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Annotation of OpenXM_contrib/gnuplot/docs/old/README.gnu, Revision

1.1       maekawa     1: A note to former Gnutex users, from David Kotz (David.Kotz@Dartmouth.edu).
                      2: --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                      4: May 30, 1991
                      6: GNUTeX was merged with GNUPLOT beginning with GNUPLOT 2.0.  Many
                      7: aspects of gnutex 1.6 made it into GNUPLOT 2.0. Unfortunately for
                      8: those of us who have a lot of gnutex input files around, not
                      9: everything from gnutex is supported by GNUPLOT. To help gnutex users
                     10: with the process of adapting to GNUPLOT (and I recommend it), I have
                     11: included a section in the LaTeX/GNUPLOT tutorial (in ./docs/latextut/)
                     12: about the differences, and written a translator program.  Please read
                     13: the LaTeX/GNUPLOT tutorial.
                     15: The translator was available as part of the GNUPLOT 2.0 release, but
                     16: has been removed from the standard distribution of GNUPLOT.  The
                     17: translator is now available for anonymous ftp from cs.duke.edu as
                     18: dist/sources/gnuplot/gnut2p.tar.Z. It has not changed since GNUPLOT
                     19: 2.01 (ie, GNUPLOT 2.0 patchlevel 1).
                     21: Users of gnutex that did not use the LaTeX driver will probably have
                     22: little difficulty adapting.
                     24: Please send all comments, complaints, and suggestions on this subject
                     25: to David.Kotz@Dartmouth.edu.

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