fraction.  The C data type
for these fractions is `mpq_t'.  For example:

     mpq_t quotient;

"Floating point number" or "Float" for short, is an arbitrary precision
mantissa with a limited precision exponent.  The C data type for such
objects is `mpf_t'.

A "limb" means the part of a multi-precision number that fits in a
single machine word.  (We chose this word because a limb of the human
body is analogous to a digit, only larger, and containing several
digits.)  Normally a limb is 32 or 64 bits.  The C data type for a limb
is `mp_limb_t'.

File: gmp.info,  Node: Function Classes,  Next: Variable Conventions,  Prev: Nomenclature and Types,  Up: GMP Basics

Function Classes

   There are six classes of functions in the GMP library:

  1. Functions for signed integer arithmetic, with names beginning with
     `mpz_'.  The associated type is `mpz_t'.  There are about 150
     functions in this class.

  2. Functions for rational number arithmetic, with names beginning with
     `mpq_'.  The associated type is `mpq_t'.  There are about 40
     functions in this class, but the integer functions can be used for
     arithmetic on the numerator and denominator separately.

  3. Functions for floating-point arithmetic, with names beginning with
     `mpf_'.  The associated type is `mpf_t'.  There are about 60
     functions is this class.

  4. Functions compatible with Berkeley MP, such as `itom', `madd', and
     `mult'.  The associated type is `MINT'.

  5. Fast low-level functions that operate on natural numbers.  These
     are used by the functions in the preceding groups, and you can
     also call them directly from very time-critical user programs.
     These functions' names begin with `mpn_'.  The associated type is
     array of `mp_limb_t'.  There are about 30 (hard-to-use) functions
     in this class.

  6. Miscellaneous functions.  Functions for setting up custom
     allocation and functions for generating random numbers.

File: gmp.info,  Node: Variable Conventions,  Next: Parameter Conventions,  Prev: Function Classes,  Up: GMP Basics

Variable Conventions

   GMP functions generally have output arguments before input
arguments.  This notation is by analogy with the assignment operator.
The BSD MP compatibility functions are exceptions, having the output
arguments last.

   GMP lets you use the same variable for both input and output in one
call.  For example, the main function for integer multiplication,
`mpz_mul', can be used to square `x' and put the result back in `x' with

     mpz_mul (x, x, x);

   Before you can assign to a GMP variable, you need to initialize it
by calling one of the special initialization functions.  When you're
done with a variable, you need to clear it out, using one of the
functions for that purpose.  Which function to use depends on the type
of variable.  See the chapters on integer functions, rational number
functions, and floating-point functions for details.

   A variable should only be initialized once, or at least cleared
between each initialization.  After a variable has been initialized, it
may be assigned to any number of times.

   For efficiency reasons, avoid excessive initializing and clearing.
In general, initialize near the start of a function and clear near the
end.  For example,

     foo (void)
       mpz_t  n;
       int    i;
       mpz_init (n);
       for (i = 1; i < 100; i++)
           mpz_mul (n, ...);
           mpz_fdiv_q (n, ...);
       mpz_clear (n);