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Annotation of OpenXM_contrib/gnuplot/docs/latextut/eg3.dat, Revision

1.1       maekawa     1: -20.000000 -9.125028
                      2: -19.000000 -9.109280
                      3: -18.000000 -9.091787
                      4: -17.000000 -9.072243
                      5: -16.000000 -9.050265
                      6: -15.000000 -9.025369
                      7: -14.000000 -8.996933
                      8: -13.000000 -8.964147
                      9: -12.000000 -8.925931
                     10: -11.000000 -8.880819
                     11: -10.000000 -8.826766
                     12: -9.000000 -8.760835
                     13: -8.000000 -8.678648
                     14: -7.000000 -8.573396
                     15: -6.000000 -8.433886
                     16: -5.000000 -8.240405
                     17: -4.000000 -7.954906
                     18: -3.000000 -7.494275
                     19: -2.000000 -6.642892
                     20: -1.000000 -4.712389
                     21: 0.000000 0.000000
                     22: 1.000000 4.712389
                     23: 2.000000 6.642892
                     24: 3.000000 7.494275
                     25: 4.000000 7.954906
                     26: 5.000000 8.240405
                     27: 6.000000 8.433886
                     28: 7.000000 8.573396
                     29: 8.000000 8.678648
                     30: 9.000000 8.760835
                     31: 10.000000 8.826766
                     32: 11.000000 8.880819
                     33: 12.000000 8.925931
                     34: 13.000000 8.964147
                     35: 14.000000 8.996933
                     36: 15.000000 9.025369
                     37: 16.000000 9.050265
                     38: 17.000000 9.072243
                     39: 18.000000 9.091787
                     40: 19.000000 9.109280

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