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File: [local] / OpenXM_contrib / pari-2.2 / src / headers / Attic / parigen.h (download)

Revision 1.1, Tue Oct 2 11:17:07 2001 UTC (22 years, 8 months ago) by noro
Branch: MAIN

Initial revision

/* $Id: parigen.h,v 1.5 2000/11/03 21:00:25 karim Exp $

Copyright (C) 2000  The PARI group.

This file is part of the PARI/GP package.

PARI/GP is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
Foundation. It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT

Check the License for details. You should have received a copy of it, along
with the package; see the file 'COPYING'. If not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */

/* This file defines the parameters of the GEN type               */

typedef long *GEN;
typedef int (*QSCOMP)(const void *, const void *);

  typedef unsigned long ulong;

#ifdef __M68K__
#  define OLD_CODES

#ifdef LONG_IS_64BIT
#  define MAXULONG     (0xffffffffffffffffUL)
#  define MAXHALFULONG (0x00000000ffffffffUL)
#  define HIGHBIT      (0x8000000000000000UL)
#  define HIGHMASK     (0xffffffff00000000UL)
#  define LOWMASK      (0x00000000ffffffffUL)
#  define SMALL_MASK   (0x4000000000000000UL)

#  define DEFAULTPREC     3
#  define TWOPOTBITS_IN_LONG   6
#  define BYTES_IN_LONG        8
#  define BITS_IN_LONG        64
#  define BITS_IN_HALFULONG   32
/* For a 64-bit random generator, change the following 32 to 64 */
#  define BITS_IN_RANDOM      32


#  define MAXULONG     (0xffffffffUL)
#  define MAXHALFULONG (0x0000ffffUL)
#  define HIGHBIT      (0x80000000UL)
#  define HIGHMASK     (0xffff0000UL)
#  define LOWMASK      (0x0000ffffUL)
#  define SMALL_MASK   (0x40000000UL)

#  define DEFAULTPREC     4
#  define TWOPOTBITS_IN_LONG   5
#  define BYTES_IN_LONG        4
#  define BITS_IN_LONG        32
#  define BITS_IN_HALFULONG   16
#  define BITS_IN_RANDOM      32

#ifndef LONG_IS_64BIT
/*  second codeword x[1], for types: INT,REAL,PADIC,POL,SER */
#   define EXPOBITS    (0x00ffffffUL)
#   define HIGHEXPOBIT (0x00800000L)
#   define LGEFBITS    (0x0000ffffUL)
#   define VALPBITS    (0x0000ffffUL) /* used only for type PADIC */
#   define HIGHVALPBIT (0x00008000L)  /* used only for type PADIC, SER */
#   define PRECPBITS   (0xffff0000UL) /* used only for type PADIC */
#   define PRECPSHIFT  16
#   define VARNSHIFT   16

# ifndef OLD_CODES
#   define SIGNBITS    (0xc0000000UL)
#   define VARNBITS    (0x3fff0000UL)
#   define LGEFINTBITS (0x00ffffffUL)
#   define SIGNSHIFT   30
#   define MAXVARN     16383
# else
#   define SIGNBITS    (0xff000000UL)
#   define VARNBITS    (0x00ff0000UL)
#   define LGEFINTBITS (0x0000ffffUL)
#   define SIGNSHIFT   24
#   define MAXVARN     255
# endif

/*  first codeword x[0] */
# ifndef OLD_CODES
#   define TYPBITS      (0xfe000000UL)
#   define CLONEBIT     (0x01000000UL)
#   define LGBITS       (0x00ffffffUL)
#   define TYPSHIFT     25
# else
#   define TYPBITS      (0xff000000UL)
#   define CLONEBIT     (0x00010000UL)
#   define LGBITS       (0x0000ffffUL)
#   define TYPSHIFT     24
# endif

#ifdef LONG_IS_64BIT
/*  first codeword x[0] */
#  define TYPBITS      (0xffff000000000000UL)
#  define CLONEBIT     (0x0000000100000000UL)
#  define LGBITS       (0x00000000ffffffffUL)
#  define TYPSHIFT     48

/*  second codeword x[1] */
#  define SIGNBITS     (0xffff000000000000UL)
#  define VARNBITS     (0x0000ffff00000000UL)
#  define LGEFBITS     (0x00000000ffffffffUL)
#  define SIGNSHIFT    48
#  define MAXVARN      65535

#  define EXPOBITS     (0x0000ffffffffffffUL)
#  define HIGHEXPOBIT  (0x0000800000000000L)
#  define LGEFINTBITS  (0x00000000ffffffffUL)
#  define VALPBITS     (0x00000000ffffffffUL)
#  define HIGHVALPBIT  (0x0000000080000000L)
#  define PRECPBITS    (0xffffffff00000000UL)
#  define PRECPSHIFT   32
#  define VARNSHIFT    32

#define evaltyp(x)     (((ulong)(x)) << TYPSHIFT)
#define evalvarn(x)    (((ulong)(x)) << VARNSHIFT)
#define evalsigne(x)   (((long)(x)) << SIGNSHIFT)
#define evalprecp(x)   (((long)(x)) << PRECPSHIFT)
#define m_evalexpo(x)  (HIGHEXPOBIT + (x))
#define m_evalvalp(x)  (HIGHVALPBIT + (x))
#define evallgefint(x) (x)
#define m_evallg(x)    (x)
#define m_evallgef(x)  (x)

#define typ(x)        ((((long)(x))&1)? t_SMALL: (((ulong) ((GEN) (x))[0]) >> TYPSHIFT))
#define settyp(x,s)   (((GEN)(x))[0]=\
                        (((GEN)(x))[0]&(~TYPBITS)) | evaltyp(s))
#define smalltos(x)   (((long)(x))>>1)

#define isclone(x)    (((GEN) (x))[0] & CLONEBIT)
#define setisclone(x) (((GEN) (x))[0] |= CLONEBIT)
#define unsetisclone(x) (((GEN) (x))[0] &= (~CLONEBIT))

#define lg(x)         ((((long)(x))&1)?1: ((long) (((GEN) (x))[0] & LGBITS)))
#define setlg(x,s)    (((GEN)(x))[0]=\
                        (((GEN)(x))[0]&(~LGBITS)) | evallg(s))

#define signe(x)      (((long) ((GEN) (x))[1]) >> SIGNSHIFT)
#define setsigne(x,s) (((GEN)(x))[1]=\
                        (((GEN)(x))[1]&(~SIGNBITS)) | evalsigne(s))

#define lgef(x)       ((long) (((GEN) (x))[1] & LGEFBITS))
#define setlgef(x,s)  (((GEN)(x))[1]=\
                        (((GEN)(x))[1]&(~LGEFBITS)) | evallgef(s))

#define lgefint(x)      ((long) (((GEN) (x))[1] & LGEFINTBITS))
#define setlgefint(x,s) (((GEN)(x))[1]=\
                          (((GEN)(x))[1]&(~LGEFINTBITS)) | evallgefint(s))

#define expo(x)       ((long) ((((GEN) (x))[1] & EXPOBITS) - HIGHEXPOBIT))
#define setexpo(x,s)  (((GEN)(x))[1]=\
		       (((GEN)(x))[1]&(~EXPOBITS)) | evalexpo(s))

#define valp(x)       ((long) ((((GEN)(x))[1] & VALPBITS) - HIGHVALPBIT))
#define setvalp(x,s)  (((GEN)(x))[1]=\
		       (((GEN)(x))[1]&(~VALPBITS)) | evalvalp(s))

#define precp(x)      ((long) (((ulong) ((GEN) (x))[1]) >> PRECPSHIFT))
#define setprecp(x,s) (((GEN)(x))[1]=\
		       (((GEN)(x))[1]&(~PRECPBITS)) | evalprecp(s))

#define varn(x)       ((long) ((((GEN) (x))[1]&VARNBITS) >> VARNSHIFT))
#define setvarn(x,s)  (((GEN)(x))[1]=\
		       (((GEN)(x))[1]&(~VARNBITS)) | evalvarn(s))