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File: [local] / OpenXM_contrib / gnuplot / Attic / makefile.dj2 (download)

Revision (vendor branch), Sun Jan 9 17:00:52 2000 UTC (24 years, 8 months ago) by maekawa
CVS Tags: maekawa-ipv6, VERSION_3_7_1, VERSION_3_7, RELEASE_20000124, RELEASE_1_2_2, RELEASE_1_2_1, RELEASE_1_1_3, RELEASE_1_1_2
Changes since 1.1: +0 -0 lines

Import gnuplot 3.7

# make file for gnuplot 3.7 / DOS / DJGPP version 2
# compile it by   make -f makefile.dj2 in the main gnuplot directory
# AUTHORS : several ... including Edzer Pebesma <pebesma@metoor.frw.uva.nl>
#                  last mod. by Emmanuel Bigler <bigler@lpmo.univ-fcomte.fr> 
# DATE of last mod :    1996 FEB 20
# removed atari reference and added binary demo bf_test
# cleaned up the building of doc and binary test files
# gnuplot.gih will be built now inside the docs directory like under
# UNIX. The problem is that DOS does not recognize sub-shells like 
#  (cd dir ; do things) inside the makefile. 
# solution -> assume everything is done inside gnuplot main dir, under
# a single DOS command process
# install target added : will copy the executable + helpfile in a given
# directory ; customize it, see FINALDEST
# here customize where you put gnuplot executable for make install
# for simplicity the helpfile will be copied in the same dir.
# convention used here : no trailing \ for directory names

# here customize the name of the executable
# exe file will be  gp36.exe:
EXENAME = gp36

# where to place gnuplot.gih helpfile upon MAKE
# note it will be built inside gnuplot\$(HELPDEST)
# and eventually copied to FINALDEST when install

# name of the helpfile
HELPFILE =gnuplot.gih

# compiler
CCDIR = c:\djgpp\bin\
CC = $(CCDIR)gcc
# include directory

# for svga term driver
# HBB: -finline-functions bombs out on term.c, so disable it unconditionally
TERMFLAGS = -DDJSVGA -fno-inline-functions
#just for historical purpose..
## DJGPP 1.xx:
# LINKOPT = -lm -lpc -lgrx

## DJGPP 2.0:
# HBB : added $(OPTS) so user can
#   change CFLAGS easily, without having to change makefile
	-O $(OPTS)

LINKOPT = $(LDFLAGS) -lm -lpc -lgrx20

# HBB: removed reference to no-more-existing term/bigfig.trm
CSOURCE5 = term/ai.trm term/amiga.trm term/aed.trm \
	term/cgi.trm term/djsvga.trm term/dumb.trm \
	term/dxf.trm term/dxy.trm \
	term/debug.trm term/eepic.trm term/epson.trm term/fig.trm  \
	term/hp26.trm term/hp2648.trm term/hpgl.trm  \
	term/hpljii.trm term/metafont.trm\
	term/apollo.trm term/gpr.trm term/hppj.trm term/compact.c 
CSOURCE6 = term/impcodes.h term/imagen.trm term/next.trm term/object.h \
	term/iris4d.trm term/kyo.trm term/latex.trm term/mif.trm \
	term/pbm.trm term/pc.trm 
CSOURCE7 = term/post.trm term/qms.trm term/regis.trm term/sun.trm \
	term/t410x.trm term/tek.trm term/texdraw.trm term/unixpc.trm \
	term/unixplot.trm term/v384.trm term/vws.trm term/x11.trm term/xlib.trm
OBJ1 =  bitmap.o command.o contour.o eval.o graphics.o graph3d.o hidden3d.o util3d.o
OBJ2 =  help.o internal.o misc.o parse.o plot.o plot2d.o plot3d.o readline.o
OBJ3 =  scanner.o set.o show.o specfun.o standard.o stdfn.o term.o time.o util.o
OBJ4 =  version.o binary.o interpol.o fit.o matrix.o datafile.o alloc.o

OBJS =  $(OBJ1) $(OBJ2) $(OBJ3) $(OBJ4)

	$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $(INCLUDE) $<

%:: RCS/%
	$(patsubst $@-noexist,$(CO) $(COFLAGS) $< $@, \
		$(filter-out $@,$(firstword $(wildcard $@) $@-noexist)))

all: $(EXENAME).exe  $(HELPDEST)\$(HELPFILE)  demo\binary?.

# -s performs the coff2exe step implicitly (?)
# HBB: that's plain wrong: -s means 'strip executable',
#   and stubify (formerly called stubify) is now always done
#   automatically in the link step. I changed this so you
#   get a debuggable gp36, but a stripped gp36.exe
$(EXENAME).exe : $(OBJS)
	objcopy --strip-all $(EXENAME) $(EXENAME).exe
	stubify $(EXENAME).exe
#HBB: I think that message is superfluous, and maybe even confusing
#   for new users of DJGPP V2, who never used DJGPP V1 at all.
#	@echo.
#	@echo Rem: with djgpp v.2, you do not need  go32 any longer to run gnuplot
#	@echo.

# This used to copy go32 to the exe file.. under v1.xx
# obsolete under djgpp v. 2.
#$(EXENAME).exe : $(OBJS)
#       $(CC) -o $(EXENAME) $(OBJS) $(LINKOPT)
#       strip $(EXENAME)
#       copy /b $(CCDIR)\$(EXENAME).exe+$(EXENAME) $(EXENAME).exe
#       del $(EXENAME)

command.o: command.c plot.h setshow.h help.h
	$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $(INCLUDE) -DHELPFILE=\"$(HELPFILE)\" command.c

show.o: show.c plot.h setshow.h

term.o: term.c term.h plot.h set.c show.c bitmap.h $(CSOURCES)
	$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $(INCLUDE) $(TERMFLAGS) -Iterm term.c

$(OBJS): plot.h

command.o help.o misc.o: help.h

command.o graphics.o graph3d.o hidden3d.o util3d.o misc.o plot.o set.o show.o term.o interpol.o: setshow.h

command.o fit.o matrix.o: fit.h

fit.o matrix.o: matrix.h

bitmap.o term.o: bitmap.h

#HBB 961201: add dependencies to trigger RCS checkout if necessary:
plot.h: protos.h
protos.h: alloc.h

version.o: version.c
	$(CC) -c -DCONTACT=\"$(EMAIL)\" $(CFLAGS) $(INCLUDE) version.c

# convert gnuplot.doc to gnuplot.gih
$(HELPDEST)\$(HELPFILE): .\docs\doc2gih.exe .\docs\gnuplot.doc
	.\docs\doc2gih  docs/gnuplot.doc > $(HELPDEST)\$(HELPFILE)

.\docs\doc2gih.exe: .\docs\doc2gih.c .\docs\termdoc.c $(CSOURCES)
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(INCLUDE) $(TERMFLAGS) -Iterm -o ./docs/doc2gih ./docs/doc2gih.c ./docs/termdoc.c
	coff2exe ./docs/doc2gih

# now for the demo bin
demo\binary?.: bf_test.exe
	copy binary? demo\binary?
	del binary?

	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c bf_test.c

bf_test.exe: bf_test.o binary.o alloc.o
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) bf_test.o binary.o alloc.o -lm -o bf_test
	coff2exe bf_test

# now install things and create a .bat file to make things easier
install: all
	copy $(EXENAME).exe $(FINALDEST)
#HBB: if at all, this batch-file should only be generated by a
#separate target, like 'install-bat'. Besides, it doesn't work,
#as is, because DOS always executes foo.exe before even looking for
#a foo.bat
#	del  $(EXENAME).bat
#	echo @echo off > $(EXENAME).bat
#	echo $(FINALDEST)\$(EXENAME).exe %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 >> $(EXENAME).bat
#	echo SET GNUHELP= >> $(EXENAME).bat
#	echo SET GNUPLOT= >> $(EXENAME).bat
#	copy $(EXENAME).bat $(FINALDEST)

# clean target - remove all temp files, but leave executable intact
	del *.o
	del $(EXENAME)
	del .\docs\doc2gih
	del .\docs\doc2gih.exe
	del bf_test
	del bf_test.exe

# realclean target - remove all files created by the makefile
realclean: clean
	del $(EXENAME).exe
	del .\demo\binary1
	del .\demo\binary2
	del .\demo\binary3
	del .\demo\fit.log
	del .\demo\soundfit.par