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File: [local] / OpenXM_contrib / gnuplot / Attic / makefile.vms (download)

Revision 1.1, Sun Jan 9 17:00:53 2000 UTC (24 years, 8 months ago) by maekawa
Branch: MAIN

Initial revision

# $Id: makefile.vms,v 1.26 1998/04/14 00:15:59 drd Exp $
# GNUPLOT Makefile
# for VMS
# use with the MAKE that was posted by Tony Ivanov (tony@gvgpvd.GVG.TEK.COM)
# in comp.os.vms on 5 December 1988

########### COMPILE OPTIONS ###########

# select these lines for DECC
# PREFIXALL=/prefix=all
# select these lines for VAXC


# uncomment the following line for gnu cc
# EXTRALIB=,gnu_cc:[000000]gcclib/lib

#maybe ABJ and AXE if that's your local convention for alpha
#(that's how I build vax and axp programs in same directory)

# NOOP  NO Optimiser
# take out X11 if you dont want windows support
# pipes compiles with popen emulation (from VMS perl-5 port)

TERMFLAGS = /include=[.term]

############## okay, that's enough fiddling ###############

OBJS1 = alloc.$O,binary.$O,bitmap.$O,command.$O,contour.$O,datafile.$O,eval.$O,
OBJS2 = fit.$O,graphics.$O,graph3d.$O,hidden3d.$O,internal.$O,interpol.$O,
OBJS3 = matrix.$O,misc.$O,parse.$O,plot.$O,plot2d.$O,plot3d.$O,scanner.$O,set.$O,
OBJS4 = show.$O,specfun.$O,standard.$O,stdfn.$O,term.$O,time.$O,util.$O,util3d.$O,version.$O,vms.$O

CSOURCE1 = command.c set.c show.c 
CSOURCE2 = help.c graphics.c graph3d.c internal.c 
CSOURCE3 = misc.c eval.c parse.c plot.c plot2d.c plot3d.c scanner.c standard.c stdfn.c
CSOURCE4 = bitmap.c term.c time.c util.c version.c interpol.c fit.c matrix.c
CSOURCE5 = [.term]aed.trm [.term]cgi.trm [.term]dumb.trm [.term]dxf.trm [.term]dxy.trm \
	[.term]eepic.trm [.term]epson.trm [.term]fig.trm [.term]hp26.trm \
	[.term]hp2648.trm [.term]hpgl.trm [.term]hpljii.trm 
CSOURCE6 = [.term]impcodes.h [.term]imagen.trm [.term]object.h \
	[.term]iris4d.trm [.term]kyo.trm [.term]latex.trm [.term]pbm.trm  \
CSOURCE7 = [.term]post.trm [.term]qms.trm [.term]regis.trm [.term]sun.trm \
	[.term]t410x.trm [.term]tek.trm [.term]unixpc.trm [.term]unixplot.trm \
	[.term]v384.trm [.term]x11.trm gplt_x11.c
CSOURCE8 = contour.c specfun.c interpol.c vms.c

all :   gnuplot.$X gnuplot.hlp gnuplot.hlb

gnuplot.$X : $(OBJS) $(EXTRAOBJ)
	link /exe=gnuplot.$X vms.$O gnuplot.opt/opt $(EXTRAOBJ) $(EXTRALIB) $(CRTL_SHARE)

gnuplot.hlp : doc2hlp.$X [.docs]gnuplot.doc [.docs]doc2hlp.com

gnuplot.hlb : gnuplot.hlp
	library/create/help gnuplot.hlb gnuplot.hlp

doc2hlp.$X: [.docs]doc2hlp.c [.docs]termdoc.c
	$(CC) /include=([.docs],[],[.term]) [.docs]doc2hlp.c [.docs]termdoc.c
	link /exe=doc2hlp.$X doc2hlp termdoc $(CTRL_SHARE)

term.$O: term.h term.c $(CSOURCE5) $(CSOURCE6) $(CSOURCE7)
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(TERMFLAGS) term.c /object=term.$O

$(OBJS): plot.h

command.$O help.$O misc.$O: help.h

command.$O graphics.$O graph3d.$O misc.$O plot.$O set.$O show.$O term.O interpol.$O: setshow.h

command.$O fit.$O matrix.$O: fit.h

fit.$O matrix.$O: matrix.h

bitmap.$O term.$O: bitmap.h

clean :
	del/log *.$O;*