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File: [local] / OpenXM_contrib2 / asir2000 / lib / dfff (download)

Revision 1.2, Thu Dec 14 03:19:51 2000 UTC (23 years, 9 months ago) by noro
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: R_1_3_1-2, RELEASE_1_3_1_13b, RELEASE_1_2_3_12, RELEASE_1_2_3, RELEASE_1_2_2_KNOPPIX_b, RELEASE_1_2_2_KNOPPIX, RELEASE_1_2_2, RELEASE_1_2_1, KNOPPIX_2006, HEAD, DEB_REL_1_2_3-9
Changes since 1.1: +20 -1 lines

Added df_demo() for demonstration of distributed Cantor-Zassenhaus factorization.

/* $OpenXM: OpenXM_contrib2/asir2000/lib/dfff,v 1.2 2000/12/14 03:19:51 noro Exp $ */

#define MAXLEVEL 50

extern Proc1$
Proc1 = -1$

	dfff : distributed factorizer
	XXX : This file overwrites several functions in 'fff', so
		  do not use this file with 'fff'.

	If you want to use fctr_ff() in this file,
	add the following line to your $HOME/.asirrc:


#include "defs.h"


def df_demo()
	print("Degree of input polynomial to be factored => ",0);
	Str = get_line();
	N = eval_str(Str);
	P = lprime(0);
	for ( I = 0, F = 1; I < N; I++ )
		F *= randpoly_ff(2,x);
	print("Factorization of ",0);
	print(" over GF(",0); print(P,0); print(")");
	R = fctr_ff(F);

  Input : a univariate polynomial F
  Output: a list [[F1,M1],[F2,M2],...], where
          Fi is a monic irreducible factor, Mi is its multiplicity.
          The leading coefficient of F is abondoned.

def fctr_ff(F)
	F = simp_ff(F);
	F = F/LCOEF(F);
	L = sqfr_ff(F);
	for ( R = [], T = L; T != []; T = cdr(T) ) {
		S = car(T); A = S[0]; E = S[1];
		B = ddd_ff(A);
		R = append(append_mult_ff(B,E),R);
	return R;

  Input : a list of polynomial L; an integer E
  Output: a list s.t. [[L0,E],[L1,E],...]
          where Li = L[i]/leading coef of L[i]

def append_mult_ff(L,E)
	for ( T = L, R = []; T != []; T = cdr(T) )
		R = cons([car(T)/LCOEF(car(T)),E],R);
	return R;

	Input : a polynomial F
	Output: a list [[F1,M1],[F2,M2],...]
	        where Fi is a square free factor,
	        Mi is its multiplicity.

def sqfr_ff(F)
	V = var(F);
	F1 = diff(F,V);
	L = [];
	/* F=H*Fq^p => F'=H'*Fq^p => gcd(F,F')=gcd(H,H')*Fq^p */
	if ( F1 != 0 ) {
		F1 = F1/LCOEF(F1);
		F2 = ugcd(F,F1);
		/* FLAT = H/gcd(H,H') : square free part of H */
		FLAT = sdiv(F,F2);
		I = 0;
		/* square free factorization of H */
		while ( deg(FLAT,V) ) {
			while ( 1 ) {
				QR = sqr(F,FLAT);
				if ( !QR[1] ) {
					F = QR[0]; I++;
				} else
			if ( !deg(F,V) )
				FLAT1 = simp_ff(1);
				FLAT1 = ugcd(F,FLAT);
			G = sdiv(FLAT,FLAT1);
			FLAT = FLAT1;
			L = cons([G,I],L);
	/* now F = Fq^p */
	if ( deg(F,V) ) {
		Char = characteristic_ff();
		T = sqfr_ff(pthroot_p_ff(F));
		for ( R = []; T != []; T = cdr(T) ) {
			H = car(T); R = cons([H[0],Char*H[1]],R);
	} else
		R = [];
	return append(L,R);

	Input : a polynomial F
	Output: F^(1/char)

def pthroot_p_ff(F)
	V = var(F);
	DVR = characteristic_ff();
	PWR = DVR^(extdeg_ff()-1);
	for ( T = F, R = 0; T; ) {
		D1 = deg(T,V); C = coef(T,D1,V); T -= C*V^D1;
		R += C^PWR*V^idiv(D1,DVR);
	return R;

	Input : a polynomial F of degree N
	Output: a list [V^Ord mod F,Tab]
	        where V = var(F), Ord = field order
	        Tab[i] = V^(i*Ord) mod F (i=0,...,N-1)

def tab_ff(F)
	V = var(F);
	N = deg(F,V);
	F = F/LCOEF(F);
	XP = pwrmod_ff(F);
	R = pwrtab_ff(F,XP);
	return R;

	Input : a square free polynomial F
	Output: a list [F1,F2,...]
	        where Fi is an irreducible factor of F.

def ddd_ff(F)
	V = var(F);
	if ( deg(F,V) == 1 )
		return [F];
	TAB = tab_ff(F);
	for ( I = 1, W = V, L = []; 2*I <= deg(F,V); I++ ) {
		for ( T = 0, K = 0; K <= deg(W,V); K++ )
			if ( C = coef(W,K,V) )
				T += TAB[K]*C;
		W = simp_ff(T);
		GCD = ugcd(F,W-V);
		if ( deg(GCD,V) ) {
			L = append(berlekamp_ff(GCD,I,TAB),L);
			F = sdiv(F,GCD);
			W = urem(W,F);
	if ( deg(F,V) )
		return cons(F,L);
		return L;

	Input : a polynomial
	Output: 1 if F is irreducible
			0 otherwise

def irredcheck_ff(F)
	V = var(F);
	if ( deg(F,V) <= 1 )
		return 1;
	F1 = diff(F,V);
	if ( !F1 )
		return 0;
	F1 = F1/LCOEF(F1);
	if ( deg(ugcd(F,F1),V) > 0 )
		return 0;
	TAB = tab_ff(F);
	for ( I = 1, W = V, L = []; 2*I <= deg(F,V); I++ ) {
		for ( T = 0, K = 0; K <= deg(W,V); K++ )
			if ( C = coef(W,K,V) )
				T += TAB[K]*C;
		W = T;
		GCD = ugcd(F,W-V);
		if ( deg(GCD,V) )
			return 0;
	return 1;

	Input : a square free (canonical) modular polynomial F
	Output: a list of polynomials [LF,CF,XP] where
		LF=the product of all the linear factors
		XP=x^field_order mod CF

def meq_linear_part_ff(F)
	F = simp_ff(F);
	F = F/LCOEF(F);
	V = var(F);
	if ( deg(F,V) == 1 )
		return [F,1,0];
T0 = time()[0];
	XP = pwrmod_ff(F);
	GCD = ugcd(F,XP-V);
	if ( deg(GCD,V) ) {
		F = sdiv(F,GCD);
		XP = srem(XP,F);
		R = GCD;
	} else
		R = 1;
TPMOD += time()[0]-T0;
	return [R,F,XP];

	Input : a square free polynomial F s.t. 
	        all the irreducible factors of F
	        has the same degree D.
	Output: D

def meq_ed_ff(F,XP)
T0 = time()[0];
	F = simp_ff(F);
	F = F/LCOEF(F);
	V = var(F);

	TAB = pwrtab_ff(F,XP);

	D = deg(F,V);
	for ( I = 1, W = V, L = []; 2*I <= D; I++ ) {
		for ( T = 0, K = 0; K <= deg(W,V); K++ )
			if ( C = coef(W,K,V) )
				T += TAB[K]*C;
		W = simp_ff(T);
		if ( W == V ) {
			D = I; break;
TQMOD += time()[0]-T0;
	return D;

	Input : a square free polynomial F
	        an integer E
            an array TAB
            where all the irreducible factors of F has degree E
            and TAB[i] = V^(i*Ord) mod F. (V=var(F), Ord=field order)
    Output: a list containing all the irreducible factors of F

def berlekamp_ff(F,E,TAB)
	V = var(F);
	N = deg(F,V);
	Q = newmat(N,N);
	for ( J = 0; J < N; J++ ) {
		T = urem(TAB[J],F);
		for ( I = 0; I < N; I++ ) {
			Q[I][J] = coef(T,I);
	for ( I = 0; I < N; I++ )
		Q[I][I] -= simp_ff(1);
	L = nullspace_ff(Q); MT = L[0]; IND = L[1];
	NF0 = N/E;
	PS = null_to_poly_ff(MT,IND,V);
	R = newvect(NF0); R[0] = F/LCOEF(F);
	for ( I = 1, NF = 1; NF < NF0 && I < NF0; I++ ) {
		PSI = PS[I];
		MP = minipoly_ff(PSI,F);
		ROOT = find_root_ff(MP); NR = length(ROOT);
		for ( J = 0; J < NF; J++ ) {
			if ( deg(R[J],V) == E )
			for ( K = 0; K < NR; K++ ) {
				GCD = ugcd(R[J],PSI-ROOT[K]);
				if ( deg(GCD,V) > 0 && deg(GCD,V) < deg(R[J],V) ) {
					Q = sdiv(R[J],GCD);
					R[J] = Q; R[NF++] = GCD;
	return vtol(R);

	Input : a matrix MT
	        an array IND
	        an indeterminate V
            MT is a matrix after Gaussian elimination
            IND[I] = 0 means that i-th column of MT represents a basis
            element of the null space.
	Output: an array R which contains all the basis element of
	         the null space of MT. Here, a basis element E is represented
	         as a polynomial P of V s.t. coef(P,i) = E[i].

def null_to_poly_ff(MT,IND,V)
	N = size(MT)[0];
	for ( I = 0, J = 0; I < N; I++ )
		if ( IND[I] )
	R = newvect(J);
	for ( I = 0, L = 0; I < N; I++ ) {
		if ( !IND[I] )
		for ( J = K = 0, T = 0; J < N; J++ )
			if ( !IND[J] )
				T += MT[K++][I]*V^J;
			else if ( J == I )
				T -= V^I;
		R[L++] = simp_ff(T);
	return R;

	Input : a polynomial P, a polynomial F
	Output: a minimal polynomial MP(V) of P mod F.

def minipoly_ff(P,F)
	V = var(P);
	P0 = P1 = simp_ff(1);
	L = [[P0,P0]];
	while ( 1 ) {
		/* P0 = V^K, P1 = P^K mod F */
		P0 *= V;
		P1 = urem(P*P1,F);
	        NP0 = P0-c1L1_0-c2L2_0-...,
            NP1 is a normal form w.r.t. [L1_1,L2_1,...]
		    NP1 = P1-c1L1_1-c2L2_1-...,
            NP0 represents the normal form computation.
		L1 = lnf_ff(P0,P1,L,V); NP0 = L1[0]; NP1 = L1[1];
		if ( !NP1 )
			return NP0;
			L = lnf_insert([NP0,NP1],L,V);

	Input ; a list of polynomials [P0,P1] = [V^K,P^K mod F]
	        a sorted list L=[[L1_0,L1_1],[L2_0,L2_1],...]
	        of previously computed pairs of polynomials
	        an indeterminate V
	Output: a list of polynomials [NP0,NP1]
	        where NP1 = P1-c1L1_1-c2L2_1-...,
	              NP0 = P0-c1L1_0-c2L2_0-...,
            NP1 is a normal form w.r.t. [L1_1,L2_1,...]
            NP0 represents the normal form computation.
	        [L1_1,L_2_1,...] is sorted so that it is a triangular
	        linear basis s.t. deg(Li_1) > deg(Lj_1) for i<j.

def lnf_ff(P0,P1,L,V)
	NP0 = P0; NP1 = P1;
	for ( T = L; T != []; T = cdr(T) ) {
		Q = car(T);
		D1 = deg(NP1,V);
		if ( D1 == deg(Q[1],V) ) {
			H = -coef(NP1,D1,V)/coef(Q[1],D1,V);
			NP0 += Q[0]*H;
			NP1 += Q[1]*H;
	return [NP0,NP1];

	Input : a pair of polynomial P=[P0,P1],
	        a list L,
	        an indeterminate V
	Output: a list L1 s.t. L1 contains P and L
	        and L1 is sorted in the decreasing order
	        w.r.t. the degree of the second element
	        of elements in L1.

def lnf_insert(P,L,V)
	if ( L == [] )
		return [P];
	else {
		P0 = car(L);
		if ( deg(P0[1],V) > deg(P[1],V) )
			return cons(P0,lnf_insert(P,cdr(L),V));
			return cons(P,L);

	Input : a square free polynomial F s.t. 
	        all the irreducible factors of F
	        has the degree E.
	Output: a list containing all the irreducible factors of F

def c_z_ff(F,E)
	Type = field_type_ff();
	if ( Type == 1 || Type == 3 )
		return c_z_lm(F,E,0);
		return c_z_gf2n(F,E);

	Input : a square free polynomial P s.t. P splits into linear factors
	Output: a list containing all the root of P

def find_root_ff(P)
	V = var(P);
	L = c_z_ff(P,1);
	for ( T = L, U = []; T != []; T = cdr(T) ) {
		S = car(T)/LCOEF(car(T)); U = cons(-coef(S,0,V),U);
	return U;

	Input : a square free polynomial F s.t. 
	        all the irreducible factors of F
	        has the degree E.
	Output: an irreducible factor of F

def c_z_one_ff(F,E)
	Type = field_type_ff();
	if ( Type == 1 || Type == 3 )
		return c_z_one_lm(F,E);
		return c_z_one_gf2n(F,E);

	Input : a square free polynomial P s.t. P splits into linear factors
	Output: a list containing a root of P

def find_one_root_ff(P)
	V = var(P);
	LF = c_z_one_ff(P,1);
	U = -coef(LF/LCOEF(LF),0,V);
	return [U];

	Input : an integer N; an indeterminate V
	Output: a polynomial F s.t. var(F) = V, deg(F) < N
	        and its coefs are random numbers in
	        the ground field.

def randpoly_ff(N,V)
	for ( I = 0, S = 0; I < N; I++ )
		S += random_ff()*V^I;
	return S;	

	Input : an integer N; an indeterminate V
	Output: a monic polynomial F s.t. var(F) = V, deg(F) = N-1
	        and its coefs are random numbers in
	        the ground field except for the leading term.

def monic_randpoly_ff(N,V)
	for ( I = 0, N1 = N-1, S = 0; I < N1; I++ )
		S += random_ff()*V^I;
	return V^N1+S;	

/* GF(p) specific functions */

def ox_c_z_lm(F,E,M,Level)
	F = simp_ff(F);
	L = c_z_lm(F,E,Level);
	return map(lmptop,L);

	Input : a square free polynomial F s.t. 
	        all the irreducible factors of F
	        has the degree E.
	Output: a list containing all the irreducible factors of F

def c_z_lm(F,E,Level)
	V = var(F);
	N = deg(F,V);
	if ( N == E )
		return [F];
	M = field_order_ff();
	K = idiv(N,E);
	L = [F];
	while ( 1 ) {
		W = monic_randpoly_ff(2*E,V);
		T = generic_pwrmod_ff(W,F,idiv(M^E-1,2));
		W = T-1;
		if ( !W )
		G = ugcd(F,W);
		if ( deg(G,V) && deg(G,V) < N ) {
			if ( Level >= MAXLEVEL ) {
				L1 = c_z_lm(G,E,Level+1);
				L2 = c_z_lm(sdiv(F,G),E,Level+1);
			} else {
				if ( Proc1 < 0 ) {
					Proc1 = ox_launch();
					if ( Level < 7 ) {
					} else if ( Level < 14 ) {
				L2 = c_z_lm(sdiv(F,G),E,Level+1);
				L1 = ox_pop_cmo(Proc1);
				L1 = map(simp_ff,L1);
			return append(L1,L2);

	Input : a square free polynomial F s.t. 
	        all the irreducible factors of F
	        has the degree E.
	Output: an irreducible factor of F

def c_z_one_lm(F,E)
	V = var(F);
	N = deg(F,V);
	if ( N == E )
		return F;
	M = field_order_ff();
	K = idiv(N,E);
	while ( 1 ) {
		W = monic_randpoly_ff(2*E,V);
		T = generic_pwrmod_ff(W,F,idiv(M^E-1,2));
		W = T-1;
		if ( W ) {
			G = ugcd(F,W);
			D = deg(G,V);
			if ( D && D < N ) {
				if ( 2*D <= N ) {
					F1 = G; F2 = sdiv(F,G);
				} else {
					F2 = G; F1 = sdiv(F,G);
				return c_z_one_lm(F1,E);

/* GF(2^n) specific functions */

	Input : a square free polynomial F s.t. 
	        all the irreducible factors of F
	        has the degree E.
	Output: a list containing all the irreducible factors of F

def c_z_gf2n(F,E)
	V = var(F);
	N = deg(F,V);
	if ( N == E )
		return [F];
	K = idiv(N,E);
	L = [F];
	while ( 1 ) {
		W = randpoly_ff(2*E,V);
		T = tracemod_gf2n(W,F,E);
		W = T-1;
		if ( !W )
		G = ugcd(F,W);
		if ( deg(G,V) && deg(G,V) < N ) {
			L1 = c_z_gf2n(G,E);
			L2 = c_z_gf2n(sdiv(F,G),E);
			return append(L1,L2);

	Input : a square free polynomial F s.t. 
	        all the irreducible factors of F
	        has the degree E.
	Output: an irreducible factor of F

def c_z_one_gf2n(F,E)
	V = var(F);
	N = deg(F,V);
	if ( N == E )
		return F;
	K = idiv(N,E);
	while ( 1 ) {
		W = randpoly_ff(2*E,V);
		T = tracemod_gf2n(W,F,E);
		W = T-1;
		if ( W ) {
			G = ugcd(F,W);
			D = deg(G,V);
			if ( D && D < N ) {
				if ( 2*D <= N ) {
					F1 = G; F2 = sdiv(F,G);
				} else {
					F2 = G; F1 = sdiv(F,G);
				return c_z_one_gf2n(F1,E);

	Input : an integer D
	Output: an irreducible polynomial F over GF(2)
	        of degree D.

def defpoly_mod2(D)
	return gf2ntop(irredpoly_up2(D,0));

def dummy_time() {
	return [0,0,0,0];