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Annotation of OpenXM_contrib2/asir2000/gc/tests/test_cpp.cc, Revision 1.1

1.1     ! noro        1: /****************************************************************************
        !             2: Copyright (c) 1994 by Xerox Corporation.  All rights reserved.
        !             3:
        !             5: OR IMPLIED.  ANY USE IS AT YOUR OWN RISK.
        !             6:
        !             7: Permission is hereby granted to use or copy this program for any
        !             8: purpose, provided the above notices are retained on all copies.
        !             9: Permission to modify the code and to distribute modified code is
        !            10: granted, provided the above notices are retained, and a notice that
        !            11: the code was modified is included with the above copyright notice.
        !            12: ****************************************************************************
        !            13: Last modified on Mon Jul 10 21:06:03 PDT 1995 by ellis
        !            14:      modified on December 20, 1994 7:27 pm PST by boehm
        !            15:
        !            16: usage: test_cpp number-of-iterations
        !            17:
        !            18: This program tries to test the specific C++ functionality provided by
        !            19: gc_c++.h that isn't tested by the more general test routines of the
        !            20: collector.
        !            21:
        !            22: A recommended value for number-of-iterations is 10, which will take a
        !            23: few minutes to complete.
        !            24:
        !            25: ***************************************************************************/
        !            26:
        !            27: #include "gc_cpp.h"
        !            28: #include <stdio.h>
        !            29: #include <stdlib.h>
        !            30: #include <string.h>
        !            31: #define USE_STD_ALLOCATOR
        !            32: #ifdef USE_STD_ALLOCATOR
        !            33: #   include "gc_allocator.h"
        !            34: #elif __GNUC__
        !            35: #   include "new_gc_alloc.h"
        !            36: #else
        !            37: #   include "gc_alloc.h"
        !            38: #endif
        !            39: extern "C" {
        !            40: #include "private/gc_priv.h"
        !            41: }
        !            42: #ifdef MSWIN32
        !            43: #   include <windows.h>
        !            44: #endif
        !            45: #ifdef GC_NAME_CONFLICT
        !            46: #   define USE_GC UseGC
        !            47:     struct foo * GC;
        !            48: #else
        !            49: #   define USE_GC GC
        !            50: #endif
        !            51:
        !            52:
        !            53: #define my_assert( e ) \
        !            54:     if (! (e)) { \
        !            55:         GC_printf1( "Assertion failure in " __FILE__ ", line %d: " #e "\n", \
        !            56:                     __LINE__ ); \
        !            57:         exit( 1 ); }
        !            58:
        !            59:
        !            60: class A {public:
        !            61:     /* An uncollectable class. */
        !            62:
        !            63:     A( int iArg ): i( iArg ) {}
        !            64:     void Test( int iArg ) {
        !            65:         my_assert( i == iArg );}
        !            66:     int i;};
        !            67:
        !            68:
        !            69: class B: public gc, public A {public:
        !            70:     /* A collectable class. */
        !            71:
        !            72:     B( int j ): A( j ) {}
        !            73:     ~B() {
        !            74:         my_assert( deleting );}
        !            75:     static void Deleting( int on ) {
        !            76:         deleting = on;}
        !            77:     static int deleting;};
        !            78:
        !            79: int B::deleting = 0;
        !            80:
        !            81:
        !            82: class C: public gc_cleanup, public A {public:
        !            83:     /* A collectable class with cleanup and virtual multiple inheritance. */
        !            84:
        !            85:     C( int levelArg ): A( levelArg ), level( levelArg ) {
        !            86:         nAllocated++;
        !            87:         if (level > 0) {
        !            88:             left = new C( level - 1 );
        !            89:             right = new C( level - 1 );}
        !            90:         else {
        !            91:             left = right = 0;}}
        !            92:     ~C() {
        !            93:         this->A::Test( level );
        !            94:         nFreed++;
        !            95:         my_assert( level == 0 ?
        !            96:                    left == 0 && right == 0 :
        !            97:                    level == left->level + 1 && level == right->level + 1 );
        !            98:         left = right = 0;
        !            99:         level = -123456;}
        !           100:     static void Test() {
        !           101:         my_assert( nFreed <= nAllocated && nFreed >= .8 * nAllocated );}
        !           102:
        !           103:     static int nFreed;
        !           104:     static int nAllocated;
        !           105:     int level;
        !           106:     C* left;
        !           107:     C* right;};
        !           108:
        !           109: int C::nFreed = 0;
        !           110: int C::nAllocated = 0;
        !           111:
        !           112:
        !           113: class D: public gc {public:
        !           114:     /* A collectable class with a static member function to be used as
        !           115:     an explicit clean-up function supplied to ::new. */
        !           116:
        !           117:     D( int iArg ): i( iArg ) {
        !           118:         nAllocated++;}
        !           119:     static void CleanUp( void* obj, void* data ) {
        !           120:         D* self = (D*) obj;
        !           121:         nFreed++;
        !           122:         my_assert( self->i == (int) (long) data );}
        !           123:     static void Test() {
        !           124:         my_assert( nFreed >= .8 * nAllocated );}
        !           125:
        !           126:     int i;
        !           127:     static int nFreed;
        !           128:     static int nAllocated;};
        !           129:
        !           130: int D::nFreed = 0;
        !           131: int D::nAllocated = 0;
        !           132:
        !           133:
        !           134: class E: public gc_cleanup {public:
        !           135:     /* A collectable class with clean-up for use by F. */
        !           136:
        !           137:     E() {
        !           138:         nAllocated++;}
        !           139:     ~E() {
        !           140:         nFreed++;}
        !           141:
        !           142:     static int nFreed;
        !           143:     static int nAllocated;};
        !           144:
        !           145: int E::nFreed = 0;
        !           146: int E::nAllocated = 0;
        !           147:
        !           148:
        !           149: class F: public E {public:
        !           150:     /* A collectable class with clean-up, a base with clean-up, and a
        !           151:     member with clean-up. */
        !           152:
        !           153:     F() {
        !           154:         nAllocated++;}
        !           155:     ~F() {
        !           156:         nFreed++;}
        !           157:     static void Test() {
        !           158:         my_assert( nFreed >= .8 * nAllocated );
        !           159:         my_assert( 2 * nFreed == E::nFreed );}
        !           160:
        !           161:     E e;
        !           162:     static int nFreed;
        !           163:     static int nAllocated;};
        !           164:
        !           165: int F::nFreed = 0;
        !           166: int F::nAllocated = 0;
        !           167:
        !           168:
        !           169: long Disguise( void* p ) {
        !           170:     return ~ (long) p;}
        !           171:
        !           172: void* Undisguise( long i ) {
        !           173:     return (void*) ~ i;}
        !           174:
        !           175:
        !           176: #ifdef MSWIN32
        !           177: int APIENTRY WinMain(
        !           178:     HINSTANCE instance, HINSTANCE prev, LPSTR cmd, int cmdShow )
        !           179: {
        !           180:     int argc;
        !           181:     char* argv[ 3 ];
        !           182:
        !           183:     for (argc = 1; argc < sizeof( argv ) / sizeof( argv[ 0 ] ); argc++) {
        !           184:         argv[ argc ] = strtok( argc == 1 ? cmd : 0, " \t" );
        !           185:         if (0 == argv[ argc ]) break;}
        !           186:
        !           187: #else
        !           188: # ifdef MACOS
        !           189:     int main() {
        !           190: # else
        !           191:     int main( int argc, char* argv[] ) {
        !           192: # endif
        !           193: #endif
        !           194:
        !           195: #  if defined(MACOS)                        // MacOS
        !           196:     char* argv_[] = {"test_cpp", "10"};     //   doesn't
        !           197:     argv = argv_;                           //     have a
        !           198:     argc = sizeof(argv_)/sizeof(argv_[0]);  //       commandline
        !           199: #  endif
        !           200:     int i, iters, n;
        !           201: #   ifdef USE_STD_ALLOCATOR
        !           202:       int *x = gc_allocator<int>().allocate(1);
        !           203:       int **xptr = traceable_allocator<int *>().allocate(1);
        !           204: #   else
        !           205: #     ifdef __GNUC__
        !           206:           int *x = (int *)gc_alloc::allocate(sizeof(int));
        !           207: #     else
        !           208:           int *x = (int *)alloc::allocate(sizeof(int));
        !           209: #     endif
        !           210: #   endif
        !           211:     *x = 29;
        !           212: #   ifdef USE_STD_ALLOCATOR
        !           213:       *xptr = x;
        !           214:       x = 0;
        !           215: #   endif
        !           216:     if (argc != 2 || (0 >= (n = atoi( argv[ 1 ] )))) {
        !           217:         GC_printf0( "usage: test_cpp number-of-iterations\n" );
        !           218:         exit( 1 );}
        !           219:
        !           220:     for (iters = 1; iters <= n; iters++) {
        !           221:         GC_printf1( "Starting iteration %d\n", iters );
        !           222:
        !           223:             /* Allocate some uncollectable As and disguise their pointers.
        !           224:             Later we'll check to see if the objects are still there.  We're
        !           225:             checking to make sure these objects really are uncollectable. */
        !           226:         long as[ 1000 ];
        !           227:         long bs[ 1000 ];
        !           228:         for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
        !           229:             as[ i ] = Disguise( new (NoGC) A( i ) );
        !           230:             bs[ i ] = Disguise( new (NoGC) B( i ) );}
        !           231:
        !           232:             /* Allocate a fair number of finalizable Cs, Ds, and Fs.
        !           233:             Later we'll check to make sure they've gone away. */
        !           234:         for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
        !           235:             C* c = new C( 2 );
        !           236:             C c1( 2 );           /* stack allocation should work too */
        !           237:             D* d = ::new (USE_GC, D::CleanUp, (void*)(long)i) D( i );
        !           238:             F* f = new F;
        !           239:             if (0 == i % 10) delete c;}
        !           240:
        !           241:             /* Allocate a very large number of collectable As and Bs and
        !           242:             drop the references to them immediately, forcing many
        !           243:             collections. */
        !           244:         for (i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) {
        !           245:             A* a = new (USE_GC) A( i );
        !           246:             B* b = new B( i );
        !           247:             b = new (USE_GC) B( i );
        !           248:             if (0 == i % 10) {
        !           249:                 B::Deleting( 1 );
        !           250:                 delete b;
        !           251:                 B::Deleting( 0 );}
        !           252: #          ifdef FINALIZE_ON_DEMAND
        !           253:              GC_invoke_finalizers();
        !           254: #          endif
        !           255:            }
        !           256:
        !           257:             /* Make sure the uncollectable As and Bs are still there. */
        !           258:         for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
        !           259:             A* a = (A*) Undisguise( as[ i ] );
        !           260:             B* b = (B*) Undisguise( bs[ i ] );
        !           261:             a->Test( i );
        !           262:             delete a;
        !           263:             b->Test( i );
        !           264:             B::Deleting( 1 );
        !           265:             delete b;
        !           266:             B::Deleting( 0 );
        !           267: #          ifdef FINALIZE_ON_DEMAND
        !           268:                 GC_invoke_finalizers();
        !           269: #          endif
        !           270:
        !           271:            }
        !           272:
        !           273:             /* Make sure most of the finalizable Cs, Ds, and Fs have
        !           274:             gone away. */
        !           275:         C::Test();
        !           276:         D::Test();
        !           277:         F::Test();}
        !           278:
        !           279: #   ifdef USE_STD_ALLOCATOR
        !           280:       x = *xptr;
        !           281: #   endif
        !           282:     my_assert (29 == x[0]);
        !           283:     GC_printf0( "The test appears to have succeeded.\n" );
        !           284:     return( 0 );}
        !           285:
        !           286:

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