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Annotation of OpenXM_contrib/gmp/demos/calc/calc.y, Revision 1.1

1.1     ! ohara       1: %{
        !             2: /* A simple integer desk calculator using yacc and gmp.
        !             3:
        !             4: Copyright 2000, 2001, 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
        !             5:
        !             6: This file is part of the GNU MP Library.
        !             7:
        !             8: This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
        !             9: the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
        !            10: Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
        !            11: version.
        !            12:
        !            13: This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
        !            14: WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
        !            15: PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
        !            16:
        !            17: You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
        !            18: this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple
        !            19: Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
        !            20:
        !            21:
        !            22: /* This is a simple program, meant only to show one way to use GMP for this
        !            23:    sort of thing.  There's few features, and error checking is minimal.
        !            24:    Standard input is read, calc_help() below shows the inputs accepted.
        !            25:
        !            26:    Expressions are evaluated as they're read.  If user defined functions
        !            27:    were wanted it'd be necessary to build a parse tree like pexpr.c does, or
        !            28:    a list of operations for a stack based evaluator.  That would also make
        !            29:    it possible to detect and optimize evaluations "mod m" like pexpr.c does.
        !            30:
        !            31:    A stack is used for intermediate values in the expression evaluation,
        !            32:    separate from the yacc parser stack.  This is simple, makes error
        !            33:    recovery easy, minimizes the junk around mpz calls in the rules, and
        !            34:    saves initializing or clearing "mpz_t"s during a calculation.  A
        !            35:    disadvantage though is that variables must be copied to the stack to be
        !            36:    worked on.  A more sophisticated calculator or language system might be
        !            37:    able to avoid that when executing a compiled or semi-compiled form.
        !            38:
        !            39:    Avoiding repeated initializing and clearing of "mpz_t"s is important.  In
        !            40:    this program the time spent parsing is obviously much greater than any
        !            41:    possible saving from this, but a proper calculator or language should
        !            42:    take some trouble over it.  Don't be surprised if an init/clear takes 3
        !            43:    or more times as long as a 10 limb addition, depending on the system (see
        !            44:    the mpz_init_realloc_clear example in tune/README).  */
        !            45:
        !            46:
        !            47: #include <stdio.h>
        !            48: #include <stdlib.h>
        !            49: #include <string.h>
        !            50: #include "gmp.h"
        !            51: #define NO_CALC_H /* because it conflicts with normal calc.c stuff */
        !            52: #include "calc-common.h"
        !            53:
        !            54:
        !            55: #define numberof(x)  (sizeof (x) / sizeof ((x)[0]))
        !            56:
        !            57:
        !            58: void
        !            59: calc_help (void)
        !            60: {
        !            61:   printf ("Examples:\n");
        !            62:   printf ("    2+3*4        expressions are evaluated\n");
        !            63:   printf ("    x=5^6        variables a to z can be set and used\n");
        !            64:   printf ("Operators:\n");
        !            65:   printf ("    + - *        arithmetic\n");
        !            66:   printf ("    / %%          division and remainder (rounding towards negative infinity)\n");
        !            67:   printf ("    ^            exponentiation\n");
        !            68:   printf ("    !            factorial\n");
        !            69:   printf ("    << >>        left and right shifts\n");
        !            70:   printf ("    <= >= >      \\ comparisons, giving 1 if true, 0 if false\n");
        !            71:   printf ("    == != <      /\n");
        !            72:   printf ("    && ||        logical and/or, giving 1 if true, 0 if false\n");
        !            73:   printf ("Functions:\n");
        !            74:   printf ("    abs(n)       absolute value\n");
        !            75:   printf ("    bin(n,m)     binomial coefficient\n");
        !            76:   printf ("    fib(n)       fibonacci number\n");
        !            77:   printf ("    gcd(a,b,..)  greatest common divisor\n");
        !            78:   printf ("    kron(a,b)    kronecker symbol\n");
        !            79:   printf ("    lcm(a,b,..)  least common multiple\n");
        !            80:   printf ("    lucnum(n)    lucas number\n");
        !            81:   printf ("    nextprime(n) next prime after n\n");
        !            82:   printf ("    powm(b,e,m)  modulo powering, b^e%%m\n");
        !            83:   printf ("    root(n,r)    r-th root\n");
        !            84:   printf ("    sqrt(n)      square root\n");
        !            85:   printf ("Other:\n");
        !            86:   printf ("    hex          \\ set hex or decimal for input and output\n");
        !            87:   printf ("    decimal      /   (\"0x\" can be used for hex too)\n");
        !            88:   printf ("    quit         exit program (EOF works too)\n");
        !            89:   printf ("    ;            statements are separated with a ; or newline\n");
        !            90:   printf ("    \\            continue expressions with \\ before newline\n");
        !            91:   printf ("    # xxx        comments are # though to newline\n");
        !            92:   printf ("Hex numbers must be entered in upper case, to distinguish them from the\n");
        !            93:   printf ("variables a to f (like in bc).\n");
        !            94: }
        !            95:
        !            96:
        !            97: int  ibase = 0;
        !            98: int  obase = 10;
        !            99:
        !           100:
        !           101: /* The stack is a fixed size, which means there's a limit on the nesting
        !           102:    allowed in expressions.  A more sophisticated program could let it grow
        !           103:    dynamically.  */
        !           104:
        !           105: mpz_t    stack[100];
        !           106: mpz_ptr  sp = stack[0];
        !           107:
        !           108: #define CHECK_OVERFLOW()                                                  \
        !           109:   if (sp >= stack[numberof(stack)])                                       \
        !           110:     {                                                                     \
        !           111:       fprintf (stderr,                                                    \
        !           112:                "Value stack overflow, too much nesting in expression\n"); \
        !           113:       YYERROR;                                                            \
        !           114:     }
        !           115:
        !           116: #define CHECK_EMPTY()                                                   \
        !           117:   if (sp != stack[0])                                                   \
        !           118:     {                                                                   \
        !           119:       fprintf (stderr, "Oops, expected the value stack to be empty\n"); \
        !           120:       sp = stack[0];                                                    \
        !           121:     }
        !           122:
        !           123:
        !           124: mpz_t  variable[26];
        !           125:
        !           126: #define CHECK_VARIABLE(var)                                             \
        !           127:   if ((var) < 0 || (var) >= numberof (variable))                        \
        !           128:     {                                                                   \
        !           129:       fprintf (stderr, "Oops, bad variable somehow: %d\n", var);        \
        !           130:       YYERROR;                                                          \
        !           131:     }
        !           132:
        !           133:
        !           134: #define CHECK_UI(name,z)                        \
        !           135:   if (! mpz_fits_ulong_p (z))                   \
        !           136:     {                                           \
        !           137:       fprintf (stderr, "%s too big\n", name);   \
        !           138:       YYERROR;                                  \
        !           139:     }
        !           140:
        !           141: %}
        !           142:
        !           143: %union {
        !           144:   char  *str;
        !           145:   int   var;
        !           146: }
        !           147:
        !           148: %token EOS BAD
        !           149: %token HELP HEX DECIMAL QUIT
        !           151: %token <str> NUMBER
        !           152: %token <var> VARIABLE
        !           153:
        !           154: /* operators, increasing precedence */
        !           155: %left     LOR
        !           156: %left     LAND
        !           157: %nonassoc '<' '>' EQ NE LE GE
        !           158: %left     LSHIFT RSHIFT
        !           159: %left     '+' '-'
        !           160: %left     '*' '/' '%'
        !           161: %nonassoc UMINUS
        !           162: %right    '^'
        !           163: %nonassoc '!'
        !           164:
        !           165: %%
        !           166:
        !           167: top:
        !           168:   statement
        !           169:   | statements statement;
        !           170:
        !           171: statements:
        !           172:   statement EOS
        !           173:   | statements statement EOS
        !           174:   | error EOS { sp = stack[0]; yyerrok; };
        !           175:
        !           176: statement:
        !           177:   /* empty */
        !           178:   | e {
        !           179:       mpz_out_str (stdout, obase, sp); putchar ('\n');
        !           180:       sp--;
        !           181:       CHECK_EMPTY ();
        !           182:     }
        !           183:   | VARIABLE '=' e {
        !           184:       CHECK_VARIABLE ($1);
        !           185:       mpz_swap (variable[$1], sp);
        !           186:       sp--;
        !           187:       CHECK_EMPTY ();
        !           188:     }
        !           189:   | HELP    { calc_help (); }
        !           190:   | HEX     { ibase = 16; obase = -16; }
        !           191:   | DECIMAL { ibase = 0;  obase = 10; }
        !           192:   | QUIT    { exit (0); };
        !           193:
        !           194: /* "e" leaves it's value on the top of the mpz stack.  A rule like "e '+' e"
        !           195:    will have done a reduction for the first "e" first and the second "e"
        !           196:    second, so the code receives the values in that order on the stack.  */
        !           197: e:
        !           198:     '(' e ')'     /* value on stack */
        !           199:     | e '+' e     { sp--; mpz_add    (sp, sp, sp+1); }
        !           200:     | e '-' e     { sp--; mpz_sub    (sp, sp, sp+1); }
        !           201:     | e '*' e     { sp--; mpz_mul    (sp, sp, sp+1); }
        !           202:     | e '/' e     { sp--; mpz_fdiv_q (sp, sp, sp+1); }
        !           203:     | e '%' e     { sp--; mpz_fdiv_r (sp, sp, sp+1); }
        !           204:     | e '^' e     { CHECK_UI ("Exponent", sp);
        !           205:                     sp--; mpz_pow_ui (sp, sp, mpz_get_ui (sp+1)); }
        !           206:     | e LSHIFT e  { CHECK_UI ("Shift count", sp);
        !           207:                     sp--; mpz_mul_2exp (sp, sp, mpz_get_ui (sp+1)); }
        !           208:     | e RSHIFT e  { CHECK_UI ("Shift count", sp);
        !           209:                     sp--; mpz_fdiv_q_2exp (sp, sp, mpz_get_ui (sp+1)); }
        !           210:     | e '!'       { CHECK_UI ("Factorial", sp);
        !           211:                     mpz_fac_ui (sp, mpz_get_ui (sp)); }
        !           212:     | '-' e %prec UMINUS   { mpz_neg (sp, sp); }
        !           213:
        !           214:     | e '<' e     { sp--; mpz_set_ui (sp, mpz_cmp (sp, sp+1) <  0); }
        !           215:     | e LE  e     { sp--; mpz_set_ui (sp, mpz_cmp (sp, sp+1) <= 0); }
        !           216:     | e EQ  e     { sp--; mpz_set_ui (sp, mpz_cmp (sp, sp+1) == 0); }
        !           217:     | e NE  e     { sp--; mpz_set_ui (sp, mpz_cmp (sp, sp+1) != 0); }
        !           218:     | e GE  e     { sp--; mpz_set_ui (sp, mpz_cmp (sp, sp+1) >= 0); }
        !           219:     | e '>' e     { sp--; mpz_set_ui (sp, mpz_cmp (sp, sp+1) >  0); }
        !           220:
        !           221:     | e LAND e    { sp--; mpz_set_ui (sp, mpz_sgn (sp) && mpz_sgn (sp+1)); }
        !           222:     | e LOR e     { sp--; mpz_set_ui (sp, mpz_sgn (sp) || mpz_sgn (sp+1)); }
        !           223:
        !           224:     | ABS '(' e ')'              { mpz_abs (sp, sp); }
        !           225:     | BIN '(' e ',' e ')'        { sp--; CHECK_UI ("Binomial base", sp+1);
        !           226:                                    mpz_bin_ui (sp, sp, mpz_get_ui (sp+1)); }
        !           227:     | FIB '(' e ')'              { CHECK_UI ("Fibonacci", sp);
        !           228:                                    mpz_fib_ui (sp, mpz_get_ui (sp)); }
        !           229:     | GCD '(' gcdlist ')'        /* value on stack */
        !           230:     | KRON '(' e ',' e ')'       { sp--; mpz_set_si (sp,
        !           231:                                          mpz_kronecker (sp, sp+1)); }
        !           232:     | LCM '(' lcmlist ')'        /* value on stack */
        !           233:     | LUCNUM '(' e ')'           { CHECK_UI ("Lucas number", sp);
        !           234:                                    mpz_lucnum_ui (sp, mpz_get_ui (sp)); }
        !           235:     | NEXTPRIME '(' e ')'        { mpz_nextprime (sp, sp); }
        !           236:     | POWM '(' e ',' e ',' e ')' { sp -= 2; mpz_powm (sp, sp, sp+1, sp+2); }
        !           237:     | ROOT '(' e ',' e ')'       { sp--; CHECK_UI ("Nth-root", sp+1);
        !           238:                                    mpz_root (sp, sp, mpz_get_ui (sp+1)); }
        !           239:     | SQRT '(' e ')'             { mpz_sqrt (sp, sp); }
        !           240:
        !           241:     | VARIABLE {
        !           242:         sp++;
        !           243:         CHECK_OVERFLOW ();
        !           244:         CHECK_VARIABLE ($1);
        !           245:         mpz_set (sp, variable[$1]);
        !           246:       }
        !           247:     | NUMBER {
        !           248:         sp++;
        !           249:         CHECK_OVERFLOW ();
        !           250:         if (mpz_set_str (sp, $1, ibase) != 0)
        !           251:           {
        !           252:             fprintf (stderr, "Invalid number: %s\n", $1);
        !           253:             YYERROR;
        !           254:           }
        !           255:       };
        !           256:
        !           257: gcdlist:
        !           258:     e                /* value on stack */
        !           259:     | gcdlist ',' e  { sp--; mpz_gcd (sp, sp, sp+1); };
        !           260:
        !           261: lcmlist:
        !           262:     e                /* value on stack */
        !           263:     | lcmlist ',' e  { sp--; mpz_lcm (sp, sp, sp+1); };
        !           264:
        !           265: %%
        !           266:
        !           267: yyerror (char *s)
        !           268: {
        !           269:   fprintf (stderr, "%s\n", s);
        !           270: }
        !           271:
        !           272: int calc_option_readline = -1;
        !           273:
        !           274: int
        !           275: main (int argc, char *argv[])
        !           276: {
        !           277:   int  i;
        !           278:
        !           279:   for (i = 1; i < argc; i++)
        !           280:     {
        !           281:       if (strcmp (argv[i], "--readline") == 0)
        !           282:         calc_option_readline = 1;
        !           283:       else if (strcmp (argv[i], "--noreadline") == 0)
        !           284:         calc_option_readline = 0;
        !           285:       else if (strcmp (argv[i], "--help") == 0)
        !           286:         {
        !           287:           printf ("Usage: calc [--option]...\n");
        !           288:           printf ("  --readline    use readline\n");
        !           289:           printf ("  --noreadline  don't use readline\n");
        !           290:           printf ("  --help        this message\n");
        !           291:           printf ("Readline is only available when compiled in,\n");
        !           292:           printf ("and in that case it's the default on a tty.\n");
        !           293:           exit (0);
        !           294:         }
        !           295:       else
        !           296:         {
        !           297:           fprintf (stderr, "Unrecognised option: %s\n", argv[i]);
        !           298:           exit (1);
        !           299:         }
        !           300:     }
        !           301:
        !           302: #if WITH_READLINE
        !           303:   calc_init_readline ();
        !           304: #else
        !           305:   if (calc_option_readline == 1)
        !           306:     {
        !           307:       fprintf (stderr, "Readline support not available\n");
        !           308:       exit (1);
        !           309:     }
        !           310: #endif
        !           311:
        !           312:   for (i = 0; i < numberof (variable); i++)
        !           313:     mpz_init (variable[i]);
        !           314:
        !           315:   for (i = 0; i < numberof (stack); i++)
        !           316:     mpz_init (stack[i]);
        !           317:
        !           318:   return yyparse ();
        !           319: }

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