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Annotation of OpenXM_contrib/gnuplot/docs/gpcard.tex, Revision

1.1       maekawa     1: % Quick Reference Card for GNUPLOT 1992
                      2: % Format stolen shamelessly from the GNU Emacs reference card
                      3: %**start of header
                      4: \special{landscape}
                      5: \newcount\columnsperpage
                      7: % This file can be printed with 1, 2, or 3 columns per page (see below).
                      8: % Specify how many you want here.  Nothing else needs to be changed.
                      9: % For GNUPLOT refcard, entries are too wide for 3 columns.  Print
                     10: % 2 columns landscape
                     12: \columnsperpage=2
                     14: % Copyright (c) 1987 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
                     16: % This file is part of GNU Emacs, but was adapted for the GNUPLOT
                     17: % reference card because it was so nicely set up.
                     19: % This file is intended to be processed by plain TeX (TeX82).
                     20: %
                     21: % The final reference card has six columns, three on each side.
                     22: % This file can be used to produce it in any of three ways:
                     23: % 1 column per page
                     24: %    produces six separate pages, each of which needs to be reduced to 80%.
                     25: %    This gives the best resolution.
                     26: % 2 columns per page
                     27: %    produces three already-reduced pages.
                     28: %    You will still need to cut and paste.
                     29: % 3 columns per page
                     30: %    produces two pages which must be printed sideways to make a
                     31: %    ready-to-use 8.5 x 11 inch reference card.
                     32: %    For this you need a dvi device driver that can print sideways.
                     33: % Which mode to use is controlled by setting \columnsperpage above.
                     34: %
                     35: % Author of GNU Emacs Refcard:
                     36: %  Stephen Gildea
                     37: %  UUCP: mit-erl!gildea
                     38: %  Internet: gildea@erl.mit.edu
                     39: %
                     40: % Thanks to Paul Rubin, Bob Chassell, Len Tower, and Richard Mlynarik
                     41: % for their many good ideas.
                     42: %
                     43: % Person who ripped off the formatter:
                     44: %  Alex Woo
                     45: %  NASA Ames Research Center
                     46: %  Internet: woo@ames.arc.nasa.gov
                     47: %
                     48: % Modified on 9 Dec 1992 by:
                     49: %  Daniel S. Lewart
                     50: %  University of Illinois
                     51: %  Internet: d-lewart@uiuc.edu
                     53: % make \bye not \outer so that the \def\bye in the \else clause below
                     54: % can be scanned without complaint.
                     55: \def\bye{\par\vfill\supereject\end}
                     57: \def\copyrightnotice{
                     58: \vskip 1ex plus 2 fill\begingroup\small
                     59: Layout adapted from the \TeX\ source for Stephen Gildea's GNU Emacs
                     60: Reference Card (version 1.8).
                     62: PostScript is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated.
                     63: GNU, Versatec, Imagen, Printronix, Canon, GraphOn, Visual, MicroVAX,
                     64: UIS, Tektronix, Unix, VAX, VMS, NeWS, SunView, and em4010 are all
                     65: trademarks of various companies.  We endorse none of them.
                     67: \endgroup}
                     69: \newdimen\intercolumnskip
                     70: \newbox\columna
                     71: \newbox\columnb
                     73: \def\ncolumns{\the\columnsperpage}
                     75: \message{[\ncolumns\space
                     76:   column\if 1\ncolumns\else s\fi\space per page]}
                     78: \def\scaledmag#1{ scaled \magstep #1}
                     80: % This multi-way format was designed by Stephen Gildea
                     81: % October 1986.
                     82: % modified for GNUPLOT refcard by Alex Woo
                     84: \if 1\ncolumns
                     85: %  \hsize 4in
                     86:   \hsize 6in
                     87:   \vsize 10in
                     88:   \voffset -.7in
                     89:   \font\titlefont=\fontname\tenbf \scaledmag3
                     90:   \font\headingfont=\fontname\tenbf \scaledmag2
                     91:   \font\smallfont=\fontname\sevenrm
                     92:   \font\smallsy=\fontname\sevensy
                     94:   \footline{\hss\folio}
                     95:   \def\makefootline{\baselineskip10pt\hsize6.5in\line{\the\footline}}
                     96: \else
                     97: %  \hsize 3.2in
                     98:   \hsize 5in
                     99:   \vsize 7.95in
                    100:   \hoffset -.75in
                    101:   \voffset -.745in
                    102:   \font\titlefont=cmbx10 \scaledmag2
                    103:   \font\headingfont=cmbx10 \scaledmag1
                    104:   \font\smallfont=cmr6
                    105:   \font\smallsy=cmsy6
                    106:   \font\eightrm=cmr8
                    107:   \font\eightbf=cmbx8
                    108:   \font\eightit=cmti8
                    109:   \font\eighttt=cmtt8
                    110:   \font\eightsy=cmsy8
                    111:   \textfont0=\eightrm
                    112:   \textfont2=\eightsy
                    113:   \def\rm{\eightrm}
                    114:   \def\bf{\eightbf}
                    115:   \def\it{\eightit}
                    116:   \def\tt{\eighttt}
                    117:   \normalbaselineskip=.8\normalbaselineskip
                    118:   \normallineskip=.8\normallineskip
                    119:   \normallineskiplimit=.8\normallineskiplimit
                    120:   \normalbaselines\rm           %make definitions take effect
                    122:   \if 2\ncolumns
                    123:     \let\maxcolumn=b
                    124:     \footline{\hss\rm\folio\hss}
                    125:     \def\makefootline{\vskip 2in \hsize=6.86in\line{\the\footline}}
                    126:   \else \if 3\ncolumns
                    127:     \let\maxcolumn=c
                    128:     \nopagenumbers
                    129:   \else
                    130:     \errhelp{You must set \columnsperpage equal to 1, 2, or 3.}
                    131:     \errmessage{Illegal number of columns per page}
                    132:   \fi\fi
                    134:   \intercolumnskip=.46in
                    135:   \def\abc{a}
                    136:   \output={%
                    137:       % This next line is useful when designing the layout.
                    138:       %\immediate\write16{Column \folio\abc\space starts with \firstmark}
                    139:       \if \maxcolumn\abc \multicolumnformat \global\def\abc{a}
                    140:       \else\if a\abc
                    141:         \global\setbox\columna\columnbox \global\def\abc{b}
                    142:         %% in case we never use \columnb (two-column mode)
                    143:         \global\setbox\columnb\hbox to -\intercolumnskip{}
                    144:       \else
                    145:         \global\setbox\columnb\columnbox \global\def\abc{c}\fi\fi}
                    146:   \def\multicolumnformat{\shipout\vbox{\makeheadline
                    147:       \hbox{\box\columna\hskip\intercolumnskip
                    148:         \box\columnb\hskip\intercolumnskip\columnbox}
                    149:       \makefootline}\advancepageno}
                    150:   \def\columnbox{\leftline{\pagebody}}
                    152:   \def\bye{\par\vfill\supereject
                    153:     \if a\abc \else\null\vfill\eject\fi
                    154:     \if a\abc \else\null\vfill\eject\fi
                    155:     \end}
                    156: \fi
                    158: % we won't be using math mode much, so redefine some of the characters
                    159: % we might want to talk about
                    160: \catcode`\^=12
                    161: \catcode`\_=12
                    163: \chardef\\=`\\
                    164: \chardef\{=`\{
                    165: \chardef\}=`\}
                    167: \hyphenation{mini-buf-fer}
                    169: \parindent 0pt
                    170: \parskip 1ex plus .5ex minus .5ex
                    172: \def\small{\smallfont\textfont2=\smallsy\baselineskip=.8\baselineskip}
                    174: \outer\def\newcolumn{\vfill\eject}
                    176: \outer\def\title#1{{\titlefont\centerline{#1}}\vskip 1ex plus .5ex}
                    178: \outer\def\section#1{\par\filbreak
                    179:   \vskip 3ex plus 2ex minus 2ex {\headingfont #1}\mark{#1}%
                    180:   \vskip 2ex plus 1ex minus 1.5ex}
                    182: \newdimen\keyindent
                    184: \def\beginindentedkeys{\keyindent=1em}
                    185: \def\endindentedkeys{\keyindent=0em}
                    186: \endindentedkeys
                    188: \def\paralign{\vskip\parskip\halign}
                    190: \def\<#1>{$\langle${\rm #1}$\rangle$}
                    192: \def\kbd#1{{\tt#1}\null}        %\null so not an abbrev even if period follows
                    194: \def\beginexample{\par\leavevmode\begingroup
                    195:   \obeylines\obeyspaces\parskip0pt\tt}
                    196: {\obeyspaces\global\let =\ }
                    197: \def\endexample{\endgroup}
                    200: \def\key#1#2{\leavevmode\hbox to \hsize{\vtop
                    201: %  {\hsize=.75\hsize\rightskip=1em
                    202:   {\hsize=.5\hsize\rightskip=1em
                    203:   \hskip\keyindent\relax#1}\kbd{#2}\hfil}}
                    205: \newbox\metaxbox
                    206: \setbox\metaxbox\hbox{\kbd{M-x }}
                    207: \newdimen\metaxwidth
                    208: \metaxwidth=\wd\metaxbox
                    210: \def\metax#1#2{\leavevmode\hbox to \hsize{\hbox to .75\hsize
                    211:   {\hskip\keyindent\relax#1\hfil}%
                    212:   \hskip -\metaxwidth minus 1fil
                    213:   \kbd{#2}\hfil}}
                    215: \def\threecol#1#2#3{\hskip\keyindent\relax#1\hfil&\kbd{#2}\quad
                    216:   &\kbd{#3}\quad\cr}
                    218: %**end of header
                    221: \title{GNUPLOT Quick Reference}
                    223: \centerline{(Copyright(c) Alex Woo 1992 June 1)}
                    225: \section{Starting GNUPLOT}
                    227: \key{to enter GNUPLOT}{gnuplot}
                    228: \key{to enter batch GNUPLOT}{gnuplot macro_file}
                    229: \key{to pipe commands to GNUPLOT}{application | gnuplot}
                    231: see below for  environment variables you might want to change
                    232: before entering GNUPLOT.
                    234: \section{Exiting GNUPLOT}
                    236: \key{exit GNUPLOT}{quit}
                    238: All GNUPLOT commands can be abbreviated to the first few
                    239: unique letters, usually three characters.  This reference uses
                    240: the complete name for clarity.
                    242: \section{Getting Help}
                    244: \key{introductory help} {help plot}
                    245: \key{help on a topic}{help <topic>}
                    246: \key{list of all help available}{help or ?}
                    247: \key{show current environment}{show all}
                    248: \section{Command-line Editing}
                    250: The UNIX, MS-DOS and VMS versions of GNUPLOT support command-line
                    251: editing and a command history.  EMACS style editing is supported.
                    253: \beginindentedkeys
                    255: Line Editing:
                    257: \key{move back a single character}{^ B}
                    258: \key{move forward a single character}{^ F}
                    259: \key{moves to the beginning of the line}{^ A}
                    260: \key{moves to the end of the line}{^ E}
                    261: \key{delete the previous character} {^ H and DEL }
                    262: \key{deletes the current character}  {^ D}
                    263: \key{deletes to the end of line}{^ K}
                    264: \key{redraws line in case it gets trashed}{ ^ L,^ R}
                    265: \key{deletes the entire line}{ ^ U}
                    266: \key{deletes the last word}{ ^ W}
                    267: \endindentedkeys
                    268: \beginindentedkeys
                    270: History:
                    272: \key{moves back through history}{ ^ P }
                    273: \key{moves forward through history}{ ^ N }
                    274: \endindentedkeys
                    276: The following arrow keys may be used on the MS-DOS version if READLINE is
                    277: used.
                    279: \beginindentedkeys
                    280: IBM PC Arrow Keys:
                    282: \key{Left  Arrow}{same as ^ B}
                    283: \key{Right Arrow}{same as ^ F}
                    284: \key{Ctrl Left  Arrow}{same as ^ A}
                    285: \key{Ctrl Right Arrow}{same as ^ E}
                    286: \key{Up    Arrow}{same as ^ P}
                    287: \key{Down  Arrow}{same as ^ N}
                    288: \endindentedkeys
                    292: \section{Graphics Devices}
                    294: All screen graphics devices are specified by names and options.
                    295: This information can be read from a startup file (.gnuplot in UNIX).
                    296: If  you change the graphics device, you must replot with the
                    297: \kbd{replot} command.
                    299: \key{get a list of valid devices }{set terminal [options]}
                    301: \beginindentedkeys
                    303: Graphics Terminals:
                    305: \key{AED 512 Terminal}                          {set term aed512}
                    306: \key{AED 767 Terminal}                          {set term aed767}
                    307: \key{Amiga}                                     {set term amiga}
                    308: \key{Adobe Illustrator 3.0 Format}              {set term aifm}
                    309: \key{Apollo graphics primitive, rescalable}     {set term apollo}
                    310: \key{Atari ST}                                  {set term atari}
                    311: \key{BBN Bitgraph Terminal}                     {set term bitgraph}
                    312: \key{SCO CGI Driver}                            {set term cgi}
                    313: \key{Apollo graphics primitive, fixed window}   {set term gpr}
                    314: \key{SGI GL window}                             {set term iris4d [8 24]}
                    315: \key{MS-DOS Kermit Tek4010 term - color}        {set term kc_tek40xx}
                    316: \key{MS-DOS Kermit Tek4010 term - mono}         {set term km_tek40xx}
                    317: \key{NeXTstep window system}                    {set term next}
                    318: \key{REGIS graphics language}                   {set term regis}
                    319: \key{Selanar Tek Terminal}                      {set term selanar}
                    320: \key{SunView window system}                     {set term sun}
                    321: \key{Tektronix 4106, 4107, 4109 \& 420X }       {set term tek4OD10x}
                    322: \key{Tektronix 4010; most TEK emulators}        {set term tek40xx}
                    323: \key{VAX UIS window system}                     {set term VMS}
                    324: \key{VT-like tek40xx terminal emulator}         {set term vttek}
                    325: \key{UNIX plotting (not always supplied)}       {set term unixplot}
                    326: \key{AT\&T 3b1 or 7300 UNIXPC}                  {set term unixpc}
                    327: \key{X11 default display device}                {set term x11}
                    328: \key{X11 multicolor point default device}       {set term X11}
                    330: \endindentedkeys
                    332: \beginindentedkeys
                    334: Turbo C PC Graphics Modes:
                    336: \key{Hercules}{set term hercules}
                    337: \key{Color Graphics Adaptor}{set term cga}
                    338: \key{Monochrome CGA}{set term mcga}
                    339: \key{Extended Graphics Adaptor}{set term ega}
                    340: \key{VGA} {set term vga}
                    341: \key{Monochrome VGA} {set term vgamono}
                    342: \key{Super VGA - requires SVGA driver}{set term svga}
                    343: \key{AT\&T 6300 Micro}{set term att}
                    345: \endindentedkeys
                    347: MS Windows 3.x and OS/2 Presentation Manager are also supported.
                    349: \beginindentedkeys
                    351: Hardcopy Devices:
                    353: \key{Unknown - not a plotting device} {set term unknown}
                    354: \key{Dump ASCII table of X Y [Z] values}{set term table}
                    355: \key{printer or glass dumb terminal}                    {set term dumb}
                    356: \key{Roland DXY800A plotter}                            {set term dxy800a}
                    358: Dot Matrix Printers
                    360: \key{Epson-style 60-dot per inch printers}              {set term epson_60dpi}
                    361: \key{Epson LX-800, Star NL-10 }{set term epson_lx800}
                    362: \key{NX-1000, PROPRINTER }{set term epson_lx800}
                    363: \key{NEC printer CP6, Epson LQ-800 }
                    364:                         {set term nec_cp6 [monochrome color draft]}
                    365: \key{Star Color Printer}                                {set term starc}
                    366: \key{Tandy DMP-130  60-dot per inch }   {set term tandy_60dpi}
                    367: \key{Vectrix 384 \& Tandy color printer}                {set term vx384}
                    369: Laser Printers
                    371: \key{Talaris EXCL language}{set term excl}
                    372: \key{Imagen laser printer}                              {set term imagen}
                    373: \key{LN03-Plus in EGM mode}                     {set term ln03}
                    374: \key{PostScript graphics language }
                    375:                 {set term post [mode color `font' size]}
                    376: \key{CorelDraw EPS}
                    377:                 {set term corel [mode color `font' size]}
                    378: \key{Prescribe - for the Kyocera Laser Printer} {set term prescribe}
                    379: \key{Kyocera Laser Printer with Courier font}           {set term kyo}
                    380: \key{QMS/QUIC Laser  (also Talaris 1200 )}{set term qms}
                    382: Metafiles
                    384: \key{AutoCAD DXF (120x80 default)}                      {set term dxf}
                    385: \key{FIG graphics language: SunView or X }{set term fig}
                    386: \key{FIG graphics language:  Large Graph}{set term bfig}
                    387: \key{SCO hardcopy CGI}{set term hcgi}
                    388: \key{Frame Maker MIF 3.0}
                    389:                 {set term mif [pentype curvetype help]}
                    390: \key{Portable bitmap}                                   {set term pbm [fontsize color]}
                    391: \key{Uniplex Redwood Graphics Interface Protocol}{set term rgip}
                    392: \key{TGIF language}                             {set term tgif}
                    394: HP Devices
                    396: \key{HP2623A and maybe others}                  {set term hp2623A}
                    397: \key{HP2648 and HP2647}                         {set term hp2648}
                    398: \key{HP7580, \& probably other HPs (4 pens)}            {set term hp7580B}
                    399: \key{HP7475 \&  lots of others (6 pens)}        {set term hpgl}
                    400: \key{HP Laserjet series II \& clones}   {set term hpljii [75 100 150 300]}
                    401: \key{HP DeskJet 500} {set term hpdj [75 100 150 300]}
                    402: \key{HP PaintJet \& HP3630 }
                    403:                                 {set term hppj [FNT5X9 FNT9X17 FNT13x25]}
                    404: \key{HP laserjet III ( HPGL plot vectors)}
                    405:                 {set term pcl5 [mode font fontsize ]}
                    407: TeX picture environments
                    409: \key{LaTeX picture environment}                 {set term latex}
                    410: \key{EEPIC -- extended LaTeX picture }  {set term eepic}
                    411: \key{LaTeX picture  with emTeX specials}        {set term emtex}
                    412: \key{PSTricks macros for TeX or LaTeX}  {set term pstricks}
                    413: \key{TPIC specials for TeX or LaTeX}    {set term tpic}
                    414: \key{MetaFont font generation input}                    {set term mf}
                    417: \endindentedkeys
                    419: \section{Files}
                    421: \key{{\bf plot} a data file}{plot `fspec'}
                    422: \key{{\bf load} in a macro file}{load `fspec'}
                    423: \key{{\bf save} command buffer to a macro file}{save `fspec'}
                    424: \key{{\bf save settings} for later reuse}{save set `fpec'}
                    426: \section{PLOT \& SPLOT commands}
                    429: {\bf plot} and {\bf splot} are the primary commands
                    430: {\bf plot} is used to plot 2-d
                    431: functions and data, while {\bf splot} plots 3-d surfaces and data.
                    433: Syntax:
                    435:         plot $\{$ranges$\}$ $<$function$> \{$title$\} \{$style$\}$
                    436:                     $\{, <$function$> \{$title$\} \{$style$\}...\}$
                    438:         splot $\{$ranges$\} <$function$> \{$title$\} \{$style$\}$
                    439:                     $\{, <$function$> \{$title$\} \{$style$\}...\}$
                    441: where $<$function$>$ is either a mathematical expression, the name of a
                    442: data file enclosed in quotes, or a pair ({\bf plot}) or triple ({\bf splot})
                    443: of mathematical expressions in the case of parametric functions.
                    444: User-defined functions and variables may also be defined here.
                    445: Examples will be given below.
                    447: \section{Plotting Data}
                    448: Discrete data contained in a file can displayed by specifying the
                    449: name of the data file (enclosed in quotes) on the {\bf plot} or {\bf splot}
                    450: command line. Data files should contain one data point per line.
                    451: Lines beginning with \# (or ! on VMS) will be treated as comments
                    452: and ignored. For {\bf plot}s, each data point represents an (x,y)
                    453: pair. For {\bf splot}s, each point is an (x,y,z) triple. For {\bf plot}s with
                    454: error bars (see {\bf plot errorbars}), each data point is either
                    455: (x,y,ydelta), (x,y,ylow,yhigh), (x,y,xlow,xhigh), (x,y,xdelta,ydelta), or
                    456: (x,y,xlow,xhigh,ylow,yhigh). In all cases, the numbers on each
                    457: line of a data file must be separated by blank space. This blank
                    458: space divides each line into columns.
                    460: For {\bf plot}s the x value may be omitted, and for {\bf splot}s the x
                    461: and y values may be omitted. In either case the omitted values are
                    462: assigned the current coordinate number. Coordinate numbers start at 0
                    463: and are incremented for each data point read.
                    465: \section{Surface Plotting}
                    466: Implicitly, there are two types of 3-d datafiles. If all the isolines
                    467: are of the same length, the data is assumed to be a grid data, i.e.,
                    468: the data has a grid topology. Cross isolines in the other parametric
                    469: direction (the ith cross isoline passes thru the ith point of all the
                    470: provided isolines) will also be drawn for grid data. (Note contouring
                    471: is available for grid data only.) If all the isolines are not of the
                    472: same length, no cross isolines will be drawn and contouring that data
                    473: is impossible.
                    475: For splot if 3-d datafile and using format (see {\bf splot datafile using})
                    476: specify only z (height field), a non parametric mode must be specified.
                    477: If, on the other hand, x, y, and z are all specified, a parametric
                    478: mode should be selected (see {\bf set parametric}) since data is defining a
                    479: parametric surface.
                    481: \key{example of plotting a 3-d data}{set parametric;splot 'glass.dat'}
                    482: \key{example of plotting explicit}{set noparametric;splot 'datafile.dat'}
                    484: \section{Using Pipes}
                    486: On some computer systems with a popen function (UNIX), the datafile
                    487: can be piped through a shell command by starting the file name
                    488: with a '$<$'.  For example:
                    490:         pop(x) = 103*exp(x/10)
                    491:         plot "$<$ awk '$\{$ print \$1-1965 \$2 $\}$' population.dat", pop(x)
                    493: would plot the same information as the first population example
                    494: but with years since 1965 as the x axis.
                    496: Similarly, output can be piped to another application, e.g.
                    498:         set out "$|$lpr -Pmy\_laser\_printer"
                    500: \section{Plot Data Using}
                    501: The format of data within a file can be selected with the {\bf using}
                    502: option. An explicit scanf string can be used, or simpler column
                    503: choices can be made.
                    505: \key{plot "datafile"}{ $\{$ using $\{ <$ycol$> |$}
                    506: \key{}{$<$xcol$>:<$ycol$> |$}
                    507: \key{}{$<$xcol$>:<$ycol$>:<$ydelta$> |$}
                    508: \key{}{$<$xcol$>:<$ycol$>:<$width$> |$}
                    509: \key{}{$<$xcol$>:<$ycol$>:<$xdelta$> |$}
                    510: \key{}{$<$xcol$>:<$ycol$>:<$ylo$>:<$yhi$> |$}
                    511: \key{}{$<$xcol$>:<$ycol$>:<$xlo$>:<$xhi$> |$}
                    512: \key{}{$<$xcol$>:<$ycol$>:<$xdelta$>:<$ydelta$> |$}
                    513: \key{}{$<$xcol$>:<$ycol$>:<$ydelta$>:<$width$> |$}
                    514: \key{}{$<$xcol$>:<$ycol$>:<$ylo$>:<$yhi$>:<$width$> |$}
                    515: \key{}{$<$xc$>:<$yc$>:<$xlo$>:<$xhi$>:<$ylo$>:<$yhi$> \}$}
                    516: \key{}{$\{$"<scanf string>"$\} \} ...$}
                    518: \key{splot "datafile"}
                    519: {$\{$ using $\{ <$xcol$>:<$ycol$>:<$zcol$> \}$}
                    520: \key{}{$\{"<$scanf string$>"\} \} ...$}
                    522: $<$xcol$>$, $<$ycol$>$, and $<$zcol$>$ explicitly select the columns to plot from
                    523: a space or tab separated multicolumn data file. If only $<$ycol$>$ is
                    524: selected for {\bf plot}, $<$xcol$>$ defaults to 1. If only $<$zcol$>$ is selected
                    525: for {\bf splot}, then only that column is read from the file. An $<$xcol$>$ of
                    526: 0 forces $<$ycol$>$ to be plotted versus its coordinate number. $<$xcol$>$,
                    527: $<$ycol$>$, and $<$zcol$>$ can be entered as constants or expressions.
                    529: If errorbars (see also {\bf plot errorbars}) are used for {\bf plot}s,
                    530: xdelta or ydelta (for example, a +/- error) should be provided as the third
                    531: column, or (x,y)low and (x,y)high as third and fourth columns.  These columns
                    532: must follow the x and y columns. If errorbars in both directions are wanted
                    533: then xdelta and ydelta should be in the third and fourth columns, respectively,
                    534: or xlow, xhigh, ylow, yhigh should be in the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth
                    535: columns, respectively.
                    537: Scanf strings override any $<$xcol$>$:$<$ycol$>$(:$<$zcol$>$) choices, except for
                    538: ordering of input, e.g.,
                    540: \key{plot "datafile"}{ using 2:1 "\%f\%*f\%f"}
                    542: causes the first column to be y and the third column to be x.
                    544: If the scanf string is omitted, the default is generated based on the
                    545: $<$xcol$>$:$<$ycol$>$(:$<$zcol$>$) choices. If the {\bf using} option is omitted, ''\%f\%f''
                    546: is used for {\bf plot} (''\%f\%f\%f\%f'' or ''\%f\%f\%f\%f\%f\%f'' for {\bf
                    547: errorbar} {\bf plot}s) and ''\%f\%f\%f'' is used for {\bf splot}.
                    549: \key{plot "MyData"} {using "\%*f\%f\%*20[^$\backslash$n]\%f" w lines}
                    551: Data are read from the file ``MyData'' using the format
                    552: ''\%*f\%f\%*20[^$\backslash$n]\%f''. The meaning of this format is: ''\%*f'' ignore the
                    553: first number, ''\%f'' then read in the second and assign to x,
                    554: ''\%*20[^$\backslash$n]'' then ignore 20 non-newline characters, ''\%f'' then read in
                    555: the y value.
                    557: \section{Plot With Errorbars}
                    558: Error bars are supported for 2-d data file plots by reading one to
                    559: four additional columns specifying ydelta, ylow and yhigh, xdelta,
                    560: xlow and xhigh, xdelta and ydelta, or xlow, xhigh, ylow, and yhigh
                    561: respectively. No support exists for error bars for {\bf splot}s.
                    563: In the default situation, GNUPLOT expects to see three to six
                    564: numbers on each line of the data file, either (x, y, ydelta),
                    565: (x, y, ylow, yhigh), (x, y, xdelta), (x, y, xlow, xhigh),
                    566: (x, y, xdelta, ydelta), or (x, y, xlow, xhigh, ylow, yhigh). The x
                    567: coordinate must be specified. The order of the numbers must be exactly
                    568: as given above. Data files in this format can easily be plotted with error
                    569: bars:
                    571:         plot "data.dat" with errorbars (or yerrorbars)
                    573:         plot "data.dat" with xerrorbars
                    575:         plot "data.dat" with xyerrorbars
                    577: The error bar is a line plotted from (x, ylow) to (x,
                    578: yhigh) or (xlow, y) to (xhigh, y). If ydelta is specified instead
                    579: of ylow and yhigh, ylow=y-ydelta and yhigh=y+ydelta are derived. The
                    580: values for xlow and xhigh are derived similarly from xdelta. If there
                    581: are only two numbers on the line, yhigh and ylow are both set to
                    582: y and xhigh and xlow are both set to x. To get lines plotted between
                    583: the data points, {\bf plot} the data file twice, once with errorbars and
                    584: once with lines.
                    586: If x or y autoscaling is on, the x or y range will be adjusted to fit the
                    587: error bars.
                    589: Boxes may be drawn with y error bars using the {\bf boxerrorbars} style. The
                    590: width of the box may be either set with the "set boxwidth" command, given in
                    591: one of the data columns, or calculated automatically so each box touches the
                    592: adjacent boxes.
                    593: Boxes may be drawn instead of the cross drawn for the {\bf xyerrorbars} style
                    594: by using the {\bf boxxyerrorbars} style.
                    596: \key{x,y,ylow \& yhigh from columns 1,2,3,4}{plot "data.dat" us 1:2:3:4 w errorbars}
                    597: \key{x from third, y from second, xdelta from 6}{plot "data.dat" using 3:2:6 w xerrorbars}
                    598: \key{x,y,xdelta \& ydelta from columns 1,2,3,4}{plot "data.dat" us 1:2:3:4 w
                    599: xyerrorbars}
                    601: \section{Plot Ranges}
                    602: The optional range specifies the region of the plot that will be
                    603: displayed.
                    605: Ranges may be provided on the {\bf plot} and {\bf splot} command line and
                    606: affect only that plot, or in the {\bf set xrange}, {\bf set yrange}, etc.,
                    607: commands, to change the default ranges for future plots.
                    609: \key{[$\{<$dummy-var$> =\} \{<$xmin$> : <$xmax$>\}$]} { $\{$ [$\{<$ymin$> : <$ymax$>\}$] $\}$}
                    611: where $<$dummy-var$>$ is the independent variable (the defaults are x and
                    612: y, but this may be changed with {\bf set dummy}) and the min and max
                    613: terms can be constant expressions.
                    615: Both the min and max terms are optional. The ':' is also optional
                    616: if neither a min nor a max term is specified. This allows '[ ]' to
                    617: be used as a null range specification.
                    619: Specifying a range in the {\bf plot} command line turns autoscaling for
                    620: that axis off for that plot. Using one of the {\bf set} range commands
                    621: turns autoscaling off for that axis for future plots, unless changed
                    622: later. (See {\bf set autoscale}).
                    624: \key{This uses the current ranges}{plot cos(x)}
                    625: \key{This sets the x range only}{plot [-10:30] sin(pi*x)/(pi*x)}
                    626: \key{This sets both the x and y ranges}{plot [-pi:pi] [-3:3]  tan(x), 1/x}
                    627: \key{sets only y range, \&} {plot [ ] [-2:sin(5)*-8] sin(x)**besj0(x)}
                    628: \key{turns off autoscaling on both axes}{}
                    629: \key{This sets xmax and ymin only}{plot [:200] [-pi:]  exp(sin(x))}
                    630: \key{This sets the x, y, and z ranges}{splot [0:3] [1:4] [-1:1] x*y}
                    632: \section{Plot With Style}
                    633: Plots may be displayed in one of twelve styles: {\bf lines}, {\bf points},
                    634: {\bf linespoints}, {\bf impulses}, {\bf dots}, {\bf steps},
                    635: {\bf errorbars} (or {\bf yerrorbars}), {\bf xerrorbars}, {\bf xyerrorbars},
                    636: {\bf boxes}, {\bf boxerrorbars}, or {\bf boxxyerrorbars}. The {\bf lines} style
                    637: connects adjacent points with lines. The {\bf points} style displays a
                    638: small symbol at each point. The {\bf linespoints} style does both
                    639: {\bf lines} and {\bf points}. The {\bf impulses} style displays a vertical line
                    640: from the x axis (or from the grid base for {\bf splot}) to each point. The
                    641: {\bf dots} style plots a tiny dot at each point; this is useful for
                    642: scatter plots with many points. The {\bf steps} style is used for drawing
                    643: stairstep-like functions. The {\bf boxes} style may be used for barcharts.
                    645: The {\bf errorbars} style is only relevant to 2-d data file plotting. It
                    646: is treated like {\bf points} for {\bf splot}s and function {\bf plot}s. For
                    647: data
                    648: {\bf plot}s, {\bf errorbars} is like {\bf points}, except that a vertical error
                    649: bar is also drawn: for each point (x,y), a line is drawn from
                    650: (x,ylow) to (x,yhigh). A tic mark is placed at the ends of the error
                    651: bar. The ylow and yhigh values are read from the data file's columns,
                    652: as specified with the {\bf using} option to plot. The {\bf xerrorbars}
                    653: style is similar except that it draws a horizontal error bar from xlow to
                    654: xhigh. The {\bf xyerrorbars} or {\bf boxxyerrorbars} style is used for data
                    655: with errors in both x and y. A barchart style may be used in conjunction with y
                    656: error bars through the use of {\bf boxerrorbars}. The See {\bf plot errorbars}
                    657: for more information.
                    659: Default styles are chosen with the {\bf set function style} and
                    660: {\bf set data style} commands.
                    662: By default, each function and data file will use a different
                    663: line type and point type, up to the maximum number of available
                    664: types. All terminal drivers support at least six different point
                    665: types, and re-use them, in order, if more than six are required.
                    666: The LaTeX driver supplies an additional six point types (all variants
                    667: of a circle), and thus will only repeat after twelve curves are
                    668: plotted with points.
                    670: If desired, the style and (optionally) the line type and point type
                    671: used for a curve can be specified.
                    673: \key{with $<$style$>$}{$ \{<$linetype$> \{<$pointtype$>\}\}$}
                    675: where $<$style$>$ is either {\bf lines}, {\bf points}, {\bf linespoints}, {\bf impulses},
                    676: {\bf dots}, {\bf steps}, {\bf errorbars} (or {\bf yerrorbars}),
                    677: {\bf xerrorbars}, {\bf xyerrorbars}, {\bf boxes}, {\bf boxerrorbars},
                    678: {\bf boxxyerrorbars}.
                    680: The $<$linetype$>$ \& $<$pointtype$>$ are positive
                    681: integer constants or expressions and specify the line type and point
                    682: type to be used for the plot. Line type 1 is the first line type used
                    683: by default, line type 2 is the second line type used by default, etc.
                    685: \key{plots sin(x) with impulses}{plot sin(x) with impulses}
                    686: \key{plots x*y with points, x**2 + y**2 default}{splot x*y w points, x**2 + y**2}
                    687: \key{plots tan(x) with default function style}
                    688:         {plot [ ] [-2:5] tan(x)}
                    689: \key{plots ``data.1'' with lines}{plot "data.1" with l}
                    690: \key{plots ``leastsq.dat'' with impulses} {plot 'leastsq.dat' w i}
                    691: \key{plots ``exper.dat'' with errorbars \& }
                    692: {plot 'exper.dat' w l, 'exper.dat' w err}
                    693: \key{ lines connecting points}{}
                    695: Here 'exper.dat' should have three or four data columns.
                    697: \key{plots x**2 + y**2 and x**2 - y**2 with the same line type}
                    698: {splot x**2 + y**2 w l 1, x**2 - y**2 w l 1}
                    699: \key{plots sin(x) and cos(x) with linespoints, using}
                    700:     {plot sin(x) w linesp 1 3, \\}
                    701: \key{ the same line type but different point types}{ cos(x) w linesp 1 4}
                    702: \key{plots file ``data'' with points style 3}
                    703: {plot "data" with points 1 3}
                    705: Note that the line style must be specified when specifying the point
                    706: style, even when it is irrelevant. Here the line style is 1 and the
                    707: point style is 3, and the line style is irrelevant.
                    709: See {\bf set style} to change the default styles.
                    711: \section{Plot Title}
                    713: A title of each plot appears in the key. By default the title is
                    714: the function or file name as it appears on the plot command line.
                    715: The title can be changed by using the {\bf title} option. This option
                    716: should precede any {\bf with} option.
                    718: \key{        title "$<$title$>$"}{}
                    720: where $<$title$>$ is the new title of the plot and must be enclosed in
                    721: quotes. The quotes will not be shown in the key.
                    723: \key{plots y=x with the title 'x'} {plot x}
                    724: \key{plots the ``glass.dat'' file}
                    725: {splot "glass.dat" tit 'revolution surface'}
                    726: \key{with the title 'revolution surface'}{}
                    727: \key{plots x squared with title ``x^2'' and ``data.1''}
                    728:     {plot x**2 t "x^2", \\}
                    729: \key{ with title 'measured data'}{ "data.1" t 'measured data'}
                    731: \section{Set-Show Commands}
                    733: \beginindentedkeys
                    734: \key{all commands below begin with set}{set}
                    735: \key{set mapping of polar angles}{angles [degrees|radians]}
                    736: \key{arrows from point to}{arrow [<tag>][from <sx>,<sy>,<sz>]}
                    737: \key{}{ [to <ex>,<ey>,<ez>][nohead]}
                    738: \key{force autoscaling of an axis}{autoscale [<axes>]}
                    739: \key{enter/exit parametric mode} {[no]parametric}
                    740: \key{display border}{[no]border}
                    741: \key{clip points/line near boundaries}{[no]clip <clip-type>}
                    742: \key{specify parameters for contour plots}{cntrparam
                    743: [spline][points][order][levels]}
                    744: \key{enable splot contour plots}{[no]contour [base|surface|both]}
                    745: \key{default plotting style for data}{data style <style-choice>}
                    746: \key{specify dummy variable}{dummy <dummy1>,<dummy2>...}
                    747: \key{tic-mark label format specification}{format
                    748: [<axes>]["format-string"]}
                    749: \key{function plotting style}{function style <style-choice>}
                    750: \key{draw a grid at major tick marks \& minor tics (optional)}{[no]grid [mxgrid
                    751: OR mygrid]}
                    752: \key{enables hiddenline removal}{[no]hidden3d}
                    753: \key{specify number of isolines}{isosamples <expression>}
                    754: \key{enables key of curves in plot}{key <x>,<y>,<z>}
                    755: \key{logscaling of an axes (optionally giving base)}{logscale <axes> [<base>]}
                    756: \key{mapping 3D coordinates}{mapping
                    757: [cartesian|spherical|cylindrical]}
                    758: \key{offsets from center of graph}{offsets
                    759: <left>,<right>,<top>,<bottom>}
                    760: \key{mapping 2D coordinates}{[no]polar}
                    761: \key{set radial range}{rrange [<rmin>:<rmax>]}
                    762: \key{set sampling rate of functions}{samples <expression>}
                    763: \key{set scaling factors of plot}{size <xsize>,<ysize>}
                    764: \key{control display of isolines of surface}{[no]surface}
                    765: \key{control graphics device}{terminal <device>}
                    766: \key{change direction of tics}{tics <direction>}
                    767: \key{adjust relative height of vertical axis}{ticslevel <level>}
                    768: \key{adjust size of tick marks}{ticscale [<size>]}
                    769: \key{turn on time/date stamp}{[no]time}
                    770: \key{set centered plot title}{title "title-text" <xoff>,<yoff>}
                    771: \key{set parametric range}{trange [<tmin>:<tmax>]}
                    772: \key{set surface parametric ranges}{urange or vrange}
                    773: \key{sets the view point for {\bf splot}}{view
                    774: <rot_x>,<rot_z>,<scale>,<scale_z>}
                    775: \key{sets x-axis label}{xlabel "<label>" <xoff>,<yoff>}
                    776: \key{set horizontal range}{xrange [<xmin>:<xmax>]}
                    777: \key{change horizontal tics}{xtics <start>,<incr>,<end>,}
                    778: \key{}{"<label>" <pos> }
                    779: \key{adjust number of minor tick marks}{[no]mxtics OR [no]mytics [<freq>]}
                    780: \key{draw x-axis}{[no]xzeroaxis}
                    781: \key{sets y-axis label}{ylabel "<label>" <xoff>,<yoff>}
                    782: \key{set vertical range}{yrange [<ymin>:<ymax>]}
                    783: \key{change vertical tics}{ytics <start>,<incr>,<end>,}
                    784: \key{}{"<label>" <pos> }
                    785: \key{draw y-axis}{[no]yzeroaxis}
                    786: \key{set default threshold for values near 0}{zero <expression>}
                    787: \key{draw axes}{[no]zeroaxis}
                    788: \key{sets z-axis label}{zlabel "<label>" <xoff>,<yoff>}
                    789: \key{set vertical range}{zrange [<zmin>:<zmax>]}
                    790: \key{change vertical tics}{ztics <start>,<incr>,<end>,}
                    791: \key{}{"<label>" <pos> }
                    792: \key{draw z-axis}{[no]zzeroaxis}
                    793: \endindentedkeys
                    795: \section{Contour Plots}
                    796: Enable contour drawing for surfaces. This option is available for {\bf splot}
                    797: only.
                    799: Syntax:
                    800:         set contour $\{$ base $|$ surface $|$ both $\}$
                    801:         set nocontour
                    803: If no option is provided to {\bf set contour}, the default is {\bf base}.
                    804: The three options specify where to draw the contours: {\bf base} draws
                    805: the contours on the grid base where the x/ytics are placed, {\bf surface}
                    806: draws the contours on the surfaces themselves, and {\bf both} draws the
                    807: contours on both the base and the surface.
                    809: See also {\bf set cntrparam} for the parameters that affect the drawing of
                    810: contours.
                    812: \section{Contour Parameters}
                    813: Sets the different parameters for the contouring plot (see also {\bf contour}).
                    815:  \key{set cntrparam}{ $\{ \{$ linear $|$ cubicspline $|$ bspline $\} |$}
                    816: \key{}{points $<$n$>$ $|$ }
                    817: \key{}{order $<$n$>$  $|$ }
                    818: \key{}{levels \{ [ auto ] $<$n$>$ $|$ }
                    819: \key{}{discrete $<$z1$>$ $<$z2$>$ ... $|$ }
                    820: \key{}{incr $<$start$>$ $<$increment$>$ [ $<$n$>$ ] $\} \}$ }
                    822: \key{5 automatic levels}{set cntrparam levels auto 5}
                    823: \key{3 discrete levels at 10\%, 37\% and 90\%}
                    824:         {set cntrp levels discrete .1 1/exp(1) .9}
                    825: \key{5 incremental levels at 0, .1, .2, .3 and .4}
                    826:         {set cntrparam levels incremental  0 .1 5 }
                    827: \key{sets n = 10 retaining current setting of auto, incr., or discr.}
                    828:         {set cntrparam levels 10 }
                    829: \key{set start = 100 and increment = 50, retaining old n}
                    830:         {set cntrparam levels incremental 100 50}
                    832: This command controls the way contours are plotted. $<$n$>$ should be an
                    833: integral constant expression and $<$z1$>$, $<$z2$>$ any constant expressions.
                    834: The parameters are:
                    836: {\bf linear}, {\bf cubicspline}, {\bf bspline} - Controls type of approximation or
                    837: interpolation. If {\bf linear}, then the contours are drawn piecewise
                    838: linear, as extracted from the surface directly. If {\bf cubicspline}, then
                    839: piecewise linear contours are interpolated to form a somewhat smoother
                    840: contours, but which may undulate. The third option is the uniform
                    841: {\bf bspline}, which only approximates the piecewise linear data but is
                    842: guaranteed to be smoother.
                    844: {\bf points} - Eventually all drawings are done with piecewise linear
                    845: strokes.  This number controls the number of points used to
                    846: approximate a curve.  Relevant for {\bf cubicspline} and {\bf bspline} modes
                    847: only.
                    849: {\bf order}  - Order of the bspline approximation to be used. The bigger this
                    850: order is, the smoother the resulting contour.  (Of course, higher order
                    851: bspline curves will move further away from the original piecewise linear
                    852: data.)  This option is relevant for {\bf bspline} mode only. Allowed values are
                    853: integers in the range from 2 (linear) to 10.
                    855: {\bf levels} - Number of contour levels, 'n'.  Selection of the levels is
                    856: controlled by 'auto' (default), 'discrete', and 'incremental'. For 'auto',
                    857: if the surface is bounded by zmin and zmax then contours will be
                    858: generated from zmin+dz to zmax-dz in steps of size dz, where
                    859: dz = (zmax - zmin) / (levels + 1).  For 'discrete', contours will be
                    860: generated at z = z1, z2 ... as specified.  The number of discrete levels
                    861: is limited to MAX\_DISCRETE\_LEVELS, defined in plot.h to be 30.  If
                    862: 'incremental', contours are generated at $<$n$>$ values of z beginning at
                    863: $<$start$>$ and increasing by $<$increment$>$.
                    865: \section{Specifying Labels}
                    866: Arbitrary labels can be placed on the plot using the {\bf set label}
                    867: command.  If the z coordinate is given on a {\bf plot} it is ignored; if
                    868: it is missing on a {\bf splot} it is assumed to be 0.
                    870: \key{set label $\{<$tag$>\} \{"<$label_text$>"\}$}
                    871: {$\{$at $<$x$>,<$y$>\{,<$z$>\}\}$}
                    872: \key{}{$\{<$justification$>\}$}
                    873: \key{set nolabel $\{<$tag$>\}$}{}
                    874: \key{show label}{}
                    876: The text defaults to '''', and the position to 0,0,0.  The $<$x$>$, $<$y$>$, and
                    877: $<$z$>$ values are in the graph's coordinate system.  The tag is an
                    878: integer that is used to identify the label. If no $<$tag$>$ is given, the
                    879: lowest unused tag value is assigned automatically. The tag can be used
                    880: to delete or change a specific label. To change any attribute of an
                    881: existing label, use the {\bf set label} command with the appropriate tag,
                    882: and specify the parts of the label to be changed.
                    884: By default, the text is placed flush left against the point x,y,z.
                    885: To adjust the way the label is positioned with respect to the point
                    886: x,y,z, add the parameter $<$justification$>$, which may be {\bf left}, {\bf right}
                    887: or {\bf center}, indicating that the point is to be at the left, right or
                    888: center of the text. Labels outside the plotted boundaries are
                    889: permitted but may interfere with axes labels or other text.
                    891: \key{label at (1,2) to ``y=x'' }{set label "y=x" at 1,2}
                    892: \key{label ``y=x^2'' w right of the text at (2,3,4), }
                    893: {set label 3 "y=x^2" at 2,3,4 right}
                    894: \key{\& tag the label number 3 }{}
                    895: \key{change preceding label to center justification}{set label 3 center}
                    896: \key{delete label number 2 }{set nolabel 2}
                    897: \key{delete all labels}{set nolabel}
                    898: \key{show all labels (in tag order)}{show label}
                    900: (The EEPIC, Imagen, LaTeX, and TPIC drivers allow $\backslash$$\backslash$
                    901: in a string to specify a newline.)
                    903: \section{Miscellaneous Commands}
                    905: For further information on these commands, print out a copy
                    906: of the GNUPLOT manual.
                    908: \key{change working directory}{cd}
                    909: \key{erase current screen or device}{clear}
                    910: \key{exit GNUPLOT}{exit or quit or EOF}
                    911: \key{display text and wait}{pause <time> ["<string>"]}
                    912: \key{print the value of $<$expression$>$}{print <expression>}
                    913: \key{print working directory}{pwd}
                    914: \key{repeat last {\bf plot} or {\bf splot}}{replot}
                    915: \key{spawn an interactive shell}{! (UNIX) or \$ (VMS)}
                    917: \section{Environment Variables}
                    919: A number of shell environment variables are understood by GNUPLOT.
                    920: None of these are required, but may be useful.
                    922: If GNUTERM is defined, it is used as the name of the terminal type to
                    923: be used. This overrides any terminal type sensed by GNUPLOT on start
                    924: up, but is itself overridden by the .gnuplot (or equivalent) start-up
                    925: file (see {\bf start-up}), and of course by later explicit changes.
                    927: On Unix, AmigaOS, and MS-DOS, GNUHELP may be defined to be the pathname
                    928: of the HELP file (gnuplot.gih).
                    930: On VMS, the symbol GNUPLOT\$HELP should be defined as the name of
                    931: the help library for GNUPLOT.
                    933: On Unix, HOME is used as the name of a directory to search for
                    934: a .gnuplot file if none is found in the current directory.
                    935: On AmigaOS and MS-DOS, GNUPLOT is used. On VMS, SYS\$LOGIN: is used.
                    936: See help start-up.
                    938: On Unix, PAGER is used as an output filter for help messages.
                    940: On Unix and AmigaOS, SHELL is used for the {\bf shell} command. On MS-DOS,
                    941: COMSPEC is used for the {\bf shell} command.
                    943: On AmigaOS, GNUFONT is used for the screen font.  For example:
                    944: ``setenv GNUFONT sapphire/14''.
                    946: On MS-DOS, if the BGI interface is used, the variable {\bf BGI} is used to point
                    947: to the full path to the BGI drivers directory. Furthermore SVGA is used to
                    948: name the Super VGA BGI driver in 800x600 res., and its mode of operation
                    949: as 'Name.Mode'.
                    950: For example, if the Super VGA driver is C:$\backslash$TC$\backslash$BGI$\backslash$SVGADRV.BGI and mode 3 is
                    951: used for 800x600 res., then: 'set BGI=C:$\backslash$TC$\backslash$BGI' and 'set SVGA=SVGADRV.3'.
                    954: \section{Expressions}
                    955: In general, any mathematical expression accepted by C, FORTRAN,
                    956: Pascal, or BASIC is valid. The precedence of these operators is
                    957: determined by the specifications of the C programming language.
                    958: White space (spaces and tabs) is ignored inside expressions.
                    960: Complex constants may be expressed as $\{<$real$>,<$imag$>\}$, where
                    961: $<$real$>$ and $<$imag$>$ must be numerical constants.  For example,
                    962: $\{3,2\}$ represents 3 + 2{\bf i} and $\{0,1\}$ represents {\bf i}
                    963: itself.  The curly braces are explicitly required here.
                    964: \section{Functions}
                    965: The functions in GNUPLOT are the same as the corresponding functions
                    966: in the Unix math library, except that all functions accept integer,
                    967: real, and complex arguments, unless otherwise noted. The {\bf sgn}
                    968: function is also supported, as in BASIC.
                    970: %\begin{center}
                    971: %\begin{tabular}{|ccl|} \hline
                    972: \settabs 5\columns
                    973: \+Function & Arguments & Returns \cr
                    974: \hrule%\hline
                    975: \+ abs(x) & any  &  absolute value of {\tt x}, $|x|$; same type \cr
                    976: \+ abs(x) & complex &  length of {\tt x}, $\sqrt{{\hbox{real}(x)^{2} +
                    977: \hbox{imag}(x)^{2}}}$ \cr
                    978: \+ acos(x) & any  & $\cos^{-1} x$ (inverse cosine) in radians \cr
                    979: \+ arg(x) & complex & the phase of $x$ in radians\cr
                    980: \+ asin(x) & any  & $\sin^{-1} x$ (inverse sin) in radians \cr
                    981: \+ atan(x) & any  & $\tan^{-1} x$ (inverse tangent) in radians \cr
                    982: \+ besj0(x) & radians &  $j_{0}$ Bessel function of $x$ \cr
                    983: \+ besj1(x) & radians & $j_{1}$ Bessel function of $x$ \cr
                    984: \+ besy0(x) & radians & $y_{0}$ Bessel function of $x$ \cr
                    985: \+ besy1(x) & radians & $y_{1}$ Bessel function of $x$ \cr
                    986: \+ ceil(x) & any & $\lceil x \rceil$, smallest integer not less than $x$
                    987: (real part) \cr
                    988: \+ cos(x) & radians & $\cos x$, cosine of $x$ \cr
                    989: \+ cosh(x) & radians & $\cosh x$, hyperbolic cosine of $x$ \cr
                    990: \+ erf(x) & any & $\hbox{Erf}(\hbox{real}(x))$,  error function of real($x$) \cr
                    991: \+ erfc(x) & any & $\hbox{Erfc}(\hbox{real}(x))$,  1.0 - error function of real($x$) \cr
                    992: \+ exp(x) & any & $e^{x}$,  exponential function of $x$ \cr
                    993: \+ floor(x) & any & $\lfloor x \rfloor$,  largest integer not greater
                    994: than $x$ (real part) \cr
                    995: \+ gamma(x) & any & $\hbox{Gamma}(\hbox{real}(x))$,  gamma function of real($x$) \cr
                    996: \+ ibeta(p,q,x) & any & $\hbox{Ibeta}(\hbox{real}(p,q,x))$,  ibeta function of real($p$,$q$,$x$) \cr
                    997: \+ igamma(a,x) & any & $\hbox{Igamma}(\hbox{real}(a,x))$,  igamma function of real($a$,$x$) \cr
                    998: \+ imag(x) & complex &  imaginary part of $x$ as a real number \cr
                    999: \+ int(x) & real &  integer part of $x$, truncated toward zero \cr
                   1000: \+ lgamma(x) & any & $\hbox{Lgamma}(\hbox{real}(x))$,  lgamma function of real($x$) \cr
                   1001: \+ log(x) & any & $\log_{e} x$,  natural logarithm (base $e$) of $x$ \cr
                   1002: \+ log10(x) & any & $\log_{10} x$,  logarithm (base $10$) of $x$ \cr
                   1003: \+ rand(x) & any & $\hbox{Rand}(\hbox{real}(x))$,  pseudo random number generator \cr
                   1004: \+ real(x) & any &  real part of $x$ \cr
                   1005: \+ sgn(x) & any & 1 if $x>0$, -1 if $x<0$, 0 if $x=0$. imag($x$) ignored \cr
                   1006: \+ sin(x) & radians & $\sin x$, sine of $x$ \cr
                   1007: \+ sinh(x) & radians & $\sinh x$, hyperbolic sine $x$ \cr
                   1008: \+ sqrt(x) & any & $\sqrt{x}$,  square root of $x$ \cr
                   1009: \+ tan(x) & radians & $\tan x$,  tangent of $x$ \cr
                   1010: \+ tanh(x) & radians & $\tanh x$, hyperbolic tangent of $x$\cr
                   1011: \hrule % \hline
                   1012: %\end{tabular}
                   1013: %\end{center}
                   1014: \section{Operators}
                   1015: The operators in GNUPLOT are the same as the corresponding operators
                   1016: in the C programming language, except that all operators accept
                   1017: integer, real, and complex arguments, unless otherwise noted.
                   1018: The ** operator (exponentiation) is supported, as in FORTRAN.
                   1020: Parentheses may be used to change order of evaluation.
                   1024: %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
                   1025: \bye
                   1026: \subsubsection{Binary}
                   1027: The following is a list of all the binary operators and their
                   1028: usages:
                   1031: \begin{center}
                   1032: \begin{tabular}{|ccl|} \hline
                   1033: \multicolumn{3}{|c|}{Binary Operators} \\
                   1034: Symbol & Example & Explanation \\ \hline
                   1035: \verb~**~ & \verb~a**b~ & exponentiation\\
                   1036: \verb~*~ & \verb~a*b~ & multiplication\\
                   1037: \verb~/~ & \verb~a/b~ & division\\
                   1038: \verb~%~ & \verb~a%b~ & * modulo\\
                   1039: \verb~+~ & \verb~a+b~ & addition\\
                   1040: \verb~-~ & \verb~a-b~ & subtraction\\
                   1041: \verb~==~ & \verb~a==b~ & equality\\
                   1042: \verb~!=~ & \verb~a!=b~ & inequality\\
                   1043: \verb~&~ & \verb~a&b~ & * bitwise AND\\
                   1044: \verb~^~ & \verb~a^b~ & * bitwise exclusive OR\\
                   1045: \verb~|~ & \verb~a|b~ & * bitwise inclusive OR\\
                   1046: \verb~&&~ & \verb~a&&b~ & * logical AND\\
                   1047: \verb~||~ & \verb~a||b~ & * logical OR\\
                   1048: \verb~?:~ & \verb~a?b:c~ & * ternary operation\\
                   1049: \hline
                   1050: \end{tabular}
                   1051: \end{center}
                   1052: (*) Starred explanations indicate that the operator requires
                   1053: integer arguments.
                   1055: Logical AND (\&\&) and OR ($|$$|$) short-circuit the way they do in C.
                   1056: That is, the second \&\& operand is not evaluated if the first is
                   1057: false; the second $|$$|$ operand is not evaluated if the first is true.
                   1059: The ternary operator evaluates its first argument (a). If it is
                   1060: true (non-zero) the second argument (b) is evaluated and returned,
                   1061: otherwise the third argument (c) is evaluated and returned.
                   1062: \subsubsection{Unary}
                   1063: The following is a list of all the unary operators and their
                   1064: usages:
                   1067: \begin{center}
                   1068: \begin{tabular}{|ccl|} \hline
                   1069: \multicolumn{3}{|c|}{Unary Operators}\\
                   1070: Symbol & Example & Explanation \\ \hline
                   1071: \verb@-@ & \verb@-a@ & unary minus \\
                   1072: \verb@~@ & \verb@~a@ & * one's complement \\
                   1073: \verb@!@ & \verb@!a@ & * logical negation \\
                   1074: \verb@!@ & \verb@a!@ & * factorial \\
                   1075: \hline
                   1076: \end{tabular}
                   1077: \end{center}
                   1078: (*) Starred explanations indicate that the operator requires an
                   1079: integer argument.
                   1081: The factorial operator returns a real number to allow a greater range.
                   1082: %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%5

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