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Revision (vendor branch), Mon Aug 25 16:06:02 2003 UTC (21 years, 1 month ago) by ohara
Branch: GMP
Changes since +1088 -1058 lines

Import gmp 4.1.2

This is gmp.info, produced by makeinfo version 4.2 from gmp.texi.

This manual describes how to install and use the GNU multiple precision
arithmetic library, version 4.1.2.

   Copyright 1991, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000,
2001, 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

   Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this
document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version
1.1 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation;
with no Invariant Sections, with the Front-Cover Texts being "A GNU
Manual", and with the Back-Cover Texts being "You have freedom to copy
and modify this GNU Manual, like GNU software".  A copy of the license
is included in *Note GNU Free Documentation License::.
* gmp: (gmp).                   GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic Library.

File: gmp.info,  Node: Parameter Conventions,  Next: Memory Management,  Prev: Variable Conventions,  Up: GMP Basics

Parameter Conventions

   When a GMP variable is used as a function parameter, it's
effectively a call-by-reference, meaning if the function stores a value
there it will change the original in the caller.  Parameters which are
input-only can be designated `const' to provoke a compiler error or
warning on attempting to modify them.

   When a function is going to return a GMP result, it should designate
a parameter that it sets, like the library functions do.  More than one
value can be returned by having more than one output parameter, again
like the library functions.  A `return' of an `mpz_t' etc doesn't
return the object, only a pointer, and this is almost certainly not
what's wanted.

   Here's an example accepting an `mpz_t' parameter, doing a
calculation, and storing the result to the indicated parameter.

     foo (mpz_t result, const mpz_t param, unsigned long n)
       unsigned long  i;
       mpz_mul_ui (result, param, n);
       for (i = 1; i < n; i++)
         mpz_add_ui (result, result, i*7);
     main (void)
       mpz_t  r, n;
       mpz_init (r);
       mpz_init_set_str (n, "123456", 0);
       foo (r, n, 20L);
       gmp_printf ("%Zd\n", r);
       return 0;

   `foo' works even if the mainline passes the same variable for
`param' and `result', just like the library functions.  But sometimes
it's tricky to make that work, and an application might not want to
bother supporting that sort of thing.

   For interest, the GMP types `mpz_t' etc are implemented as
one-element arrays of certain structures.  This is why declaring a
variable creates an object with the fields GMP needs, but then using it
as a parameter passes a pointer to the object.  Note that the actual
fields in each `mpz_t' etc are for internal use only and should not be
accessed directly by code that expects to be compatible with future GMP

File: gmp.info,  Node: Memory Management,  Next: Reentrancy,  Prev: Parameter Conventions,  Up: GMP Basics

Memory Management

   The GMP types like `mpz_t' are small, containing only a couple of
sizes, and pointers to allocated data.  Once a variable is initialized,
GMP takes care of all space allocation.  Additional space is allocated
whenever a variable doesn't have enough.

   `mpz_t' and `mpq_t' variables never reduce their allocated space.
Normally this is the best policy, since it avoids frequent reallocation.
Applications that need to return memory to the heap at some particular
point can use `mpz_realloc2', or clear variables no longer needed.

   `mpf_t' variables, in the current implementation, use a fixed amount
of space, determined by the chosen precision and allocated at
initialization, so their size doesn't change.

   All memory is allocated using `malloc' and friends by default, but
this can be changed, see *Note Custom Allocation::.  Temporary memory
on the stack is also used (via `alloca'), but this can be changed at
build-time if desired, see *Note Build Options::.

File: gmp.info,  Node: Reentrancy,  Next: Useful Macros and Constants,  Prev: Memory Management,  Up: GMP Basics


   GMP is reentrant and thread-safe, with some exceptions:

   * If configured with `--enable-alloca=malloc-notreentrant' (or with
     `--enable-alloca=notreentrant' when `alloca' is not available),
     then naturally GMP is not reentrant.

   * `mpf_set_default_prec' and `mpf_init' use a global variable for the
     selected precision.  `mpf_init2' can be used instead.

   * `mpz_random' and the other old random number functions use a global
     random state and are hence not reentrant.  The newer random number
     functions that accept a `gmp_randstate_t' parameter can be used

   * `mp_set_memory_functions' uses global variables to store the
     selected memory allocation functions.

   * If the memory allocation functions set by a call to
     `mp_set_memory_functions' (or `malloc' and friends by default) are
     not reentrant, then GMP will not be reentrant either.

   * If the standard I/O functions such as `fwrite' are not reentrant
     then the GMP I/O functions using them will not be reentrant either.

   * It's safe for two threads to read from the same GMP variable
     simultaneously, but it's not safe for one to read while the
     another might be writing, nor for two threads to write
     simultaneously.  It's not safe for two threads to generate a
     random number from the same `gmp_randstate_t' simultaneously,
     since this involves an update of that variable.

   * On SCO systems the default `<ctype.h>' macros use per-file static
     variables and may not be reentrant, depending whether the compiler
     optimizes away fetches from them.  The GMP text-based input
     functions are affected.

File: gmp.info,  Node: Useful Macros and Constants,  Next: Compatibility with older versions,  Prev: Reentrancy,  Up: GMP Basics

Useful Macros and Constants

 - Global Constant: const int mp_bits_per_limb
     The number of bits per limb.

 - Macro: __GNU_MP_VERSION
     The major and minor GMP version, and patch level, respectively, as
     integers.  For GMP i.j, these numbers will be i, j, and 0,
     respectively.  For GMP i.j.k, these numbers will be i, j, and k,

 - Global Constant: const char * const gmp_version
     The GMP version number, as a null-terminated string, in the form
     "i.j" or "i.j.k".  This release is "4.1.2".

File: gmp.info,  Node: Compatibility with older versions,  Next: Demonstration Programs,  Prev: Useful Macros and Constants,  Up: GMP Basics

Compatibility with older versions

   This version of GMP is upwardly binary compatible with all 4.x and
3.x versions, and upwardly compatible at the source level with all 2.x
versions, with the following exceptions.

   * `mpn_gcd' had its source arguments swapped as of GMP 3.0, for
     consistency with other `mpn' functions.

   * `mpf_get_prec' counted precision slightly differently in GMP 3.0
     and 3.0.1, but in 3.1 reverted to the 2.x style.

   There are a number of compatibility issues between GMP 1 and GMP 2
that of course also apply when porting applications from GMP 1 to GMP
4.  Please see the GMP 2 manual for details.

   The Berkeley MP compatibility library (*note BSD Compatible
Functions::) is source and binary compatible with the standard `libmp'.

File: gmp.info,  Node: Demonstration Programs,  Next: Efficiency,  Prev: Compatibility with older versions,  Up: GMP Basics

Demonstration programs

   The `demos' subdirectory has some sample programs using GMP.  These
aren't built or installed, but there's a `Makefile' with rules for them.
For instance,

     make pexpr
     ./pexpr 68^975+10

The following programs are provided

   * `pexpr' is an expression evaluator, the program used on the GMP
     web page.

   * The `calc' subdirectory has a similar but simpler evaluator using
     `lex' and `yacc'.

   * The `expr' subdirectory is yet another expression evaluator, a
     library designed for ease of use within a C program.  See
     `demos/expr/README' for more information.

   * `factorize' is a Pollard-Rho factorization program.

   * `isprime' is a command-line interface to the `mpz_probab_prime_p'

   * `primes' counts or lists primes in an interval, using a sieve.

   * `qcn' is an example use of `mpz_kronecker_ui' to estimate quadratic
     class numbers.

   * The `perl' subdirectory is a comprehensive perl interface to GMP.
     See `demos/perl/INSTALL' for more information.  Documentation is
     in POD format in `demos/perl/GMP.pm'.

File: gmp.info,  Node: Efficiency,  Next: Debugging,  Prev: Demonstration Programs,  Up: GMP Basics


Small operands
     On small operands, the time for function call overheads and memory
     allocation can be significant in comparison to actual calculation.
     This is unavoidable in a general purpose variable precision
     library, although GMP attempts to be as efficient as it can on
     both large and small operands.

Static Linking
     On some CPUs, in particular the x86s, the static `libgmp.a' should
     be used for maximum speed, since the PIC code in the shared
     `libgmp.so' will have a small overhead on each function call and
     global data address.  For many programs this will be
     insignificant, but for long calculations there's a gain to be had.

Initializing and clearing
     Avoid excessive initializing and clearing of variables, since this
     can be quite time consuming, especially in comparison to otherwise
     fast operations like addition.

     A language interpreter might want to keep a free list or stack of
     initialized variables ready for use.  It should be possible to
     integrate something like that with a garbage collector too.

     An `mpz_t' or `mpq_t' variable used to hold successively increasing
     values will have its memory repeatedly `realloc'ed, which could be
     quite slow or could fragment memory, depending on the C library.
     If an application can estimate the final size then `mpz_init2' or
     `mpz_realloc2' can be called to allocate the necessary space from
     the beginning (*note Initializing Integers::).

     It doesn't matter if a size set with `mpz_init2' or `mpz_realloc2'
     is too small, since all functions will do a further reallocation
     if necessary.  Badly overestimating memory required will waste
     space though.

`2exp' functions
     It's up to an application to call functions like `mpz_mul_2exp'
     when appropriate.  General purpose functions like `mpz_mul' make
     no attempt to identify powers of two or other special forms,
     because such inputs will usually be very rare and testing every
     time would be wasteful.

`ui' and `si' functions
     The `ui' functions and the small number of `si' functions exist for
     convenience and should be used where applicable.  But if for
     example an `mpz_t' contains a value that fits in an `unsigned
     long' there's no need extract it and call a `ui' function, just
     use the regular `mpz' function.

In-Place Operations
     `mpz_abs', `mpq_abs', `mpf_abs', `mpz_neg', `mpq_neg' and
     `mpf_neg' are fast when used for in-place operations like
     `mpz_abs(x,x)', since in the current implementation only a single
     field of `x' needs changing.  On suitable compilers (GCC for
     instance) this is inlined too.

     `mpz_add_ui', `mpz_sub_ui', `mpf_add_ui' and `mpf_sub_ui' benefit
     from an in-place operation like `mpz_add_ui(x,x,y)', since usually
     only one or two limbs of `x' will need to be changed.  The same
     applies to the full precision `mpz_add' etc if `y' is small.  If
     `y' is big then cache locality may be helped, but that's all.

     `mpz_mul' is currently the opposite, a separate destination is
     slightly better.  A call like `mpz_mul(x,x,y)' will, unless `y' is
     only one limb, make a temporary copy of `x' before forming the
     result.  Normally that copying will only be a tiny fraction of the
     time for the multiply, so this is not a particularly important

     `mpz_set', `mpq_set', `mpq_set_num', `mpf_set', etc, make no
     attempt to recognise a copy of something to itself, so a call like
     `mpz_set(x,x)' will be wasteful.  Naturally that would never be
     written deliberately, but if it might arise from two pointers to
     the same object then a test to avoid it might be desirable.

          if (x != y)
            mpz_set (x, y);

     Note that it's never worth introducing extra `mpz_set' calls just
     to get in-place operations.  If a result should go to a particular
     variable then just direct it there and let GMP take care of data

Divisibility Testing (Small Integers)
     `mpz_divisible_ui_p' and `mpz_congruent_ui_p' are the best
     functions for testing whether an `mpz_t' is divisible by an
     individual small integer.  They use an algorithm which is faster
     than `mpz_tdiv_ui', but which gives no useful information about
     the actual remainder, only whether it's zero (or a particular

     However when testing divisibility by several small integers, it's
     best to take a remainder modulo their product, to save
     multi-precision operations.  For instance to test whether a number
     is divisible by any of 23, 29 or 31 take a remainder modulo
     23*29*31 = 20677 and then test that.

     The division functions like `mpz_tdiv_q_ui' which give a quotient
     as well as a remainder are generally a little slower than the
     remainder-only functions like `mpz_tdiv_ui'.  If the quotient is
     only rarely wanted then it's probably best to just take a
     remainder and then go back and calculate the quotient if and when
     it's wanted (`mpz_divexact_ui' can be used if the remainder is

Rational Arithmetic
     The `mpq' functions operate on `mpq_t' values with no common
     factors in the numerator and denominator.  Common factors are
     checked-for and cast out as necessary.  In general, cancelling
     factors every time is the best approach since it minimizes the
     sizes for subsequent operations.

     However, applications that know something about the factorization
     of the values they're working with might be able to avoid some of
     the GCDs used for canonicalization, or swap them for divisions.
     For example when multiplying by a prime it's enough to check for
     factors of it in the denominator instead of doing a full GCD.  Or
     when forming a big product it might be known that very little
     cancellation will be possible, and so canonicalization can be left
     to the end.

     The `mpq_numref' and `mpq_denref' macros give access to the
     numerator and denominator to do things outside the scope of the
     supplied `mpq' functions.  *Note Applying Integer Functions::.

     The canonical form for rationals allows mixed-type `mpq_t' and
     integer additions or subtractions to be done directly with
     multiples of the denominator.  This will be somewhat faster than
     `mpq_add'.  For example,

          /* mpq increment */
          mpz_add (mpq_numref(q), mpq_numref(q), mpq_denref(q));
          /* mpq += unsigned long */
          mpz_addmul_ui (mpq_numref(q), mpq_denref(q), 123UL);
          /* mpq -= mpz */
          mpz_submul (mpq_numref(q), mpq_denref(q), z);

Number Sequences
     Functions like `mpz_fac_ui', `mpz_fib_ui' and `mpz_bin_uiui' are
     designed for calculating isolated values.  If a range of values is
     wanted it's probably best to call to get a starting point and
     iterate from there.

Text Input/Output
     Hexadecimal or octal are suggested for input or output in text
     form.  Power-of-2 bases like these can be converted much more
     efficiently than other bases, like decimal.  For big numbers
     there's usually nothing of particular interest to be seen in the
     digits, so the base doesn't matter much.

     Maybe we can hope octal will one day become the normal base for
     everyday use, as proposed by King Charles XII of Sweden and later

File: gmp.info,  Node: Debugging,  Next: Profiling,  Prev: Efficiency,  Up: GMP Basics


Stack Overflow
     Depending on the system, a segmentation violation or bus error
     might be the only indication of stack overflow.  See
     `--enable-alloca' choices in *Note Build Options::, for how to
     address this.

     In new enough versions of GCC, `-fstack-check' may be able to
     ensure an overflow is recognised by the system before too much
     damage is done, or `-fstack-limit-symbol' or
     `-fstack-limit-register' may be able to add checking if the system
     itself doesn't do any (*note Options for Code Generation:
     (gcc)Code Gen Options.).  These options must be added to the
     `CFLAGS' used in the GMP build (*note Build Options::), adding
     them just to an application will have no effect.  Note also
     they're a slowdown, adding overhead to each function call and each
     stack allocation.

Heap Problems
     The most likely cause of application problems with GMP is heap
     corruption.  Failing to `init' GMP variables will have
     unpredictable effects, and corruption arising elsewhere in a
     program may well affect GMP.  Initializing GMP variables more than
     once or failing to clear them will cause memory leaks.

     In all such cases a malloc debugger is recommended.  On a GNU or
     BSD system the standard C library `malloc' has some diagnostic
     facilities, see *Note Allocation Debugging: (libc)Allocation
     Debugging, or `man 3 malloc'.  Other possibilities, in no
     particular order, include

          `http://quorum.tamu.edu/jon/gnu'  (debauch)
          `http://www.perens.com/FreeSoftware'  (electric fence)

     The GMP default allocation routines in `memory.c' also have a
     simple sentinel scheme which can be enabled with `#define DEBUG'
     in that file.  This is mainly designed for detecting buffer
     overruns during GMP development, but might find other uses.

Stack Backtraces
     On some systems the compiler options GMP uses by default can
     interfere with debugging.  In particular on x86 and 68k systems
     `-fomit-frame-pointer' is used and this generally inhibits stack
     backtracing.  Recompiling without such options may help while
     debugging, though the usual caveats about it potentially moving a
     memory problem or hiding a compiler bug will apply.

GNU Debugger
     A sample `.gdbinit' is included in the distribution, showing how
     to call some undocumented dump functions to print GMP variables
     from within GDB.  Note that these functions shouldn't be used in
     final application code since they're undocumented and may be
     subject to incompatible changes in future versions of GMP.

Source File Paths
     GMP has multiple source files with the same name, in different
     directories.  For example `mpz', `mpq', `mpf' and `mpfr' each have
     an `init.c'.  If the debugger can't already determine the right
     one it may help to build with absolute paths on each C file.  One
     way to do that is to use a separate object directory with an
     absolute path to the source directory.

          cd /my/build/dir

     This works via `VPATH', and might require GNU `make'.  Alternately
     it might be possible to change the `.c.lo' rules appropriately.

Assertion Checking
     The build option `--enable-assert' is available to add some
     consistency checks to the library (see *Note Build Options::).
     These are likely to be of limited value to most applications.
     Assertion failures are just as likely to indicate memory
     corruption as a library or compiler bug.

     Applications using the low-level `mpn' functions, however, will
     benefit from `--enable-assert' since it adds checks on the
     parameters of most such functions, many of which have subtle
     restrictions on their usage.  Note however that only the generic C
     code has checks, not the assembler code, so CPU `none' should be
     used for maximum checking.

Temporary Memory Checking
     The build option `--enable-alloca=debug' arranges that each block
     of temporary memory in GMP is allocated with a separate call to
     `malloc' (or the allocation function set with

     This can help a malloc debugger detect accesses outside the
     intended bounds, or detect memory not released.  In a normal
     build, on the other hand, temporary memory is allocated in blocks
     which GMP divides up for its own use, or may be allocated with a
     compiler builtin `alloca' which will go nowhere near any malloc
     debugger hooks.

Maximum Debuggability
     To summarize the above, a GMP build for maximum debuggability
     would be

          ./configure --disable-shared --enable-assert \
            --enable-alloca=debug --host=none CFLAGS=-g

     For C++, add `--enable-cxx CXXFLAGS=-g'.

     The checker program (`http://savannah.gnu.org/projects/checker')
     can be used with GMP.  It contains a stub library which means GMP
     applications compiled with checker can use a normal GMP build.

     A build of GMP with checking within GMP itself can be made.  This
     will run very very slowly.  Configure with

          ./configure --host=none-pc-linux-gnu CC=checkergcc

     `--host=none' must be used, since the GMP assembler code doesn't
     support the checking scheme.  The GMP C++ features cannot be used,
     since current versions of checker ( don't yet support the
     standard C++ library.

     The valgrind program (`http://devel-home.kde.org/~sewardj') is a
     memory checker for x86s.  It translates and emulates machine
     instructions to do strong checks for uninitialized data (at the
     level of individual bits), memory accesses through bad pointers,
     and memory leaks.

     Current versions (20020226 snapshot) don't support MMX or SSE, so
     GMP must be configured for an x86 without those (eg. plain
     `i386'), or with a special `MPN_PATH' that excludes those
     subdirectories (*note Build Options::).

Other Problems
     Any suspected bug in GMP itself should be isolated to make sure
     it's not an application problem, see *Note Reporting Bugs::.

File: gmp.info,  Node: Profiling,  Next: Autoconf,  Prev: Debugging,  Up: GMP Basics


   Running a program under a profiler is a good way to find where it's
spending most time and where improvements can be best sought.

   Depending on the system, it may be possible to get a flat profile,
meaning simple timer sampling of the program counter, with no special
GMP build options, just a `-p' when compiling the mainline.  This is a
good way to ensure minimum interference with normal operation.  The
necessary symbol type and size information exists in most of the GMP
assembler code.

   The `--enable-profiling' build option can be used to add suitable
compiler flags, either for `prof' (`-p') or `gprof' (`-pg'), see *Note
Build Options::.  Which of the two is available and what they do will
depend on the system, and possibly on support available in `libc'.  For
some systems appropriate corresponding `mcount' calls are added to the
assembler code too.

   On x86 systems `prof' gives call counting, so that average time spent
in a function can be determined.  `gprof', where supported, adds call
graph construction, so for instance calls to `mpn_add_n' from `mpz_add'
and from `mpz_mul' can be differentiated.

   On x86 and 68k systems `-pg' and `-fomit-frame-pointer' are
incompatible, so the latter is not used when `gprof' profiling is
selected, which may result in poorer code generation.  If `prof'
profiling is selected instead it should still be possible to use
`gprof', but only the `gprof -p' flat profile and call counts can be
expected to be valid, not the `gprof -q' call graph.

File: gmp.info,  Node: Autoconf,  Next: Emacs,  Prev: Profiling,  Up: GMP Basics


   Autoconf based applications can easily check whether GMP is
installed.  The only thing to be noted is that GMP library symbols from
version 3 onwards have prefixes like `__gmpz'.  The following therefore
would be a simple test,

     AC_CHECK_LIB(gmp, __gmpz_init)

   This just uses the default `AC_CHECK_LIB' actions for found or not
found, but an application that must have GMP would want to generate an
error if not found.  For example,

     AC_CHECK_LIB(gmp, __gmpz_init, , [AC_MSG_ERROR(
     [GNU MP not found, see http://swox.com/gmp])])

   If functions added in some particular version of GMP are required,
then one of those can be used when checking.  For example `mpz_mul_si'
was added in GMP 3.1,

     AC_CHECK_LIB(gmp, __gmpz_mul_si, , [AC_MSG_ERROR(
     [GNU MP not found, or not 3.1 or up, see http://swox.com/gmp])])

   An alternative would be to test the version number in `gmp.h' using
say `AC_EGREP_CPP'.  That would make it possible to test the exact
version, if some particular sub-minor release is known to be necessary.

   An application that can use either GMP 2 or 3 will need to test for
`__gmpz_init' (GMP 3 and up) or `mpz_init' (GMP 2), and it's also worth
checking for `libgmp2' since Debian GNU/Linux systems used that name in
the past.  For example,

     AC_CHECK_LIB(gmp, __gmpz_init, ,
       [AC_CHECK_LIB(gmp, mpz_init, ,
         [AC_CHECK_LIB(gmp2, mpz_init)])])

   In general it's suggested that applications should simply demand a
new enough GMP rather than trying to provide supplements for features
not available in past versions.

   Occasionally an application will need or want to know the size of a
type at configuration or preprocessing time, not just with `sizeof' in
the code.  This can be done in the normal way with `mp_limb_t' etc, but
GMP 4.0 or up is best for this, since prior versions needed certain
`-D' defines on systems using a `long long' limb.  The following would
suit Autoconf 2.50 or up,

     AC_CHECK_SIZEOF(mp_limb_t, , [#include <gmp.h>])

   The optional `mpfr' functions are provided in a separate
`libmpfr.a', and this might be from GMP with `--enable-mpfr' or from
MPFR installed separately.  Either way `libmpfr' depends on `libgmp',
it doesn't stand alone.  Currently only a static `libmpfr.a' will be
available, not a shared library, since upward binary compatibility is
not guaranteed.

     AC_CHECK_LIB(mpfr, mpfr_add, , [AC_MSG_ERROR(
     [Need MPFR either from GNU MP 4 or separate MPFR package.
     See http://www.mpfr.org or http://swox.com/gmp])

File: gmp.info,  Node: Emacs,  Prev: Autoconf,  Up: GMP Basics


   <C-h C-i> (`info-lookup-symbol') is a good way to find documentation
on C functions while editing (*note Info Documentation Lookup:
(emacs)Info Lookup.).

   The GMP manual can be included in such lookups by putting the
following in your `.emacs',

     (eval-after-load "info-look"
       '(let ((mode-value (assoc 'c-mode (assoc 'symbol info-lookup-alist))))
          (setcar (nthcdr 3 mode-value)
                  (cons '("(gmp)Function Index" nil "^ -.* " "\\>")
                        (nth 3 mode-value)))))

   The same can be done for MPFR, with `(mpfr)' in place of `(gmp)'.

File: gmp.info,  Node: Reporting Bugs,  Next: Integer Functions,  Prev: GMP Basics,  Up: Top

Reporting Bugs

   If you think you have found a bug in the GMP library, please
investigate it and report it.  We have made this library available to
you, and it is not too much to ask you to report the bugs you find.

   Before you report a bug, check it's not already addressed in *Note
Known Build Problems::, or perhaps *Note Notes for Particular
Systems::.  You may also want to check `http://swox.com/gmp/' for
patches for this release.

   Please include the following in any report,

   * The GMP version number, and if pre-packaged or patched then say so.

   * A test program that makes it possible for us to reproduce the bug.
     Include instructions on how to run the program.

   * A description of what is wrong.  If the results are incorrect, in
     what way.  If you get a crash, say so.

   * If you get a crash, include a stack backtrace from the debugger if
     it's informative (`where' in `gdb', or `$C' in `adb').

   * Please do not send core dumps, executables or `strace's.

   * The configuration options you used when building GMP, if any.

   * The name of the compiler and its version.  For `gcc', get the
     version with `gcc -v', otherwise perhaps `what `which cc`', or

   * The output from running `uname -a'.

   * The output from running `./config.guess', and from running
     `./configfsf.guess' (might be the same).

   * If the bug is related to `configure', then the contents of

   * If the bug is related to an `asm' file not assembling, then the
     contents of `config.m4' and the offending line or lines from the
     temporary `mpn/tmp-<file>.s'.

   Please make an effort to produce a self-contained report, with
something definite that can be tested or debugged.  Vague queries or
piecemeal messages are difficult to act on and don't help the
development effort.

   It is not uncommon that an observed problem is actually due to a bug
in the compiler; the GMP code tends to explore interesting corners in

   If your bug report is good, we will do our best to help you get a
corrected version of the library; if the bug report is poor, we won't
do anything about it (except maybe ask you to send a better report).

   Send your report to: <bug-gmp@gnu.org>.

   If you think something in this manual is unclear, or downright
incorrect, or if the language needs to be improved, please send a note
to the same address.

File: gmp.info,  Node: Integer Functions,  Next: Rational Number Functions,  Prev: Reporting Bugs,  Up: Top

Integer Functions

   This chapter describes the GMP functions for performing integer
arithmetic.  These functions start with the prefix `mpz_'.

   GMP integers are stored in objects of type `mpz_t'.

* Menu:

* Initializing Integers::
* Assigning Integers::
* Simultaneous Integer Init & Assign::
* Converting Integers::
* Integer Arithmetic::
* Integer Division::
* Integer Exponentiation::
* Integer Roots::
* Number Theoretic Functions::
* Integer Comparisons::
* Integer Logic and Bit Fiddling::
* I/O of Integers::
* Integer Random Numbers::
* Integer Import and Export::
* Miscellaneous Integer Functions::

File: gmp.info,  Node: Initializing Integers,  Next: Assigning Integers,  Prev: Integer Functions,  Up: Integer Functions

Initialization Functions

   The functions for integer arithmetic assume that all integer objects
are initialized.  You do that by calling the function `mpz_init'.  For

       mpz_t integ;
       mpz_init (integ);
       mpz_add (integ, ...);
       mpz_sub (integ, ...);
       /* Unless the program is about to exit, do ... */
       mpz_clear (integ);

   As you can see, you can store new values any number of times, once an
object is initialized.

 - Function: void mpz_init (mpz_t INTEGER)
     Initialize INTEGER, and set its value to 0.

 - Function: void mpz_init2 (mpz_t INTEGER, unsigned long N)
     Initialize INTEGER, with space for N bits, and set its value to 0.

     N is only the initial space, INTEGER will grow automatically in
     the normal way, if necessary, for subsequent values stored.
     `mpz_init2' makes it possible to avoid such reallocations if a
     maximum size is known in advance.

 - Function: void mpz_clear (mpz_t INTEGER)
     Free the space occupied by INTEGER.  Call this function for all
     `mpz_t' variables when you are done with them.

 - Function: void mpz_realloc2 (mpz_t INTEGER, unsigned long N)
     Change the space allocated for INTEGER to N bits.  The value in
     INTEGER is preserved if it fits, or is set to 0 if not.

     This function can be used to increase the space for a variable in
     order to avoid repeated automatic reallocations, or to decrease it
     to give memory back to the heap.

 - Function: void mpz_array_init (mpz_t INTEGER_ARRAY[], size_t
          ARRAY_SIZE, mp_size_t FIXED_NUM_BITS)
     This is a special type of initialization.  *Fixed* space of
     FIXED_NUM_BITS bits is allocated to each of the ARRAY_SIZE
     integers in INTEGER_ARRAY.

     The space will not be automatically increased, unlike the normal
     `mpz_init', but instead an application must ensure it's sufficient
     for any value stored.  The following space requirements apply to
     various functions,

        * `mpz_abs', `mpz_neg', `mpz_set', `mpz_set_si' and
          `mpz_set_ui' need room for the value they store.

        * `mpz_add', `mpz_add_ui', `mpz_sub' and `mpz_sub_ui' need room
          for the larger of the two operands, plus an extra

        * `mpz_mul', `mpz_mul_ui' and `mpz_mul_ui' need room for the sum
          of the number of bits in their operands, but each rounded up
          to a multiple of `mp_bits_per_limb'.

        * `mpz_swap' can be used between two array variables, but not
          between an array and a normal variable.

     For other functions, or if in doubt, the suggestion is to
     calculate in a regular `mpz_init' variable and copy the result to
     an array variable with `mpz_set'.

     `mpz_array_init' can reduce memory usage in algorithms that need
     large arrays of integers, since it avoids allocating and
     reallocating lots of small memory blocks.  There is no way to free
     the storage allocated by this function.  Don't call `mpz_clear'!

 - Function: void * _mpz_realloc (mpz_t INTEGER, mp_size_t NEW_ALLOC)
     Change the space for INTEGER to NEW_ALLOC limbs.  The value in
     INTEGER is preserved if it fits, or is set to 0 if not.  The return
     value is not useful to applications and should be ignored.

     `mpz_realloc2' is the preferred way to accomplish allocation
     changes like this.  `mpz_realloc2' and `_mpz_realloc' are the same
     except that `_mpz_realloc' takes the new size in limbs.

File: gmp.info,  Node: Assigning Integers,  Next: Simultaneous Integer Init & Assign,  Prev: Initializing Integers,  Up: Integer Functions

Assignment Functions

   These functions assign new values to already initialized integers
(*note Initializing Integers::).

 - Function: void mpz_set (mpz_t ROP, mpz_t OP)
 - Function: void mpz_set_ui (mpz_t ROP, unsigned long int OP)
 - Function: void mpz_set_si (mpz_t ROP, signed long int OP)
 - Function: void mpz_set_d (mpz_t ROP, double OP)
 - Function: void mpz_set_q (mpz_t ROP, mpq_t OP)
 - Function: void mpz_set_f (mpz_t ROP, mpf_t OP)
     Set the value of ROP from OP.

     `mpz_set_d', `mpz_set_q' and `mpz_set_f' truncate OP to make it an

 - Function: int mpz_set_str (mpz_t ROP, char *STR, int BASE)
     Set the value of ROP from STR, a null-terminated C string in base
     BASE.  White space is allowed in the string, and is simply
     ignored.  The base may vary from 2 to 36.  If BASE is 0, the
     actual base is determined from the leading characters: if the
     first two characters are "0x" or "0X", hexadecimal is assumed,
     otherwise if the first character is "0", octal is assumed,
     otherwise decimal is assumed.

     This function returns 0 if the entire string is a valid number in
     base BASE.  Otherwise it returns -1.

     [It turns out that it is not entirely true that this function
     ignores white-space.  It does ignore it between digits, but not
     after a minus sign or within or after "0x".  We are considering
     changing the definition of this function, making it fail when
     there is any white-space in the input, since that makes a lot of
     sense.  Send your opinion of this change to <bug-gmp@gnu.org>.  Do
     you really want it to accept "3 14" as meaning 314 as it does now?]

 - Function: void mpz_swap (mpz_t ROP1, mpz_t ROP2)
     Swap the values ROP1 and ROP2 efficiently.

File: gmp.info,  Node: Simultaneous Integer Init & Assign,  Next: Converting Integers,  Prev: Assigning Integers,  Up: Integer Functions

Combined Initialization and Assignment Functions

   For convenience, GMP provides a parallel series of
initialize-and-set functions which initialize the output and then store
the value there.  These functions' names have the form `mpz_init_set...'

   Here is an example of using one:

       mpz_t pie;
       mpz_init_set_str (pie, "3141592653589793238462643383279502884", 10);
       mpz_sub (pie, ...);
       mpz_clear (pie);

Once the integer has been initialized by any of the `mpz_init_set...'
functions, it can be used as the source or destination operand for the
ordinary integer functions.  Don't use an initialize-and-set function
on a variable already initialized!

 - Function: void mpz_init_set (mpz_t ROP, mpz_t OP)
 - Function: void mpz_init_set_ui (mpz_t ROP, unsigned long int OP)
 - Function: void mpz_init_set_si (mpz_t ROP, signed long int OP)
 - Function: void mpz_init_set_d (mpz_t ROP, double OP)
     Initialize ROP with limb space and set the initial numeric value
     from OP.

 - Function: int mpz_init_set_str (mpz_t ROP, char *STR, int BASE)
     Initialize ROP and set its value like `mpz_set_str' (see its
     documentation above for details).

     If the string is a correct base BASE number, the function returns
     0; if an error occurs it returns -1.  ROP is initialized even if
     an error occurs.  (I.e., you have to call `mpz_clear' for it.)

File: gmp.info,  Node: Converting Integers,  Next: Integer Arithmetic,  Prev: Simultaneous Integer Init & Assign,  Up: Integer Functions

Conversion Functions

   This section describes functions for converting GMP integers to
standard C types.  Functions for converting _to_ GMP integers are
described in *Note Assigning Integers:: and *Note I/O of Integers::.

 - Function: unsigned long int mpz_get_ui (mpz_t OP)
     Return the value of OP as an `unsigned long'.

     If OP is too big to fit an `unsigned long' then just the least
     significant bits that do fit are returned.  The sign of OP is
     ignored, only the absolute value is used.

 - Function: signed long int mpz_get_si (mpz_t OP)
     If OP fits into a `signed long int' return the value of OP.
     Otherwise return the least significant part of OP, with the same
     sign as OP.

     If OP is too big to fit in a `signed long int', the returned
     result is probably not very useful.  To find out if the value will
     fit, use the function `mpz_fits_slong_p'.

 - Function: double mpz_get_d (mpz_t OP)
     Convert OP to a `double'.

 - Function: double mpz_get_d_2exp (signed long int *EXP, mpz_t OP)
     Find D and EXP such that D times 2 raised to EXP, with
     0.5<=abs(D)<1, is a good approximation to OP.

 - Function: char * mpz_get_str (char *STR, int BASE, mpz_t OP)
     Convert OP to a string of digits in base BASE.  The base may vary
     from 2 to 36.

     If STR is `NULL', the result string is allocated using the current
     allocation function (*note Custom Allocation::).  The block will be
     `strlen(str)+1' bytes, that being exactly enough for the string and

     If STR is not `NULL', it should point to a block of storage large
     enough for the result, that being `mpz_sizeinbase (OP, BASE) + 2'.
     The two extra bytes are for a possible minus sign, and the

     A pointer to the result string is returned, being either the
     allocated block, or the given STR.

 - Function: mp_limb_t mpz_getlimbn (mpz_t OP, mp_size_t N)
     Return limb number N from OP.  The sign of OP is ignored, just the
     absolute value is used.  The least significant limb is number 0.

     `mpz_size' can be used to find how many limbs make up OP.
     `mpz_getlimbn' returns zero if N is outside the range 0 to

File: gmp.info,  Node: Integer Arithmetic,  Next: Integer Division,  Prev: Converting Integers,  Up: Integer Functions

Arithmetic Functions

 - Function: void mpz_add (mpz_t ROP, mpz_t OP1, mpz_t OP2)
 - Function: void mpz_add_ui (mpz_t ROP, mpz_t OP1, unsigned long int
     Set ROP to OP1 + OP2.

 - Function: void mpz_sub (mpz_t ROP, mpz_t OP1, mpz_t OP2)
 - Function: void mpz_sub_ui (mpz_t ROP, mpz_t OP1, unsigned long int
 - Function: void mpz_ui_sub (mpz_t ROP, unsigned long int OP1, mpz_t
     Set ROP to OP1 - OP2.

 - Function: void mpz_mul (mpz_t ROP, mpz_t OP1, mpz_t OP2)
 - Function: void mpz_mul_si (mpz_t ROP, mpz_t OP1, long int OP2)
 - Function: void mpz_mul_ui (mpz_t ROP, mpz_t OP1, unsigned long int
     Set ROP to OP1 times OP2.

 - Function: void mpz_addmul (mpz_t ROP, mpz_t OP1, mpz_t OP2)
 - Function: void mpz_addmul_ui (mpz_t ROP, mpz_t OP1, unsigned long
          int OP2)
     Set ROP to ROP + OP1 times OP2.

 - Function: void mpz_submul (mpz_t ROP, mpz_t OP1, mpz_t OP2)
 - Function: void mpz_submul_ui (mpz_t ROP, mpz_t OP1, unsigned long
          int OP2)
     Set ROP to ROP - OP1 times OP2.

 - Function: void mpz_mul_2exp (mpz_t ROP, mpz_t OP1, unsigned long int
     Set ROP to OP1 times 2 raised to OP2.  This operation can also be
     defined as a left shift by OP2 bits.

 - Function: void mpz_neg (mpz_t ROP, mpz_t OP)
     Set ROP to -OP.

 - Function: void mpz_abs (mpz_t ROP, mpz_t OP)
     Set ROP to the absolute value of OP.

File: gmp.info,  Node: Integer Division,  Next: Integer Exponentiation,  Prev: Integer Arithmetic,  Up: Integer Functions

Division Functions

   Division is undefined if the divisor is zero.  Passing a zero
divisor to the division or modulo functions (including the modular
powering functions `mpz_powm' and `mpz_powm_ui'), will cause an
intentional division by zero.  This lets a program handle arithmetic
exceptions in these functions the same way as for normal C `int'

 - Function: void mpz_cdiv_q (mpz_t Q, mpz_t N, mpz_t D)
 - Function: void mpz_cdiv_r (mpz_t R, mpz_t N, mpz_t D)
 - Function: void mpz_cdiv_qr (mpz_t Q, mpz_t R, mpz_t N, mpz_t D)
 - Function: unsigned long int mpz_cdiv_q_ui (mpz_t Q, mpz_t N,
          unsigned long int D)
 - Function: unsigned long int mpz_cdiv_r_ui (mpz_t R, mpz_t N,
          unsigned long int D)
 - Function: unsigned long int mpz_cdiv_qr_ui (mpz_t Q, mpz_t R,
          mpz_t N, unsigned long int D)
 - Function: unsigned long int mpz_cdiv_ui (mpz_t N,
          unsigned long int D)
 - Function: void mpz_cdiv_q_2exp (mpz_t Q, mpz_t N,
          unsigned long int B)
 - Function: void mpz_cdiv_r_2exp (mpz_t R, mpz_t N,
          unsigned long int B)

 - Function: void mpz_fdiv_q (mpz_t Q, mpz_t N, mpz_t D)
 - Function: void mpz_fdiv_r (mpz_t R, mpz_t N, mpz_t D)
 - Function: void mpz_fdiv_qr (mpz_t Q, mpz_t R, mpz_t N, mpz_t D)
 - Function: unsigned long int mpz_fdiv_q_ui (mpz_t Q, mpz_t N,
          unsigned long int D)
 - Function: unsigned long int mpz_fdiv_r_ui (mpz_t R, mpz_t N,
          unsigned long int D)
 - Function: unsigned long int mpz_fdiv_qr_ui (mpz_t Q, mpz_t R,
          mpz_t N, unsigned long int D)
 - Function: unsigned long int mpz_fdiv_ui (mpz_t N,
          unsigned long int D)
 - Function: void mpz_fdiv_q_2exp (mpz_t Q, mpz_t N,
          unsigned long int B)
 - Function: void mpz_fdiv_r_2exp (mpz_t R, mpz_t N,
          unsigned long int B)

 - Function: void mpz_tdiv_q (mpz_t Q, mpz_t N, mpz_t D)
 - Function: void mpz_tdiv_r (mpz_t R, mpz_t N, mpz_t D)
 - Function: void mpz_tdiv_qr (mpz_t Q, mpz_t R, mpz_t N, mpz_t D)
 - Function: unsigned long int mpz_tdiv_q_ui (mpz_t Q, mpz_t N,
          unsigned long int D)
 - Function: unsigned long int mpz_tdiv_r_ui (mpz_t R, mpz_t N,
          unsigned long int D)
 - Function: unsigned long int mpz_tdiv_qr_ui (mpz_t Q, mpz_t R,
          mpz_t N, unsigned long int D)
 - Function: unsigned long int mpz_tdiv_ui (mpz_t N,
          unsigned long int D)
 - Function: void mpz_tdiv_q_2exp (mpz_t Q, mpz_t N,
          unsigned long int B)
 - Function: void mpz_tdiv_r_2exp (mpz_t R, mpz_t N,
          unsigned long int B)

     Divide N by D, forming a quotient Q and/or remainder R.  For the
     `2exp' functions, D=2^B.  The rounding is in three styles, each
     suiting different applications.

        * `cdiv' rounds Q up towards +infinity, and R will have the
          opposite sign to D.  The `c' stands for "ceil".

        * `fdiv' rounds Q down towards -infinity, and R will have the
          same sign as D.  The `f' stands for "floor".

        * `tdiv' rounds Q towards zero, and R will have the same sign
          as N.  The `t' stands for "truncate".

     In all cases Q and R will satisfy N=Q*D+R, and R will satisfy

     The `q' functions calculate only the quotient, the `r' functions
     only the remainder, and the `qr' functions calculate both.  Note
     that for `qr' the same variable cannot be passed for both Q and R,
     or results will be unpredictable.

     For the `ui' variants the return value is the remainder, and in
     fact returning the remainder is all the `div_ui' functions do.  For
     `tdiv' and `cdiv' the remainder can be negative, so for those the
     return value is the absolute value of the remainder.

     The `2exp' functions are right shifts and bit masks, but of course
     rounding the same as the other functions.  For positive N both
     `mpz_fdiv_q_2exp' and `mpz_tdiv_q_2exp' are simple bitwise right
     shifts.  For negative N, `mpz_fdiv_q_2exp' is effectively an
     arithmetic right shift treating N as twos complement the same as
     the bitwise logical functions do, whereas `mpz_tdiv_q_2exp'
     effectively treats N as sign and magnitude.

 - Function: void mpz_mod (mpz_t R, mpz_t N, mpz_t D)
 - Function: unsigned long int mpz_mod_ui (mpz_t R, mpz_t N,
          unsigned long int D)
     Set R to N `mod' D.  The sign of the divisor is ignored; the
     result is always non-negative.

     `mpz_mod_ui' is identical to `mpz_fdiv_r_ui' above, returning the
     remainder as well as setting R.  See `mpz_fdiv_ui' above if only
     the return value is wanted.

 - Function: void mpz_divexact (mpz_t Q, mpz_t N, mpz_t D)
 - Function: void mpz_divexact_ui (mpz_t Q, mpz_t N, unsigned long D)
     Set Q to N/D.  These functions produce correct results only when
     it is known in advance that D divides N.

     These routines are much faster than the other division functions,
     and are the best choice when exact division is known to occur, for
     example reducing a rational to lowest terms.

 - Function: int mpz_divisible_p (mpz_t N, mpz_t D)
 - Function: int mpz_divisible_ui_p (mpz_t N, unsigned long int D)
 - Function: int mpz_divisible_2exp_p (mpz_t N, unsigned long int B)
     Return non-zero if N is exactly divisible by D, or in the case of
     `mpz_divisible_2exp_p' by 2^B.

 - Function: int mpz_congruent_p (mpz_t N, mpz_t C, mpz_t D)
 - Function: int mpz_congruent_ui_p (mpz_t N, unsigned long int C,
          unsigned long int D)
 - Function: int mpz_congruent_2exp_p (mpz_t N, mpz_t C, unsigned long
          int B)
     Return non-zero if N is congruent to C modulo D, or in the case of
     `mpz_congruent_2exp_p' modulo 2^B.

File: gmp.info,  Node: Integer Exponentiation,  Next: Integer Roots,  Prev: Integer Division,  Up: Integer Functions

Exponentiation Functions

 - Function: void mpz_powm (mpz_t ROP, mpz_t BASE, mpz_t EXP, mpz_t MOD)
 - Function: void mpz_powm_ui (mpz_t ROP, mpz_t BASE, unsigned long int
          EXP, mpz_t MOD)
     Set ROP to (BASE raised to EXP) modulo MOD.

     Negative EXP is supported if an inverse BASE^-1 mod MOD exists
     (see `mpz_invert' in *Note Number Theoretic Functions::).  If an
     inverse doesn't exist then a divide by zero is raised.

 - Function: void mpz_pow_ui (mpz_t ROP, mpz_t BASE, unsigned long int
 - Function: void mpz_ui_pow_ui (mpz_t ROP, unsigned long int BASE,
          unsigned long int EXP)
     Set ROP to BASE raised to EXP.  The case 0^0 yields 1.

File: gmp.info,  Node: Integer Roots,  Next: Number Theoretic Functions,  Prev: Integer Exponentiation,  Up: Integer Functions

Root Extraction Functions

 - Function: int mpz_root (mpz_t ROP, mpz_t OP, unsigned long int N)
     Set ROP to  the truncated integer part of the Nth root of OP.
     Return non-zero if the computation was exact, i.e., if OP is ROP
     to the Nth power.

 - Function: void mpz_sqrt (mpz_t ROP, mpz_t OP)
     Set ROP to  the truncated integer part of the square root of OP.

 - Function: void mpz_sqrtrem (mpz_t ROP1, mpz_t ROP2, mpz_t OP)
     Set ROP1 to the truncated integer part of the square root of OP,
     like `mpz_sqrt'.  Set ROP2 to the remainder OP-ROP1*ROP1, which
     will be zero if OP is a perfect square.

     If ROP1 and ROP2 are the same variable, the results are undefined.

 - Function: int mpz_perfect_power_p (mpz_t OP)
     Return non-zero if OP is a perfect power, i.e., if there exist
     integers A and B, with B>1, such that OP equals A raised to the
     power B.

     Under this definition both 0 and 1 are considered to be perfect
     powers.  Negative values of OP are accepted, but of course can
     only be odd perfect powers.

 - Function: int mpz_perfect_square_p (mpz_t OP)
     Return non-zero if OP is a perfect square, i.e., if the square
     root of OP is an integer.  Under this definition both 0 and 1 are
     considered to be perfect squares.