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Annotation of OpenXM_contrib/gnuplot/demo/mgr.dem, Revision

1.1       maekawa     1: #
                      2: # $Id: mgr.dem,v 1.4 1997/01/05 22:03:11 drd Exp $
                      3: #
                      4: pause 0 "Watch some  cubic splines"
                      5: set samples 50
                      6: set xlabel "Angle (deg)"
                      7: set ylabel "Amplitude"
                      8: set title "Brag-Reflex -- Peak only"
                      9: plot "big_peak.dat" title "Rate" with errorbars, \
                     10:                  "" smooth csplines t "Rate"
                     11: pause -1 "You would draw smaller bars? <CR>"
                     12: set bars small
                     13: replot
                     14: set bars large
                     15: #
                     16: pause -1 "An approx-spline demo <CR>"
                     17: set samples 300
                     18: set xlabel "Time (sec)"
                     19: set ylabel "Rate"
                     20: set title "Ag 108 decay data"
                     21: plot "silver.dat" t "experimental" w errorb, \
                     22:                ""  smooth csplines t "cubic smooth"
                     23: # error is column 3; weight larger errors less
                     24: # start with rel error = 1/($3/$2)
                     25: pause -1 "Now apply a smoothing spline, weighted by 1/rel error <CR>"
                     26: S=1
                     27: plot "silver.dat" t "experimental" w errorb,\
                     28:                "" u 1:2:(S*$2/$3) smooth acsplines t "acspline Y/Z"
                     29: pause -1 "Make it smoother by changing the smoothing weights <CR>"
                     30: plot "silver.dat" t "rate" w errorb,\
                     31:                "" u 1:2:($2/($3*1.e1)) sm acs t "acspline Y/(Z*1.e1)",\
                     32:                "" u 1:2:($2/($3*1.e3)) sm acs t "         Y/(Z*1.e3)",\
                     33:                "" u 1:2:($2/($3*1.e5)) sm acs t "         Y/(Z*1.e5)"
                     34: pause -1 "Accentuate the relative changes with a log-scale <CR>"
                     35: set logscale y
                     36: replot
                     37: pause -1 "Now approximate the data with a bezier curve between the endpoints<CR>"
                     38: set nologscale y
                     39: plot "silver.dat" t "experimental" w errorb,\
                     40:                "" smooth sbezier t "bezier"
                     41: pause -1 "You would rather use log-scales ? <CR>"
                     42: set logscale y
                     43: plot "silver.dat" t "rate" w errorb, \
                     44:                "" smooth sbezier t "bezier"
                     45: #
                     46: pause -1 "Errorbar demo <CR>"
                     47: set samples 100
                     48: set nologscale
                     49: set xlabel "Resistance [Ohm]"
                     50: set ylabel "Power [W]"
                     51: set title "UM1-Cell Power"
                     52: n(x)=1.53**2*x/(5.67+x)**2
                     53: plot [0:50] "battery.dat" t "Power" with xyerrorbars, n(x) t "Theory" w lines
                     54: pause -1 "Would you like boxes? <CR>"
                     55: plot [0:50] "battery.dat" t "Power" with boxxy, n(x) t "Theory" w lines
                     56: pause -1 "Only X-Bars? <CR>"
                     57: plot [0:50] "battery.dat" u 1:2:3 t "Power" w xerr, n(x) t "Theory" w lines
                     58: pause -1 "Only Y-Bars? <CR>"
                     59: plot [0:50] "battery.dat" u 1:2:4 t "Power" w yerr, n(x) t "Theory" w lines
                     60: pause -1 "Logscaled? <CR>"
                     61: set logscale y
                     62: plot [0:50] "battery.dat" u 1:2:4 t "Power" w yerr, n(x) t "Theory" w lines
                     63: pause -1 "X as well? <CR>"
                     64: set logscale xy
                     65: plot [1:50] "battery.dat" t "Power" w xyerr, n(x) t "Theory" w lines
                     66: pause -1 "If you like bars without tics <CR>"
                     67: set nologscale
                     68: set bars small
                     69: plot [0:50] "battery.dat" t "Power" with xyerrorbars, n(x) t "Theory" w lines
                     70: pause -1 "X-Bars only <CR>"
                     71: plot [0:50] "battery.dat" u 1:2:3 t "Power" w xerr, n(x) t "Theory" w lines
                     72: pause -1 "Y-Bars only <CR>"
                     73: plot [0:50] "battery.dat" u 1:2:4 t "Power" w yerr, n(x) t "Theory" w lines
                     74: set bars large
                     76: set xlabel ""
                     77: set ylabel ""
                     78: set title ""

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