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Annotation of OpenXM_contrib2/asir2000/io/Makefile.am, Revision 1.2

1.2     ! ohara       1: ## $OpenXM: OpenXM_contrib2/asir2000/io/Makefile.am,v 1.1 2003/02/23 03:05:38 ohara Exp $
1.1       ohara       2:
                      3: DEFS     = @DEFS@ -DASIR_LIBDIR=\"${prefix}/lib/asir\"
                      4: INCLUDES = -I${top_srcdir}/include -I${top_srcdir}/parse -I${top_srcdir}/io \
                      5:            -I${top_srcdir}/gc/include \
                      6:            @PARIINC@ @MPIINC@ @X_CFLAGS@
                      8: noinst_LIBRARIES = libio.a
                      9: libio_a_SOURCES  = pexpr.c spexpr.c biovar.c bsave.c bload.c io.c sio.c \
                     10:                    cpexpr.c cio.c ox.c ox_asir.c ox_launch.c tcpf.c ws_fileio.c

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