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Annotation of OpenXM_contrib2/asir2000/engine/nd.h, Revision 1.39

1.39    ! noro        1: /* $OpenXM: OpenXM_contrib2/asir2000/engine/nd.h,v 1.38 2018/03/29 01:32:52 noro Exp $ */
1.1       noro        2: #include "ca.h"
                      3: #include "parse.h"
                      4: #include "ox.h"
                      5: #include "base.h"
                      6: #include "inline.h"
                      7: #include <time.h>
                      9: #if defined(__GNUC__)
1.30      ohara      10: #define INLINE static inline
1.33      fujimoto   11: #elif defined(VISUAL) || defined(__MINGW32__)
1.1       noro       12: #define INLINE __inline
                     13: #else
                     14: #define INLINE
                     15: #endif
                     17: typedef unsigned int UINT;
                     19: #define USE_GEOBUCKET 1
                     20: #define USE_UNROLL 1
                     22: #define REDTAB_LEN 32003
                     24: /* GeoBucket for polynomial addition */
                     26: typedef struct oPGeoBucket {
1.38      noro       27:   int m;
                     28:   struct oND *body[32];
1.1       noro       29: } *PGeoBucket;
                     31: /* distributed polynomial; linked list rep. */
                     32: typedef struct oND {
1.38      noro       33:   struct oNM *body;
                     34:   int nv;
                     35:   int len;
                     36:   int sugar;
1.1       noro       37: } *ND;
                     39: /* distributed polynomial; array rep. */
                     40: typedef struct oNDV {
1.38      noro       41:   struct oNMV *body;
                     42:   int nv;
                     43:   int len;
                     44:   int sugar;
1.1       noro       45: } *NDV;
                     47: typedef union oNDC {
1.38      noro       48:   int m;
                     49:   Q z;
                     50:   LM lm;
                     51:   GZ gz;
                     52:   P p;
                     53:   R r;
                     54:   DAlg a;
1.1       noro       55: } *NDC;
                     57: /* monomial; linked list rep. */
                     58: typedef struct oNM {
1.38      noro       59:   struct oNM *next;
                     60:   union oNDC c;
                     61:   UINT dl[1];
1.1       noro       62: } *NM;
                     64: /* monomial; array rep. */
                     65: typedef struct oNMV {
1.38      noro       66:   union oNDC c;
                     67:   UINT dl[1];
1.1       noro       68: } *NMV;
                     70: /* history of reducer */
                     71: typedef struct oRHist {
1.38      noro       72:   struct oRHist *next;
                     73:   int index;
                     74:   int sugar;
                     75:   UINT dl[1];
1.1       noro       76: } *RHist;
                     78: /* S-pair list */
                     79: typedef struct oND_pairs {
1.38      noro       80:   struct oND_pairs *next;
                     81:   int i1,i2;
                     82:   int sugar;
                     83:   int sugar2;
                     84:   UINT lcm[1];
1.1       noro       85: } *ND_pairs;
                     87: /* index and shift count for each exponent */
                     88: typedef struct oEPOS {
1.38      noro       89:   int i; /* index */
                     90:   int s; /* shift */
1.1       noro       91: } *EPOS;
                     93: typedef struct oBlockMask {
1.38      noro       94:   int n;
                     95:   struct order_pair *order_pair;
                     96:   UINT **mask;
1.1       noro       97: } *BlockMask;
                     99: typedef struct oBaseSet {
1.38      noro      100:   int len;
                    101:   NDV *ps;
                    102:   UINT **bound;
1.1       noro      103: } *BaseSet;
                    105: typedef struct oNM_ind_pair
                    106: {
1.38      noro      107:   NM mul;
                    108:   int index,sugar;
1.1       noro      109: } *NM_ind_pair;
                    111: typedef struct oIndArray
                    112: {
1.38      noro      113:   char width;
                    114:   int head;
                    115:   union {
                    116:     unsigned char *c;
                    117:     unsigned short *s;
                    118:     unsigned int *i;
                    119:   } index;
1.1       noro      120: } *IndArray;
1.22      noro      122: typedef struct oNDVI {
1.38      noro      123:   NDV p;
                    124:   int i;
1.22      noro      125: } *NDVI;
1.1       noro      127: extern int (*ndl_compare_function)(UINT *a1,UINT *a2);
                    128: extern int nd_dcomp;
                    130: extern NM _nm_free_list;
                    131: extern ND _nd_free_list;
                    132: extern ND_pairs _ndp_free_list;
                    134: extern struct order_spec *dp_current_spec;
                    135: extern char *Demand;
                    136: extern VL CO;
1.25      noro      137: extern int Top,Reverse,DP_Print,dp_nelim,do_weyl,NoSugar;
1.1       noro      138: extern int *current_weyl_weight_vector;
1.20      noro      139: extern int *current_module_weight_vector;
1.1       noro      140:
                    141: /* fundamental macros */
                    142: #define TD(d) (d[0])
                    143: #define HDL(d) ((d)->body->dl)
                    144: #define HTD(d) (TD(HDL(d)))
1.22      noro      145: #define HCU(d) ((d)->body->c)
1.1       noro      146: #define HCM(d) ((d)->body->c.m)
1.35      noro      147: #define HCLM(d) ((d)->body->c.lm)
1.11      noro      148: #define HCQ(d) ((d)->body->c.z)
1.31      noro      149: #define HCZ(d) ((d)->body->c.gz)
1.1       noro      150: #define HCP(d) ((d)->body->c.p)
1.12      noro      151: #define HCA(d) ((d)->body->c.a)
                    152: #define CM(x) ((x)->c.m)
1.35      noro      153: #define CLM(x) ((x)->c.lm)
1.12      noro      154: #define CQ(x) ((x)->c.z)
1.31      noro      155: #define CZ(x) ((x)->c.gz)
1.12      noro      156: #define CP(x) ((x)->c.p)
                    157: #define CA(x) ((x)->c.a)
                    158: #define DL(x) ((x)->dl)
                    159: #define SG(x) ((x)->sugar)
                    160: #define LEN(x) ((x)->len)
                    161: #define LCM(x) ((x)->lcm)
1.1       noro      162: #define GET_EXP(d,a) (((d)[nd_epos[a].i]>>nd_epos[a].s)&nd_mask0)
                    163: #define GET_EXP_MASK(d,a,m) ((((d)[nd_epos[a].i]&(m)[nd_epos[a].i])>>nd_epos[a].s)&nd_mask0)
                    164: #define PUT_EXP(r,a,e) ((r)[nd_epos[a].i] |= ((e)<<nd_epos[a].s))
                    165: #define XOR_EXP(r,a,e) ((r)[nd_epos[a].i] ^= ((e)<<nd_epos[a].s))
                    167: #define GET_EXP_OLD(d,a) (((d)[oepos[a].i]>>oepos[a].s)&omask0)
                    168: #define PUT_EXP_OLD(r,a,e) ((r)[oepos[a].i] |= ((e)<<oepos[a].s))
1.19      noro      169: #define MPOS(d) (d[nd_mpos])
1.1       noro      170:
                    171: #define ROUND_FOR_ALIGN(s) ((((s)+sizeof(void *)-1)/sizeof(void *))*sizeof(void *))
                    173: /* macros for term comparison */
                    174: #define TD_DL_COMPARE(d1,d2)\
                    175: (TD(d1)>TD(d2)?1:(TD(d1)<TD(d2)?-1:ndl_lex_compare(d1,d2)))
                    176: #if 0
                    177: #define DL_COMPARE(d1,d2)\
                    178: (nd_dcomp>0?TD_DL_COMPARE(d1,d2)\
                    179:          :(nd_dcomp==0?ndl_lex_compare(d1,d2)\
                    180:                      :(nd_blockmask?ndl_block_compare(d1,d2)\
1.38      noro      181:                    :(*ndl_compare_function)(d1,d2))))
1.1       noro      182: #else
                    183: #define DL_COMPARE(d1,d2)\
                    184: (nd_dcomp>0?TD_DL_COMPARE(d1,d2):(*ndl_compare_function)(d1,d2))
                    185: #endif
                    187: /* allocators */
                    188: #define NEWRHist(r) \
                    189: ((r)=(RHist)MALLOC(sizeof(struct oRHist)+(nd_wpd-1)*sizeof(UINT)))
                    190: #define NEWND_pairs(m) \
                    191: if(!_ndp_free_list)_NDP_alloc();\
                    192: (m)=_ndp_free_list; _ndp_free_list = NEXT(_ndp_free_list)
                    193: #define NEWNM(m)\
                    194: if(!_nm_free_list)_NM_alloc();\
                    195: (m)=_nm_free_list; _nm_free_list = NEXT(_nm_free_list)
                    196: #define MKND(n,m,len,d)\
                    197: if(!_nd_free_list)_ND_alloc();\
                    198: (d)=_nd_free_list; _nd_free_list = (ND)BDY(_nd_free_list);\
                    199: NV(d)=(n); LEN(d)=(len); BDY(d)=(m)
                    200: #define NEWNDV(d) ((d)=(NDV)MALLOC(sizeof(struct oNDV)))
                    201: #define MKNDV(n,m,l,d) NEWNDV(d); NV(d)=(n); BDY(d)=(m); LEN(d) = l;
                    202: #define NEWNM_ind_pair(p)\
                    203: ((p)=(NM_ind_pair)MALLOC(sizeof(struct oNM_ind_pair)))
                    205: /* allocate and link a new object */
                    206: #define NEXTRHist(r,c) \
                    207: if(!(r)){NEWRHist(r);(c)=(r);}else{NEWRHist(NEXT(c));(c)=NEXT(c);}
                    208: #define NEXTNM(r,c) \
                    209: if(!(r)){NEWNM(r);(c)=(r);}else{NEWNM(NEXT(c));(c)=NEXT(c);}
                    210: #define NEXTNM2(r,c,s) \
                    211: if(!(r)){(c)=(r)=(s);}else{NEXT(c)=(s);(c)=(s);}
                    212: #define NEXTND_pairs(r,c) \
                    213: if(!(r)){NEWND_pairs(r);(c)=(r);}else{NEWND_pairs(NEXT(c));(c)=NEXT(c);}
                    214: #define MKNM_ind_pair(p,m,i,s) (NEWNM_ind_pair(p),(p)->mul=(m),(p)->index=(i),(p)->sugar = (s))
                    216: /* deallocators */
                    217: #define FREENM(m) NEXT(m)=_nm_free_list; _nm_free_list=(m)
                    218: #define FREENDP(m) NEXT(m)=_ndp_free_list; _ndp_free_list=(m)
                    219: #define FREEND(m) BDY(m)=(NM)_nd_free_list; _nd_free_list=(m)
                    221: /* macro for increasing pointer to NMV */
                    222: #define NMV_ADV(m) (m = (NMV)(((char *)m)+nmv_adv))
                    223: #define NMV_OADV(m) (m = (NMV)(((char *)m)+oadv))
                    224: #define NDV_NADV(m) (m = (NMV)(((char *)m)+newadv))
                    225: #define NMV_PREV(m) (m = (NMV)(((char *)m)-nmv_adv))
                    226: #define NMV_OPREV(m) (m = (NMV)(((char *)m)-oadv))
                    228: /* external functions */
                    229: #if 1
                    230: void GC_gcollect();
                    231: #endif
                    232: NODE append_one(NODE,int);
                    234: /* manipulation of coefficients */
                    235: void nd_removecont(int mod,ND p);
                    236: void nd_removecont2(ND p1,ND p2);
1.17      noro      237: void removecont_array(P *c,int n,int full);
1.16      noro      238: void removecont_array_q(Q *c,int n);
1.1       noro      239:
                    240: /* GeoBucket functions */
                    241: ND normalize_pbucket(int mod,PGeoBucket g);
                    242: int head_pbucket(int mod,PGeoBucket g);
1.11      noro      243: int head_pbucket_q(PGeoBucket g);
1.39    ! noro      244: int head_pbucket_lf(PGeoBucket g);
1.1       noro      245: void add_pbucket_symbolic(PGeoBucket g,ND d);
                    246: void add_pbucket(int mod,PGeoBucket g,ND d);
                    247: void free_pbucket(PGeoBucket b);
1.11      noro      248: void mulq_pbucket(PGeoBucket g,Q c);
1.1       noro      249: NM remove_head_pbucket_symbolic(PGeoBucket g);
                    250: PGeoBucket create_pbucket();
                    252: /* manipulation of pairs and bases */
                    253: int nd_newps(int mod,ND a,ND aq);
                    254: ND_pairs nd_newpairs( NODE g, int t );
                    255: ND_pairs nd_minp( ND_pairs d, ND_pairs *prest );
                    256: ND_pairs nd_minsugarp( ND_pairs d, ND_pairs *prest );
                    257: NODE update_base(NODE nd,int ndp);
1.23      noro      258: ND_pairs update_pairs( ND_pairs d, NODE /* of index */ g, int t, int gensyz);
1.1       noro      259: ND_pairs equivalent_pairs( ND_pairs d1, ND_pairs *prest );
                    260: ND_pairs crit_B( ND_pairs d, int s );
                    261: ND_pairs crit_M( ND_pairs d1 );
                    262: ND_pairs crit_F( ND_pairs d1 );
                    263: int crit_2( int dp1, int dp2 );
1.31      noro      264: int ndv_newps(int m,NDV a,NDV aq,int f4);
1.1       noro      265:
                    266: /* top level functions */
1.28      noro      267: void nd_gr(LIST f,LIST v,int m,int homo,int retdp,int f4,struct order_spec *ord,LIST *rp);
1.15      noro      268: void nd_gr_trace(LIST f,LIST v,int trace,int homo,int f4,struct order_spec *ord,LIST *rp);
1.36      noro      269: NODE nd_f4(int m,int checkonly,int **indp);
1.23      noro      270: NODE nd_gb(int m,int ishomo,int checkonly,int gensyz,int **indp);
1.22      noro      271: NODE nd_gb_trace(int m,int ishomo,int **indp);
                    272: NODE nd_f4_trace(int m,int **indp);
1.1       noro      273:
                    274: /* ndl functions */
                    275: int ndl_weight(UINT *d);
                    276: void ndl_weight_mask(UINT *d);
1.21      noro      277: void ndl_homogenize(UINT *d,UINT *r,int obpe,EPOS oepos,int ompos,int weight);
1.1       noro      278: void ndl_dehomogenize(UINT *p);
                    279: void ndl_reconstruct(UINT *d,UINT *r,int obpe,EPOS oepos);
                    280: INLINE int ndl_reducible(UINT *d1,UINT *d2);
                    281: INLINE int ndl_lex_compare(UINT *d1,UINT *d2);
                    282: INLINE int ndl_block_compare(UINT *d1,UINT *d2);
1.2       noro      283: INLINE int ndl_matrix_compare(UINT *d1,UINT *d2);
1.3       noro      284: INLINE int ndl_composite_compare(UINT *d1,UINT *d2);
1.1       noro      285: INLINE int ndl_equal(UINT *d1,UINT *d2);
                    286: INLINE void ndl_copy(UINT *d1,UINT *d2);
                    287: INLINE void ndl_zero(UINT *d);
                    288: INLINE void ndl_add(UINT *d1,UINT *d2,UINT *d);
                    289: INLINE void ndl_addto(UINT *d1,UINT *d2);
                    290: INLINE void ndl_sub(UINT *d1,UINT *d2,UINT *d);
                    291: INLINE int ndl_hash_value(UINT *d);
                    293: /* normal forms */
                    294: INLINE int ndl_find_reducer(UINT *g);
                    295: int nd_sp(int mod,int trace,ND_pairs p,ND *nf);
1.39    ! noro      296: int nd_sp_f4(int m,int trace,ND_pairs l,PGeoBucket bucket);
1.16      noro      297: int nd_nf(int mod,ND d,ND g,NDV *ps,int full,NDC dn,ND *nf);
1.1       noro      298: int nd_nf_pbucket(int mod,ND g,NDV *ps,int full,ND *nf);
                    300: /* finalizers */
1.22      noro      301: NODE ndv_reducebase(NODE x,int *perm);
1.1       noro      302: NODE ndv_reduceall(int m,NODE f);
                    304: /* allocators */
                    305: void nd_free_private_storage();
                    306: void _NM_alloc();
                    307: void _ND_alloc();
                    308: void nd_free(ND p);
                    309: void nd_free_redlist();
                    311: /* printing */
                    312: void ndl_print(UINT *dl);
                    313: void nd_print(ND p);
1.11      noro      314: void nd_print_q(ND p);
1.1       noro      315: void ndp_print(ND_pairs d);
                    318: /* setup, reconstruct */
                    319: void nd_init_ord(struct order_spec *spec);
1.6       noro      320: ND_pairs nd_reconstruct(int trace,ND_pairs ndp);
1.26      noro      321: int ndv_setup(int mod,int trace,NODE f,int dont_sort,int dont_removecont);
1.1       noro      322: void nd_setup_parameters(int nvar,int max);
                    323: BlockMask nd_create_blockmask(struct order_spec *ord);
                    324: EPOS nd_create_epos(struct order_spec *ord);
                    325: int nd_get_exporigin(struct order_spec *ord);
                    326: void ndv_mod(int mod,NDV p);
                    327: NDV ndv_dup(int mod,NDV p);
1.31      noro      328: NDV ndv_symbolic(int mod,NDV p);
1.1       noro      329: ND nd_dup(ND p);
1.39    ! noro      330: int ndv_ishomo(NDV p);
1.1       noro      331:
                    332: /* ND functions */
1.24      noro      333: int ndv_check_membership(int m,NODE input,int obpe,int oadv,EPOS oepos,NODE cand);
1.1       noro      334: void nd_mul_c(int mod,ND p,int mul);
1.16      noro      335: void nd_mul_c_q(ND p,P mul);
1.1       noro      336: void nd_mul_c_p(VL vl,ND p,P mul);
                    337: ND nd_remove_head(ND p);
                    338: ND nd_separate_head(ND p,ND *head);
1.30      ohara     339: INLINE int nd_length(ND p);
1.1       noro      340: void nd_append_red(UINT *d,int i);
                    341: UINT *ndv_compute_bound(NDV p);
1.4       noro      342: UINT *nd_compute_bound(ND p);
1.1       noro      343: ND nd_copy(ND p);
                    344: ND nd_merge(ND p1,ND p2);
                    345: ND nd_add(int mod,ND p1,ND p2);
1.11      noro      346: ND nd_add_q(ND p1,ND p2);
1.1       noro      347: ND nd_add_sf(ND p1,ND p2);
1.7       noro      348: ND nd_quo(int mod,PGeoBucket p,NDV d);
1.1       noro      349: INLINE int nd_length(ND p);
1.15      noro      350: NODE nd_f4_red(int m,ND_pairs sp0,int trace,UINT *s0vect,int col,NODE rp0,ND_pairs *nz);
                    351: NODE nd_f4_red_dist(int m,ND_pairs sp0,UINT *s0vect,int col,NODE rp0, ND_pairs *nz);
1.8       noro      352: NODE nd_f4_red_main(int m,ND_pairs sp0,int nsp,UINT *s0vect,int col,
1.38      noro      353:   NM_ind_pair *rvect,int *rhead,IndArray *imat,int nred,ND_pairs *nz);
1.37      noro      354: NODE nd_f4_red_mod_main(int m,ND_pairs sp0,int nsp,UINT *s0vect,int col,
1.38      noro      355:   NM_ind_pair *rvect,int *rhead,IndArray *imat,int nred,ND_pairs *nz);
1.37      noro      356: NODE nd_f4_red_sf_main(int m,ND_pairs sp0,int nsp,UINT *s0vect,int col,
1.38      noro      357:   NM_ind_pair *rvect,int *rhead,IndArray *imat,int nred,ND_pairs *nz);
1.15      noro      358: NODE nd_f4_red_q_main(ND_pairs sp0,int nsp,int trace,UINT *s0vect,int col,
1.38      noro      359:   NM_ind_pair *rvect,int *rhead,IndArray *imat,int nred);
1.31      noro      360: NODE nd_f4_red_gz_main(ND_pairs sp0,int nsp,int trace,UINT *s0vect,int col,
1.38      noro      361:   NM_ind_pair *rvect,int *rhead,IndArray *imat,int nred);
1.1       noro      362:
                    363: /* NDV functions */
                    364: ND weyl_ndv_mul_nm(int mod,NM m0,NDV p);
                    365: void weyl_mul_nm_nmv(int n,int mod,NM m0,NMV m1,NM *tab,int tlen);
                    366: void ndv_mul_c(int mod,NDV p,int mul);
1.11      noro      367: void ndv_mul_c_q(NDV p,Q mul);
1.1       noro      368: ND ndv_mul_nm_symbolic(NM m0,NDV p);
                    369: ND ndv_mul_nm(int mod,NM m0,NDV p);
1.5       noro      370: ND ndv_mul_nmv_trunc(int mod,NMV m0,NDV p,UINT *d);
1.1       noro      371: void ndv_realloc(NDV p,int obpe,int oadv,EPOS oepos);
                    372: NDV ndv_dup_realloc(NDV p,int obpe,int oadv,EPOS oepos);
1.21      noro      373: void ndv_homogenize(NDV p,int obpe,int oadv,EPOS eops,int ompos);
1.1       noro      374: void ndv_dehomogenize(NDV p,struct order_spec *spec);
                    375: void ndv_removecont(int mod,NDV p);
                    376: void ndv_print(NDV p);
1.11      noro      377: void ndv_print_q(NDV p);
1.1       noro      378: void ndv_free(NDV p);
                    379: void ndv_save(NDV p,int index);
                    380: NDV ndv_load(int index);
                    382: /* converters */
                    383: ND ptond(VL vl,VL dvl,P p);
                    384: NDV ptondv(VL vl,VL dvl,P p);
                    385: P ndvtop(int mod,VL vl,VL dvl,NDV p);
                    386: NDV ndtondv(int mod,ND p);
                    387: ND ndvtond(int mod,NDV p);
1.14      noro      388: Q *nm_ind_pair_to_vect(int m,UINT *s0,int n,NM_ind_pair pair);
1.29      noro      389: IndArray nm_ind_pair_to_vect_compress(int m,UINT *s0,int n,int *s0hash,NM_ind_pair pair);
1.1       noro      390: int nd_to_vect(int mod,UINT *s0,int n,ND d,UINT *r);
1.11      noro      391: int nd_to_vect_q(UINT *s0,int n,ND d,Q *r);
                    392: NDV vect_to_ndv_q(Q *vect,int spcol,int col,int *rhead,UINT *s0vect);
1.1       noro      393:
                    394: /* elimination */
1.15      noro      395: int nd_gauss_elim_mod(int **mat0,int *sugar,ND_pairs *spactive,int row,int col,int md,int *colstat);
1.1       noro      396: int nd_gauss_elim_sf(int **mat0,int *sugar,int row,int col,int md,int *colstat);
1.11      noro      397: int nd_gauss_elim_q(Q **mat0,int *sugar,int row,int col,int *colstat);
1.1       noro      398:
                    399: int ndl_ww_lex_compare(UINT *a1,UINT *a2);
1.8       noro      400:
1.39    ! noro      401: void red_by_vect_lf(mpz_t *p,mpz_t *r,mpz_t hc,int len);
        !           402: void red_by_vect64(int m, U64 *p,unsigned int *c,U64 *r,unsigned int hc,int len);
        !           403: int nd_symbolic_preproc(PGeoBucket bucket,int trace,UINT **s0vect,NODE *r);
        !           404: int nd_gauss_elim_mod64(U64 **mat,int *sugar,ND_pairs *spactive,int row,int col,int md,int *colstat);
        !           405:
1.1       noro      406:

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