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Annotation of OpenXM_contrib/gnuplot/genopt.com, Revision 1.1

1.1     ! maekawa     1: $! generates options file for vms link
        !             2: $! p1 is filename and mode to open file (filename/write or filename/append)
        !             3: $! p2 is comma-seperated list of files
        !             4: $
        !             5: $ open file 'p1'
        !             6: $ element=0
        !             7: $loop:
        !             8: $ x=f$element(element,",",'p2')
        !             9: $ if x .eqs. "," then goto out
        !            10: $ y=f$edit(x,"COLLAPSE")  ! lose spaces
        !            11: $ if y .nes. "" then write file y
        !            12: $ element=element+1
        !            13: $ goto loop
        !            14: $
        !            15: $out:
        !            16: $ close file
        !            17: $ exit

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