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Annotation of OpenXM_contrib/pari-2.2/src/graph/plotX.c, Revision 1.2

1.2     ! noro        1: /* $Id: plotX.c,v 1.9 2002/06/09 18:49:11 karim Exp $
1.1       noro        2:
                      3: Copyright (C) 2000  The PARI group.
                      5: This file is part of the PARI/GP package.
                      7: PARI/GP is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
                      8: terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
                      9: Foundation. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
                     10: ANY WARRANTY WHATSOEVER.
                     12: Check the License for details. You should have received a copy of it, along
                     13: with the package; see the file 'COPYING'. If not, write to the Free Software
                     14: Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */
                     16: /*******************************************************************/
                     17: /*                                                                 */
                     18: /*                       HIGH RESOLUTION PLOT                      */
                     19: /*                                                                 */
                     20: /*******************************************************************/
1.2     ! noro       21:
        !            22: #ifdef BOTH_GNUPLOT_AND_X11            /* The switch support in plotgnuplot */
        !            23: #  define rectdraw0            X11_rectdraw0
        !            24: #  define term_set             X11_term_set
        !            25: #  define PARI_get_plot                X11_PARI_get_plot
        !            26: #  define plot_outfile_set     X11_plot_outfile_set
        !            27: #  define set_pointsize                X11_set_pointsize
        !            28: #  define pari_plot            pari_X11plot
        !            29: #endif
        !            30:
1.1       noro       31: #include "pari.h"
                     32: #include "rect.h"
                     33: #include "../language/anal.h"
                     35: extern void  free_graph(void);
                     37: #ifdef HPPA
                     38: #  ifndef __GNUC__
                     39:      typedef char *caddr_t;
                     40: #  endif
                     41: #endif
                     43: BEGINEXTERN
                     44: #include <X11/Xlib.h>
                     45: #include <X11/Xutil.h>
                     46: #include <X11/Xos.h>
                     47: ENDEXTERN
                     49: static Colormap PARI_Colormap;
                     50: static XColor  *PARI_Colors;
                     51: static XColor  *PARI_ExactColors;
                     53: static char *PARI_DefaultColors[MAX_COLORS] =
                     54: {
                     55:   " ",
                     56:   "black",    /* Default */
                     57:   "blue",     /* Axes */
                     58:   "sienna",   /* Odd numbered curves in ploth */
                     59:   "red",      /* Curves, or Even numbered curves in ploth */
                     60:   "cornsilk",
                     61:   "grey",
                     62:   "gainsboro",
                     63: };
                     65: static void
                     66: PARI_ColorSetUp(Display *display, char **Colors, int n)
                     67: {
                     68:   static int init_done = 0;
                     69:   int i;
                     71:   if (init_done) return;
                     72:   init_done=1;
                     74:   PARI_Colormap = DefaultColormap(display, 0);
                     75:   PARI_Colors = (XColor *) gpmalloc((n+1) * sizeof(XColor));
                     76:   PARI_ExactColors = (XColor *) gpmalloc((n+1) * sizeof(XColor));
                     77:   for (i=1; i<n; i++)
                     78:     XAllocNamedColor(display, PARI_Colormap, Colors[i],
                     79:                     &PARI_ExactColors[i], &PARI_Colors[i]);
                     80: }
                     82: #ifdef SONY
                     83: typedef int (*XErrorHandler) (
                     84: #  if NeedFunctionPrototypes
                     85:   Display*,
                     86:   XErrorEvent*
                     87: #  endif
                     88:   );
                     90: extern XErrorHandler XSetErrorHandler (
                     91: #  if NeedFunctionPrototypes
                     92:   XErrorHandler
                     93: #  endif
                     94:   );
                     96: typedef int (*XIOErrorHandler) (
                     97: #  if NeedFunctionPrototypes
                     98:   Display*
                     99: #  endif
                    100:   );
                    102: extern XIOErrorHandler XSetIOErrorHandler (
                    103: #  if NeedFunctionPrototypes
                    104:   XIOErrorHandler
                    105: #  endif
                    106:   );
                    107: #endif
                    109: /* after fork(), we don't want the child to recover but to exit */
                    110: static void
                    111: exiterr(char *str)
                    112: {
                    113:   term_color(c_ERR);
                    114:   fprintferr("\n  *** X fatal error: %s\n",str);
                    115:   term_color(c_NONE); exit(1);
                    116: }
                    118: #define MAX_BUF 256
                    120: static int
                    121: Xerror(Display *d, XErrorEvent *err) {
                    122:   char buf[MAX_BUF];
                    123:   XGetErrorText(d,err->error_code,buf,MAX_BUF);
                    124:   exiterr(buf); return 0;
                    125: }
                    127: static int
                    128: IOerror(Display *d) {
                    129:   char buf[MAX_BUF];
                    130:   sprintf(buf, "lost display on %s", DisplayString(d));
                    131:   exiterr(buf); return 0;
                    132: }
                    134: static char*
                    135: zmalloc(size_t x)
                    136: {
                    137:   return x? gpmalloc(x): NULL;
                    138: }
                    140: void
                    141: rectdraw0(long *w, long *x, long *y, long lw, long do_free)
                    142: {
                    143:   double *ptx,*pty;
                    144:   long *c, shift;
                    145:   long *numpoints[MAX_COLORS],*numtexts[MAX_COLORS];
                    146:   long *xtexts[MAX_COLORS],*ytexts[MAX_COLORS];
                    147:   long rcolcnt[MAX_COLORS][ROt_MAX];
1.2     ! noro      148:   long col,i,j,x0,y0,a,b,oldwidth,oldheight;
1.1       noro      149:   long rcnt[ROt_MAX+1], hjust, vjust, hgap, vgap, hgapsize, vgapsize;
                    150:   char **texts[MAX_COLORS];
                    151:   PariRect *e;
                    152:   RectObj *p1;
                    153:   double xs=1,ys=1;
                    155:   int screen;
                    156:   Display *display;
                    157:   GC gc;
                    158:   Window win;
                    159:   XEvent event;
                    160:   XSizeHints size_hints;
                    161:   XFontStruct *font_info;
                    162:   XSetWindowAttributes attrib;
                    163:   XPoint *points[MAX_COLORS],**lines[MAX_COLORS];
                    164:   XSegment *seg[MAX_COLORS];
                    165:   XRectangle *rec[MAX_COLORS];
                    166:   Atom wm_delete_window, wm_protocols;
                    168:   if (fork()) return;  /* parent process returns */
                    170:   /* child process goes on */
                    171:   freeall();  /* PARI stack isn't needed anymore, keep rectgraph */
1.2     ! noro      172:   /* if gnuplot X11 plotting is active, may get SIGPIPE...  XXXX Better disable
        !           173:    * some X callback? */
        !           174:   os_signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);
1.1       noro      175:   PARI_get_plot(1);
                    176:   display = XOpenDisplay(NULL);
                    177:   font_info = XLoadQueryFont(display, "9x15");
                    178:   if (!font_info) exiterr("cannot open 9x15 font");
                    179:   hgapsize = h_unit;  vgapsize = v_unit;
                    181:   XSetErrorHandler(Xerror);
                    182:   XSetIOErrorHandler(IOerror);
                    183:   PARI_ColorSetUp(display,PARI_DefaultColors,MAX_COLORS);
                    185:   for(col=1;col<MAX_COLORS;col++)
                    186:   {
                    187:     rcolcnt[col][ROt_MV]=rcolcnt[col][ROt_PT]=rcolcnt[col][ROt_LN]=0;
                    188:     rcolcnt[col][ROt_BX]=rcolcnt[col][ROt_MP]=rcolcnt[col][ROt_ML]=0;
                    189:     rcolcnt[col][ROt_ST]=rcolcnt[col][ROt_PTT]=rcolcnt[col][ROt_PTS]=rcolcnt[col][ROt_LNT]=0;
                    190:   }
                    192:   for(i=0;i<lw;i++)
                    193:   {
                    194:     e=rectgraph[w[i]]; p1=RHead(e);
                    195:     while(p1)
                    196:     {
                    197:       switch(RoType(p1))
                    198:       {
                    199:        case ROt_MP : rcolcnt[RoCol(p1)][ROt_PT] += RoMPcnt(p1);
                    200:                      break;                 /* Multiple Point */
                    201:        case ROt_PT :                        /* Point */
                    202:        case ROt_LN :                        /* Line */
                    203:        case ROt_BX :                        /* Box */
                    204:        case ROt_ML :                        /* Multiple lines */
                    205:        case ROt_ST : rcolcnt[RoCol(p1)][RoType(p1)]++;
                    206:                      break;                 /* String */
                    207:        case ROt_MV :                        /* Move */
                    208:        case ROt_PTT:                        /* Point type change */
                    209:        case ROt_PTS:                        /* Point size change */
                    210:        case ROt_LNT: rcnt[RoType(p1)]++;    /* Line type change */
                    211:       }
                    212:       p1=RoNext(p1);
                    213:     }
                    214:   }
                    215:   for (col=1; col<MAX_COLORS; col++)
                    216:   {
                    217:     char *m;
                    218:     c = rcolcnt[col];
                    219:     points[col]=(XPoint*)zmalloc(c[ROt_PT]*sizeof(XPoint));
                    220:     seg[col]=(XSegment*)zmalloc(c[ROt_LN]*sizeof(XSegment));
                    221:     rec[col]=(XRectangle*)zmalloc(c[ROt_BX]*sizeof(XRectangle));
                    223:     i = c[ROt_ML]; m = zmalloc(i * (sizeof(long) + sizeof(XPoint*)));
                    224:     numpoints[col]=(long*)m; i *= sizeof(XPoint*);
                    225:     m += i; lines[col]=(XPoint**)m;
                    227:     i = c[ROt_ST]; m = zmalloc(i * (sizeof(char*) + 3*sizeof(long)));
                    228:     texts[col]=(char**)m; i *= sizeof(long);
                    229:     m += i; numtexts[col]=(long*)m;
                    230:     m += i; xtexts[col]=(long*)m;
                    231:     m += i; ytexts[col]=(long*)m;
                    233:     c[ROt_PT]=c[ROt_LN]=c[ROt_BX]=c[ROt_ML]=c[ROt_ST]=0;
                    234:   }
                    236:   screen = DefaultScreen(display);
                    237:   win = XCreateSimpleWindow
                    238:     (display, RootWindow(display, screen), 0, 0, w_width, w_height,
                    239:      4, BlackPixel(display, screen), WhitePixel(display, screen));
                    241:   size_hints.flags = PPosition | PSize;
                    242:   size_hints.x = 0;
                    243:   size_hints.y = 0;
                    244:   size_hints.width  = w_width;
                    245:   size_hints.height = w_height;
                    246:   XSetStandardProperties
                    247:     (display, win, "rectplot", NULL, None, NULL, 0, &size_hints);
                    249:   wm_delete_window = XInternAtom(display, "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", False);
                    250:   wm_protocols = XInternAtom(display, "WM_PROTOCOLS", False);
                    251:   XSetWMProtocols(display,win,&wm_delete_window, 1);
                    253:   XSelectInput (display, win,
                    254:     ExposureMask | ButtonPressMask | StructureNotifyMask);
                    256:   /* enable backing-store */
                    257:   attrib.backing_store = Always;
                    258:   attrib.backing_planes = AllPlanes;
                    259:   XChangeWindowAttributes(display,win,CWBackingStore|CWBackingPlanes,&attrib);
                    261:   gc = XCreateGC(display, win, 0, NULL);
                    262:   XSetFont(display, gc, font_info->fid);
1.2     ! noro      264:   XClearWindow(display, win);
1.1       noro      265:   XMapWindow(display, win);
                    266:   oldwidth  = w_width;
1.2     ! noro      267:   oldheight = w_height;
1.1       noro      268:
                    269:   for(;;)
                    270:   {
                    271:     XNextEvent(display, &event);
                    272:     switch(event.type)
                    273:     {
                    274:       case ClientMessage:
                    275:         if (event.xclient.message_type != wm_protocols ||
                    276:             (Atom)event.xclient.data.l[0] != wm_delete_window) break;
                    277:       case ButtonPress:
                    278:       case DestroyNotify:
                    279:        XUnloadFont(display,font_info->fid); XFreeGC(display,gc);
                    280: #define myfree(x) if (x) free(x)
                    281:        for(col=1;col<MAX_COLORS;col++)
                    282:        {
                    283:          myfree(points[col]); myfree(seg[col]); myfree(rec[col]);
                    284:          for(i=0;i<rcolcnt[col][ROt_ML];i++) myfree(lines[col][i]);
                    285:          myfree(numpoints[col]); myfree(texts[col]);
                    286:         }
                    287: #undef myfree
                    288:        free_graph(); if (do_free) { free(w); free(x); free(y); }
                    289:        XCloseDisplay(display); exit(0);
                    291:       case ConfigureNotify:
                    292:       {
                    293:         int width  = event.xconfigure.width;
                    294:         int height = event.xconfigure.height;
                    296:         if (width == oldwidth && height == oldheight) break;
                    297:         oldwidth  = width;
1.2     ! noro      298:         oldheight = height;
1.1       noro      299:
                    300:         /* recompute scale */
                    301:        xs = ((double)width)/w_width; ys=((double)height)/w_height;
                    302:       }
1.2     ! noro      303:       case Expose:
1.1       noro      304:        for(i=0; i<lw; i++)
                    305:        {
                    306:          e=rectgraph[w[i]];p1=RHead(e);x0=x[i];y0=y[i];
                    307:          while(p1)
                    308:          {
                    309:            col=RoCol(p1); c=rcolcnt[col];
                    310:            switch(RoType(p1))
                    311:            {
                    312:              case ROt_PT:
                    313:                points[col][c[ROt_PT]].x = DTOL((RoPTx(p1)+x0)*xs);
                    314:                points[col][c[ROt_PT]].y = DTOL((RoPTy(p1)+y0)*ys);
                    315:                c[ROt_PT]++;break;
                    316:              case ROt_LN:
                    317:                seg[col][c[ROt_LN]].x1 = DTOL((RoLNx1(p1)+x0)*xs);
                    318:                seg[col][c[ROt_LN]].y1 = DTOL((RoLNy1(p1)+y0)*ys);
                    319:                seg[col][c[ROt_LN]].x2 = DTOL((RoLNx2(p1)+x0)*xs);
                    320:                seg[col][c[ROt_LN]].y2 = DTOL((RoLNy2(p1)+y0)*ys);
                    321:                c[ROt_LN]++;break;
                    322:              case ROt_BX:
                    323:                a=rec[col][c[ROt_BX]].x = DTOL((RoBXx1(p1)+x0)*xs);
                    324:                b=rec[col][c[ROt_BX]].y = DTOL((RoBXy1(p1)+y0)*ys);
                    325:                rec[col][c[ROt_BX]].width = DTOL((RoBXx2(p1)+x0-a)*xs);
                    326:                rec[col][c[ROt_BX]].height = DTOL((RoBXy2(p1)+y0-b)*ys);
                    327:                c[ROt_BX]++;break;
                    328:              case ROt_MP:
                    329:                ptx = RoMPxs(p1); pty = RoMPys(p1);
                    330:                for(j=0;j<RoMPcnt(p1);j++)
                    331:                {
                    332:                  points[col][c[ROt_PT]+j].x = DTOL((ptx[j]+x0)*xs);
                    333:                  points[col][c[ROt_PT]+j].y = DTOL((pty[j]+y0)*ys);
                    334:                }
                    335:                c[ROt_PT]+=RoMPcnt(p1);break;
                    336:              case ROt_ML:
                    337:                ptx=RoMLxs(p1); pty=RoMLys(p1);
                    338:                numpoints[col][c[ROt_ML]] = RoMLcnt(p1);
                    339:                lines[col][c[ROt_ML]] =
                    340:                  (XPoint*)zmalloc(RoMLcnt(p1)*sizeof(XPoint));
                    341:                for(j=0;j<RoMLcnt(p1);j++)
                    342:                {
                    343:                  lines[col][c[ROt_ML]][j].x = DTOL((ptx[j]+x0)*xs);
                    344:                  lines[col][c[ROt_ML]][j].y = DTOL((pty[j]+y0)*ys);
                    345:                }
                    346:                c[ROt_ML]++;break;
                    347:              case ROt_ST:
                    348:                hjust = RoSTdir(p1) & RoSTdirHPOS_mask;
                    349:                vjust = RoSTdir(p1) & RoSTdirVPOS_mask;
                    350:                hgap = RoSTdir(p1) & RoSTdirHGAP;
                    351:                if (hgap)
                    352:                  hgap = (hjust == RoSTdirLEFT) ? hgapsize : -hgapsize;
                    353:                vgap = RoSTdir(p1) & RoSTdirVGAP;
                    354:                if (vgap)
                    355:                  vgap = (vjust == RoSTdirBOTTOM) ? 2*vgapsize : -2*vgapsize;
                    356:                if (vjust != RoSTdirBOTTOM)
                    357:                  vgap -= ((vjust == RoSTdirTOP) ? 2 : 1)*(f_height - 1);
                    358:                texts[col][c[ROt_ST]]=RoSTs(p1);
                    359:                numtexts[col][c[ROt_ST]]=RoSTl(p1);
                    360:                shift = (hjust == RoSTdirLEFT ? 0 :
                    361:                         (hjust == RoSTdirRIGHT ? 2 : 1));
                    362:                xtexts[col][c[ROt_ST]]
                    363:                    = DTOL(( RoSTx(p1) + x0 + hgap
                    364:                               - (strlen(RoSTs(p1)) * pari_plot.fwidth
                    365:                                  * shift)/2)*xs);
                    366:                ytexts[col][c[ROt_ST]] = DTOL((RoSTy(p1)+y0-vgap/2)*ys);
                    367:                c[ROt_ST]++;break;
                    368:              default: break;
                    369:            }
                    370:            p1=RoNext(p1);
                    371:          }
                    372:        }
                    373:        for(col=1; col<MAX_COLORS; col++)
                    374:        {
                    375:           c = rcolcnt[col];
                    376:          XSetForeground(display, gc, PARI_Colors[col].pixel);
                    377:          if(c[ROt_PT]) XDrawPoints(display,win,gc,points[col],c[ROt_PT],0);
                    378:          if(c[ROt_LN]) XDrawSegments(display,win,gc,seg[col],c[ROt_LN]);
                    379:          if(c[ROt_BX]) XDrawRectangles(display,win,gc,rec[col],c[ROt_BX]);
                    380:          for(i=0;i<c[ROt_ML];i++)
                    381:            XDrawLines(display,win,gc,lines[col][i],numpoints[col][i],0);
                    382:          for(i=0;i<c[ROt_ST];i++)
                    383:            XDrawString(display,win,gc, xtexts[col][i],ytexts[col][i],
                    384:               texts[col][i],numtexts[col][i]);
                    386:          c[ROt_PT]=c[ROt_LN]=c[ROt_BX]=c[ROt_ML]=c[ROt_ST]=0;
                    387:         }
                    388:     }
                    389:   }
                    390: }
                    392: void
                    393: PARI_get_plot(long fatal)
                    394: {
                    395:   Display *display;
                    396:   int screen;
                    398:   if (pari_plot.init) return;
                    399:   if (!(display = XOpenDisplay(NULL)))
                    400:   {
                    401:     if (fatal) exiterr("no X server");
                    402:     err(talker, "no X server");
                    403:   }
                    404:   screen = DefaultScreen(display);
                    405:   w_width = DisplayWidth(display, screen) - 40;
                    406:   w_height = DisplayHeight(display, screen) - 60;
                    407:   f_height = 15; f_width = 9;
                    408:   h_unit = 5; v_unit = 5;
                    409:   pari_plot.init = 1;
                    410:   XCloseDisplay(display);
                    411: }
                    413: long
                    414: term_set(char *s) { (void)s; return 1; }
                    416: long
                    417: plot_outfile_set(char *s) { (void)s; return 1; }
                    419: void
                    420: set_pointsize(double d) { (void)d; }

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