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File: [local] / OpenXM_contrib / gnuplot / Attic / makefile.wc (download)

Revision (vendor branch), Sun Jan 9 17:00:53 2000 UTC (24 years, 8 months ago) by maekawa
CVS Tags: maekawa-ipv6, VERSION_3_7_3, VERSION_3_7_1, VERSION_3_7, RELEASE_20000124, RELEASE_1_2_3, RELEASE_1_2_2_KNOPPIX_b, RELEASE_1_2_2_KNOPPIX, RELEASE_1_2_2, RELEASE_1_2_1, RELEASE_1_1_3, RELEASE_1_1_2
Changes since 1.1: +0 -0 lines

Import gnuplot 3.7

# makefile for Watcom C 9.5a
# Modified from the TurboC makefile by Aurel Gabris
# the makefile does longer depends on a linker options file.
# this file will be created as needed.                          (AL 07/17/92)

# where to place gnuplot.gih helpfile
HELPFILE = gnuplot.gih
# location of Watcom C compiler
WC = c:\watcom
# name of C compiler
CC = wcc386
# name of C compiler/linker
CL = wcl386
# name of linker
LINK = wlink
# location of WLINK.EXE and WCC386.EXE and WCL386.EXE
BIN = $(WC)\bin\
BINB = $(WC)\binb\
# location of the system libraries
LIB = $(WC)\lib386\

# the memory model to use (f = flat)

# -w0 means ignore warnings and do not report them
# -d1{+} means include line numbers for debugger
# -d2 means full symbolic debug info
# -fpi means inline 80x87 instructions with emulation
# -fpi87 means inline 80x87 instructions
# -o{x} controls optimization
#      a           -> relax aliasing constraints
#      f           -> generate traceable stack frames as needed
#           The selection of the optimization flags include some wizardry.
#           Thus omiting any flags from the above two, may result in run-time
#           errors.
#      m           -> generate inline 80x87 code for math functions
#      d           -> disable all optimizations (Watch out!)
# -DREADLINE to use the history/line editing capability. If you want this
#    capability add -DREADLINE to CFLAGS
# -DLITE means no hiddenline removal to conserve memory
# option {stack=n} sets stack size to n
CFLAGS = -m$(MODEL) -omaf -fpi -fp3 -I$(WC)\include -UMSDOS -DDOS386 -DDOS32 -DPC -DREADLINE
DOC2XXX_FLAGS = -Idocs -Iterm $(CFLAGS) -L$(TC)\lib
LNKOPT = option{stack=100000}

OBJ1 =  bitmap.obj command.obj contour.obj eval.obj graphics.obj graph3d.obj
OBJ2 =  help.obj internal.obj misc.obj parse.obj plot.obj plot2d.obj plot3d.obj readline.obj
OBJ3 =  scanner.obj set.obj show.obj specfun.obj standard.obj term.obj time.obj util.obj
OBJ4 =  version.obj binary.obj interpol.obj fit.obj matrix.obj
OBJ5 =  datafile.obj alloc.obj hidden3d.obj util3d.obj

OBJS = $(OBJ1) $(OBJ2) $(OBJ3) $(OBJ4) $(OBJ5)

CSOURCE5 = term\aed.trm term\cgi.trm term\dumb.trm term\dxy.trm &
           term\eepic.trm term\epson.trm term\fig.trm term\hp26.trm &
           term\hp2648.trm term\hpgl.trm term\hpljii.trm
CSOURCE6 = term\impcodes.h term\imagen.trm term\object.h term\iris4d.trm &
           term\kyo.trm term\latex.trm term\pc.trm
CSOURCE7 = term\post.trm term\qms.trm term\regis.trm term\sun.trm &
           term\t410x.trm term\tek.trm term\unixpc.trm term\unixplot.trm &
           term\v384.trm term\x11.trm
CSOURCE8 = contour.c specfun.c binary.c interpol.c

all: gnuplot.exe $(HELPFILE) bf_test.exe .SYMBOLIC

# use linkopt.wc to avoid command-line overflow

gnuplot.exe: $(OBJS) linkopt.wc .PRECIOUS
        $(BIN)$(LINK) $(LNKOPT) system dos4g name gnuplot file @linkopt.wc

# create linker options file
# note that when you change the model or switch overlaying,
# you will have to execute 'make clean'

linkopt.wc: makefile.wc
        echo  >linkopt.wc {$(OBJ1)
        echo >>linkopt.wc $(OBJ2)
        echo >>linkopt.wc $(OBJ3)
        echo >>linkopt.wc $(OBJ4)
        echo >>linkopt.wc $(OBJ5)}
#       echo >>linkopt.tc -----
#       echo >>linkopt.tc this file is generated automatically. don't change it, change the makefile.

# default rules

        $(BIN)$(CC) $^& $(CFLAGS)

bitmap.obj: bitmap.c bitmap.h plot.h

command.obj: command.c plot.h setshow.h help.h fit.h
        $(BIN)$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -DHELPFILE=\"$(HELPFILE)\" command.c

contour.obj: contour.c plot.h

eval.obj: eval.c plot.h

graphics.obj: graphics.c plot.h setshow.h

graph3d.obj: graph3d.c plot.h setshow.h

hidden3d.obj: hidden3d.c plot.h setshow.h

util3d.obj: util3d.c plot.h setshow.h

fit.obj: fit.c fit.h matrix.h plot.h

matrix.obj: matrix.c matrix.h fit.h

help.obj: help.c plot.h help.h

internal.obj: internal.c plot.h

misc.obj: misc.c plot.h setshow.h help.h

parse.obj: parse.c plot.h
        $(BIN)$(CC) $(OVLY1) @cflags.tc parse.c

plot.obj: plot.c plot.h setshow.h
        $(BIN)$(CC) $(OVLY1) @cflags.tc plot.c

readline.obj: readline.c

scanner.obj: scanner.c plot.h

set.obj: set.c plot.h setshow.h

show.obj: show.c plot.h setshow.h
	$(BIN)$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -DHELPFILE=\"$(HELPFILE)\" show.c

specfun.obj: specfun.c

standard.obj: standard.c plot.h

interpol.obj: interpol.c plot.h setshow.h

# the CSOURCE? dependencies are not up to date (but who cares)
term.obj: term.c term.h plot.h set.c show.c bitmap.h $(CSOURCE5) $(CSOURCE6) $(CSOURCE7)
        $(BIN)$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(TERMFLAGS) -DDEFAULTTERM="dospc" -Iterm term.c

util.obj: util.c plot.h

version.obj: version.c

# convert gnuplot.doc to gnuplot.gih
$(HELPFILE): doc2gih.exe docs\gnuplot.doc
        doc2gih docs\gnuplot.doc $(HELPFILE)

doc2gih.exe: docs\doc2gih.c docs\termdoc.c
    $(BINB)$(CL) $(DOC2XXX_FLAGS) name doc2gih docs\doc2gih.c docs\termdoc.c

doc2tex.exe: docs\doc2tex.c docs\termdoc.c
    $(BINB)$(CL) -w0 -m$(MODEL) $(DOC2XXX_FLAGS) -DALL_TERM_DOC -I$(WC)\include -L$(WC)\lib name doc2tex docs\doc2tex.c docs\termdoc.c

bf_test.exe: bf_test.c binary.obj alloc.obj
    $(BIN)$(CC) -m$(MODEL) bf_test.c
    $(BIN)$(LINK) system dos4g name bf_test file {bf_test binary alloc}

# clean target - remove all temp files, but leave executable intact
# needed when changing configuration (model or overlaying)

clean: .SYMBOLIC
        del *.obj
        del linkopt.wc
        del doc2gih.exe

# realclean target - remove all files created by the makefile

realclean: clean .SYMBOLIC
        del gnuplot.exe
        del gnuplot.gih
        del demo\bf_test.exe
        del demo\binary1
        del demo\binary2
        del demo\binary3