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Annotation of OpenXM_contrib/pari-2.2/misc/gprc.dft, Revision 1.1

1.1     ! noro        1: /* $Id: gprc.dft,v 1.3 2000/03/10 17:29:53 karim Exp $
        !             2:  *
        !             3:  * SAMPLE GP INIT FILE.
        !             4:  *
        !             5:  * Customize (by uncommenting and modifying the relevant lines) and put in
        !             6:  * $HOME/.gprc (or $GPRC) or /etc/gprc. Syntax explained at the end. */
        !             7:
        !             8: \\ read "lib/gpalias"
        !             9: /* Read lib/gpalias BEFORE gp prompts you for commands.
        !            10:  * The file contains some standard abbreviations (correct the path first !) */
        !            11:
        !            12: \\ compatible = 0
        !            13: /* CAUTION: scripts written in the old (1.x) syntax WILL NOT WORK AS BEFORE.
        !            14:  * If compatible>1, the OLD functions are the ONLY ONES known to gp, save
        !            15:  * for default() itself */
        !            16:
        !            17: \\ path = ".:~:~/gpdir"
        !            18: /* List of directories where gp will look for scripts (separated by ':',
        !            19:  * use "\:" to insert a real ":"). The ~ notation may not be available on
        !            20:  * your system */
        !            21:
        !            22: prompt = "(%R) \e[1mgp\e[m > "
        !            23: #if READL prompt = "(%R) &\e[1mgp&\e[m > "
        !            24: #if EMACS prompt = "? "
        !            25: /* Set gp prompt. % is used for macros related to the time of day [back to
        !            26:  * the shell prompt, try "man strftime"]. Example: %R = time of day in the
        !            27:  * form HH:MM. Characters can be escaped UNIX-style using '\', e.g \e = <ESC>
        !            28:  *
        !            29:  * Above, the first escape sequence sets a bold font, the second restores
        !            30:  * the original (so we get a bold "gp"), and we prefix by the time of day
        !            31:  *
        !            32:  * CAUTION1: If you have escape sequences in your prompt (as above) and use
        !            33:  * readline, you will get display bugs. With a recent enough readline, you
        !            34:  * can work around those by bracing non-visible characters between ^A/^B
        !            35:  * pairs (see manual), like this:
        !            36:  *
        !            37:  * #if READL prompt = "(%R) &\e[1mgp&\e[m > "
        !            38:  *                          ^^_____^^ brace the "set bold" sequence \e[1m
        !            39:  *
        !            40:  * CAUTION2: If you plan to use gp under emacs, do not tamper with the prompt
        !            41:  * variable UNLESS you also set correctly the gp-prompt-pattern regexp in
        !            42:  * your .emacs. For instance, if to use:
        !            43:  *
        !            44:  * #if EMACS prompt = "(%R) gp > "
        !            45:  *
        !            46:  * add the following two lines in your .emacs (see emacs/pariemacs.txt)
        !            47:  *
        !            48:  * (setq gp-prompt-pattern
        !            49:  *  (concat "^([0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]) gp > [\C-j\t ]*\\|" gp-prompt-pattern))
        !            50:  */
        !            51:
        !            52: \\ use an alternate prettyprinter
        !            53: prettyprinter = "/usr/local/bin/tex2mail -TeX -noindent -ragged -by_par"
        !            54:
        !            55: \\ clear background:
        !            56: \\   #ifnot EMACS colors = "9, 5, no, no, 4, 1, 2"
        !            57: \\ dark background:
        !            58: \\   #ifnot EMACS colors = "9, 1, no, no, 6, 1, 2"
        !            59: /* If your terminal supports color. These are suggested values that don't
        !            60:  * look too bad with the colormap provided with the distribution (under
        !            61:  * emacs you can customize colors using the Menu Bar). */
        !            62:
        !            63: \\ Extended help options (don't interact well with emacs):
        !            64: \\ Don't use TeX + xdvi, but outputs formatted help in GP window:
        !            65: \\   #ifnot EMACS help = "/usr/local/bin/gphelp -detex"
        !            66: \\ Same, using colors:
        !            67: \\   #ifnot EMACS help = "/usr/local/bin/gphelp -detex -ch 4 -cb 0 -cu 2"
        !            68:
        !            69: \\ Stack size : 10^7 Bytes.
        !            70: \\ parisize = 10M
        !            71:
        !            72: \\ Biggest precomputed prime (= prevprime(10^6))
        !            73: \\ primelimit = 1M
        !            74:
        !            75: \\ Set timer on
        !            76: \\ timer = 1
        !            77:
        !            78: \\ Set logfile name and enable logging.
        !            79: \\ Uncommenting the next two lines produces a different logfile each day:
        !            80: \\ logfile = "~/tmp/pari-%d.%m"
        !            81: \\ log = 1
        !            82:
        !            83: \\ Output for postscript-producing gp commands.
        !            84: \\ psfile = "~/tmp/pari.ps"
        !            85:
        !            86: \\ secure = 1
        !            87: /* Disable commands system() and extern(). These commands are dangerous
        !            88:  * since they allow scripts to execute arbitrary Unix commands */
        !            89:
        !            90: \\********************** FORMAT OF THIS FILE :    ***************************
        !            91: \\  Lines starting with '\\' and between '/*' '*/' pairs are comments
        !            92: \\  Blank lines are ignored
        !            93: \\  Line starting with #if KEYWORD is read iff KEYWORD is TRUE
        !            94: \\  Currently recognized keywords:
        !            95: \\    EMACS  are we running under Emacs?
        !            96: \\    READL  is readline available?
        !            97: \\
        !            98: \\  This file should be put in $HOME/.gprc or /etc/gprc and contain:
        !            99: \\  * references to gp scripts that are to be run BEFORE the first gp prompt.
        !           100: \\
        !           101: \\    Syntax: read "filename"  (quotes are mandatory. ~ syntax allowed)
        !           102: \\
        !           103: \\  * variable definitions (so-called "environment variables" in the sequel)
        !           104: \\
        !           105: \\   Definitions are overruled by command line switches. For instance
        !           106: \\     invoking gp -s 100 will set environment variable stacksize to 100 (not
        !           107: \\     a very bright thing to do by the way), regardless of what is in .gprc
        !           108: \\
        !           109: \\    Syntax: variable name = value
        !           110: \\
        !           111: \\  Environment variables which are not set here assume default values in gp.
        !           112: \\  Can be changed under GP using default(), or keyboard shortcuts (see ?\).

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