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Annotation of OpenXM_contrib2/asir2000/plot/Imakefile, Revision 1.1

1.1     ! noro        1: /* $OpenXM: OpenXM/src/asir99/plot/Imakefile,v 1999/11/10 08:12:34 noro Exp $ */
        !             2: #include "../include/Risa.tmpl"
        !             3:
        !             4: #ifdef USE_PLOT
        !             5: SRCS = calc.c if.c plotp.c plotg.c ox_plot.c plotf.c ox_plot_xevent.c
        !             6: OBJS = calc.o if.o plotp.o plotg.o ox_plot.o plotf.o ox_plot_xevent.o
        !             7:
        !             8: AllTarget(libplot.a)
        !             9: NormalLibraryTarget(plot,$(OBJS))
        !            10:
        !            11: $(OBJS) plotf.o dummy.o unixplot.o: $(TOP)/include/Risa.tmpl
        !            12: #else
        !            13: AllTarget()
        !            14: #endif
        !            15:
        !            16: DependTarget()
        !            17:
        !            18: #if defined(MipsArchitecture)
        !            19: unixplot.o:
        !            20:        cc -O2 -c $(ALLDEFINES) $*.c
        !            21: #endif

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