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Annotation of OpenXM_contrib/gnuplot/demo/surface1.dem, Revision

1.1       maekawa     1: #
                      2: # $Id: surface1.dem,v 1.5 1995/04/21 12:49:06 drd Exp $
                      3: #
                      4: set samples 21
                      5: set isosample 11
                      6: set xlabel "X axis" -3,-2
                      7: set ylabel "Y axis" 3,-2
                      8: set zlabel "Z axis" -5
                      9: set title "3D gnuplot demo"
                     10: set label 1 "This is the surface boundary" at -10,-5,150 center
                     11: set arrow 1 from -10,-5,120 to -10,0,0 nohead
                     12: set arrow 2 from -10,-5,120 to 10,0,0 nohead
                     13: set arrow 3 from -10,-5,120 to 0,10,0 nohead
                     14: set arrow 4 from -10,-5,120 to 0,-10,0 nohead
                     15: set xrange [-10:10]
                     16: set yrange [-10:10]
                     17: splot x*y
                     18: pause -1 "Hit return to continue (1)"
                     19: set noarrow
                     20: set nolabel
                     21: set grid
                     22: splot x**2+y**2, x**2-y**2
                     23: pause -1 "Hit return to continue (2)"
                     24: rep x*y
                     25: pause -1 "Hit return to continue (3)"
                     26: rep (x**3+y**3)/10
                     27: pause -1 "Hit return to continue (4)"
                     28: set ticslevel 0.0
                     29: set title "3D gnuplot demo ( ticslevel = 0.0 )"
                     30: rep
                     31: pause -1 "Hit return to continue (5)"
                     32: set ticslevel 2.0
                     33: set title "3D gnuplot demo ( ticslevel = 2.0 )"
                     34: rep
                     35: pause -1 "Hit return to continue (6)"
                     36: set ticslevel 0.5
                     37: set title "3D gnuplot demo ( ticslevel = 0.5 )"
                     38: rep
                     39: pause -1 "Hit return to continue (7)"
                     40: set title "3D gnuplot demo"
                     41: set nogrid
                     42: splot x*y with points
                     43: pause -1 "Hit return to continue (8)"
                     44: set noxtics
                     45: set noytics
                     46: set xrange [-1:1]
                     47: set yrange [-1:1]
                     48: set title "Surfaces with no grid or tics"
                     49: splot x*y with lines, x**2*y**3 with dots, x**3*y*2 with points
                     50: pause -1 "Hit return to continue (9)"
                     51: set xtics ("low" -3, "mid" 0, "high" 3)
                     52: set ytics -2,0.5,2
                     53: set xrange [-3:3]
                     54: set yrange [-3:3]
                     55: set log z
                     56: set title "Surfaces with z log scale"
                     57: splot x**2*y**2 + 2, x**2*y**4 + 2, x**4*y**2 + 2
                     58: pause -1 "Hit return to continue (10)"
                     59: set nolog z
                     60: set xtics autofreq
                     61: set ytics autofreq
                     62: set xrange [-1:1]
                     63: set yrange [-1:1]
                     64: set samples 51
                     65: set isosample 21
                     66: set dummy u,v
                     67: set title "3D gnuplot demo"
                     68: splot u*v / (u**2 + v**2 + 0.1)
                     69: pause -1 "Hit return to continue (11)"
                     70: splot [x=-3:3] [y=-3:3] sin(x) * cos(y)
                     71: pause -1 "Hit return to continue (12)"
                     72: set zrange [-0.35:0.35]
                     73: replot
                     74: pause -1 "Hit return to continue (13)"
                     75: set title "Sinc function"
                     76: set zrange [-1:1]
                     77: set label 1 "This is equal to 1" at -5,-2,0.75 right
                     78: set arrow 1 from -5,-2.1,0.75 to 0,0,1
                     79: sinc(u,v) = sin(sqrt(u**2+v**2)) / sqrt(u**2+v**2)
                     80: splot [-5:5.01] [-5:5.01] sinc(u,v)
                     81: pause -1 "Hit return to continue (14)"
                     82: set view 70,20,1
                     83: set zrange [-0.5:1.0]
                     84: set ztics -1,0.25,1
                     85: set label 1 "This is equal to 1" at -5,-2,1.5 centre
                     86: set arrow 1 from -5,-2.1,1.4 to 0,0,1
                     87: splot [-12:12.01] [-12:12.01] sinc(u,v)
                     88: pause -1 "Hit return to continue (15)"
                     89: set noarrow
                     90: set ztics autofreq
                     91: set nolabel
                     92: set log
                     93: set auto
                     94: set title "This has logarithmic scale"
                     95: splot [x=1:15] [y=1:15] x**2+y**2
                     96: pause -1 "Hit return to continue (16)"
                     97: set nolog
                     98: set xrange [0:15]
                     99: set yrange [0:15]
                    100: set auto
                    101: #set zrange [-0.6:0.7]
                    102: set ticslevel 0
                    103: set data style lines
                    104: set title "Data grid plotting"
                    105: set parametric
                    106: splot "glass.dat"
                    107: pause -1 "Hit return to continue (17)"
                    108: splot "glass.dat" using 3:2:1
                    109: pause -1 "Hit return to continue (18)"
                    110: set zrange [-1.2:1.2]
                    111: set ticslevel 0.5
                    112: set noparametric
                    113: splot "glass.dat" using 1, "glass.dat" using 2, "glass.dat" using 3
                    114: pause -1 "Hit return to continue (19)"
                    115: set param
                    116: set title "Test of spherical transform"
                    117: set mapp sphe
                    118: splot "glass.dat"
                    119: pause -1 "Hit return to continue (20)"
                    121: # mandelbrot demo
                    122: set nopar
                    123: set mapp cart
                    124: set view 60,30,1,1
                    125: set auto
                    126: set title "" 0,0
                    127: set isosamples 60
                    128: set hidden3d
                    129: compl(a,b)=a*{1,0}+b*{0,1}
                    130: mand(z,a,n) = n<=0 || abs(z)>100 ? 1:mand(z*z+a,a,n-1)+1
                    131: splot [-2:1][-1.5:1.5] mand({0,0},compl(x,y),30)
                    132: pause -1 "Hit return to continue (21)"
                    133: # TANAKA Masaki  (Tokyo Institute of technology)
                    134: #                 masaki@isea.is.titech.ac.jp
                    136: #
                    137: # Clean up:
                    138: #
                    139: set samples 100
                    140: set isosamples 10
                    141: set xrange [-10:10]
                    142: set yrange [-10:10]
                    143: set zrange [-10:10]
                    144: set auto
                    145: set xlabel "" 0,0
                    146: set ylabel "" 0,0
                    147: set zlabel "" 0,0
                    148: set nohidden

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