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Annotation of OpenXM_contrib/pari/COPYRIGHT, Revision

1.1       maekawa     1: The PARI/GP package is Copyright 1989-1999 by
                      2: C. Batut, K. Belabas, D. Bernardi, H. Cohen and M. Olivier.
                      3: e-mail: pari@math.u-bordeaux.fr
                      5: This software is intended as a service to the scientific community, but the
                      6: authors cannot be held responsible for any consequences, either direct or
                      7: indirect, which the use of this package may have. It can be freely copied
                      8: and spread for non commercial purposes, as long as no files are modified,
                      9: and that the whole package (source and manual), including this COPYRIGHT
                     10: file is included.
                     13: The following code module(s) contributed to PARI-GP come with their own
                     14: copyright and licence conditions.  They may be distributed and used
                     15: non-commercially as part of the full PARI-GP distribution under the
                     16: conditions stated above.  Please consult the copyright and licence
                     17: statements at the beginning of each of these source files, and direct any
                     18: queries about licencing beyond the general PARI-GP distribution policy to
                     19: each of the contacts mentioned there, in addition to asking the PARI team.
                     21:   Name    Authors                                       File(s)
                     22:   ----    -------                                       -------
                     23:   MPQS    Thomas Papanikolaou and Xavier Roblot         src/modules/mpqs.c
                     24:           papanik,roblot@math.u-bordeaux.fr

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