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Annotation of OpenXM_contrib/pari-2.2/src/basemath/subgroup.c, Revision

1.1       noro        1: /* $Id: subgroup.c,v 1.9 2001/06/20 15:26:57 karim Exp $
                      3: Copyright (C) 2000  The PARI group.
                      5: This file is part of the PARI/GP package.
                      7: PARI/GP is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
                      8: terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
                      9: Foundation. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
                     10: ANY WARRANTY WHATSOEVER.
                     12: Check the License for details. You should have received a copy of it, along
                     13: with the package; see the file 'COPYING'. If not, write to the Free Software
                     14: Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
                     16: #include "pari.h"
                     17: extern GEN hnf0(GEN x, long r);
                     18: void push_val(entree *ep, GEN a);
                     19: void pop_val(entree *ep);
                     21: /* SUBGROUPS
                     22:  * Assume: G = Gp x I, with Gp a p-group and (|I|,p)=1, and I small.
                     23:  * Compute subgroups of I by recursive calls
                     24:  * Loop through subgroups Hp of Gp using Birkhoff's algorithm.
                     25:  * If (I is non trivial)
                     26:  *   lift Hp to G (mul by exponent of I)
                     27:  *   for each subgp of I, lift it to G (mult by exponent of Gp)
                     28:  *   consider the group generated by the two subgroups (concat)
                     29:  */
                     30: static long *powerlist, *mmu, *lam, *c, *maxc, *a, *maxa, **g, **maxg;
                     31: static GEN **H, subq, subqpart, hnfgroup;
                     32: static GEN BINMAT;
                     33: static long countsub, expoI;
                     34: static long *available, indexbound, lsubq, lsubqpart;
                     35: static char *gpch;
                     36: static entree *ep;
                     37: static void(*treatsub_fun)(GEN);
                     38: typedef struct slist {
                     39:   struct slist *next;
                     40:   long *data;
                     41: } slist;
                     43: static slist *sublist;
                     45: void
                     46: printtyp(long *typ)
                     47: {
                     48:   long i;
                     49:   for (i=1; i<=typ[0]; i++) fprintferr(" %ld ",typ[i]);
                     50:   fprintferr("\n");
                     51: }
                     53: /* compute conjugate partition of typ */
                     54: static long*
                     55: conjugate(long *typ)
                     56: {
                     57:   long *t, i, k = typ[0], l, last;
                     59:   if (!k) { t = new_chunk(1); t[0]=0; return t; }
                     60:   l = typ[1]; t = new_chunk(l+2);
                     61:   t[1] = k; last = k;
                     62:   for (i=2; i<=l; i++)
                     63:   {
                     64:     while (typ[last] < i) last--;
                     65:     t[i] = last;
                     66:   }
                     67:   t[i] = 0; t[0] = l;
                     68:   return t;
                     69: }
                     71: static void
                     72: std_fun(GEN x)
                     73: {
                     74:   ep->value = (void*)x;
                     75:   lisseq(gpch); countsub++;
                     76: }
                     78: void
                     79: addcell(GEN H)
                     80: {
                     81:   long *pt,i,j, k = 0, n = lg(H)-1;
                     82:   slist *cell = (slist*) gpmalloc(sizeof(slist) + n*(n+1)/2 * sizeof(long));
                     84:   sublist->next = cell; cell->data = pt = (long*) (cell + 1);
                     85:   for (j=1; j<=n; j++)
                     86:     for(i=1; i<=j; i++) pt[k++] = itos(gcoeff(H,i,j));
                     87:   sublist = cell;
                     88: }
                     90: static void
                     91: list_fun(GEN x)
                     92: {
                     93:   addcell(hnf(concatsp(hnfgroup,x))); countsub++;
                     94: }
                     96: /* treat subgroup Hp (not in HNF, treatsub_fun should do it if desired) */
                     97: static void
                     98: treatsub(GEN Hp)
                     99: {
                    100:   long i;
                    101:   if (!subq) treatsub_fun(Hp);
                    102:   else
                    103:   { /* not a p group, add the trivial part */
                    104:     Hp = gmulsg(expoI,Hp); /* lift Hp to G */
                    105:     for (i=1; i<lsubqpart; i++)
                    106:       treatsub_fun(concatsp(Hp, (GEN)subqpart[i]));
                    107:   }
                    108: }
                    110: /* assume t>0 and l>1 */
                    111: static void
                    112: dogroup(void)
                    113: {
                    114:   long av = avma,av1, e,i,j,k,r,n,t2,ind, t = mmu[0], l = lam[0];
                    116:   t2 = (l==t)? t-1: t;
                    117:   n = t2 * l - (t2*(t2+1))/2; /* number of gamma_ij */
                    118:   for (i=1, r=t+1; ; i++)
                    119:   {
                    120:     if (available[i]) c[r++] = i;
                    121:     if (r > l) break;
                    122:   }
                    123:   if (DEBUGLEVEL>2) { fprintferr("    column selection:"); printtyp(c); }
                    124:   /* a/g and maxa/maxg access the same data indexed differently */
                    125:   for (ind=0,i=1; i<=t; ind+=(l-i),i++)
                    126:   {
                    127:     maxg[i] = maxa + (ind - (i+1)); /* only access maxg[i][i+1..l] */
                    128:     g[i] = a + (ind - (i+1));
                    129:     for (r=i+1; r<=l; r++)
                    130:       if (c[r] < c[i])             maxg[i][r] = powerlist[mmu[i]-mmu[r]-1];
                    131:       else if (lam[c[r]] < mmu[i]) maxg[i][r] = powerlist[lam[c[r]]-mmu[r]];
                    132:       else                         maxg[i][r] = powerlist[mmu[i]-mmu[r]];
                    133:   }
                    134:   av1=avma; a[n-1]=0; for (i=0; i<n-1; i++) a[i]=1;
                    135:   for(;;)
                    136:   {
                    137:     a[n-1]++;
                    138:     if (a[n-1] > maxa[n-1])
                    139:     {
                    140:       j=n-2; while (j>=0 && a[j]==maxa[j]) j--;
                    141:       if (j<0) { avma=av; return; }
                    142:       a[j]++; for (k=j+1; k<n; k++) a[k]=1;
                    143:     }
                    144:     for (i=1; i<=t; i++)
                    145:     {
                    146:       for (r=1; r<i; r++) affsi(0, H[i][c[r]]);
                    147:       affsi(powerlist[lam[c[r]]-mmu[r]], H[r][c[r]]);
                    148:       for (r=i+1; r<=l; r++)
                    149:       {
                    150:         if (c[r] < c[i])
                    151:           e = g[i][r]*powerlist[lam[c[r]]-mmu[i]+1];
                    152:         else
                    153:           if (lam[c[r]] < mmu[i]) e = g[i][r];
                    154:           else e = g[i][r]*powerlist[lam[c[r]]-mmu[i]];
                    155:         affsi(e, H[i][c[r]]);
                    156:       }
                    157:     }
                    158:     treatsub((GEN)H); avma=av1;
                    159:   }
                    160: }
                    162: /* c[1],...,c[r-1] filled */
                    163: static void
                    164: loop(long r)
                    165: {
                    166:   long j;
                    168:   if (r > mmu[0]) { dogroup(); return; }
                    170:   if (r!=1 && (mmu[r-1] == mmu[r])) j = c[r-1]+1; else j = 1;
                    171:   for (  ; j<=maxc[r]; j++)
                    172:     if (available[j])
                    173:     {
                    174:       c[r] = j;  available[j] = 0;
                    175:       loop(r+1); available[j] = 1;
                    176:     }
                    177: }
                    179: static void
                    180: dopsubtyp(void)
                    181: {
                    182:   long av = avma, i,r, l = lam[0], t = mmu[0];
                    184:   if (!t)
                    185:   {
                    186:     GEN p1 = cgetg(2,t_MAT);
                    187:     p1[1] = (long)zerocol(l);
                    188:     treatsub(p1); avma=av; return;
                    189:   }
                    190:   if (l==1) /* imply t = 1 */
                    191:   {
                    192:     GEN p1 = gtomat(stoi(powerlist[lam[1]-mmu[1]]));
                    193:     treatsub(p1); avma=av; return;
                    194:   }
                    195:   c = new_chunk(l+1); c[0] = l;
                    196:   maxc = new_chunk(l+1);
                    197:   available = new_chunk(l+1);
                    198:   a  = new_chunk(l*(t+1));
                    199:   maxa=new_chunk(l*(t+1));
                    200:   g = (long**)new_chunk(t+1);
                    201:   maxg = (long**)new_chunk(t+1);
                    203:   if (DEBUGLEVEL) { fprintferr("  subgroup:"); printtyp(mmu); }
                    204:   for (i=1; i<=t; i++)
                    205:   {
                    206:     for (r=1; r<=l; r++)
                    207:       if (mmu[i] > lam[r]) break;
                    208:     maxc[i] = r-1;
                    209:   }
                    210:   H = (GEN**)cgetg(t+1, t_MAT);
                    211:   for (i=1; i<=t; i++)
                    212:   {
                    213:     H[i] = (GEN*)cgetg(l+1, t_COL);
                    214:     for (r=1; r<=l; r++) H[i][r] = cgeti(3);
                    215:   }
                    216:   for (i=1; i<=l; i++) available[i]=1;
                    217:   for (i=1; i<=t; i++) c[i]=0;
                    218:   /* go through all column selections */
                    219:   loop(1); avma=av; return;
                    220: }
                    222: static long
                    223: weight(long *typ)
                    224: {
                    225:   long i,w = 0;
                    226:   for (i=1; i<=typ[0]; i++) w += typ[i];
                    227:   return w;
                    228: }
                    230: static long
                    231: dopsub(long p, long *gtyp, long *indexsubq)
                    232: {
                    233:   long w,i,j,k,n, wg = 0, wmin = 0, count = 0;
                    235:   if (DEBUGLEVEL) { fprintferr("\ngroup:"); printtyp(gtyp); }
                    236:   if (indexbound)
                    237:   {
                    238:     wg = weight(gtyp);
                    239:     wmin = (long) (wg - (log((double)indexbound) / log((double)p)));
                    240:     if (cmpis(gpuigs(stoi(p), wg - wmin), indexbound) > 0) wmin++;
                    241:   }
                    242:   lam = gtyp; n = lam[0]; mmu = new_chunk(n+1);
                    243:   mmu[1] = -1; for (i=2; i<=n; i++) mmu[i]=0;
                    244:   for(;;) /* go through all vectors mu_{i+1} <= mu_i <= lam_i */
                    245:   {
                    246:     mmu[1]++;
                    247:     if (mmu[1] > lam[1])
                    248:     {
                    249:       for (j=2; j<=n; j++)
                    250:         if (mmu[j] < lam[j] && mmu[j] < mmu[j-1]) break;
                    251:       if (j>n) return count;
                    252:       mmu[j]++; for (k=1; k<j; k++) mmu[k]=mmu[j];
                    253:     }
                    254:     for (j=1; j<=n; j++)
                    255:       if (!mmu[j]) break;
                    256:     mmu[0] = j-1; w = weight(mmu);
                    257:     if (w >= wmin)
                    258:     {
                    259:       GEN p1 = gun;
                    261:       if (subq) /* G not a p-group */
                    262:       {
                    263:         if (indexbound)
                    264:         {
                    265:           long indexH = itos(gpuigs(stoi(p), wg - w));
                    266:           long bound = indexbound / indexH;
                    267:           subqpart = cgetg(lsubq, t_VEC);
                    268:           lsubqpart = 1;
                    269:           for (i=1; i<lsubq; i++)
                    270:             if (indexsubq[i] <= bound) subqpart[lsubqpart++] = subq[i];
                    271:         }
                    272:         else { subqpart = subq; lsubqpart = lsubq; }
                    273:       }
                    274:       if (DEBUGLEVEL)
                    275:       {
                    276:         long *lp = conjugate(lam);
                    277:         long *mp = conjugate(mmu);
                    279:         if (DEBUGLEVEL > 3)
                    280:         {
                    281:           fprintferr("    lambda = "); printtyp(lam);
                    282:           fprintferr("    lambda'= "); printtyp(lp);
                    283:           fprintferr("    mu = "); printtyp(mmu);
                    284:           fprintferr("    mu'= "); printtyp(mp);
                    285:         }
                    286:         for (j=1; j<=mp[0]; j++)
                    287:         {
                    288:           p1 = mulii(p1, gpuigs(stoi(p), mp[j+1]*(lp[j]-mp[j])));
                    289:           p1 = mulii(p1, gcoeff(BINMAT, lp[j]-mp[j+1]+1, mp[j]-mp[j+1]+1));
                    290:         }
                    291:         fprintferr("  alpha_lambda(mu,p) = %Z\n",p1);
                    292:       }
                    293:       countsub = 0;
                    294:       dopsubtyp();
                    295:       count += countsub;
                    296:       if (DEBUGLEVEL)
                    297:       {
                    298:         fprintferr("  countsub = %ld\n", countsub);
                    299:         msgtimer("for this type");
                    300:         if (subq) p1 = mulis(p1,lsubqpart-1);
                    301:         if (cmpis(p1,countsub))
                    302:         {
                    303:           fprintferr("  alpha = %Z\n",p1);
                    304:           err(bugparier,"forsubgroup (alpha != countsub)");
                    305:         }
                    306:       }
                    307:     }
                    308:   }
                    309: }
                    311: static GEN
                    312: expand_sub(GEN x, long n)
                    313: {
                    314:   long i,j, m = lg(x);
                    315:   GEN p = idmat(n-1), q,c;
                    317:   for (i=1; i<m; i++)
                    318:   {
                    319:     q = (GEN)p[i]; c = (GEN)x[i];
                    320:     for (j=1; j<m; j++) q[j] = c[j];
                    321:     for (   ; j<n; j++) q[j] = zero;
                    322:   }
                    323:   return p;
                    324: }
                    326: extern GEN matqpascal(long n, GEN q);
                    328: static long
                    329: subgroup_engine(GEN cyc, long bound)
                    330: {
                    331:   long av=avma,i,j,k,imax,nbprim,count, n = lg(cyc);
                    332:   GEN gtyp,fa,junk,primlist,p,listgtyp,indexsubq = NULL;
                    333:   long oindexbound = indexbound;
                    334:   long oexpoI      = expoI;
                    335:   long *opowerlist = powerlist;
                    336:   GEN osubq        = subq;
                    337:   GEN oBINMAT      = BINMAT;
                    338:   long olsubq      = lsubq;
                    340:   long *ommu=mmu, *olam=lam, *oc=c, *omaxc=maxc, *oa=a, *omaxa=maxa, **og=g, **omaxg=maxg;
                    341:   GEN **oH=H, osubqpart=subqpart;
                    342:   long ocountsub=countsub;
                    343:   long *oavailable=available, olsubqpart=lsubqpart;
                    345:   if (typ(cyc) != t_VEC)
                    346:   {
                    347:     if (typ(cyc) != t_MAT) err(typeer,"forsubgroup");
                    348:     cyc = mattodiagonal(cyc);
                    349:   }
                    350:   for (i=1; i<n-1; i++)
                    351:     if (!divise((GEN)cyc[i], (GEN)cyc[i+1]))
                    352:       err(talker,"not a group in forsubgroup");
                    353:   if (n == 1 || gcmp1((GEN)cyc[1])) { treatsub(cyc); return 1; }
                    354:   if (!signe(cyc[1]))
                    355:     err(talker,"infinite group in forsubgroup");
                    356:   if (DEBUGLEVEL) timer2();
                    357:   indexbound = bound;
                    358:   fa = factor((GEN)cyc[1]); primlist = (GEN)fa[1];
                    359:   nbprim = lg(primlist);
                    360:   listgtyp = new_chunk(n); imax = k = 0;
                    361:   for (i=1; i<nbprim; i++)
                    362:   {
                    363:     gtyp = new_chunk(n); p = (GEN)primlist[i];
                    364:     for (j=1; j<n; j++)
                    365:     {
                    366:       gtyp[j] = pvaluation((GEN)cyc[j], p, &junk);
                    367:       if (!gtyp[j]) break;
                    368:     }
                    369:     j--; gtyp[0] = j;
                    370:     if (j > k) { k = j; imax = i; }
                    371:     listgtyp[i] = (long)gtyp;
                    372:   }
                    373:   gtyp = (GEN)listgtyp[imax]; p = (GEN)primlist[imax];
                    374:   k = gtyp[1];
                    375:   powerlist = new_chunk(k+1); powerlist[0] = 1;
                    376:   powerlist[1] = itos(p);
                    377:   for (j=1; j<=k; j++) powerlist[j] = powerlist[1] * powerlist[j-1];
                    379:   if (DEBUGLEVEL) BINMAT = matqpascal(gtyp[0]+1, p);
                    380:   if (nbprim == 2) subq = NULL;
                    381:   else
                    382:   { /* not a p-group */
                    383:     GEN cyc2 = dummycopy(cyc);
                    384:     GEN ohnfgroup = hnfgroup;
                    385:     for (i=1; i<n; i++)
                    386:     {
                    387:       cyc2[i] = ldivis((GEN)cyc2[i], powerlist[gtyp[i]]);
                    388:       if (gcmp1((GEN)cyc2[i])) break;
                    389:     }
                    390:     setlg(cyc2, i);
                    391:     if (is_bigint(cyc[1]))
                    392:       err(impl,"subgrouplist for large cyclic factors");
                    393:     expoI = itos((GEN)cyc2[1]);
                    394:     hnfgroup = diagonal(cyc2);
                    395:     subq = subgrouplist(cyc2, bound);
                    396:     hnfgroup = ohnfgroup;
                    397:     lsubq = lg(subq);
                    398:     for (i=1; i<lsubq; i++)
                    399:       subq[i] = (long)expand_sub((GEN)subq[i], n);
                    400:     if (indexbound)
                    401:     {
                    402:       indexsubq = new_chunk(lsubq);
                    403:       for (i=1; i<lsubq; i++)
                    404:         indexsubq[i] = itos(dethnf((GEN)subq[i]));
                    405:     }
                    406:     /* lift subgroups of I to G */
                    407:     for (i=1; i<lsubq; i++)
                    408:       subq[i] = lmulsg(powerlist[k],(GEN)subq[i]);
                    409:     if (DEBUGLEVEL>2)
                    410:     {
                    411:       fprintferr("(lifted) subgp of prime to %Z part:\n",p);
                    412:       outbeaut(subq);
                    413:     }
                    414:   }
                    415:   count = dopsub(powerlist[1],gtyp,indexsubq);
                    416:   if (DEBUGLEVEL) fprintferr("nb subgroup = %ld\n",count);
                    418:   mmu=ommu; lam=olam; c=oc; maxc=omaxc; a=oa; maxa=omaxa; g=og; maxg=omaxg;
                    419:   H=oH; subqpart=osubqpart,
                    420:   countsub=ocountsub;
                    421:   available=oavailable; lsubqpart=olsubqpart;
                    423:   indexbound = oindexbound;
                    424:   expoI    = oexpoI;
                    425:   powerlist = opowerlist;
                    426:   subq      = osubq;
                    427:   BINMAT    = oBINMAT;
                    428:   lsubq     = olsubq;
                    429:   avma=av; return count;
                    430: }
                    432: static GEN
                    433: get_snf(GEN x)
                    434: {
                    435:   GEN cyc;
                    436:   long n;
                    437:   switch(typ(x))
                    438:   {
                    439:     case t_MAT:
                    440:       if (!isdiagonal(x)) return NULL;
                    441:       cyc = mattodiagonal_i(x); break;
                    442:     case t_VEC:
                    443:     case t_COL: cyc = dummycopy(x); break;
                    444:     default: return NULL;
                    445:   }
                    446:   for (n = lg(cyc)-1; n > 1; n--) /* take care of trailing 1s */
                    447:   {
                    448:     GEN c = (GEN)cyc[n];
                    449:     if (typ(c) != t_INT) return NULL;
                    450:     if (!gcmp1(c)) break;
                    451:   }
                    452:   setlg(cyc, n+1);
                    453:   for ( ; n > 0; n--)
                    454:   {
                    455:     GEN c = (GEN)cyc[n];
                    456:     if (typ(c) != t_INT) return NULL;
                    457:   }
                    458:   return cyc;
                    459: }
                    461: void
                    462: forsubgroup(entree *oep, GEN cyc, long bound, char *och)
                    463: {
                    464:   entree *saveep = ep;
                    465:   char *savech = gpch;
                    466:   void(*savefun)(GEN) = treatsub_fun;
                    468:   treatsub_fun = std_fun;
                    469:   cyc = get_snf(cyc);
                    470:   if (!cyc) err(typeer,"forsubgroup");
                    471:   gpch = och;
                    472:   ep = oep;
                    473:   push_val(ep, gzero);
                    474:   (void)subgroup_engine(cyc,bound);
                    475:   pop_val(ep);
                    476:   treatsub_fun = savefun;
                    477:   gpch = savech;
                    478:   ep = saveep;
                    479: }
                    481: GEN
                    482: subgrouplist(GEN cyc, long bound)
                    483: {
                    484:   void(*savefun)(GEN) = treatsub_fun;
                    485:   slist *olist = sublist, *list;
                    486:   long ii,i,j,k,nbsub,n, N = lg(cyc)-1, av = avma;
                    487:   GEN z,H;
                    488:   GEN ohnfgroup = hnfgroup;
                    490:   sublist = list = (slist*) gpmalloc(sizeof(slist));
                    491:   treatsub_fun = list_fun;
                    492:   cyc = get_snf(cyc);
                    493:   if (!cyc) err(typeer,"subgrouplist");
                    494:   n = lg(cyc)-1;
                    495:   hnfgroup = diagonal(cyc);
                    496:   nbsub = subgroup_engine(cyc,bound);
                    497:   hnfgroup = ohnfgroup; avma = av;
                    498:   z = cgetg(nbsub+1,t_VEC); sublist = list;
                    499:   for (ii=1; ii<=nbsub; ii++)
                    500:   {
                    501:     list = sublist; sublist = list->next; free(list);
                    502:     H = cgetg(N+1,t_MAT); z[ii]=(long)H; k=0;
                    503:     for (j=1; j<=n; j++)
                    504:     {
                    505:       H[j] = lgetg(N+1, t_COL);
                    506:       for (i=1; i<=j; i++) coeff(H,i,j) = lstoi(sublist->data[k++]);
                    507:       for (   ; i<=N; i++) coeff(H,i,j) = zero;
                    508:     }
                    509:     for (   ; j<=N; j++)
                    510:     {
                    511:       H[j] = lgetg(N+1, t_COL);
                    512:       for (i=1; i<=N; i++) coeff(H,i,j) = (i==j)? un: zero;
                    513:     }
                    514:   }
                    515:   free(sublist); sublist = olist;
                    516:   treatsub_fun = savefun; return z;
                    517: }

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