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Annotation of OpenXM_contrib/gnuplot/intergra.x11, Revision 1.1

1.1     ! maekawa     1: #!/bin/sh
        !             2: mv gnuplot_x11.c gnuplot_x11.c_x
        !             3: mv corplot.c corplot.c_pc
        !             4: mv winmain.c winmain.c_pc
        !             5: mv wintext.c wintext.c_pc
        !             6: mv winmenu.c winmenu.c_pc
        !             7: mv bf_test.c bf_test.c_b
        !             8: acc -knr -DSYSV -DUSG -DGAMMA=gamma -DHAVE_GETCWD -DX11 \
        !             9: -DUNIXPLOT -I/usr/include/X11 -I/usr/include/X11/Xaw *.c \
        !            10: -lbsd -lplot -lm -o gnuplot.intergraph
        !            11: mv gnuplot_x11.c_x gnuplot_x11.c
        !            12: acc -knr -DSYSV -DUSG -DGAMMA=gamma -DHAVE_GETCWD -DX11 \
        !            13: -DUNIXPLOT -I/usr/include/X11 -I/usr/include/X11/Xaw gnuplot_x11.c \
        !            14: -lXaw -lXmu -lXt -lXext -lX11 -lbsd -lm -o gnuplot_x11.intergraph
        !            15: mv corplot.c_pc corplot.c
        !            16: mv winmain.c_pc winmain.c
        !            17: mv winmenu.c_pc winmenu.c
        !            18: mv wintext.c_pc wintext.c
        !            19: mv bf_test.c_b bf_test.c

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