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File: [local] / OpenXM_contrib2 / asir2000 / include / ca.h (download)

Revision 1.83, Thu Jun 13 18:03:14 2013 UTC (11 years, 3 months ago) by ohara
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.82: +3 -1 lines

Add some function declarations.

 * Copyright (c) 1994-2000 FUJITSU LABORATORIES LIMITED 
 * All rights reserved.
 * FUJITSU LABORATORIES LIMITED ("FLL") hereby grants you a limited,
 * non-exclusive and royalty-free license to use, copy, modify and
 * redistribute, solely for non-commercial and non-profit purposes, the
 * computer program, "Risa/Asir" ("SOFTWARE"), subject to the terms and
 * conditions of this Agreement. For the avoidance of doubt, you acquire
 * only a limited right to use the SOFTWARE hereunder, and FLL or any
 * third party developer retains all rights, including but not limited to
 * copyrights, in and to the SOFTWARE.
 * (1) FLL does not grant you a license in any way for commercial
 * purposes. You may use the SOFTWARE only for non-commercial and
 * non-profit purposes only, such as academic, research and internal
 * business use.
 * (2) The SOFTWARE is protected by the Copyright Law of Japan and
 * international copyright treaties. If you make copies of the SOFTWARE,
 * with or without modification, as permitted hereunder, you shall affix
 * to all such copies of the SOFTWARE the above copyright notice.
 * (3) An explicit reference to this SOFTWARE and its copyright owner
 * shall be made on your publication or presentation in any form of the
 * results obtained by use of the SOFTWARE.
 * (4) In the event that you modify the SOFTWARE, you shall notify FLL by
 * e-mail at risa-admin@sec.flab.fujitsu.co.jp of the detailed specification
 * for such modification or the source code of the modified part of the
 * $OpenXM: OpenXM_contrib2/asir2000/include/ca.h,v 1.83 2013/06/13 18:03:14 ohara Exp $ 
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#if defined(hpux)
#include <netinet/in.h>
# define setbuffer(FP,buf,siz) setvbuf(FP,buf,_IOFBF,siz)

#if !defined(VISUAL)
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/param.h>

#if defined(linux) || (defined(sun) && !defined(SYSV)) || defined(news5000) || (defined(mips) && defined(ultrix))
#include <alloca.h>

#if (defined(sun) && defined(SYSV))
#define alloca(x) __builtin_alloca(x)

#if defined(VISUAL)
#include <malloc.h>

#if 0
#include <sys/types.h>
typedef caddr_t pointer;

typedef void * pointer;

#if defined(sun)
#include <strings.h>
#include <string.h>
#if defined(VISUAL)
#define index(s,c) strchr(s,c)
#define bzero(s,len) memset(s,0,len)
#define bcopy(x,y,len) memcpy(y,x,len)

#define NULLP ((void *)0)

#define TODO		printf("%s: not implemented!\n", __func__)

#define COPY(a,b) ((b)=(a))
#define FREEN(p) 
#define FREEQ(p) 
#define FREE(p)
#define INITRC(p)

/* data structures */

#define O_N 1
#define O_P 2
#define O_R 3
#define O_LIST 4
#define O_VECT 5
#define O_MAT 6
#define O_STR 7
#define O_COMP 8
#define O_DP 9
#define O_USINT 10
#define O_ERR 11
#define O_GF2MAT 12
#define O_MATHCAP 13
#define O_F 14
#define O_GFMMAT 15
#define O_BYTEARRAY 16
#define O_QUOTE 17
#define O_OPTLIST 18
#define O_SYMBOL 19
#define O_RANGE 20
#define O_TB 21
#define O_DPV 22
#define O_QUOTEARG 23
#define O_VOID -1
/* IMAT */
#define O_IMAT 24
/* IMAT */
#define O_NBP 25

#define N_Q 0
#define N_R 1
#define N_A 2
#define N_B 3
#define N_C 4
#define N_M 5
#define N_LM 6
#define N_GF2N 7
#define N_GFPN 8
#define N_GFS 9
#define N_GFSN 10
#define N_DA 11

#define ORD_GRADLEX 1
#define ORD_LEX 2

typedef enum {
} farg_type;

#if SIZEOF_LONG == 8
typedef long L;
typedef unsigned long UL;
typedef long long L;
typedef unsigned long long UL;
#elif defined(_MSC_VER)
typedef _int64 L;
typedef unsigned _int64 UL;

typedef struct oN {
	int p;
	unsigned int b[1];
} *N;

typedef struct oZ {
	int p;
	unsigned int b[1];
} *Z;

typedef struct oUP2 {
	int w;
	unsigned int b[1];
} *UP2;

typedef struct _oUP2 {
	int w;
	unsigned int *b;
} *_UP2;

#define UP2_DENSE 0
#define UP2_SPARSE 1

typedef struct oGEN_UP2 {
	int id;
	UP2 dense;
	UP2 sparse;
} *GEN_UP2;

typedef struct oV {
	char *name;
	pointer attr;
	pointer priv;
} *V;

typedef struct oQ {
	short id;
	char nid;
	char sgn;
	N nm;
	N dn;
} *Q;

typedef struct oReal {
	short id;
	char nid;
	char pad;
	double body;
} *Real;

typedef struct oAlg {
	short id;
	char nid;
	char pad;
	struct oObj *body;
} *Alg;

typedef struct oBF {
	short id;
	char nid;
	char pad;
	long body[1];
} *BF;

typedef struct oC {
	short id;
	char nid;
	char pad;
	struct oNum *r,*i;
} *C;

typedef struct oLM {
	short id;
	char nid;
	char pad;
	struct oN *body;
} *LM;

typedef struct oGF2N {
	short id;
	char nid;
	char pad;
	struct oUP2 *body;
} *GF2N;

typedef struct oGFPN {
	short id;
	char nid;
	char pad;
	struct oUP *body;
} *GFPN;

typedef struct oDAlg {
	short id;
	char nid;
	char pad;
	struct oDP *nm;
	struct oQ *dn;
} *DAlg;

typedef struct oNum {
	short id;
	char nid;
	char pad;
} *Num;

typedef struct oMQ {
	short id;
	char nid;
	char pad;
	int cont;
} *MQ;

typedef struct oGFS {
	short id;
	char nid;
	char pad;
	int cont;
} *GFS;

typedef struct oGFSN {
	short id;
	char nid;
	char pad;
	struct oUM *body;
} *GFSN;

typedef struct oP {
	short id;
	short pad;
	V v;
	struct oDCP *dc;
} *P;

typedef struct oR {
	short id;
	short reduced;
	P nm;
	P dn;
} *R;

typedef struct oVECT {
	short id;
	short pad;
	int len;
	pointer *body;
} *VECT;

typedef struct oMAT {
	short id;
	short pad;
	int row,col;
	pointer **body;
} *MAT;

typedef struct oGF2MAT {
	short id;
	short pad;
	int row,col;
	unsigned int **body;

/* IMAT */
#define IMATCH 64

typedef struct oIENT {
	int cr;
	int row, col;
	pointer *body;

typedef struct oIMATC {
	pointer *fore;
	pointer *next;

typedef struct oIMAT {
	short id;
	int row, col, clen;
	pointer *root;
	pointer *toor;
} *IMAT;
/* IMAT */
typedef struct oLIST {
	short id;
	short pad;
	struct oNODE *body;
} *LIST;

typedef struct oSTRING {
	short id;
	short pad;
	char *body;

typedef struct oCOMP {
	short id;
	short type;
	struct oObj *member[1];
} *COMP;

typedef struct oDP {
	short id;
	short nv;
	int sugar;
	struct oMP *body;
} *DP;

typedef struct oDPV {
	short id;
	int len;
	int sugar;
	struct oDP **body;
} *DPV;

typedef struct oUSINT {
	short id;
	short pad;
	unsigned body;

typedef struct oERR {
	short id;
	short pad;
	struct oObj *body;
} *ERR;

typedef struct oMATHCAP {
	short id;
	short pad;
	struct oLIST *body;

typedef struct oBYTEARRAY {
	short id;
	short pad;
	int len;
	unsigned char *body;

typedef struct oQUOTE {
	short id;
	short pad;
	pointer body;

typedef struct oQUOTEARG {
	short id;
	short pad;
	farg_type type;
	pointer body;

typedef struct oOPTLIST {
	short id;
	short pad;
	struct oNODE *body;

typedef struct oSYMBOL {
	short id;
	short pad;
	char *name;
	int value;

typedef struct oRANGE {
	short id;
	short pad;
	struct oObj *start,*end;

typedef struct oTB {
	short id;
	short pad;
	int size,next;
	char **body;
} *TB;

typedef struct oNBP {
	short id;
	short pad;
	struct oNODE *body;
} *NBP;

/* non-commutative bivariate monomial */

typedef struct oNBM {
	int d;
	P c;
	unsigned int *b;
} *NBM;

#define NEWNBM(p) ((p)=(NBM)MALLOC(sizeof(struct oNBM)))
#define NEWNBMBDY(p,d) \
((p)->b=(unsigned int *)MALLOC((((d)+31)/32)*sizeof(unsigned int)))
#define NEWNBP(p) ((p)=(NBP)MALLOC(sizeof(struct oNBP)),OID(p)=O_NBP)
#define MKNBP(p,b) (NEWNBP(p),BDY(p)=(b))

#define NBM_GET(a,j) (((a)[(j)>>5]&(1<<((j)&31)))?1:0)
#define NBM_SET(a,j) ((a)[(j)>>5]|=(1<<((j)&31)))
#define NBM_CLR(a,j) ((a)[(j)>>5]&=(~(1<<((j)&31))))

typedef struct oObj {
	short id;
	short pad;
} *Obj;

typedef struct oDCP {
	Q d;
	P c;
	struct oDCP *next;	
} *DCP;

typedef struct oMP {
	struct oDL *dl;
	P c;
	struct oMP *next;
} *MP;

typedef struct oDL {
	int td;
	int d[1];
} *DL;

struct dp_pairs {
	int dp1, dp2;
	DL lcm;
	int sugar;
	struct dp_pairs *next;

typedef struct dp_pairs *DP_pairs;

struct p_pair {
	struct oUM *p0;
	struct oUM *p1;
	struct p_pair *next;

struct oMF {
	int m;
	P f;

 * compressed DP

typedef struct oCDP {
	int len;
	int psindex;
	unsigned int *body;
} *CDP;

typedef struct oCM {
	int index;
	int c;
} *CM;

/* bucket list for DL */

typedef struct oDLBUCKET {
	int td;
	struct oNODE *body;
	struct oDLBUCKET *next;

typedef struct oGeoBucket {
	int m;
	struct oNODE *body[32];
} *GeoBucket;

typedef struct oVL {
	V v;
	struct oVL *next;
} *VL;

typedef struct oNODE {
	pointer body;
	struct oNODE *next;
} *NODE;

/* univariate poly over small finite field; dense */
typedef struct oUM {
	int d;
	int c[1];
} *UM;

/* univariate poly with padic coeff */
typedef struct oLUM {
	int d;
	int *c[1];
} *LUM;

/* bivariate poly over small finite field; dense */

typedef struct oBM {
	int d;
	UM c[1];
} *BM;

typedef struct oML {
	int n;
	int mod;
	int bound;
	pointer c[1];
} *ML;

typedef struct oUB {
	int d;
	N c[1];
} *UB;

typedef struct oVN {
	V v;
	int n;
} *VN;

typedef struct oUP {
	int d;
	Num c[1];
} *UP;

typedef struct oDUM {
	int n;
	UM f;
} *DUM;

struct order_pair {
	int order, length;

struct sparse_weight {
	int pos, value;

#define IS_BLOCK 2

struct weight_or_block {
	int type;
	int length;
	union {
		int *dense_weight;
		struct sparse_weight *sparse_weight;
		struct {
			int order, start;
		} block;
	} body;

struct order_spec {
	int id;
	Obj obj;
	int nv;
	int ispot; /* 1 means Position over Term (Pos then Term) */
	int pot_nelim; /* size of positions for pot-elimination order */
	union {
		int simple;
		struct {
			int length;
			struct order_pair *order_pair;
		} block;
		struct {
			int row;
			int **matrix;
		} matrix;
		struct {
			int length;
			struct weight_or_block *w_or_b;
		} composite;
	} ord;

struct modorder_spec {
	int id;
	Obj obj;
	int len;
	int *degree_shift;

typedef struct oNumberField {
	int n;
	int psn;
	int dim;
	VL vl;
	P *defpoly;
	DP *mb;
	DP *ps;
	struct oDAlg *one;
	NODE ind;
	struct order_spec *spec;
} *NumberField;

/* structure for cputime */

struct oEGT {
	double exectime,gctime;

/* constant */

/* ground finite field specification */
#define FF_NOT_SET 0
#define FF_GFP 1
#define FF_GF2N 2
#define FF_GFPN 3
#define FF_GFS 4
#define FF_GFSN 5

/* include interval.h */
#include "interval.h"

#define INDEX 100

#if defined(USE_FLOAT)
typedef float ModNum;
#define NPrimes 536
typedef unsigned int ModNum;
#define NPrimes 13681

/* general macros */
#if defined(MAX)
#undef MAX
#if defined(MIN)
#undef MIN
#define MAX(a,b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b) )
#define MIN(a,b) ((a) > (b) ? (b) : (a) )
#ifdef ABS
#undef ABS
#define ABS(a) ((a)>0?(a):-(a))
#define ID(p) ((p)->id)
#define OID(p) (((Obj)(p))->id)
#define NID(p) (((Num)(p))->nid)
#define BDY(p) ((p)->body)
#define VR(p) ((p)->v)
#define NAME(p) ((p)->name)
#define NEXT(p) ((p)->next)
#define NM(q) ((q)->nm)
#define DN(q) ((q)->dn)
#define SGN(q) ((q)->sgn)
#define DC(p) ((p)->dc)
#define COEF(p) ((p)->c)
#define DEG(p) ((p)->d)
#define PL(n) ((n)->p)
#define BD(n) ((n)->b)
#define CONT(a) ((a)->cont)
#define UDEG(f) BD(NM(DEG(DC(f))))[0]
#define UCOEF(f) (COEF(DC(f)))
#define LC(f) (NUM(f)?(f):COEF(DC(f)))

/* memory allocators (W_... : uses alloca) */

#define MALLOC(d) Risa_GC_malloc(d)
#define MALLOC_ATOMIC(d) Risa_GC_malloc_atomic(d)
#define MALLOC_ATOMIC_IGNORE_OFF_PAGE(d) Risa_GC_malloc_atomic_ignore_off_page(d)
#define REALLOC(p,d) Risa_GC_realloc(p,d)
#define GCFREE(p) Risa_GC_free(p)
#define CALLOC(d,e) MALLOC((d)*(e))

#if !defined(__CYGWIN__) && (defined(__GNUC__) || defined(vax) || defined(apollo) || defined(alloca) || defined(VISUAL))
#define ALLOCA(d) alloca(d)
#define ALLOCA(d) MALLOC(d)

/* for setjmp/longjmp compatibility */
#if defined(__CYGWIN__) || defined(__x86_64)
#define JMP_BUF sigjmp_buf
#define SETJMP(x) sigsetjmp(x,~0)
#define LONGJMP(x,y) siglongjmp(x,y)
#define JMP_BUF jmp_buf
#define SETJMP(x) setjmp(x)
#define LONGJMP(x,y) longjmp(x,y)

#define TRUESIZE(type,n,atype) (sizeof(struct type)+MAX((n),0)*sizeof(atype))
#define NALLOC(d) ((N)MALLOC_ATOMIC(TRUESIZE(oN,(d)-1,int)))
#define UMALLOC(d) ((UM)MALLOC(TRUESIZE(oUM,d,int)))
#define UPALLOC(d) ((UP)MALLOC(TRUESIZE(oUP,(d),Num)))
#define C_UMALLOC(d) ((UM)MALLOC(TRUESIZE(oUM,d,int)))
#define MLALLOC(d) ((ML)MALLOC(TRUESIZE(oML,d,pointer)))

#define W_ALLOC(d) ((int *)ALLOCA(((d)+1)*sizeof(int)))
#define W_CALLOC(n,type,p) \
((p)=(type *)ALLOCA(((n)+1)*sizeof(type)),\
bzero((char *)(p),(int)(((n)+1)*sizeof(type))))
#define W_UMALLOC(d) ((UM)ALLOCA(TRUESIZE(oUM,d,int)))
#define W_UPALLOC(d) ((UP)ALLOCA(TRUESIZE(oUP,(d),Num)))
#define W_MLALLOC(d) ((ML)ALLOCA(TRUESIZE(oML,d,pointer)))
#define W_LUMALLOC(n,bound,p)\
	LUM ___q___;\
	int ___i___,**___c___;\
	(___q___) = (LUM)ALLOCA(TRUESIZE(oLUM,(n),int *));\
	DEG(___q___) = n;\
	for ( ___i___ = 0, ___c___ = (int **)COEF(___q___); ___i___ <= n; ___i___++ ) {\
		___c___[___i___] = (int *)ALLOCA(((bound)+1)*sizeof(int));\
		bzero((char *)___c___[___i___],((bound)+1)*sizeof(int));\
	(p) = ___q___;\

#define W_BMALLOC(dx,dy,p)\
	BM ___q___;\
	int ___i___;\
	UM *___c___;\
	(___q___) = (BM)ALLOCA(TRUESIZE(oBM,(dy),UM));\
	DEG(___q___) = dy;\
	___c___ = (UM *)COEF(___q___);\
	for ( ___i___ = 0; ___i___ <= dy; ___i___++ ) {\
		___c___[___i___] = W_UMALLOC(dx);\
	(p) = ___q___;\

#define NEWUP2(q,w)\
((q)=(UP2)MALLOC_ATOMIC(TRUESIZE(oUP2,(w)-1,unsigned int)),\
bzero((char *)(q)->b,(w)*sizeof(unsigned int)))
#define W_NEWUP2(q,w)\
((q)=(UP2)ALLOCA(TRUESIZE(oUP2,(w)-1,unsigned int)),\
bzero((char *)(q)->b,(w)*sizeof(unsigned int)))
#define W_NEW_UP2(q,w)\
((q).b=(unsigned int *)ALLOCA((w)*sizeof(unsigned int)))

/* cell allocators */
#define NEWQ(q) ((q)=(Q)MALLOC(sizeof(struct oQ)),OID(q)=O_N,NID(q)=N_Q)
#define NEWMQ(q) ((q)=(MQ)MALLOC_ATOMIC(sizeof(struct oMQ)),OID(q)=O_N,NID(q)=N_M)
#define NEWGFS(q) ((q)=(GFS)MALLOC_ATOMIC(sizeof(struct oGFS)),OID(q)=O_N,NID(q)=N_GFS)
#define NEWGFSN(q) ((q)=(GFSN)MALLOC(sizeof(struct oGFSN)),OID(q)=O_N,NID(q)=N_GFSN)
#define NEWP(p) ((p)=(P)MALLOC(sizeof(struct oP)),OID(p)=O_P)
#define NEWR(r) ((r)=(R)MALLOC(sizeof(struct oR)),OID(r)=O_R,(r)->reduced=0)
#define NEWLIST(l) ((l)=(LIST)MALLOC(sizeof(struct oLIST)),OID(l)=O_LIST)
#define NEWVECT(l) ((l)=(VECT)MALLOC(sizeof(struct oVECT)),OID(l)=O_VECT)
#define NEWSTR(l) ((l)=(STRING)MALLOC(sizeof(struct oSTRING)),OID(l)=O_STR)
#define NEWCOMP(c,n) ((c)=(COMP)MALLOC(sizeof(struct oCOMP)+((n)-1)*sizeof(Obj)),OID(c)=O_COMP)
#define NEWDP(d) ((d)=(DP)MALLOC(sizeof(struct oDP)),OID(d)=O_DP)
#define NEWDPV(d) ((d)=(DPV)MALLOC(sizeof(struct oDPV)),OID(d)=O_DPV)
#define NEWUSINT(u) ((u)=(USINT)MALLOC_ATOMIC(sizeof(struct oUSINT)),OID(u)=O_USINT)
#define NEWERR(e) ((e)=(ERR)MALLOC(sizeof(struct oERR)),OID(e)=O_ERR)
#define NEWMATHCAP(e) ((e)=(MATHCAP)MALLOC(sizeof(struct oMATHCAP)),OID(e)=O_MATHCAP)
#define NEWQUOTE(e) ((e)=(QUOTE)MALLOC(sizeof(struct oQUOTE)),OID(e)=O_QUOTE)
#define NEWOPTLIST(l) ((l)=(OPTLIST)MALLOC(sizeof(struct oOPTLIST)),OID(l)=O_OPTLIST)
#define NEWSYMBOL(l) ((l)=(SYMBOL)MALLOC(sizeof(struct oSYMBOL)),OID(l)=O_SYMBOL)
#define NEWRANGE(l) ((l)=(RANGE)MALLOC(sizeof(struct oRANGE)),OID(l)=O_RANGE)
#define NEWTB(l) ((l)=(TB)MALLOC(sizeof(struct oTB)),OID(l)=O_TB,(l)->size=256,(l)->next=0,(l)->body=(char **)MALLOC((l)->size*sizeof(char *)))

#define NEWNODE(a) ((a)=(NODE)MALLOC(sizeof(struct oNODE)))
#define NEWDC(dc) ((dc)=(DCP)MALLOC(sizeof(struct oDCP)))
#define NEWV(v) ((v)=(V)MALLOC(sizeof(struct oV)))
#define NEWVL(vl) ((vl)=(VL)MALLOC(sizeof(struct oVL)))
#define NEWMP(m) ((m)=(MP)MALLOC(sizeof(struct oMP)))
#define NEWDLBUCKET(a) ((a)=(DLBUCKET)MALLOC(sizeof(struct oDLBUCKET)))
#define NEWDPP(a) ((a)=(DP_pairs)MALLOC(sizeof(struct dp_pairs)))

#define NEWMAT(l) ((l)=(MAT)MALLOC(sizeof(struct oMAT)),OID(l)=O_MAT)
#define NEWGF2MAT(l) ((l)=(GF2MAT)MALLOC(sizeof(struct oGF2MAT)),OID(l)=O_GF2MAT)
#define NEWGFMMAT(l) ((l)=(GFMMAT)MALLOC(sizeof(struct oGF2MAT)),OID(l)=O_GFMMAT)
/* IMAT */
#define NEWIMAT(l) ((l)=(IMAT)MALLOC(sizeof(struct oIMAT)),OID(l)=O_IMAT,l->clen=0,l->root=0,l->toor=0)
#define NEWIENT(l) ((l)=(IMATC)MALLOC(sizeof(struct oIMATC)),l->fore=0,l->next=0)
/* IMAT */
#define NEWReal(q) ((q)=(Real)MALLOC_ATOMIC(sizeof(struct oReal)),OID(q)=O_N,NID(q)=N_R)
#define NEWAlg(r) ((r)=(Alg)MALLOC(sizeof(struct oAlg)),OID(r)=O_N,NID(r)=N_A)
#define NEWDAlg(r) ((r)=(DAlg)MALLOC(sizeof(struct oDAlg)),OID(r)=O_N,NID(r)=N_DA)
#define NEWBF(q,l) ((q)=(BF)MALLOC_ATOMIC(TRUESIZE(oBF,(l)-1,long)),OID(q)=O_N,NID(q)=N_B)
#define NEWC(r) ((r)=(C)MALLOC(sizeof(struct oC)),OID(r)=O_N,NID(r)=N_C)
#define NEWLM(r) ((r)=(LM)MALLOC(sizeof(struct oLM)),OID(r)=O_N,NID(r)=N_LM)
#define NEWGF2N(r) ((r)=(GF2N)MALLOC(sizeof(struct oGF2N)),OID(r)=O_N,NID(r)=N_GF2N)
#define NEWGFPN(r) ((r)=(GFPN)MALLOC(sizeof(struct oGFPN)),OID(r)=O_N,NID(r)=N_GFPN)
#define NEWDL(d,n) \
((d)=(DL)MALLOC_ATOMIC(TRUESIZE(oDL,(n)-1,int)),bzero((char *)(d),TRUESIZE(oDL,(n)-1,int)))
#define NEWDL_NOINIT(d,n) \

#define MKP(v,dc,p) \
#define MKV(v,p) \
#define MKRAT(n,d,r,p) \
#define MKMV(v,p) \
#define MKNODE(a,b,c) \
#define MKLIST(a,b) (NEWLIST(a),(a)->body=(NODE)(b))
#define MKVECT(m,l) \
(NEWVECT(m),(m)->len=(l),(m)->body=(pointer *)CALLOC((l),sizeof(pointer)))
#define MKMAT(m,r,c) \
(NEWMAT(m),(m)->row=(r),(m)->col=(c),(m)->body=(pointer **)almat_pointer((r),(c)))
#define TOGF2MAT(r,c,b,m) (NEWGF2MAT(m),(m)->row=(r),(m)->col=(c),(m)->body=(b))
#define TOGFMMAT(r,c,b,m) (NEWGFMMAT(m),(m)->row=(r),(m)->col=(c),(m)->body=(b))
#define MKSTR(a,b) (NEWSTR(a),(a)->body=(char *)(b))
#define MKDP(n,m,d) (NEWDP(d),(d)->nv=(n),BDY(d)=(m))
#define MKDPV(len,m,d) (NEWDPV(d),(d)->len=(len),BDY(d)=(m))
#define MKLM(b,l) (!(b)?(l)=0:(NEWLM(l),(l)->body=(b),(l)))
#define MKGF2N(b,l) (!(b)?(l)=0:(NEWGF2N(l),(l)->body=(b),(l)))
#define MKGFPN(b,l) (!(b)?(l)=0:(NEWGFPN(l),(l)->body=(b),(l)))
#define MKUSINT(u,b) (NEWUSINT(u),(u)->body=(unsigned)(b))
#define MKERR(e,b) (NEWERR(e),(e)->body=(Obj)(b))
#define MKMATHCAP(e,b) (NEWMATHCAP(e),(e)->body=(LIST)(b))
#define MKBYTEARRAY(m,l) \
(NEWBYTEARRAY(m),(m)->len=(l),(m)->body=(unsigned char *)MALLOC_ATOMIC((l)),bzero((m)->body,(l)))
#define MKQUOTE(q,b) (NEWQUOTE(q),(q)->body=(pointer)(b))
#define MKQUOTEARG(q,t,b) (NEWQUOTEARG(q),(q)->type=(t),(q)->body=(pointer)(b))

#define NEXTDC(r,c) \
#define NEXTNODE(r,c) \
#define NEXTMP(r,c) \
#define NEXTMP2(r,c,s) \
#define NEXTDLBUCKET(r,c) \
#define NEXTVL(r,c) \
#define NEXTDPP(r,c) \

/* convertors */
#define NTOQ(n,s,q) \
#define NDTOQ(n,d,s,q) \
#define DUPQ(p,q) \
#define STOQ(n,q) \
#define UTOMQ(a,b) \
((a)?(NEWMQ(b),CONT(b)=(unsigned int)(a),(b)):((b)=0))
#define MKGFS(a,b) \
#define MKGFSN(a,b) \
#define STOMQ(a,b) \
#define UTON(u,n) \
((!(u))?((n)=(N)NULL):((n)=NALLOC(1),PL(n)=1,BD(n)[0]=(unsigned int)(u),(n)))
#define UTOQ(n,q) \
PL(NM(q))=1,BD(NM(q))[0]=(unsigned int)(n),DN(q)=0,(q)))
#define QTOS(q) (!(q)?0:SGN(q)*((int)BD(NM(q))[0]))
#define STON(i,n)\
#define PTOR(a,b) \
#define RTOS(a) (!(a)?0:QTOS((Q)NM((R)a)))
#define MKReal(a,b) (!(a)?((b)=0):(NEWReal(b),BDY(b)=(a),(b)))
#define MKAlg(b,r) \
#define MKDAlg(dp,den,r) (!(dp)?(void *)((r)=0):(void *)(NEWDAlg(r),(r)->nm = (dp),(r)->dn=(den)))

#define IMM_MAX 1073741823
#define IMM_MIN -1073741823

#define SL(n) ((n)->p)
#define ZALLOC(d) ((Z)MALLOC_ATOMIC(TRUESIZE(oZ,(d)-1,int)))

#if defined(PARI)
#define ToReal(a) (!(a)?(double)0.0:REAL(a)?BDY((Real)a):RATN(a)?RatnToReal((Q)a):BIGFLOAT(a)?rtodbl(BDY((BF)a)):0)
#define ToReal(a) (!(a)?(double)0.0:REAL(a)?BDY((Real)a):RATN(a)?RatnToReal((Q)a):0.0)

/* predicates */
#define NUM(p) (OID(p)==O_N)
#define RAT(p) (OID(p)==O_R)
#define RATN(a) (NID(a)==N_Q)
#define POLY(a) (!(a) ||(OID(a)<=O_P))
#define INT(q) (!(q)||(NUM(q)&&RATN((Num)q)&&!DN((Q)q)))
#define REAL(a) (NID(a)==N_R)
#define BIGFLOAT(a) (NID(a)==N_B)
#define SFF(a) (NID(a)==N_M)
#define UNIQ(q) ((q)&&NUM(q)&&RATN(q)&&(SGN((Q)q)==1)&&UNIN(NM((Q)q))&&(!DN((Q)q)))
#define UNIMQ(q) ((q)&&NUM(q)&&SFF(q)&&(CONT((MQ)q)==1))
#define MUNIQ(q) ((q)&&NUM(q)&&RATN(q)&&(SGN((Q)q)==-1)&&UNIN(NM((Q)q))&&(!DN((Q)q)))
#define MUNIMQ(q) ((q)&&NUM(q)&&SFF(q)&&(CONT((MQ)q)==-1))
#define UNIN(n) ((n)&&(PL(n)==1)&&(BD(n)[0]==1))
#define EVENN(n) ((!(n))||(!(BD(n)[0]%2)))

/* special macros for private memory management */

#define NV(p) ((p)->nv)
#define C(p) ((p)->c)
#if 0
#define ITOS(p) (((unsigned int)(p))&0x7fffffff)
#define STOI(i) ((P)((unsigned int)(i)|0x80000000))
#define ITOS(p) (((unsigned int)(p)))
#define STOI(i) ((P)((unsigned int)(i)))

/* immediate GFS representation */

#define IFTOF(p) ((int)(((unsigned int)(p))&0x7fffffff))
#define FTOIF(i) ((int)(((unsigned int)(i)|0x80000000)))

struct cdl {
	P c;
	DL d;

struct cdlm {
	int c;
	DL d;

extern MP _mp_free_list;
extern DP _dp_free_list;       
extern DL _dl_free_list;       
extern int current_dl_length;      

#define _NEWDL_NOINIT(d,n) if ((n)!= current_dl_length){_dl_free_list=0; current_dl_length=(n);} if(!_dl_free_list)_DL_alloc(); (d)=_dl_free_list; _dl_free_list = *((DL *)_dl_free_list)
#define _NEWDL(d,n) if ((n)!= current_dl_length){_dl_free_list=0; current_dl_length=(n);} if(!_dl_free_list)_DL_alloc(); (d)=_dl_free_list; _dl_free_list = *((DL *)_dl_free_list); bzero((d),(((n)+1)*sizeof(int)))
#define _NEWMP(m) if(!_mp_free_list)_MP_alloc(); (m)=_mp_free_list; _mp_free_list = NEXT(_mp_free_list)
#define _MKDP(n,m,d) if(!_dp_free_list)_DP_alloc(); (d)=_dp_free_list; _dp_free_list = (DP)BDY(_dp_free_list); (d)->id = O_DP; (d)->nv=(n); BDY(d)=(m)

#define _NEXTMP(r,c) \

#define _NEXTMP2(r,c,s) \

#define _FREEDL(m) *((DL *)m)=_dl_free_list; _dl_free_list=(m)
#define _FREEMP(m) NEXT(m)=_mp_free_list; _mp_free_list=(m)
#define _FREEDP(m) BDY(m)=(MP)_dp_free_list; _dp_free_list=(m)

#define MUL_WEIGHT(a,i) (current_dl_weight_vector?(a)*current_dl_weight_vector[i]:(a))

/* externals */
#if 0
double NatToReal();
double RatnToReal();

extern struct oR oUNIR;
extern struct oQ oUNIQ;
extern struct oMQ oUNIMQ;
extern struct oN oUNIN;
extern struct oUP2 oONEUP2;
extern struct oV oVAR[];
extern struct oV oPVAR[];
extern struct oVL oVLIST[];
extern struct oVL oPVLIST[];
extern VL CO,ALG;
extern VL PVL;
extern R ONER;
extern Q ONE;
extern Q TWO;
extern MQ ONEM;
extern LM ONELM;
extern N ONEN;
extern UP2 ONEUP2;

extern FILE *asir_out;
#if defined(__GNUC__)
extern const int sprime[];
extern int sprime[];

extern void (*addnumt[])();
extern void (*subnumt[])();
extern void (*mulnumt[])();
extern void (*divnumt[])();
extern void (*pwrnumt[])();
extern int (*cmpnumt[])();
extern void (*chsgnnumt[])();

extern int current_mod;
extern GEN_UP2 current_mod_gf2n;
extern int lm_lazy;
extern int current_ff;
extern V up_var;
extern V up2_var;
extern P current_gfs_ext;
extern int current_gfs_p;
extern int current_gfs_q;
extern int current_gfs_q1;
extern int *current_gfs_plus1;
extern int *current_gfs_ntoi;
extern int *current_gfs_iton;

extern int *current_dl_weight_vector;

/* prototypes */
int compui(VL,USINT,USINT);
int compbytearray(VL,BYTEARRAY,BYTEARRAY);

void powermodup(UP,UP *);
void hybrid_powermodup(UP,UP *);

void powertabup(UP,UP,UP *);
void hybrid_powertabup(UP,UP,UP *);

void generic_powermodup(UP,UP,Q,UP *);
void hybrid_generic_powermodup(UP,UP,Q,UP *);

void powermod1up(UP,UP *);
void hybrid_rembymulup_special(int,UP,UP,UP,UP *);
void hybrid_tmulup(int,UP,UP,int,UP *);
void hybrid_squareup(int,UP,UP *);
void hybrid_mulup(int,UP,UP,UP *);

void getmod_lm(N *);

int maxblenup(UP);
void monicup(UP,UP *);
void simpup(UP,UP *);
void simpnum(Num,Num *);
void decompp(P,Q,P *,P *);
void truncp(P,Q,P *);
void uremp(P,P,P *);
void ugcdp(P,P,P *);
void reversep(P,Q,P *);
void invmodp(P,Q,P *);
void addup(UP,UP,UP *);
void subup(UP,UP,UP *);
void chsgnup(UP,UP *);
void mulup(UP,UP,UP *);
void tmulup(UP,UP,int,UP *);
void squareup(UP,UP *);
void remup(UP,UP,UP *);
void remup_destructive(UP,UP);
void qrup(UP,UP,UP *,UP *);
void qrup_destructive(UP,UP);
void gcdup(UP,UP,UP *);
void reverseup(UP,int,UP *);
void invmodup(UP,int,UP *);
void pwrup(UP,Q,UP *);
void squarep_gf2n(VL,P,P *);
void kmulp(VL,P,P,P *);
void ksquarep(VL,P,P *);
void kmulup(UP,UP,UP *);
void ksquareup(UP,UP *);
void extractup(UP,int,int,UP *);
void copyup(UP,UP);
void c_copyup(UP,int,pointer *);
void kmulupmain(UP,UP,UP *);
void ksquareupmain(UP,UP *);
void rembymulup(UP,UP,UP *);
void rembymulup_special(UP,UP,UP,UP *);
void tkmulup(UP,UP,int,UP *);
void shiftup(UP,int,UP *);
void set_degreeup(UP,int);
void decompup(UP,int,UP *,UP *);
void truncup(UP,int,UP *);
void uptofmarray(int,UP,ModNum *);
void fmarraytoup(ModNum *,int,UP *);
void uiarraytoup(unsigned int **,int,int,UP *);
void adj_coefup(UP,N,N,UP *);
void uptolmup(UP,UP *);
void remcup(UP,N,UP *);
void fft_mulup(UP,UP,UP *);
void fft_squareup(UP,UP *);
void trunc_fft_mulup(UP,UP,int,UP *);
void shoup_fft_mulup(UP,UP,UP *);
void shoup_fft_squareup(UP,UP *);
void shoup_trunc_fft_mulup(UP,UP,int,UP *);
void crup(ModNum **,int,int *,int,N,UP *);
void shoup_crup(ModNum **,int,int *,int,N,N,UP *);
void squareup_gf2n(UP,UP *);
void powermodup_gf2n(UP,UP *);
void generic_powermodup_gf2n(UP,UP,Q,UP *);
void tracemodup_gf2n(UP,UP,Q,UP *);
void tracemodup_gf2n_slow(UP,UP,Q,UP *);
void tracemodup_gf2n_tab(UP,UP,Q,UP *);
void square_rem_tab_up_gf2n(UP,UP *,UP *);
void powertabup_gf2n(UP,UP,UP *);
void find_root_gf2n(UP,GF2N *);

int cmpdl_composite(int,DL,DL);
int cmpdl_matrix(int,DL,DL);
int cmpdl_order_pair(int,DL,DL);
int cmpdl_elim(int,DL,DL);
int cmpdl_blexrev(int,DL,DL);
int cmpdl_bgradrev(int,DL,DL);
int cmpdl_brevrev(int,DL,DL);
int cmpdl_brevgradlex(int,DL,DL);
int cmpdl_bgradlex(int,DL,DL);
int cmpdl_blex(int,DL,DL);
int cmpdl_revgradlex(int,DL,DL);
int cmpdl_gradlex(int,DL,DL);
int cmpdl_revlex(int,DL,DL);
int cmpdl_lex(int,DL,DL);
int compd(VL,DP,DP);
void adddl(int,DL,DL,DL *);
void divsdc(VL,DP,P,DP *);
void muldc(VL,DP,P,DP *);
void muldm(VL,DP,MP,DP *);
void muld(VL,DP,DP,DP *);
void chsgnd(DP,DP *);
void subd(VL,DP,DP,DP *);
void addd(VL,DP,DP,DP *);
int sugard(MP);
void nodetod(NODE,DP *);
void dtop(VL,VL,DP,P *);
void ptod(VL,VL,P,DP *);
void initd(struct order_spec *);

void adddv(VL,DPV,DPV,DPV *);
void subdv(VL,DPV,DPV,DPV *);
void muldv(VL,DP,DPV,DPV *);
void chsgndv(DPV,DPV *);
int compdv(VL,DPV,DPV);

void _printdp(DP);
void _dp_sp_mod(DP,DP,int,DP *);
void _dp_mod(DP,int,NODE,DP *);
void _dp_red_mod(DP,DP,int,DP *);
void _dtop_mod(VL,VL,DP,P *);
void _mulmdm(VL,int,DP,MP,DP *);
void _mulmd(VL,int,DP,DP,DP *);
void _chsgnmd(int,DP,DP *);
void _submd(VL,int,DP,DP,DP *);
void _addmd(VL,int,DP,DP,DP *);
void _mdtop(VL,int,VL,DP,P *);
void divsmdc(VL,int,DP,P,DP *);
void mulmdc(VL,int,DP,P,DP *);
void mulmdm(VL,int,DP,MP,DP *);
void mulmd(VL,int,DP,DP,DP *);
void chsgnmd(int,DP,DP *);
void submd(VL,int,DP,DP,DP *);
void addmd(VL,int,DP,DP,DP *);
void mdtop(VL,int,VL,DP,P *);
void mptomd(VL,int,VL,P,DP *);
void ptomd(VL,int,VL,P,DP *);
int p_mag(P);
int n_bits(N);
void gcdBinary_27n(N,N,N *);
void rtime_init(void);
void setmod_gf2n(P);
void mt_sgenrand(unsigned long);
unsigned long mt_genrand(void);
#if defined(VISUAL)
void srandom(unsigned int);
unsigned int random(void);
void gcdbmodn(N,N,N *);
void gcdbinn(N,N,N *);
void gcdmodn(N,N,N *);
void gcdaccn(N,N,N *);
void gcdEuclidn(N,N,N *);
void GC_free(void *);
void FFT_primes(int,int *,int *,int *);
int FFT_pol_product(unsigned int,unsigned int *, unsigned int,unsigned int *,
	unsigned int *,int,unsigned int *);
int FFT_pol_square(unsigned int,unsigned int *,
	unsigned int *,int,unsigned int *);
void dcptolist(DCP,LIST *);
void gcdprsmp(VL,int,P,P,P *);
void mult_mod_tab(UM,int,UM *,UM,int);
int nfctr_mod(UM,int);
int irred_check(UM,int);
void modfctrp(P,int,int,DCP *);
void pf_init(void);
void binaryton(char *,N *);
void hexton(char *,N *);
void ptolmp(P,P *);
void lmptop(P,P *);
void ulmptoum(int,UP,UM);
void objtobobj(int,Obj,Obj *);
void bobjtoobj(int,Obj,Obj *);
void numtobnum(int,Num,Num *);
void bnumtonum(int,Num,Num *);
void ptobp(int,P,P *);
void bptop(int,P,P *);
void listtoblist(int,LIST,LIST *);
void blisttolist(int,LIST,LIST *);
void vecttobvect(int,VECT,VECT *);
void bvecttovect(int,VECT,VECT *);
void mattobmat(int,MAT,MAT *);
void bmattomat(int,MAT,MAT *);
void n32ton27(N,N *);
void n27ton32(N,N *);
void kmulum(int,UM,UM,UM);
void saveobj(FILE *,Obj);
void endian_init(void);
void write_char(FILE *,unsigned char *);
void write_short(FILE *,unsigned short *);
void write_int(FILE *,unsigned int *);
void write_double(FILE *,double *);
void write_intarray(FILE *,unsigned int *,int);
void write_string(FILE *,unsigned char *,int);
void savestr(FILE *,char *);
void loadstr(FILE *,char **);
void savevl(FILE *,VL);
void loadvl(FILE *);
void skipvl(FILE *);
void savev(FILE *,V);
void loadv(FILE *,V *);
int save_convv(V);
V load_convv(int);
void swap_bytes(char *,int,int);
void read_char(FILE *,unsigned char *);
void read_short(FILE *,unsigned short *);
void read_int(FILE *,unsigned int *);
void read_double(FILE *,double *);
void read_intarray(FILE *,unsigned int *,int);
void read_string(FILE *,unsigned char *,int);
void loadobj(FILE *,Obj *);
void invum(int,UM,UM,UM);
void addarray_to(unsigned int *,int,unsigned int *,int);
void muln_1(unsigned int *,int,unsigned int,unsigned int *);
unsigned int divn_1(unsigned int *,int,unsigned int,unsigned int *);
void ptoup(P,UP *);
void uptop(UP,P *);
void printnum(Num);
void printv(VL,V);
void kmulq(Q,Q,Q *);
void bshiftn(N,int,N *);
void remn(N,N,N*);
void simplm(LM,LM *);
void qtolm(Q,LM *);
int qpcheck(Obj);
int headsgn(P);
void adjsgn(P,DCP);
void setmod_g2n(P);
void simpgf2n(GF2N,GF2N *);
void ptogf2n(Obj,GF2N *);
void gf2ntop(GF2N,P *);
void gf2ntovect(GF2N,VECT *);
void squaregf2n(GF2N,GF2N *);
void randomgf2n(GF2N *);
void invgf2n(GF2N,GF2N *);
void kmuln(N,N,N *);
void extractn(N,int,int,N *);
void copyn(N,int,int *);
void kmulnmain(N,N,N *);
int qcoefp(Obj);
int qcoefr(Obj);
size_t get_allocwords(void);
double get_clock(void);
void get_eg(struct oEGT *);
void printtime(struct oEGT *,struct oEGT *,double);
void init_eg(struct oEGT *);
void add_eg(struct oEGT *,struct oEGT *,struct oEGT *);
void print_eg(char *,struct oEGT *);
void print_split_eg(struct oEGT *,struct oEGT *);
void print_split_e(struct oEGT *,struct oEGT *);
void suspend_timer(void);
void resume_timer(void);
void reset_engine(void);
void notdef(VL,Obj,Obj,Obj *);
void error(char *);
void ptoup2(P,UP2 *);
void ptoup2_sparse(P,UP2 *);
void up2top(UP2,P *);
void up2tovect(UP2,VECT *);
void up2ton(UP2,Q *);
void ntoup2(Q,UP2 *);
void gen_simpup2(UP2,GEN_UP2,UP2 *);
void gen_simpup2_destructive(UP2,GEN_UP2);
void gen_invup2(UP2,GEN_UP2,UP2 *);
void gen_pwrmodup2(UP2,Q,GEN_UP2,UP2 *);
void simpup2(UP2,UP2,UP2 *);
int degup2(UP2);
int degup2_sparse(UP2);
int degup2_1(unsigned int);
void addup2(UP2,UP2,UP2 *);
void subup2(UP2,UP2,UP2 *);
void mulup2_n1(unsigned int *,int,unsigned int,unsigned int *);
void mulup2_nh(unsigned int *,int,unsigned int,unsigned int *);
void _mulup2_1(UP2,unsigned int,UP2);
void _mulup2_h(UP2,unsigned int,UP2);
void mulup2(UP2,UP2,UP2 *);
void _kmulup2_(unsigned int *,unsigned int *,int,unsigned int *);
void _mulup2_nn(unsigned int *,unsigned int *,int,unsigned int *);
void _mulup2(UP2,UP2,UP2);
void _mulup2_(_UP2,_UP2,_UP2);
void squareup2(UP2,UP2 *);
void _adjup2(UP2);
void _adjup2_(_UP2);
void _addup2(UP2,UP2,UP2);
void _addup2_destructive(UP2,UP2);
void _addup2_(_UP2,_UP2,_UP2);
void _addtoup2_(_UP2,_UP2);
unsigned int mulup2_bb(unsigned int,unsigned int);
void init_up2_tab(void);
unsigned int quoup2_11(unsigned int,unsigned int);
void divup2_1(unsigned int,unsigned int,int,int,unsigned int *,unsigned int *);
void qrup2(UP2,UP2,UP2 *,UP2 *);
void _qrup2(UP2,UP2,UP2,UP2);
void remup2(UP2,UP2,UP2 *);
void _remup2(UP2,UP2,UP2);
void remup2_sparse(UP2,UP2,UP2 *);
void remup2_sparse_destructive(UP2,UP2);
void remup2_type1_destructive(UP2,int);
void remup2_3_destructive(UP2,UP2);
void remup2_5_destructive(UP2,UP2);
void _invup2_1(unsigned int,unsigned int,unsigned int *,unsigned int *);
void _gcdup2_1(unsigned int,unsigned int,unsigned int *);
void up2_init_eg(void);
void up2_show_eg(void);
void invup2(UP2,UP2,UP2 *);
void gcdup2(UP2,UP2,UP2 *);
void chsgnup2(UP2,UP2 *);
void pwrmodup2(UP2,Q,UP2,UP2 *);
void pwrmodup2_sparse(UP2,Q,UP2,UP2 *);
int compup2(UP2,UP2);
void printup2(UP2);
void _copyup2(UP2,UP2);
void _bshiftup2(UP2,int,UP2);
void _bshiftup2_destructive(UP2,int);
void diffup2(UP2,UP2 *);
int sqfrcheckup2(UP2);
int irredcheckup2(UP2);
int irredcheck_dddup2(UP2);
void _copy_up2bits(UP2,unsigned int **,int);
void _print_frobmat(unsigned int **,int,int);
int compute_multiplication_matrix(P,GF2MAT *);
void compute_change_of_basis_matrix(P,P,int,GF2MAT *,GF2MAT *);
int compute_representation_conversion_matrix(P,GF2MAT *,GF2MAT *);
void mul_nb(GF2MAT,unsigned int *,unsigned int *,unsigned int *);
void leftshift(unsigned int *,int);
void mat_to_gf2mat(MAT,unsigned int ***);
void gf2mat_to_mat(unsigned int **,int,MAT *);
void mulgf2mat(int,unsigned int **,unsigned int **,unsigned int **);
void mulgf2vectmat(int,unsigned int *,unsigned int **,unsigned int *);
int mulgf2vectvect(int,unsigned int *,unsigned int *);
int invgf2mat(int,unsigned int **,unsigned int **);
void _mulup2_11(unsigned int,unsigned int,unsigned int *);
void _mulup2_22(unsigned int *,unsigned int *,unsigned int *);
void _mulup2_33(unsigned int *,unsigned int *,unsigned int *);
void _mulup2_44(unsigned int *,unsigned int *,unsigned int *);
void _mulup2_55(unsigned int *,unsigned int *,unsigned int *);
void _mulup2_66(unsigned int *,unsigned int *,unsigned int *);
void printup2_(unsigned int *,int);
void type1_bin_invup2(UP2,int,UP2 *);
int int_bits(int);

LUM LUMALLOC(int, int);
BM BMALLOC(int, int);
Obj ToAlg(Num);
UM *berlemain(register int, UM, UM *);
void Risa_GC_set_adj(int,int);
void Risa_GC_get_adj(int *,int *);
void *Risa_GC_malloc(size_t);
void *Risa_GC_malloc_atomic(size_t);
void *Risa_GC_realloc(void *,size_t);
void Risa_GC_free(void *);
void *Risa_GC_malloc_atomic_ignore_off_page(size_t);
void *GC_malloc(size_t);
void *GC_malloc_atomic(size_t);
void *GC_realloc(void *,size_t);
double NatToReal(N,int *);
double RatnToReal(Q);
double pwrreal0(double,int);
double rtodbl(); /* XXX */
int **almat(int,int);
pointer **almat_pointer(int,int);
int berlecnt(register int,UM);
int berlecntmain(register int,int,int,register int **);
int cmpalg(Num,Num);
int cmpbf(Num,Num);
int cmpcplx(Num,Num);
int cmpn(N,N);
int cmpq(Q,Q);
int cmpreal(Real,Real);
int cmpmi(MQ,MQ);
int cmplm(LM,LM);
int compmat(VL,MAT,MAT);
int compnum(VL,Num,Num);
int compp(VL,P,P);
int compr(VL,Obj,Obj);
int compstr(VL,STRING,STRING);
int compvect(VL,VECT,VECT);
int ctest(P,ML,int,int *);
int cycchk(P);
int dbound(V,P);
int dcomp(P,P);
int deg(V,P);
int degtest(int,int *,ML,int);
int divcheck(VL,P *,int,P,P);
unsigned int divin(N,unsigned int,N *);
int divtdcpz(VL,P,P,P *);
int divtpz(VL,P,P,P *);
int divum(register int,UM,UM,UM);
int dm(int,int,int *);
int dmb(int,int,int,int *);
int dma(int,int,int,int *);
int dmab(int,int,int,int,int *);
int dmar(int,int,int,int);
int dtestmain(P,Q,ML,int,int *,P *,P *);
int geldb(VL,P);
int getchomdeg(V,P);
int getdeg(V,P);
int getlchomdeg(V,P,int *);
int get_lprime(int);
int homdeg(P);
unsigned int invm(unsigned int,int);
int iscycm(P);
int iscycp(P);
int lengthp(P);
int mig(int,int,P);
int mignotte(int,P);
int minimain(register int,int,int,register int **);
int ncombi(int,int,int,int *);
int nextbin(VN,int);
int nmonop(P);
int pcoef(VL,VL,P,P *);
int pcoef0(VL,VL,P,P *);
unsigned int pwrm(register int,register int,int);
unsigned int rem(N,int);
int sqfrchk(P);
int subn(N,N,N *);
int ucmpp(P,P);
int valideval(VL,DCP,VN);
int zerovpchk(VL,P,VN);

void addgf2n(GF2N,GF2N,GF2N *);
void subgf2n(GF2N,GF2N,GF2N *);
void mulgf2n(GF2N,GF2N,GF2N *);
void divgf2n(GF2N,GF2N,GF2N *);
void chsgngf2n(GF2N,GF2N *);
void pwrgf2n(GF2N,Q, GF2N *);
int cmpgf2n(GF2N,GF2N);

void addgfpn(GFPN,GFPN,GFPN *);
void subgfpn(GFPN,GFPN,GFPN *);
void mulgfpn(GFPN,GFPN,GFPN *);
void divgfpn(GFPN,GFPN,GFPN *);
void chsgngfpn(GFPN,GFPN *);
void pwrgfpn(GFPN,Q, GFPN *);
int cmpgfpn(GFPN,GFPN);

void addgfs(GFS,GFS,GFS *);
void subgfs(GFS,GFS,GFS *);
void mulgfs(GFS,GFS,GFS *);
void divgfs(GFS,GFS,GFS *);
void chsgngfs(GFS,GFS *);
void pwrgfs(GFS,Q, GFS *);
int cmpgfs(GFS,GFS);

void addgfsn(GFSN,GFSN,GFSN *);
void subgfsn(GFSN,GFSN,GFSN *);
void mulgfsn(GFSN,GFSN,GFSN *);
void divgfsn(GFSN,GFSN,GFSN *);
void chsgngfsn(GFSN,GFSN *);
void pwrgfsn(GFSN,Q, GFSN *);
int cmpgfsn(GFSN,GFSN);

void adddalg(DAlg,DAlg,DAlg *);
void subdalg(DAlg,DAlg,DAlg *);
void muldalg(DAlg,DAlg,DAlg *);
void divdalg(DAlg,DAlg,DAlg *);
void chsgndalg(DAlg,DAlg *);
void pwrdalg(DAlg,Q, DAlg *);
int cmpdalg(DAlg,DAlg);

void addalg(Num,Num,Num *);
void addbf(Num,Num,Num *);
void addcplx(Num,Num,Num *);
void addm2p(VL,Q,Q,P,P,P *);
void addm2q(Q,Q,Q,Q,Q *);
void addmat(VL,MAT,MAT,MAT *);
void addmp(VL,int,P,P,P *);
void addmpq(int,P,P,P *);
void addmptoc(VL,int,P,P,P *);
void addmq(int,MQ,MQ,MQ *);
void addn(N,N,N *);
void addnum(VL,Num,Num,Num *);
void addp(VL,P,P,P *);
void addpadic(int,int,unsigned int *,unsigned int *);
void addpq(P,P,P *);
void addptoc(VL,P,P,P *);
void addq(Q,Q,Q *);
void addr(VL,Obj,Obj,Obj *);
void addreal(Num,Num,Real *);
void addmi(MQ,MQ,MQ *);
void addlm(LM,LM,LM *);
void addum(int,UM,UM,UM);
void addvect(VL,VECT,VECT,VECT *);
void addquote(VL,QUOTE,QUOTE,QUOTE *);
void adjc(VL,P,P,P,Q,P *,P *);
void afctr(VL,P,P,DCP *);
void afctrmain(VL,P,P,int,DCP *);
void affine(VL,P,VN,P *);
void affinemain(VL,P,V,int,P *,P *);
void berle(int,int,P,ML *);
void bnton(register int,N,N *);
void cbound(VL,P,Q *);
void chnrem(int,V,P,Q,UM,P *,Q *);
void chnremp(VL,int,P,Q,P,P *);
void chsgnalg(Num,Num *);
void chsgnbf(Num a,Num *);
void chsgncplx(Num,Num *);
void chsgnmat(MAT,MAT *);
void chsgnmp(int,P,P *);
void chsgnnum(Num,Num *);
void chsgnp(P,P *);
void chsgnq(Q,Q *);
void chsgnr(Obj,Obj *);
void chsgnreal(Num,Num *);
void chsgnmi(MQ,MQ *);
void chsgnlm(LM,LM *);
void chsgnvect(VECT,VECT *);
void chsgnquote(QUOTE,QUOTE *);
void clctv(VL,P,VL *);
void clctvr(VL,Obj,VL *);
void cm2p(Q,Q,P,P *);
void cmax(P,Q *);
void cmp(Q,P,P *);
void coefp(P,int,P *);
void cpylum(int,LUM,LUM);
void cpyum(UM,UM);
void csump(VL,P,Q *);
void cycm(V,register int,DCP *);
void cycp(V,register int,DCP *);
void degp(V,P,Q *);
void degum(UM,int);
void detmp(VL,int,P **,int,P *);
void detp(VL,P **,int,P *);
void diffp(VL,P,V,P *);
void diffum(register int,UM,UM);
void divalg(Num,Num,Num *);
void divbf(Num,Num,Num *);
void divcp(P,Q,P *);
void divcplx(Num,Num,Num *);
void divmat(VL,Obj,Obj,Obj *);
void divmq(int,MQ,MQ,MQ *);
void divn(N,N,N *,N *);
void divnmain(int,int,unsigned int *,unsigned int *,unsigned int *);
void divnum(VL,Num,Num,Num *);
void divq(Q,Q,Q *);
void divr(VL,Obj,Obj,Obj *);
void divreal(Num,Num,Real *);
void divmi(MQ,MQ,MQ *);
void divlm(LM,LM,LM *);
void divsdcmp(VL,int,P,P,P *);
void divsdcp(VL,P,P,P *);
void divsmp(VL,int,P,P,P *);
void divsn(N,N,N *);
void divsp(VL,P,P,P *);
void divsrdcmp(VL,int,P,P,P *,P *);
void divsrdcp(VL,P,P,P *,P *);
void divsrmp(VL,int,P,P,P *,P *);
void divsrp(VL,P,P,P *,P *);
void divvect(VL,Obj,Obj,Obj *);
void divquote(VL,QUOTE,QUOTE,QUOTE *);
void dtest(P,ML,int,DCP *);
void dtestroot(int,int,P,LUM,struct oDUM *,DCP *);
void dtestroot1(int,int,P,LUM,P *);
void dtestsq(int,int,P,LUM,P *);
void dtestsql(P,ML,struct oDUM *,DCP *);
void ediffp(VL,P,V,P *);
void estimatelc(VL,Q,DCP,VN,P *);
void eucum(register int,UM,UM,UM,UM);
void exthp(VL,P,int,P *);
void exthpc(VL,V,P,int,P *);
void ezgcd1p(VL,P,P,P *);
void ezgcdhensel(P,int,UM,UM,ML *);
void ezgcdnp(VL,P,P *,int,P *);
void ezgcdnpp(VL,DCP,P *,int,P *);
void ezgcdnpz(VL,P *,int,P *);
void ezgcdp(VL,P,P,P *);
void ezgcdpp(VL,DCP,P,P *);
void ezgcdpz(VL,P,P,P *);
void factorial(int,Q *);
void fctrp(VL,P,DCP *);
void fctrwithmvp(VL,P,V,DCP *);
void gcda(VL,P,P,P,P *);
void gcdcp(VL,P,P *);
void gcdgen(P,ML,ML *);
void gcdmonomial(VL,DCP *,int,P *);
void gcdn(N,N,N *);
void gcdprsp(VL,P,P,P *);
void gcdum(register int,UM,UM,UM);
void getmindeg(V,P,Q *);
void henmain(LUM,ML,ML,ML *);
void henmv(VL,VN,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,Q,int,P *,P *);
void henmvmain(VL,VN,P,P,P,P,P,P,P,Q,Q,int,P *,P *);
void henprep(P,ML,ML,ML *,ML *);
void hensel(int,int,P,ML *);
void henzq(P,P,UM,P,UM,int,int,P *,P *,P *,P *,Q *);
void henzq1(P,P,Q,P *,P *,Q *);
void hsq(int,int,P,int *,DCP *);
void intersectv(VL,VL,VL *);
void invl(Q,Q,Q *);
void invmq(int,MQ,MQ *);
void invq(Q,Q *);
void lgp(P,N *,N *);
void lumtop(V,int,int,LUM,P *);
void markv(VN,int,P);
void maxdegp(VL,P,VL *,P *);
void mergev(VL,VL,VL,VL *);
void mfctr(VL,P,DCP *);
void mfctrhen2(VL,VN,P,P,P,P,P,P,P *);
void mfctrmain(VL,P,DCP *);
void mfctrwithmv(VL,P,V,DCP *);
void min_common_vars_in_coefp(VL,P,VL *,P *);
void minchdegp(VL,P,VL *,P *);
void mindegp(VL,P,VL *,P *);
void mini(register int,UM,UM);
void minlcdegp(VL,P,VL *,P *);
void mkbc(int,Q *);
void mkbcm(int,int,MQ *);
void mkssum(V,int,int,int,P *);
void monomialfctr(VL,P,P *,DCP *);
void mptop(P,P *);
void mptoum(P,UM);
void msqfr(VL,P,DCP *);
void msqfrmain(VL,P,DCP *);
void msqfrmainmain(VL,P,VN,P,DCP,DCP *,P *);
void mulalg(Num,Num,Num *);
void mulbf(Num,Num,Num *);
void mulcplx(Num,Num,Num *);
void mulin(N,unsigned int,unsigned int *);
void mullum(int,int,LUM,LUM,LUM);
void mullumarray(P,ML,int,int *,P *);
void mulm2p(VL,Q,Q,P,P,P *);
void mulm2q(Q,Q,Q,Q,Q *);
void mulmat(VL,Obj,Obj,Obj *);
void mulmatmat(VL,MAT,MAT,MAT *);
void mulmatvect(VL,MAT,VECT,VECT *);
void mulmp(VL,int,P,P,P *);
void mulmpc(VL,int,P,P,P *);
void mulmpq(int,P,P,P *);
void mulmq(int,MQ,MQ,MQ *);
void muln(N,N,N *);
void mulnum(VL,Num,Num,Num *);
void mulp(VL,P,P,P *);
void mulpadic(int,int,unsigned int *,unsigned int *,unsigned int *);
void mulpc(VL,P,P,P *);
void mulpq(P,P,P *);
void mulq(Q,Q,Q *);
void mulr(VL,Obj,Obj,Obj *);
void mulreal(Num,Num,Real *);
void mulmi(MQ,MQ,MQ *);
void mullm(LM,LM,LM *);
void mulrmat(VL,Obj,MAT,MAT *);
void mulrvect(VL,Obj,VECT,VECT *);
void mulsgn(VN,VN,int,VN);
void mulsum(register int,UM,register int,UM);
void mulum(register int,UM,UM,UM);
void mulvect(VL,Obj,Obj,Obj *);
void mulquote(VL,QUOTE,QUOTE,QUOTE *);
void mulvectmat(VL,VECT,MAT,VECT *);
void next(VN);
void nezgcdnp_sqfr_primitive(VL,P,P *,int,P *);
void nezgcdnpp(VL,DCP,P *,int,P *);
void nezgcdnpz(VL,P *,int,P *);
void nezgcdnpzmain(VL,P *,int,P *);
void nglob_init(void);
void norm(P,Q *);
void norm1(P,P *);
void norm1c(P,Q *);
void normalizemp(int,P);
void nthrootchk(P,struct oDUM *,ML,DCP *);
void nthrootn(N,int,N *);
void ntobn(register int,N,N *);
void nuezgcdnpzmain(VL,P *,int,P *);
void padictoq(int,int,int *,Q *);
void risa_pari_init(void);
void pcp(VL,P,P *,P *);
void pderivr(VL,Obj,V,Obj *);
void pdiva(VL,P,P,P,P *);
void pinva(P,P,P *);
void plisttop(P *,V,int,P *);
void pmonic(VL,P,P,P *);
void pqra(VL,P,P,P,P *,P *);
void premmp(VL,int,P,P,P *);
void premp(VL,P,P,P *);
void ptolum(int,int,P,LUM);
void ptomp(int,P,P *);
void ptoum(int,P,UM);
void ptozp(P,int,Q *,P *);
void ptozp0(P,P *);
void pwralg(Num,Num,Num *);
void pwrbf(Num,Num,Num *);
void pwrcplx(Num,Num,Num *);
void pwrcplx0(Num,int,Num *);
void pwrlum(int,int,LUM,int,LUM);
void pwrmat(VL,MAT,Obj,MAT *);
void pwrmatmain(VL,MAT,int,MAT *);
void pwrmp(VL,int,P,Q,P *);
void pwrmq(int,MQ,Q,MQ *);
void pwrn(N,int,N *);
void pwrnum(VL,Num,Num,Num *);
void pwrp(VL,P,Q,P *);
void pwrq(Q,Q,Q *);
void pwrr(VL,Obj,Obj,Obj *);
void pwrquote(VL,QUOTE,QUOTE,QUOTE *);
void pwrreal(Num,Num,Real *);
void pwrmi(MQ,Q,MQ *);
void pwrlm(LM,Q,LM *);
void pwrum(int,UM,int,UM);
void reallocarray(char **,int *,int *,int);
void reductr(VL,Obj,Obj *);
void reimtocplx(Num,Num,Num *);
void rem2q(Q,Q,Q,Q *);
void rema(VL,P,P,P,P *);
void remq(Q,Q,Q *);
void remsdcp(VL,P,P,P *);
void reordermp(VL,int,VL,P,P *);
void reorderp(VL,VL,P,P *);
void reordvar(VL,V,VL *);
void res_ch_det(VL,V,P,P,P *);
void res_detmp(VL,int,V,P,P,P *);
void restore(VL,P,VN,P *);
void resultmp(VL,int,V,P,P,P *);
void resultp(VL,V,P,P,P *);
void setlum(int,int,LUM);
void sort_by_deg(int,P *,P *);
void sort_by_deg_rev(int,P *,P *);
void sortfs(DCP *);
void sortfsrev(DCP *);
void sortplist(P *,int);
void sortplistbyhomdeg(P *,int);
void sprs(VL,V,P,P,P *);
void sqa(VL,P,P,DCP *);
void sqad(unsigned int,int);
void sqfrp(VL,P,DCP *);
void sqfrum(int,int,P,int *,struct oDUM **,ML *);
void sqfrummain(int,UM,UM,struct oDUM **);
void sqrtn(N,N *);
void srch2(VL,V,P,P,P *);
void srchmp(VL,int,V,P,P,P *);
void srchump(int,P,P,P *);
void srcr(VL,V,P,P,P *);
void strtobf(char *,BF *);
void subalg(Num,Num,Num *);
void subbf(Num,Num,Num *);
void subcplx(Num,Num,Num *);
void subm2p(VL,Q,Q,P,P,P *);
void subm2q(Q,Q,Q,Q,Q *);
void submat(VL,MAT,MAT,MAT *);
void submp(VL,int,P,P,P *);
void submq(int,MQ,MQ,MQ *);
void subnum(VL,Num,Num,Num *);
void subp(VL,P,P,P *);
void subq(Q,Q,Q *);
void subr(VL,Obj,Obj,Obj *);
void subreal(Num,Num,Real *);
void submi(MQ,MQ,MQ *);
void sublm(LM,LM,LM *);
void substmp(VL,int,P,V,P,P *);
void substp(VL,P,V,P,P *);
void substvp(VL,P,VN,P *);
void subum(int,UM,UM,UM);
void subvect(VL,VECT,VECT,VECT *);
void subquote(VL,QUOTE,QUOTE,QUOTE *);
void toreim(Num,Num *,Num *);
void ucsump(P,Q *);
void udivpwm(Q,P,P,P *,P *);
void udivpz(P,P,P *,P *);
void udivpzwm(Q,P,P,P *,P *);
void uexgcdnp(VL,P,P *,int,VN,Q,P *,P *,P *,P *,Q *);
void uezgcd1p(P,P,P *);
void uezgcdpp(DCP,P,P *);
void uezgcdpz(VL,P,P,P *);
void ufctr(P,int,DCP *);
void ufctrmain(P,int,DCP *);
void umtomp(V,UM,P *);
void umtop(V,UM,P *);
void usqp(P,DCP *);
void vntovl(VN,int,VL *);

void saveerror(FILE *,ERR);
void saveui(FILE *,USINT);
void savedp(FILE *,DP);
void savestring(FILE *,STRING);
void savemat(FILE *,MAT);
void savevect(FILE *,VECT);
void savelist(FILE *,LIST);
void saver(FILE *,R);
void savep(FILE *,P);
void savegf2n(FILE *,GF2N);
void savegfpn(FILE *,GFPN);
void savegfs(FILE *,GFS);
void savedalg(FILE *,DAlg);
void savelm(FILE *,LM);
void savemi(FILE *,MQ);
void savecplx(FILE *,C);
void savebf(FILE *,BF);
void savereal(FILE *,Real);
void saveq(FILE *,Q);
void savenum(FILE *,Num);
void savepfins(FILE *,V);
void savegfmmat(FILE *,GFMMAT);
void savebytearray(FILE *,BYTEARRAY);
void savegfsn(FILE *,GFSN);

void loaderror(FILE *,ERR *);
void loadui(FILE *,USINT *);
void loaddp(FILE *,DP *);
void loadstring(FILE *,STRING *);
void loadmat(FILE *,MAT *);
void loadvect(FILE *,VECT *);
void loadlist(FILE *,LIST *);
void loadr(FILE *,R *);
void loadp(FILE *,P *);
void loadgf2n(FILE *,GF2N *);
void loadgfpn(FILE *,GFPN *);
void loadgfs(FILE *,GFS *);
void loadgfsn(FILE *,GFSN *);
void loaddalg(FILE *,DAlg *);
void loadlm(FILE *,LM *);
void loadmi(FILE *,MQ *);
void loadcplx(FILE *,C *);
void loadbf(FILE *,BF *);
void loadreal(FILE *,Real *);
void loadq(FILE *,Q *);
void loadnum(FILE *,Num *);
void loadgfmmat(FILE *,GFMMAT *);
void loadbytearray(FILE *,BYTEARRAY *);
V loadpfins(FILE *);
void eucum2(int mod,UM f1,UM f2,UM a,UM b);
void clearum(UM p,int n);
BM BMALLOC(int dx,int dy);
int isequalum(UM f1,UM f2);
void dec_um(int p,int a,UM u);
void setmod_sf(int p,int n);
int search_defpoly_and_primitive_root(int p,int n,UM dp);
void generate_defpoly_um(int p,int n,UM dp);
int generate_primitive_root_enc(int p,int n,UM dp);
int mulremum_enc(int p,int n,UM dp,int a,int b);
void gfs_galois_action(GFS a,Q e,GFS *c);
void gfs_embed(GFS z,int k,int pm,GFS *c);
void qtogfs(Q a,GFS *c);
void mqtogfs(MQ a,GFS *c);
void gfstomq(GFS a,MQ *c);
void ntogfs(Obj a,GFS *b);
void addgfs(GFS a,GFS b,GFS *c);
void subgfs(GFS a,GFS b,GFS *c);
void mulgfs(GFS a,GFS b,GFS *c);
void divgfs(GFS a,GFS b,GFS *c);
void chsgngfs(GFS a,GFS *c);
void pwrgfs(GFS a,Q b,GFS *c);
int cmpgfs(GFS a,GFS b);
void randomgfs(GFS *r);
int _addsf(int a,int b);
int _chsgnsf(int a);
int _subsf(int a,int b);
int _mulsf(int a,int b);
int _invsf(int a);
int _divsf(int a,int b);
int _pwrsf(int a,int b);
int _onesf();
int _itosf(int n);
int _isonesf(int a);
int _randomsf();
int field_order_sf();
int characteristic_sf();
int extdeg_sf();
void addsfum(UM p1,UM p2,UM pr);
void subsfum(UM p1,UM p2,UM pr);
void gcdsfum(UM p1,UM p2,UM pr);
void mulsfum(UM p1,UM p2,UM pr);
void mulssfum(UM p,int n,UM pr);
void kmulsfum(UM n1,UM n2,UM nr);
void kmulsfummain(UM n1,UM n2,UM nr);
int divsfum(UM p1,UM p2,UM pq);
void diffsfum(UM f,UM fd);
void monicsfum(UM f);
int compsfum(UM a,UM b);
void mulsfbm(BM f1,BM f2,BM fr);
int degbm(BM f);
void addtosfbm(BM f,BM g);
void eucsfum(UM f1,UM f2,UM a,UM b);
void shiftsfum(UM f,int a,UM g);
void shiftsflum(int n,LUM f,int ev);
void shiftsfbm(BM f,int a);
void clearbm(int n,BM f);

void ksquareum(int mod,UM n1,UM nr);
void extractum(UM n,int index,int len,UM nr);
void copyum(UM n1,UM n2);
void c_copyum(UM n,int len,int *p);
void kmulummain(int mod,UM n1,UM n2,UM nr);
void ksquareummain(int mod,UM n1,UM nr);

void simp_ff(Obj p,Obj *rp);
void field_order_ff(N *order);

void random_lm(LM *r);
void ntosparsen(N p,N *bits);
void setmod_lm(N p);
void getmod_lm(N *p);
void simplm(LM n,LM *r);
void qtolm(Q q,LM *l);
void addlm(LM a,LM b,LM *c);
void sublm(LM a,LM b,LM *c);
void mullm(LM a,LM b,LM *c);
void divlm(LM a,LM b,LM *c);
void chsgnlm(LM a,LM *c);
void pwrlm(LM a,Q b,LM *c);
void pwrlm0(N a,N n,N *c);
int cmplm(LM a,LM b);
void remn_special(N,N,int,unsigned int ,N *);;
void gen_simpn(N a,N *b);
void gen_simpn_force(N a,N *b);
void setmod_gfpn(P p);
void getmod_gfpn(UP *up);
void ptogfpn(Obj q,GFPN *l);
void gfpntop(GFPN q,P *l);
void simpgfpn(GFPN n,GFPN *r);
void ntogfpn(Obj a,GFPN *b);
void addgfpn(GFPN a,GFPN b,GFPN *c);
void subgfpn(GFPN a,GFPN b,GFPN *c);
void mulgfpn(GFPN a,GFPN b,GFPN *c);
void squaregfpn(GFPN a,GFPN *c);
void divgfpn(GFPN a,GFPN b,GFPN *c);
void invgfpn(GFPN b,GFPN *c);
void chsgngfpn(GFPN a,GFPN *c);
void pwrgfpn(GFPN a,Q b,GFPN *c);
int cmpgfpn(GFPN a,GFPN b);
void randomgfpn(GFPN *r);
void setmod_gfsn(UM p);
void getmod_gfsn(UM *up);
void simpgfsn(GFSN n,GFSN *r);
void ntogfsn(Obj a,GFSN *b);
void addgfsn(GFSN a,GFSN b,GFSN *c);
void subgfsn(GFSN a,GFSN b,GFSN *c);
void mulgfsn(GFSN a,GFSN b,GFSN *c);
void divgfsn(GFSN a,GFSN b,GFSN *c);
void invgfsn(GFSN b,GFSN *c);
void chsgngfsn(GFSN a,GFSN *c);
void pwrgfsn(GFSN a,Q b,GFSN *c);
int cmpgfsn(GFSN a,GFSN b);
void randomgfsn(GFSN *r);
void setmod_gf2n(P p);
void getmod_gf2n(UP2 *p);
void simpgf2n(GF2N n,GF2N *r);
void ptogf2n(Obj q,GF2N *l);
void gf2ntop(GF2N q,P *l);
void gf2ntovect(GF2N q,VECT *l);
void addgf2n(GF2N a,GF2N b,GF2N *c);
void subgf2n(GF2N a,GF2N b,GF2N *c);
void mulgf2n(GF2N a,GF2N b,GF2N *c);
void squaregf2n(GF2N a,GF2N *c);
void divgf2n(GF2N a,GF2N b,GF2N *c);
void invgf2n(GF2N b,GF2N *c);
void chsgngf2n(GF2N a,GF2N *c);
void pwrgf2n(GF2N a,Q b,GF2N *c);
int cmpgf2n(GF2N a,GF2N b);
void randomgf2n(GF2N *r);
void binaryton(char *binary,N *np);
void hexton(char *hex,N *np);
void ntobn(int base,N n,N *nrp);
void bnton(int base,N n,N *nrp);
void ptomp(int m,P p,P *pr);
void mptop(P f,P *gp);
void ptosfp(P p,P *pr);
void sfptop(P f,P *gp);
void sf_galois_action(P p,Q e,P *pr);
void sf_embed(P p,int k,int pm,P *pr);
void ptolmp(P p,P *pr);
void lmptop(P f,P *gp);
void ptoum(int m,P f,UM wf);
void umtop(V v,UM w,P *f);
void ptosfum(P f,UM wf);
void sfumtop(V v,UM w,P *f);
void ptoup(P n,UP *nr);
void uptop(UP n,P *nr);
void ulmptoum(int m,UP f,UM wf);
void objtobobj(int base,Obj p,Obj *rp);
void bobjtoobj(int base,Obj p,Obj *rp);
void numtobnum(int base,Num p,Num *rp);
void bnumtonum(int base,Num p,Num *rp);
void ptobp(int base,P p,P *rp);
void bptop(int base,P p,P *rp);
void listtoblist(int base,LIST p,LIST *rp);
void blisttolist(int base,LIST p,LIST *rp);
void vecttobvect(int base,VECT p,VECT *rp);
void bvecttovect(int base,VECT p,VECT *rp);
void mattobmat(int base,MAT p,MAT *rp);
void bmattomat(int base,MAT p,MAT *rp);
void n32ton27(N g,N *rp);
void n27ton32(N a,N *rp);
void mptoum(P p,UM pr);
void umtomp(V v,UM p,P *pr);
void enc_to_p(int p,int a,V v,P *pr);
int comp_dum(DUM a,DUM b);
void fctrsf(P p,DCP *dcp);
void gensqfrsfum(UM p,struct oDUM *dc);
void randsfum(int d,UM p);
void pwrmodsfum(UM p,int e,UM f,UM pr);
void spwrsfum(UM m,UM f,N e,UM r);
void tracemodsfum(UM m,UM f,int e,UM r);
void make_qmatsf(UM p,UM *tab,int ***mp);
void nullsf(int **mat,int n,int *ind);
void null_to_solsf(int **mat,int *ind,int n,UM *r);
void czsfum(UM f,UM *r);
int berlekampsf(UM p,int df,UM *tab,UM *r);
void minipolysf(UM f,UM p,UM mp);
int find_rootsf(UM p,int *root);
void canzassf(UM f,int d,UM *r);
void sfhensel(int count,P f,V x,V y,int degbound,GFS *evp,P *sfp,ML *listp);
int sfberle(V x,V y,P f,int count,GFS *ev,DCP *dcp);
void sfgcdgen(P f,ML blist,ML *clistp);
void sfhenmain2(BM f,UM g0,UM h0,int dy,BM *gp);
void ptosfbm(int dy,P f,BM fl);
void sfbmtop(BM f,V x,V y,P *fp);
void sfsqfr(P f,DCP *dcp);
void sfusqfr(P f,DCP *dcp);
void sfbsqfr(P f,V x,V y,DCP *dcp);
void sfbfctr(P f,V x,V y,int degbound,DCP *dcp);
void sfdtest(P f,ML list,V x,V y,DCP *dcp);
int sfdtestmain(VL vl,P lcg,UM lcg0,BM lcy,P csum,ML list,
	int k,int *in,P *fp,P *cofp);
void const_term(P f,UM c);
void const_term_sfbm(BM f,UM c);
int sfctest(UM lcg0,BM lcy,ML list,int k,int *in);
void mulsfbmarray(int dx,BM lcy,ML list,int k,int *in,V x,V y,P *g);
void sfcsump(VL vl,P f,P *s);
void cont_pp_sfp(VL vl,P f,P *cp,P *fp);
int divtp_by_sfbm(VL vl,P f,P g,P *qp);
void generate_defpoly_sfum(int n,UM *dp);
NODE symb_merge(NODE,NODE,int);
void _free_private_storage();
void _DL_alloc();
void _MP_alloc();
void _DP_alloc();
void _addmd_destructive(int mod,DP p1,DP p2,DP *pr);
void _mulmd_dup(int mod,DP p1,DP p2,DP *pr);
void _comm_mulmd_dup(int mod,DP p1,DP p2,DP *pr);
void _weyl_mulmd_dup(int mod,DP p1,DP p2,DP *pr);
void _mulmdm_dup(int mod,DP p,MP m0,DP *pr);
void _weyl_mulmdm_dup(int mod,MP m0,DP p,DP *pr);
void _weyl_mulmmm_dup(int mod,MP m0,MP m1,int n,struct cdlm *rtab,int rtablen);
void _comm_mulmd_tab(int mod,int nv,struct cdlm *t,int n,struct cdlm *t1,int n1,struct cdlm *rt);
void _comm_mulmd_tab_destructive(int mod,int nv,struct cdlm *t,int n,struct cdlm *t1,int n1);
void dlto_dl(DL d,DL *dr);
void _dltodl(DL d,DL *dr);
void _adddl_dup(int n,DL d1,DL d2,DL *dr);
void _free_dlarray(DL *a,int n);
void _free_dp(DP f);
void dpto_dp(DP p,DP *r);
void _dptodp(DP p,DP *r);
NODE _symb_merge(NODE m1,NODE m2,int n);
void _addd_destructive(VL vl,DP p1,DP p2,DP *pr);
void _muld_dup(VL vl,DP p1,DP p2,DP *pr);
void _comm_muld_dup(VL vl,DP p1,DP p2,DP *pr);
void _weyl_muld_dup(VL vl,DP p1,DP p2,DP *pr);
void _muldm_dup(VL vl,DP p,MP m0,DP *pr);
void _weyl_muldm_dup(VL vl,MP m0,DP p,DP *pr);
void _weyl_mulmm_dup(VL vl,MP m0,MP m1,int n,struct cdl *rtab,int rtablen);
void _comm_muld_tab(VL vl,int nv,struct cdl *t,int n,struct cdl *t1,int n1,struct cdl *rt);
void _comm_muld_tab_destructive(VL vl,int nv,struct cdl *t,int n,struct cdl *t1,int n1);

int has_fcoef(DP f);
int has_fcoef_p(P f);
void initd(struct order_spec *spec);
void ptod(VL vl,VL dvl,P p,DP *pr);
void dtop(VL vl,VL dvl,DP p,P *pr);
void nodetod(NODE node,DP *dp);
int sugard(MP m);
void addd(VL vl,DP p1,DP p2,DP *pr);
void symb_addd(DP p1,DP p2,DP *pr);
NODE symb_merge(NODE m1,NODE m2,int n);
DLBUCKET symb_merge_bucket(DLBUCKET m1,DLBUCKET m2,int n);
void subd(VL vl,DP p1,DP p2,DP *pr);
void chsgnd(DP p,DP *pr);
void muld(VL vl,DP p1,DP p2,DP *pr);
void comm_muld(VL vl,DP p1,DP p2,DP *pr);
void muldm(VL vl,DP p,MP m0,DP *pr);
void weyl_muld(VL vl,DP p1,DP p2,DP *pr);
void weyl_muldm(VL vl,MP m0,DP p,DP *pr);
void weyl_mulmm(VL vl,MP m0,MP m1,int n,struct cdl *rtab,int rtablen);
void comm_muld_tab(VL vl,int nv,struct cdl *t,int n,struct cdl *t1,int n1,struct cdl *rt);
void muldc(VL vl,DP p,P c,DP *pr);
void divsdc(VL vl,DP p,P c,DP *pr);
void adddl(int n,DL d1,DL d2,DL *dr);
void adddl_destructive(int n,DL d1,DL d2);
int compd(VL vl,DP p1,DP p2);
int cmpdl_lex(int n,DL d1,DL d2);
int cmpdl_revlex(int n,DL d1,DL d2);
int cmpdl_gradlex(int n,DL d1,DL d2);
int cmpdl_revgradlex(int n,DL d1,DL d2);
int cmpdl_blex(int n,DL d1,DL d2);
int cmpdl_bgradlex(int n,DL d1,DL d2);
int cmpdl_brevgradlex(int n,DL d1,DL d2);
int cmpdl_brevrev(int n,DL d1,DL d2);
int cmpdl_bgradrev(int n,DL d1,DL d2);
int cmpdl_blexrev(int n,DL d1,DL d2);
int cmpdl_elim(int n,DL d1,DL d2);
int cmpdl_weyl_elim(int n,DL d1,DL d2);
int cmpdl_homo_ww_drl(int n,DL d1,DL d2);
int cmpdl_order_pair(int n,DL d1,DL d2);
int cmpdl_matrix(int n,DL d1,DL d2);
void ptomd(VL vl,int mod,VL dvl,P p,DP *pr);
void mptomd(VL vl,int mod,VL dvl,P p,DP *pr);
void mdtop(VL vl,int mod,VL dvl,DP p,P *pr);
void addmd(VL vl,int mod,DP p1,DP p2,DP *pr);
void submd(VL vl,int mod,DP p1,DP p2,DP *pr);
void chsgnmd(int mod,DP p,DP *pr);
void mulmd(VL vl,int mod,DP p1,DP p2,DP *pr);
void comm_mulmd(VL vl,int mod,DP p1,DP p2,DP *pr);
void weyl_mulmd(VL vl,int mod,DP p1,DP p2,DP *pr);
void mulmdm(VL vl,int mod,DP p,MP m0,DP *pr);
void weyl_mulmdm(VL vl,int mod,DP p,MP m0,DP *pr);
void weyl_mulmmm(VL vl,int mod,MP m0,MP m1,int n,DP *pr);
void mulmdc(VL vl,int mod,DP p,P c,DP *pr);
void divsmdc(VL vl,int mod,DP p,P c,DP *pr);
void _dtop_mod(VL vl,VL dvl,DP p,P *pr);
void _dp_mod(DP p,int mod,NODE subst,DP *rp);
void _dp_monic(DP p,int mod,DP *rp);
void _printdp(DP d);
void addmd_destructive(int mod,DP p1,DP p2,DP *pr);
void mulmd_dup(int mod,DP p1,DP p2,DP *pr);
void comm_mulmd_dup(int mod,DP p1,DP p2,DP *pr);
void weyl_mulmd_dup(int mod,DP p1,DP p2,DP *pr);
void mulmdm_dup(int mod,DP p,MP m0,DP *pr);
void weyl_mulmdm_dup(int mod,MP m0,DP p,DP *pr);
void weyl_mulmmm_dup(int mod,MP m0,MP m1,int n,struct cdlm *rtab,int rtablen);
void comm_mulmd_tab_destructive(int mod,int nv,struct cdlm *t,int n,struct cdlm *t1,int n1);
void adddl_dup(int n,DL d1,DL d2,DL *dr);
void monicup(UP a,UP *b);
void simpup(UP a,UP *b);
void simpnum(Num a,Num *b);
void uremp(P p1,P p2,P *rp);
void ugcdp(P p1,P p2,P *rp);
void reversep(P p1,Q d,P *rp);
void invmodp(P p1,Q d,P *rp);
void addup(UP n1,UP n2,UP *nr);
void subup(UP n1,UP n2,UP *nr);
void chsgnup(UP n1,UP *nr);
void hybrid_mulup(int ff,UP n1,UP n2,UP *nr);
void hybrid_squareup(int ff,UP n1,UP *nr);
void hybrid_tmulup(int ff,UP n1,UP n2,int d,UP *nr);
void mulup(UP n1,UP n2,UP *nr);
void mulcup(Num c,UP n1,UP *nr);
void tmulup(UP n1,UP n2,int d,UP *nr);
void squareup(UP n1,UP *nr);
void remup(UP n1,UP n2,UP *nr);
void remup_destructive(UP n1,UP n2);
void qrup(UP n1,UP n2,UP *nq,UP *nr);
void qrup_destructive(UP n1,UP n2);
void gcdup(UP n1,UP n2,UP *nr);
void extended_gcdup(UP a,UP m,UP *r);
void reverseup(UP n1,int d,UP *nr);
void invmodup(UP n1,int d,UP *nr);
void pwrup(UP n,Q e,UP *nr);
int compup(UP n1,UP n2);
void kmulp(VL vl,P n1,P n2,P *nr);
void ksquarep(VL vl,P n1,P *nr);
void kmulup(UP n1,UP n2,UP *nr);
void ksquareup(UP n1,UP *nr);
void copyup(UP n1,UP n2);
void c_copyup(UP n,int len,pointer *p);
void kmulupmain(UP n1,UP n2,UP *nr);
void ksquareupmain(UP n1,UP *nr);
void rembymulup(UP n1,UP n2,UP *nr);
void hybrid_rembymulup_special(int ff,UP n1,UP n2,UP inv2,UP *nr);
void rembymulup_special(UP n1,UP n2,UP inv2,UP *nr);
void tkmulup(UP n1,UP n2,int d,UP *nr);
void shiftup(UP n,int d,UP *nr);
void fft_rembymulup_special(UP n1,UP n2,UP inv2,UP *nr);
void set_degreeup(UP n,int d);
void decompup(UP n,int d,UP *n0,UP *n1);
void truncup(UP n1,int d,UP *nr);
int int_bits(int t);
int maxblenup(UP n);
void uptofmarray(int mod,UP n,ModNum *f);
void fmarraytoup(ModNum *f,int d,UP *nr);
void uiarraytoup(unsigned int **f,int n,int d,UP *nr);
void adj_coefup(UP n,N m,N m2,UP *nr);
void remcup(UP n,N mod,UP *nr);
void fft_mulup(UP n1,UP n2,UP *nr);
void trunc_fft_mulup(UP n1,UP n2,int dbd,UP *nr);
void fft_squareup(UP n1,UP *nr);
void fft_mulup_main(UP n1,UP n2,int dbd,UP *nr);
void crup(ModNum **f,int d,int *mod,int index,N m,UP *r);
void fft_mulup_specialmod_main(UP n1,UP n2,int dbd,int *modind,int nmod,UP *nr);
void divn(N n1,N n2,N *nq,N *nr);
void divsn(N n1,N n2,N *nq);
void remn(N n1,N n2,N *nr);
void remn_special(N a,N d,int bits,unsigned int lower,N *b);
void mulin(N n,unsigned int d,unsigned int *p);
unsigned int divin(N n,unsigned int dvr,N *q);
void bprintn(N n);
void bxprintn(N n);
void muln(N n1,N n2,N *nr);
void _muln(N n1,N n2,N nr);
void muln_1(unsigned int *p,int s,unsigned int d,unsigned int *r);
void divnmain(int d1,int d2,unsigned int *m1,unsigned int *m2,unsigned int *q);
void divnmain_special(int d1,int d2,unsigned int *m1,unsigned int *m2,unsigned int *q);
unsigned int divn_1(unsigned int *p,int s,unsigned int d,unsigned int *r);
void addn(N n1,N n2,N *nr);
int subn(N n1,N n2,N *nr);
void _addn(N n1,N n2,N nr);
int _subn(N n1,N n2,N nr);
void addarray_to(unsigned int *a1,int n1,unsigned int *a2,int n2);
void pwrn(N n,int e,N *nr);
void gcdn(N n1,N n2,N *nr);
void gcdEuclidn(N n1,N n2,N *nr);
int cmpn(N n1,N n2);
void bshiftn(N n,int b,N *r);
void shiftn(N n,int w,N *r);
void randomn(int bits,N *r);
void freen(N n);
int n_bits(N n);
void fft_mulup_lm(UP n1,UP n2,UP *nr);
void fft_squareup_lm(UP n1,UP *nr);
void trunc_fft_mulup_lm(UP n1,UP n2,int dbd,UP *nr);
void crup_lm(ModNum **f,int d,int *mod,int index,N m,N lm_mod,UP *r);
void fft_rembymulup_special_lm(UP n1,UP n2,UP inv2,UP *nr);
void uptolmup(UP n,UP *nr);
void save_up(UP obj,char *name);
void hybrid_powermodup(UP f,UP *xp);
void powermodup(UP f,UP *xp);
void hybrid_generic_powermodup(UP g,UP f,Q d,UP *xp);
void generic_powermodup(UP g,UP f,Q d,UP *xp);
void hybrid_powertabup(UP f,UP xp,UP *tab);
void powertabup(UP f,UP xp,UP *tab);
void squarep_gf2n(VL vl,P n1,P *nr);
void squareup_gf2n(UP n1,UP *nr);
void powermodup_gf2n(UP f,UP *xp);
void generic_powermodup_gf2n(UP g,UP f,Q d,UP *xp);
void tracemodup_gf2n(UP g,UP f,Q d,UP *xp);
void tracemodup_gf2n_slow(UP g,UP f,Q d,UP *xp);
void tracemodup_gf2n_tab(UP g,UP f,Q d,UP *xp);
void square_rem_tab_up_gf2n(UP f,UP *tab,UP *rp);
void powertabup_gf2n(UP f,UP xp,UP *tab);
void find_root_gf2n(UP f,GF2N *r);
void ptoup2(P n,UP2 *nr);
void ptoup2_sparse(P n,UP2 *nr);
void up2top(UP2 n,P *nr);
void up2tovect(UP2 n,VECT *nr);
void up2ton(UP2 p,Q *n);
void ntoup2(Q n,UP2 *p);
void gen_simpup2(UP2 p,GEN_UP2 m,UP2 *r);
void gen_simpup2_destructive(UP2 p,GEN_UP2 m);
void gen_invup2(UP2 p,GEN_UP2 m,UP2 *r);
void gen_pwrmodup2(UP2 a,Q b,GEN_UP2 m,UP2 *c);
void simpup2(UP2 p,UP2 m,UP2 *r);
int degup2(UP2 a);
int degup2_sparse(UP2 a);
int degup2_1(unsigned int a);
void addup2(UP2 a,UP2 b,UP2 *c);
void subup2(UP2 a,UP2 b,UP2 *c);
void _mulup2_1(UP2 a,unsigned int b,UP2 c);
void _mulup2_h(UP2 a,unsigned int b,UP2 c);
void mulup2(UP2 a,UP2 b,UP2 *c);
void _kmulup2_(unsigned int *a,unsigned int *b,int w,unsigned int *c);
void _mulup2_nn(unsigned int *a,unsigned int *b,int w,unsigned int *c);
void _mulup2(UP2 a,UP2 b,UP2 c);
void _mulup2_(_UP2 a,_UP2 b,_UP2 c);
void squareup2(UP2 n,UP2 *nr);
void _squareup2(UP2 n,UP2 nr);
void _adjup2(UP2 n);
void _adjup2_(_UP2 n);
void _addup2(UP2 a,UP2 b,UP2 c);
void _addup2_destructive(UP2 a,UP2 b);
void _addup2_(_UP2 a,_UP2 b,_UP2 c);
void _addtoup2_(_UP2 a,_UP2 b);
unsigned int mulup2_bb(unsigned int a,unsigned int b);
void init_up2_tab();
void divup2_1(unsigned int a1,unsigned int a2,int e1,int e2,unsigned int *qp,unsigned int *rp);
void qrup2(UP2 a,UP2 b,UP2 *q,UP2 *r);
void _qrup2(UP2 a,UP2 b,UP2 q,UP2 r);
void remup2(UP2 a,UP2 b,UP2 *c);
void _remup2(UP2 a,UP2 b,UP2 c);
void remup2_sparse(UP2 a,UP2 b,UP2 *c);
void remup2_sparse_destructive(UP2 a,UP2 b);
void remup2_type1_destructive(UP2 a,int d);
void remup2_3_destructive(UP2 a,UP2 b);
void remup2_5_destructive(UP2 a,UP2 b);
void _invup2_1(unsigned int f1,unsigned int f2,unsigned int *a1,unsigned int *b1);
void _gcdup2_1(unsigned int f1,unsigned int f2,unsigned int *gcd);
void up2_init_eg();
void up2_show_eg();
void invup2(UP2 a,UP2 m,UP2 *inv);
void gcdup2(UP2 a,UP2 m,UP2 *gcd);
void chsgnup2(UP2 a,UP2 *c);
void pwrmodup2(UP2 a,Q b,UP2 m,UP2 *c);
void pwrmodup2_sparse(UP2 a,Q b,UP2 m,UP2 *c);
int compup2(UP2 n1,UP2 n2);
void _copyup2(UP2 n,UP2 r);
void _bshiftup2(UP2 n,int b,UP2 r);
void _bshiftup2_destructive(UP2 n,int b);
void diffup2(UP2 f,UP2 *r);
int sqfrcheckup2(UP2 f);
int irredcheckup2(UP2 f);
int irredcheck_dddup2(UP2 f);
void _copy_up2bits(UP2 p,unsigned int **mat,int pos);
int compute_multiplication_matrix(P p0,GF2MAT *mp);
void compute_change_of_basis_matrix(P p0,P p1,int to,GF2MAT *m01,GF2MAT *m10);
void compute_change_of_basis_matrix_with_root(P p0,P p1,int to,GF2N root,GF2MAT *m01,GF2MAT *m10);
int compute_representation_conversion_matrix(P p0,GF2MAT *np,GF2MAT *pn);
void mul_nb(GF2MAT mat,unsigned int *a,unsigned int *b,unsigned int *c);
void leftshift(unsigned int *a,int n);
void mat_to_gf2mat(MAT a,unsigned int ***b);
void gf2mat_to_mat(unsigned int **a,int n,MAT *b);
void mulgf2mat(int n,unsigned int **a,unsigned int **b,unsigned int **c);
void mulgf2vectmat(int n,unsigned int *a,unsigned int **b,unsigned int *c);
int mulgf2vectvect(int n,unsigned int *a,unsigned int *b);
int invgf2mat(int n,unsigned int **a,unsigned int **b);
void _mulup2_22(unsigned int *a1,unsigned int *a2,unsigned int *ar);
void _mulup2_33(unsigned int *a1,unsigned int *a2,unsigned int *ar);
void _mulup2_44(unsigned int *a1,unsigned int *a2,unsigned int *ar);
void _mulup2_55(unsigned int *a1,unsigned int *a2,unsigned int *ar);
void _mulup2_66(unsigned int *a1,unsigned int *a2,unsigned int *ar);
void type1_bin_invup2(UP2 a,int n,UP2 *inv);
UP2 *compute_tab_gf2n(UP2 f);
UP compute_trace_gf2n(UP2 *tab,GF2N c,int n);
void up2toup(UP2 f,UP *r);
void find_root_up2(UP2 f,GF2N *r);
void addq(Q n1,Q n2,Q *nr);
void subq(Q n1,Q n2,Q *nr);
void mulq(Q n1,Q n2,Q *nr);
void divq(Q n1,Q n2,Q *nq);
void divsq(Q n1,Q n2,Q *nq);
void invq(Q n,Q *nr);
void chsgnq(Q n,Q *nr);
void pwrq(Q n1,Q n,Q *nr);
int cmpq(Q q1,Q q2);
void remq(Q n,Q m,Q *nr);
void mkbc(int n,Q *t);
void mkwc(int k,int l,Q *t);
void mkwcm(int k,int l,int m,int *t);
void factorial(int n,Q *r);
void invl(Q a,Q mod,Q *ar);
void kmuln(N n1,N n2,N *nr);
void extractn(N n,int index,int len,N *nr);
void copyn(N n,int len,int *p);
void dupn(N n,N p);
void kmulnmain(N n1,N n2,N *nr);
void plisttop(P *f,V v,int n,P *gp);
int divtp(VL vl,P p1,P p2,P *q);
int divtdcp(VL vl,P p1,P p2,P *q);
int divtpz(VL vl,P p1,P p2,P *q);
int divtdcpz(VL vl,P p1,P p2,P *q);
void udivpz(P f1,P f2,P *fqp,P *frp);
void udivpwm(Q mod,P p1,P p2,P *q,P *r);
void udivpzwm(Q mod,P f1,P f2,P *fqp,P *frp);
void henmv(VL vl,VN vn,P f,P g0,P h0,P a0,P b0,P lg,P lh,P lg0,P lh0,Q q,int k,P *gp,P *hp);
void henmvmain(VL vl,VN vn,P f,P fi0,P fi1,P gi0,P gi1,P l0,P l1,Q mod,Q mod2,int k,P *fr0,P *fr1);
void henzq(P f,P i0,UM fi0,P i1,UM fi1,int p,int k,P *fr0p,P *fr1p,P *gr0p,P *gr1p,Q *qrp);
void henzq1(P g,P h,Q bound,P *gcp,P *hcp,Q *qp);
void addm2p(VL vl,Q mod,Q mod2,P n1,P n2,P *nr);
void subm2p(VL vl,Q mod,Q mod2,P n1,P n2,P *nr);
void mulm2p(VL vl,Q mod,Q mod2,P n1,P n2,P *nr);
void cmp(Q mod,P p,P *pr);
void cm2p(Q mod,Q m,P p,P *pr);
void addm2q(Q mod,Q mod2,Q n1,Q n2,Q *nr);
void subm2q(Q mod,Q mod2,Q n1,Q n2,Q *nr);
void mulm2q(Q mod,Q mod2,Q n1,Q n2,Q *nr);
void rem2q(Q n,Q m,Q m2,Q *nr);
void exthpc_generic(VL vl,P p,int d,V v,P *pr);
void exthp(VL vl,P p,int d,P *pr);
void exthpc(VL vl,V v,P p,int d,P *pr);
void cbound(VL vl,P p,Q *b);
int geldb(VL vl,P p);
int getdeg(V v,P p);
void cmax(P p,Q *b);
int nextbin(VN vn,int n);
void mulsgn(VN vn,VN vnt,int n,VN vn1);
void next(VN vn);
void clctv(VL vl,P p,VL *nvlp);
void markv(VN vn,int n,P p);
void vntovl(VN vn,int n,VL *vlp);
int dbound(V v,P f);
int homdeg(P f);
int minhomdeg(P f);
void adjc(VL vl,P f,P a,P lc0,Q q,P *fr,P *ar);
void affinemain(VL vl,P p,V v0,int n,P *pl,P *pr);
void restore(VL vl,P f,VN vn,P *fr);
void mergev(VL vl,VL vl1,VL vl2,VL *nvlp);
void substvp(VL vl,P f,VN vn,P *g);
void affine(VL vl,P f,VN vn,P *fr);
void addnum(VL vl,Num a,Num b,Num *c);
void subnum(VL vl,Num a,Num b,Num *c);
void mulnum(VL vl,Num a,Num b,Num *c);
void divnum(VL vl,Num a,Num b,Num *c);
void pwrnum(VL vl,Num a,Num b,Num *c);
void chsgnnum(Num a,Num *c);
int compnum(VL vl,Num a,Num b);
void one_ff(Num *c);
int negative_number(Num c);
void simp_ff(Obj p,Obj *rp);
void field_order_ff(N *order);
int fft_available(int d1,int n1,int d2,int n2);
void get_fft_prime(int index,int *p,int *d);
void nglob_init();
void get_eg(struct oEGT *p);
void init_eg(struct oEGT *eg);
void add_eg(struct oEGT *base,struct oEGT *start,struct oEGT *end);
void print_eg(char *item,struct oEGT *eg);
void print_split_eg(struct oEGT *start,struct oEGT *end);
void print_split_e(struct oEGT *start,struct oEGT *end);
void suspend_timer() ;
void resume_timer() ;
void reset_engine() ;
unsigned int get_asir_version() ;
char *get_asir_distribution();
void create_error(ERR *err,unsigned int serial,char *msg,LIST trace);
void init_lprime();
int get_lprime(int index);
void create_new_lprimes(int index);
void reorderp(VL nvl,VL ovl,P p,P *pr);
void substp(VL vl,P p,V v0,P p0,P *pr);
void detp(VL vl,P **rmat,int n,P *dp);
void invmatp(VL vl,P **rmat,int n,P ***imatp,P *dnp);
void reordvar(VL vl,V v,VL *nvlp);
void gcdprsp(VL vl,P p1,P p2,P *pr);
void gcdcp(VL vl,P p,P *pr);
void sprs(VL vl,V v,P p1,P p2,P *pr);
void resultp(VL vl,V v,P p1,P p2,P *pr);
void srch2(VL vl,V v,P p1,P p2,P *pr);
void srcr(VL vl,V v,P p1,P p2,P *pr);
void res_ch_det(VL vl,V v,P p1,P p2,P *pr);
void res_detmp(VL vl,int mod,V v,P p1,P p2,P *dp);
void premp(VL vl,P p1,P p2,P *pr);
void ptozp0(P p,P *pr);
void mindegp(VL vl,P p,VL *mvlp,P *pr);
void maxdegp(VL vl,P p,VL *mvlp,P *pr);
void min_common_vars_in_coefp(VL vl,P p,VL *mvlp,P *pr);
void minlcdegp(VL vl,P p,VL *mvlp,P *pr);
void sort_by_deg(int n,P *p,P *pr);
void sort_by_deg_rev(int n,P *p,P *pr);
void getmindeg(V v,P p,Q *dp);
void minchdegp(VL vl,P p,VL *mvlp,P *pr);
int getchomdeg(V v,P p);
int getlchomdeg(V v,P p,int *d);
int nmonop(P p);
int qpcheck(Obj p);
int uzpcheck(Obj p);
int p_mag(P p);
int maxblenp(P p);
void berle(int index,int count,P f,ML *listp);
int berlecnt(int mod,UM f);
int berlecntmain(int mod,int n,int m,int **c);
UM *berlemain(int mod,UM f,UM *fp);
void hensel(int index,int count,P f,ML *listp);
void hensel2(int index,int count,P f,ML *listp);
void henmain2(LUM f,UM g0,UM h0,UM a0,UM b0,int m,int bound,LUM *gp);
void clearlum(int n,int bound,LUM f);
void addtolum(int m,int bound,LUM f,LUM g);
void hsq(int index,int count,P f,int *nindex,DCP *dcp);
void gcdgen(P f,ML blist,ML *clistp);
void henprep2(int mod,int q,int k,UM f,UM g,UM h,UM qg,UM qh,UM qa,UM qb);
void henprep(P f,ML blist,ML clist,ML *bqlistp,ML *cqlistp);
void henmain(LUM f,ML bqlist,ML cqlist,ML *listp);
int mignotte(int q,P f);
int mig(int q,int d,P f);
void sqad(unsigned int man,int exp);
void ptolum(int q,int bound,P f,LUM fl);
void modfctrp(P p,int mod,int flag,DCP *dcp);
void gensqfrum(int mod,UM p,struct oDUM *dc);
void ddd(int mod,UM f,UM *r);
void canzas(int mod,UM f,int d,UM *base,UM *r);
void randum(int mod,int d,UM p);
void pwrmodum(int mod,UM p,int e,UM f,UM pr);
void spwrum(int mod,UM m,UM *base,UM f,N e,UM r);
void spwrum0(int mod,UM m,UM f,N e,UM r);
void mult_mod_tab(UM p,int mod,UM *tab,UM r,int d);
void make_qmat(UM p,int mod,UM *tab,int ***mp);
void null_mod(int **mat,int mod,int n,int *ind);
void null_to_sol(int **mat,int *ind,int mod,int n,UM *r);
void newddd(int mod,UM f,UM *r);
int nfctr_mod(UM f,int mod);
int irred_check(UM f,int mod);
int berlekamp(UM p,int mod,int df,UM *tab,UM *r);
void minipoly_mod(int mod,UM f,UM p,UM mp);
void lnf_mod(int mod,int n,UM p0,UM p1,struct p_pair *list,UM np0,UM np1);
void showum(UM p);
void showumat(int **mat,int n);
int find_root(int mod,UM p,int *root);
void fctrp(VL vl,P f,DCP *dcp);
void fctr_wrt_v_p(VL vl,P f,V v,DCP *dcp);
void homfctr(VL vl,P g,DCP *dcp);
void mfctr(VL vl,P f,DCP *dcp);
void mfctr_wrt_v(VL vl,P f,V v,DCP *dcp);
void adjsgn(P p,DCP dc);
int headsgn(P p);
void fctrwithmvp(VL vl,P f,V v,DCP *dcp);
void mfctrwithmv(VL vl,P f,V v,DCP *dcp);
void ufctr(P f,int hint,DCP *dcp);
void mfctrmain(VL vl,P p,DCP *dcp);
void ufctrmain(P p,int hint,DCP *dcp);
void cycm(V v,int n,DCP *dcp);
void cycp(V v,int n,DCP *dcp);
void calcphi(V v,int n,struct oMF *mfp);
void mkssum(V v,int e,int s,int sgn,P *r);
int iscycp(P f);
int iscycm(P f);
void sortfs(DCP *dcp);
void sortfsrev(DCP *dcp);
void nthrootchk(P f,struct oDUM *dc,ML fp,DCP *dcp);
void sqfrp(VL vl,P f,DCP *dcp);
void msqfr(VL vl,P f,DCP *dcp);
void usqp(P f,DCP *dcp);
void msqfrmain(VL vl,P p,DCP *dcp);
void msqfrmainmain(VL vl,P p,VN vn,P p0,DCP dc0,DCP *dcp,P *pp);
void mfctrhen2(VL vl,VN vn,P f,P f0,P g0,P h0,P lcg,P lch,P *gp);
int sqfrchk(P p);
int cycchk(P p);
int zerovpchk(VL vl,P p,VN vn);
int valideval(VL vl,DCP dc,VN vn);
void estimatelc(VL vl,Q c,DCP dc,VN vn,P *lcp);
void monomialfctr(VL vl,P p,P *pr,DCP *dcp);
void afctr(VL vl,P p0,P p,DCP *dcp);
void afctrmain(VL vl,P p0,P p,int init,DCP *dcp);
int divtmp(VL vl,int mod,P p1,P p2,P *q);
int divtdcmp(VL vl,int mod,P p1,P p2,P *q);
void GC_gcollect();

/* IMAT */
void Pnewimat(NODE, IMAT *);
void PChsgnI(NODE, IMAT *);
void Pm2Im(NODE, IMAT *);
void PIm2m(NODE, MAT *);

void AddMatI(VL, IMAT, IMAT, IMAT *);
void MulMatI(VL, IMAT, IMAT, IMAT *);
void MulMatG(VL, Obj, Obj, Obj *);
void MulrMatI(VL, Obj, Obj, Obj *);
void MulMatS(VL, IMAT, IMAT, IMAT *);
void PutIent(IMAT, int, int, Obj);
void GetIent(IMAT, int, int, Obj);
void GetIbody(IMAT, int, int, Obj *);
void ChsgnI(IMAT, IMAT *c);
void AppendIent(IMAT, int, int, Obj);
void MEnt(int, int, int, Obj, IENT *);
void GetForeIent(IMATC *, IENT *, int *);
void GetNextIent(IMATC *, IENT *, int *);
void SubMatI(VL, IMAT, IMAT, IMAT *);
/* IMAT */

Z stoz(int c);
Z utoz(unsigned int c);
Z qtoz(Q n);
Q ztoq(Z n);
Z chsgnz(Z n);
Z simpz(Z n);
Z dupz(Z n);
Z absz(Z n);
Z addz(Z n1,Z n2);
Z subz(Z n1,Z n2);
Z mulz(Z n1,Z n2);
Z divsz(Z n1,Z n2);
Z divz(Z n1,Z n2,Z *rem);
Z gcdz(Z n1,Z n2);
Z gcdz_cofactor(Z n1,Z n2,Z *c1,Z *c2);
Z estimate_array_gcdz(Z *a,int n);
Z array_gcdz(Z *a,int n);
void mkwcz(int k,int l,Z *t);
int remzi(Z n,int m);

#if 0 && !defined(VISUAL)
void bzero(const void *,int);
void bcopy(const void *,void *,int);
char *index(char *,int);

void chsgnnbp(NBP p,NBP *rp);
void subnbp(VL vl,NBP p1,NBP p2, NBP *rp);
void addnbp(VL vl,NBP p1,NBP p2, NBP *rp);
void mulnbp(VL vl,NBP p1,NBP p2, NBP *rp);
void pwrnbp(VL vl,NBP p1,Q n, NBP *rp);
int compnbp(VL vl,NBP p1,NBP p2);